Crootin Thread III, Wherein Some Players Probably Commit to KU

  • @Kcmatt7

    The issue with cutting Graham’s minutes is who’s handling the ball when he’s not on the court?

    Self said Doke should be able to go 25 minutes next year. Give or take how much he learns to limit his foul trouble is the key with him.

  • @BeddieKU23

    Hopefully Newman can pick up the slack since he will likely be playing PG if he wants to go to the NBA, Garret played PG in HS and in a pinch, he can probably play some PG as well.

  • @JayHawkFanToo

    I think you can live with Newman and Garrett out there at once when Graham is out. Don’t think you can get away with say Newman/Svi/Cunliffe or sub Vick for Svi or Cunliffe in there. Esp against pressure teams. Self is no dummy of course he will figure out the best rotations.

  • @BShark

    Fortunately now he has several players to pick from depending on whether he wants to go big, small, fast or a combination. Heck, he now has enough players to press like West Virginia. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if he unleashes a full court press on West Virginia the entire game? Huggy’s pacer would go on overdrive.

  • @BeddieKU23 I think Garrett will run the show when Graham isn’t in the game. If you think Graham could get 4 minutes a game sitting just before TV timeouts that already knocks him down to 36 mpg. He played 35 last season and Frank 36. And then I think this team will really blow the doors off some teams early in the year. We have depth that we didn’t this last season. That should bring his average down to 33.

    I think Doke will play 25 mpg on the high end. For two reasons. No matter how in shape he is, he can’t change that he will be 265lbs to move up and down the court. And, he will just be too foul prone. He is too big. Lucas could only average 25 mpg and he was much less aggressive defensively and offensively than Doke will be.

    When conference play starts, I don’t expect Garrett to see but 4 minutes a game. So my point really is that it isn’t like Cunliffe, Vick and Svi won’t have minutes. They are there to be had.

    The only thing that changes that is adding another big. Which we desperately need. I am just wondering who would be more valuable at this point. Juiston or Kanter. We need a good backup to Doke more than we need another 4.

  • @RockkChalkk

    There can be reasons why Josh hasn’t declared yet. He is in a different situation than say Landen. I’m guessing here… but good chances we hear of his finalized declaration to leave when he signs an agent.

    Josh has been very forthright in declaring his intentions, even before signing with Kansas.

    Of course, I would love it if he stays and we would easily earn a top preseason ranking next year. But I find it extremely unlikely for him to stay and I actually advise him to go. I’m usually one of the last persons in here to advise a player to go early. Josh is so much further along with his game than Andrew was in his one year in Lawrence.

  • @BShark OK. So with the Lawson’s transferring in , yes I realize they sit for the year BUT how does their chosing us, effect Juiston? - - Iowa State fans are all stoked now thinking that since they are coming that it will seal the deal for them and Juiston . So what YOU think?

    Also I’m totally lost now - - exactly how many open spots do we have left now? - -Someone else said seeing as how Lawson’s have to sit next year they don’t count against the scholi level. - -I don’t think that’s right - -I think they still count right? - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @BShark nice. We could use more size

  • @jayballer54

    One open slot if Josh goes and Svi stays.

    I have to think this does help ISU with Juiston. Juiston wants to play and while he would next season the season after that would be very much in doubt for him.

  • @JayHawkFanToo BOY, isn’t that the truth. - You know seems like every year , well at least the last few anyways, we as fans well some of us anyways get to be the worry wert’s , well I’m speaking for myself anyways - -the old ye of little faith lol - -seems like we get in a scramble mode fret to death – And then BAM as always it seems Coach and his buddies seek guys out - -and we do JUST FINE. - -With Devonte announcing yesterday his return & then now today this, Man we are SOLID, not only this year but the next - If we could land Jusiton then I think it’s BALL GAME we good to go. - - Our Bench shaping up, we have some really good depth in the back court Vick CAN play there, - - Newman - -Graham - - Garrett - & SVI I like that.- - If we could get Juiston to help Doke OH YA - - JUMPIN - -GEE - -HOSSA - - FATS LOL. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @Kcmatt7 Well let me hear you guy. I agree for sure wit you ONE more Big and I think we REALLY be good. So in your opinion , Who do you think would be more of a benefit to us? - -Juiston OR Kanter? I know or have heard lots on Shakur - -little to nothing on Kanter. - -Iowa State fans are feeling with the Lawson’s coming to KU that it seals Juiston committing to Iowa State - yes - -no- - maybe? – Who would be your choice?

    I really like Juiston , , but again haven’t really heard to much on Kanter - -Do we have a legit shot at him? - - - Also is Kanter a transfer? - -if so where from? - -or is he a Grad transfer? - or High School? - -Thanks - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @drgnslayr I agree. I know that we all know , Josh isn’t coming back. - -Just for chit chat though idle conversation , couldn’t you imagine IF Josh DID announce that he was coming back for his Soph year. - Could you imagine the shock wave that this would send around the College Basketball scene? lol – Just imagine old Calipari and Rat face at Duke wettin all over themselves lmao. - I have said a couple of times - -I’m think he will probably mention about declaring at the Banquet tomorrow night. - -Could be we hear about SVI tomorrow night also. - -ROCK CHALK ALL ADY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    Kanter is a graduate transfer who averaged 11 points and 6 rebounds in 19 minutes per game at Wisconsin Green Bay. If 19 mpg is all he could get at WGB then I am not sure how good he would be at KU; I think I would prefer Juiston.

  • @BShark Ya that’s what I’m afraid of. - -Really would like to Land Juiston - -but with this taking place , and him Visiting Iowa St this weekend they gonna play this Card REALLY HARD this weekend - try to get him to commit while there and chances are good he just might # 1 Juco pretty tough player - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @JayHawkFanToo OK. ya now that you gave where he was from , I remember reading about him - -& I’m with you I think I would rather have Juiston BUT I think with the guys today - -I think prettywell eliminates us for him. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54 I haven’t been high on Juiston at all. I’m not a fan of 6’7 post players with no outside game. And especially one playing at the JUCO level before he would be coming here. So I would prefer Kanter. But that is just my opinion…

    I also kind of think Juiston clogs the 4 position when we have players like Bagley or Zion out there. Not saying landing them is likely, but Bagley is the type of player you keep a spot open for just in case.

  • @Kcmatt7

    Wouldn’t worry about finding room for Bagley. He’s the kind of kid you say yeah we’ve got as many minutes available as you can physically play.

  • Looks like Ashton-Langford will end up at Providence.

    McKinley Wright has decommitted from Dayton.

  • @BShark mostly curious on what we sell his role to be if we ever get a visit.

    Would it be a switch everything 5? And offensively a 4-1 pick and roll/pop where we let him dominate the middle and drive? I feel like that is what he will be doing a lot of in the NBA.

  • Ashton-Langford to Providence.

  • @jayballer54

    Thanks for your post. It gave me a minute to pause and explore the dream with you. Yeah… wouldn’t that be amazing! He would become one of the most dominant college players in a long, long time!

  • @BShark

    Have to think the success of Kris Dunn helped them in this one. Providence could be a sneaky team next year.

  • @Kcmatt7

    I would love to think Garrett would be ready to play minutes as a freshman. If he is apart of the rotation early on that’s a great sign that he’s earned the coaches trust. I think its a stretch right now projecting that without seeing him in uniform first. The Italy trip should give us some insight about how ready he is now.

    Agree about Doke, the goal is to keep him on the floor as much as possible. Everyone knows how much of a force he can be on a given night if he’s in the game. The fouls concern me but his ability to protect the rim and alter shots will be such a refreshing addition to what’s been missing from this defense. Lucas was a great defender but he was not someone that defenses feared.

    We definitely need a big who can play next season unless Lightfoot or Coleby make some big strides this off-season. That’s why I prefer bringing in Juiston. He’s got one elite skill, rebounding, even at 6’7. He’s a great athlete, a much better athlete then Mitch & Dwight. He will provide weak-side rim protection ability which we saw in the Oregon game can completely change the complexion of a game. Lots of highlights on him erasing shots at the rim which is kind of the role Josh Jackson was able to provide. Not only can he rebound well his 2nd best skill is his floor vision. A 4 that can set up Doke inside or swing the ball out for an open shooter. Skills that I don’t think Preston, Lightfoot and Coleby are comfortable with. For reference Juiston had a 144 assists this year, 5 less then Devonte Graham had this year.

    I do agree that a more skilled backup to Doke might be the best option but it seems like the staff is more worried about the 4 spot. They must think Coleby can have a productive off-season and provide the minutes we will need. Coleby had some good games but we know his limitations if he’s not able to become much more explosive with that knee. It’s a gamble if he doesn’t regain what he once had. So I can see the concern and the view to get someone that can help now with no questions attached. It will be interesting to see how we use the scholarship now that it became valuable with the Lawson brothers sitting out.

  • Matt Scott is excited again.

  • @BShark why is he excited again? - - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    I would guessing a storm is a brewin again. Last time it was the Lawsons. He said this is “big” but not 100% yet.

  • @BShark OH DAM whatcha thinking? - -more hot news ? - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Jemarl Baker to Kentucky. Tough times in Squidville.

  • @jayballer54

    No idea. Lots of speculation right now.

  • @BShark How do you always have eyes on MS? Do you work with him? Have a secret spy cam installed? Flying a drone overhead of him? What is it? haha.

  • @BShark

    Jeez, Baker is a good shooter. that’s a big pick up for them because they didn’t have a shooter signed

  • I get the feeling its the younger Lawson (Chandler) that Matt put in a CB pick for today. 2 others did yesterday as well.

    Chandler is a 2019 kid…

  • @beddieku23 That’s an excellent deduction. I was thinking Duval, silly me.

  • @BeddieKU23 said in Crootin Thread III, Wherein Some Players Probably Commit to KU:


    Jeez, Baker is a good shooter. that’s a big pick up for them because they didn’t have a shooter signed

    Yeah Cal has probably had shooting related nightmares lately. Briscoe, Fox etc…

    @BeddieKU23 said in Crootin Thread III, Wherein Some Players Probably Commit to KU:

    I get the feeling its the younger Lawson (Chandler) that Matt put in a CB pick for today. 2 others did yesterday as well.

    Chandler is a 2019 kid…

    This seems very likely. It’s certainly not Duval, who is pretty much a done deal to Duke.

  • @dylans

    Around the time Matt started the thread, Duke insider said Duval was a done deal to Duke. The same story he’s said for months really.

    Matt is hard to trust after he knew Trae Young was going to OU for a week and then pumped KU up until the night before to drive traffic to his site. I guess we all have a job to do but it sheds some light on how much you can trust Matt for anything.

  • @BeddieKU23

    Yeah that was extremely unpleasant all around.

  • Kerem Kanter to Xavier.

  • @BShark

    Matt deleted his own thread about whatever it was that was possibly going to happen. Something is going on

  • @BeddieKU23 said in Crootin Thread III, Wherein Some Players Probably Commit to KU:


    Matt deleted his own thread about whatever it was that was possibly going to happen. Something is going on

    Seems like someone deleted every post/thread he ever made LOL.

    Also fwiw, a Memphis person put in a pick for Chandler to KU.

  • @drgnslayr Other people talking about how Josh’s Mom really emphasizing the education, really wants to get his degree. - -AGAIN one more time , I mean we ALL know he is gone, but YET with every passing day and no announcement. - -some were talking about MAYBE THAT is Matt’s some big maybe happening again but not 100% yet? Some others have said could be he just didn’t want to rain on Franks parade steal his lime light.

    AGAIN he has till the 23rd of this month main while it’s just tick - - -tick - - -tick - - . THAT would for sure be THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD. I mean come on really? - -BUT have you ever heard of the phrase " NEVER SAY NEVER " OMG just thinking about it BAM. - -but no - -no way. I still say he might announce tonight at the banquet. – I’m really surprised they haven’t said more about the banquet. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Checked other sites, a couple of things. - - -First Matt’s post is back, Another poster had asked what had happened to his thread - someone said probably something technical , Matt commented - -said ya something messed up, said probably Flarety I know that’s not the correct spell sorry, but anyways the thread is back - -55 responses at this point.

    The Second thing was reading a question and answer interview with Trevon, Breaking down ALL the schools: - -Arizona , ,Seton Hall , Duke , Baylor , & KU:

    As far as KU: - -Question , about what he liked – He said the Atmosphere, saying at the game their ( KU ) was an 11 . - - Duke was he said was a 10 . - - KU was great , Unbelievable , especially for a big game I went to the KU/Baylor game - -it was big time.

    Question: - -Does it mater about Devonte being there? - -Answer: - -No , Cause Frank did it. – Question:- -What about Malik being there does that help?- - Answer- - I don’t really care who is there.- - -I can play with anyone , I’ve played with everyone , As long as everyone plays the game the right way , I’m not worried about playing with anyone.

    Question have you set an announcement date? - - -Answer No. - - - -Hopefully sometime this month. - - -

  • @jayballer54 the banquet is tonight. Hopefull Svi will announce his return to have some good news after Jackson announces his intentions.

    Ben McLemore had a blast and wanted to come back, but money was an issue.

    Wiggins loved playing for KU - top 3 picks have to get that money.

    Jackson is an alpha beast and has also claimed to have a desire to return. Once again a top 3 pick-he’s got to go. Man, I hope I’m wrong!

  • Wooten is available again…

  • This post is deleted!

  • @BeddieKU23 What happened? -refresh my memory position? - He de-commit? - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @BeddieKU23

    It’s about Jeremiah Tilmon.

  • @BShark OK, what am I missing? lol what is it that’s about Tilmon? – -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    Thanks for keeping me in “dream land!”

    I think the outside chance of him staying could have to do with his competitive level. He knows if he stayed one more year he would completely dominate college basketball.

    It is tough to create that kind of talent separation in the NBA. Even if he becomes dominant, he is just one of several dominant players on that stage.

    I know Josh felt bad after that loss. He carried his share of the responsibility for that loss. Maybe he doesn’t want to leave college basketball on such a sour note?

    It is such a pity if we can’t realize a bit more of his potential while in college.

  • @jayballer54 said in Crootin Thread III, Wherein Some Players Probably Commit to KU:

    @BShark OK, what am I missing? lol what is it that’s about Tilmon?


  • @dylans

    McLemore has impressed more than any other player for what he has done off the court after leaving. He has done a lot of community work and I understand he is taking classes on line and hoping to get a degree eventually. He has also been back to Lawrence often and has been a great ambassador for the program.

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