Let's Speculate Wildly On A Tweet From Some Dude
@JayHawkFanToo that would be unbelievable
@JayHawkFanToo @Crimsonorblue22 “Surprisingly” it was a load of crap.
Really don’t think there is anything to this at all. Just someone bored , but they have accomplished their goal of getting some worked up and fretting - -people’s guesses running wild and then some just ridiculious . – BUT having said that I’ll play along, and the Romeo gossip WOULDN’T be the only HUGE news concerning KU basketball, also just as believable as some have heard before and I think we could see it happening that would be just as believable would be like some have stated with this earlier and that would be - -
Coach Self leaving KU at the end of this season and replacing Popovich at San Antonio. - -This is the ONE NBA and the only NBA or college position I feel that is a legit threat to get Self to leave.
Popovich resigns - - very good chance Self could/would go - -so if there were to be HUGE news this could be just as easily the HUGE news coming soon - -BUT I really feel it’s all BS - - - I say rest east breathe deeply my friends lol - - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
I’m pretty positively sure it has to do with that one thing. Most certainly.
It was about the fake joe dooley account on twitter becoming active again. Lol.
@BShark Nick Fazekas is cowering somewhere.
The NCAA formally communicates that Billy Preston is eligible, then an hour later, announces he is ineligible for playing abroad.
We will receive a commitment from 5’4" PG from Chicago who has already guaranteed we will win the NC for 4 consecutive years. I think his last name is “Capone.”
Bill Self is announcing his retirement because he is running to be the next Governor of Kansas. Claims he can beat all the teenagers running and the dog trying to run, too.
Kansas finally agrees to play WSU every year, calling their bluff (because they declined our offer) so we can start calling them “Chickenshocks!”
The 2018 Big 12 Conference Title Champion will be cancelled this year because of pandemic influenza virus.
AFH has been sold at an auction for $900 million and was purchased by a wealthy Duke lawyer who plans to move it to Duke thinking they can buy their way into basketball history.
Mizzou is returning to the Big 12 and has dropped their tiger mascot for a new Quantrill’s Raiders logo.
Gregg Popovich announces his retirement from SA because he will join Bill Self as an assistant coach at Kansas.
I give up!
@BShark I know it’s a longshot, but I’m thinking Embiid, Frank and JJ were granted a special waiver to come back and help us win number 14.
@chriz Interesting twist in there: AAU local program director accepted $150K from undercover FBI agent to funnel money to a recruit. Gets indicted as part of the whole corruption/bribery thing.
Charges now dropped because he never gave the dough to the kid. Kept it instead! So, stiffing an attempted briber is apparently a legal source of income!!
@mayjay Ha! I love it!
I am not an lawyer (just play one on the Internet) but it always seemed to me that the FBI case was a stretch. Maybe the process created a lot of NCAA violations but did not break any federal laws per se.
I don’t see how this would be different than a corporation telling a kid…we will pay for your college but you will come to work for us when you graduate and we will give you a signing bonus as well. Isn’t this what the military academies do anyway? You attend one one the academies on a full government paid scholarship and then you have a 5 year commitment afterwards.
@JayHawkFanToo Seems like the whole case could be falling apart based on current news on it.
U.S. District Court Judge Lewis A. Kaplan on Thursday denied a motion to dismiss federal criminal charges against three of the 10 men arrested for their alleged roles in the FBI’s two-year investigation into college basketball corruption. The trial for former Adidas executives Jim Gatto and Merl Code and former sports agent Christian Dawkins is scheduled to begin Oct. 1.
Looks like life lives for this
That particular judge tends to give prosecutors a lot of leeway so the decision is not surprising. I am not sure if this case will ever get to trial; NCAA sanctions will probably be the end result.
Boy oh boy, FBI would look bad if no conviction came from this.That would be a lot of tax payer money wasted on, in the whole scheme of things, meaningless crimes. Unless the NCAA is bankrolling the FBI somehow? That is the only part of this that doesn’t make sense to me. Why does the FBI care about college basketball?
Did these guys commit fraud? Absolutely. Should they go to prison? No. Though, because I believe precedence is set, some of these guys will be convicted and go to prison. Wasting tax payer money on something most tax payers couldn’t care less about.
@Kcmatt7 FBI is on a bad losing streak lately.
@RockkChalkk Part of the reason I think they made this case so public was because I figured it was a slam dunk and they needed a win.
But nothing is ever a slam dunk when rich guys with great lawyers are involved.
I think the charges were a bit of grandstanding. I still don’t see how paying someone for future services constitutes fraud. Sure, the receiving party breaks all kinds of NCAA rules but, unless it does not declare the money as income, I don’t see what law is broken or fraud committed.
I can see where schools might have a case in Civil, not Criminal, Court to recover money spent on an athlete that represented himself as being eligible to play but was not because he received money that made him ineligible. Say, Preston received substantial money under the table and knew that if found out he would not be eligible and yet he told KU it had nothing to worry about and so KU spent a lot of money to get him cleared until the evidence showed he would not be eligible. I can see where KU could have a case against him to recover the money. I am NOT saying that this is what happened or that KU would sue if it was the case, only that KU would have a good case.
@JayHawkFanToo The Adidas reps committed textbook fraud. They concealed the payments as something else on official books. Super, super illegal.
I don’t know about the coaches accepting payments, or the players, or the parents, or the suit makers or anyone else involved. I’m sure they all at least committed tax and wire fraud.
I think the reason most people don’t feel that a crime was committed was because it was basically a victim-less crime. Nor do people feel much empathy towards the NCAA currently, who is probably the main victim of the scheme. (One could argue the NCAA is the beneficiary of the scheme too I suppose).
I think Civil suits will follow after the criminal trials are finished. And rightfully so.
I’m mostly upset that the FBI is wasting time and money following a CBB bribery scheme when they could be following up on tips about school shootings or other potential crimes that cause real harm to a lot more people.
@JayHawkFanToo Paying someone to commit fraud on someone else may be the theory–inducement to a crime. But whether an athlete’s family commits any crime if the kid doesn’t know may be an issue. If someone not signing the financial aid documents takes the money, it seems problematic at best.
I see what you are saying but is it a federal offense or something that should be in Civil Court? I don’t know. If I were a betting man I would say the federal cases will fizzle or be settled with a slap on the wrist but the NCAA penalties will have bigger repercussions.
We’ve had this discussion before. I also believe the charges were grandstanding, as @JayHawkFanToo said. My opinion still remains that the charges here are shaky at best, that is, if the goal is convicting someone. Now, trying to get someone to cave, and implicate others, whether true or untrue, that’s all part of the prosecutor’s playbook. It is very difficult to prove a conspiracy to entangle those above those currently indicted, trying to prove knowledge of the alleged fraud (either by direct knowledge or otherwise).
Further, as I’ve said before, the allegations are really tenuous – here’s the claimed basis for the fraud, straight from the complaint:
The scheme described herein served to defraud the relevant universities in several ways. First, by virtue of accepting and concealing payments that, if uncovered, would render them ineligible to participate in Division I basketball, the student-athletes and/or their family members conspired with coaches and apparel company executives to obtain athletic-based financial aid for the student-athletes from NCAA Division I universities through false and fraudulent means. Indeed, for the scheme to succeed and the athletic scholarships to be awarded such that the athletes could play at a NCAA Division I university, the student-athletes and coaches described herein must falsely certify to the universities that they are unaware of any rules violations, including the illegal payments. Second, the scheme participants further defrauded the universities, or attempted to do so, by depriving the universities of significant and necessary information regarding the non-compliance with NCAA rules by the relevant student-athletes and coaches. In doing so, the scheme participants interfered with the universities’ ability to control their assets and created a risk of tangible economic harm to the universities, including, among other things, decision-making about the distribution of their limited athletic scholarships; the possible disgorgement of certain profit-sharing by the NCAA; monetary fines; restrictions on athlete recruitment and the distribution of athletic scholarships; and the potential ineligibility of the university’s basketball team to compete in NCAA programs generally, and the ineligibility of certain student-athletes in particular.