Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis
I’m close to going full KUballin10. That’s the most upset with basically a 20 point win I can remember being. There is a lot of truly alarming stuff happening that sometimes makes me wonder how the hell Bill won so many games.
@BShark Friendly confines of AFH covers many sins lol. It’s why we are so great in the regular season and haven’t gotten to the mountaintop as much as we’d like
Bills stubborn but hopefully he pulls the right strings like in 2022
@kuballin10 had some convos today and sounds like Bill is testing the new guys to see how “tough” they are with how they respond to being yanked. What is very interesting to me is that Zeke is immune to it seemingly.
i missed the analysis. @BShark not happy with last night’s performance? What bits and pieces have you worried?
I stated earlier that we’re not getting Griffen and Storr involved in any good way.
Some things of worry, but it was a worthy opponent.
Offensively we got pretty much whatever we wanted. Just missed, conservatively, about 30 open 3s. Bill is still doing a ton of tinkering and again nobody played more than 30 minutes. Would’ve been even more evenly distributed had Flory and Shak been more available. I’d think about a few tweaks here and there but it’s tough given we haven’t played a single game with our top 8-9 totally healthy.
I’m annoyed with Bill, not our performance. I’m just a dummy and I’ll get over it lol.
From what Bill was saying, sounds like we very well could see more and more of Hunter & Flory on the floor at the same time
@BShark said in Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis:
I’m annoyed with Bill, not our performance. I’m just a dummy and I’ll get over it lol.
Do you think it’s possible his act is growing tiresome after all these years? Have we all overdosed? Time for a new regime, or is that blasphemous?
The winning is nice
It needs some work, but the potential is there on both ends. The biggest thing defensively is that Flory and Hunt cannot camp in the lane at the same time so if there’s a stretch 4 on the floor that’s an issue. I pointed this out in the Mich St game how it was an issue, KU just got lucky the stretch 4 missed all his 3’s. On offense, just about every possession I can recall has ended up with a Hunt/Flory dunk. Hunt’s passing ability if he’s in the high/low action has been deadly so far.
@BeddieKU23 Against a lot of teams I am not sure if we can get away with it on defense. Flory is still totally lost on that end but I think works best as the main big.
@rockchalkjayhawk said in Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis:
@BShark said in Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis:
I’m annoyed with Bill, not our performance. I’m just a dummy and I’ll get over it lol.
Do you think it’s possible his act is growing tiresome after all these years? Have we all overdosed? Time for a new regime, or is that blasphemous?
The winning is nice
Definitely a method to the madness but I watched this game and I saw guys overthinking instead of just playing basketball. The new to the program guys especially. Now, I don’t watch every game for other programs but it seems to be much less of an issue integrating new players from what I’ve watched of other teams.
Some people will blab about Bill’s “system” but I think that is largely bullcrap and he needs to get with the times a bit given how many new players we seem to have every year. If he needs a team full of guys he has had for 3+ years to do anything in March that is an issue.
@dylans well it took me a few days to realize you werent actually joking (?) You threw out a 1 liner about pegging in deadpool, i read up on it and saw an article talking about Kevin Feige having to explain to MCU execs what pegging was https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/1e04v8b/kevin_feige_had_to_explain_pegging_to_mcu_execs/?rdt=59166
I have a running schtick of “mis”interpreting R rated content as G rated content so I thought of peg solitaire and thought it was funny. Thought we were joking dude.
Lets reset?
While I like the look as well I’m actually concerned about foul trouble with both big’s on the floor.
@BShark You and I are seeing things eye to eye. This has always been my gripe with Bill. He plays favorites ie giving long leashes to guys he trusts versus guys who could elevate the team
To be our best we need Griffen and Storr playing like studs
Those two watching Juan make mistakes and stay in while they get the quick hook for 1 mistake is asinine
Bills psychology is point blank wrong. He wants these guys to play with a free mind and then decides one mistake and ur out…just absolute stupidity
In sales if ur boss is looking over your shoulder and on you over 1 mistake think you will sell with a free mind or overthink every single conversation???
Bill brings this upon himself with his backwards way of thinking. I have no idea who advises him on this stuff but it is brutally bad in terms of elevating the team versus hindering it
Getting the “the game has passed Bill by” discourse out of the way before Thanksgiving, that might be a new record. Some years we have to wait until that meaningless non-con game right before Christmas where the guys already have one foot on the plane
@kuballin10 I agree. He’s an idiot. 800 times he’s been an idiot.
@FarmerJayhawk Where did I say that?
He’s mentioned Storr ect not playing with a free mind yet he’s the entire reason they aren’t doing that….literally been discussed on here already
@nuleafjhawk Give you and me a top 10 roster and the best homecourt advantage of any sport in history and I think we could coach a few dubs as well
Titles >>>regular season dubs
Titles is where you find out who’s got it. Who can win away from home, in big gyms with a floor raised and all eyes on you……
Counter argument to this: if Bill lets the players get away with mistakes/sloppy play, he is telling both that player and the rest of the team that there aren’t consequences for bad plays. You also want to give the players feedback on these mistakes so that they don’t become habits. Typically the sooner you get this feedback, the more impactful it is from a learning standpoint. Maybe letting the play a little more free flow helps in the short term, but it is always going to be better if you do so with proper muscle memory/habits built up. Maybe that means some players take longer to gel, but seems like trading short term gains for long term growth to me.
@kuballin10 idk making up stuff people say is your thing. I’ve been seeing a lot of Self is stuck in the past and can’t adapt chatter this week which seems entirely misplaced given it’s November 21st and we’re 5-0.
@BShark when I say stuff like this I get in trouble lol
@kuballin10 Are you always so bitter and hateful ?- - is your nasty disposition natural or do you have to work at it? --Are you happy about anything ? - That’s got to be a miserable fricken life living like the.
KU could go 33-0 and you would still find things to Bitch about - I bet you bitch even in your dreams huh lol—you sound like my ex-wife- -that’s why she is an EX Dam dude – take a deep breath and chill it’s going to be ok.
Find a hobby pick up crocheting or knitting or SOMETHING sit in your rocker -sip some tea, Good God man try enjoying life, Bill has done just fine the way he is LMAO. count slowly backwards from TEN and breathe - SMILE life is an awesome thing, you gonna give yourself a cardiac you keep going this way lmao KU is gonna be fine
There’s only been 3 coaches to win 3+ championships since the NCAA Tournament expanded to 64 teams in 1985. Only 8 coaches have won multiple titles in the 64+ team era, 17 coaches total in NCAA Tournament history. It’s really f-ing hard to win multiple titles and KU is blessed to have one of the 3 active coaches with multiple titles.
Self does has his flaws, so does every other coach.
@FarmerJayhawk Let me know what I made up
Self - AJ is thinking more than playing basketball and maybe it’s because of me
Kuballin10 - A coach who quick hooks guys makes them hesitant so they think about not making a mistake instead of playing….
Correlation = causation
@jayballer67 I truly enjoy your rants at me…skimming them is fun
In line with keeping on topic via this thread….what is your opinion on new players coming in thinking versus playing? Does Self’s quick hook help or hinder them?
Is some made up “toughening box” actually benefit them or should Self let them work through general mistakes and play freer?
@MR11 Nah - if let’s plenty of guys play through mistakes and others he quick hooks. Been like this for decades and his quick hooks u can tell affect those guys playing aggressively.
Guys make mistakes all the time and he lets them play through them (those he trusts)
@kuballin10 sure thing. Juan played 6 full years at KU so his stats will all have an asterisk, approx banned you for having an opinion, I talk to the coaches/watch practice, that’s just off the top of my head. I could keep going if I thought harder.
Early in his days at KU Bill Self lost to teams like Bradley and Bucknell and Richmond and Oral Roberts (I think) and Depaul and Northern Iowa and VCU, yet magically he was able to still win national championships! If I understand people here the UNCW game was giving some people hesitation about Bill and that he is losing it? The recruiting suffered a little as a result of the legal troubles I think, well except those recruits during the legal troubles did manage to win it all, so again, I’m not sure if he’s lost it.
@kuballin10 I think you have your narrative about Bill and DaJuan and so you can fit any event into your narrative about him as ‘proof’. That narrative makes you see the devil in Bill for quick hooks for Storr and Griffen, in mostly meaningless games. Both of those guys have played a little more prominently in our two high profile wins so maybe Bill is using the mid majors to toughen up those two for when we need them instead of just saying ‘see, Bill is stubborn…’
@MR11 said in Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis:
Counter argument to this: if Bill lets the players get away with mistakes/sloppy play, he is telling both that player and the rest of the team that there aren’t consequences for bad plays. You also want to give the players feedback on these mistakes so that they don’t become habits. Typically the sooner you get this feedback, the more impactful it is from a learning standpoint. Maybe letting the play a little more free flow helps in the short term, but it is always going to be better if you do so with proper muscle memory/habits built up. Maybe that means some players take longer to gel, but seems like trading short term gains for long term growth to me.
I feel like this is a take I’ve not heard a lot of but seems right on the mark. He lets the guys he trusts play through their mistakes because they’ve already had that feedback at some point and he trusts them to recognize that they made one while with new comers, they need to know what the mistake actually was. Immediate feedback IS key to learning so if they are tough enough to actually take some coaching it could pay dividends down the road.
And if Titles is all it is about, wouldn’t it be better for the best players to be peaking at the end of the year rather than early? Use the early non-con to make sure everyone knows the expectations and then work to get to a spot where they can play more freely WITHIN the system when it really matters. I don’t think Self is taking a short sighted approach trying to win meaningless games. He is looking long term at what will make the team most likely to be able to win the games that matter later.
Who are we worried about not fitting in right away this season besides Storr? (Who is also putting up his most efficient season in his career…)
My confusion over the comments in this thread was so puzzling that I unblocked a certain someone to see what was going on. My mistake… Same ol’ shit being spewed by the same ol’ asshole for years now. Block Command, you are my hero yet again.
Prior to Kansas, AJ Storr was known as a selfish ball hog who never played defense. And people think Storr didn’t need to be broken down? AJ absolutely needed to be broken down from his bad habits so that he can be built back up into the NBA caliber player his talent suggests he should be.
@mayjay LOL, I did the same thing.
My take on Juan:
He is not most gifted aesthetically.
He doesn’t shoot trey great.
But, somehow, KU look so much better when he is at PG.
@Texas-Hawk-10 I don’t think Badger fans viewed him as a selfish ball hog.
@AsadZ said in Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis:
My take on Juan:
He is not most gifted aesthetically.
He doesn’t shoot trey great.
But, somehow, KU look so much better when he is at PG.
He just makes the whole thing run infinitely better. It’s fascinating.
@wissox he has bad body language. It takes him awhile to switch to D from O. I think Self is doing a good job with him. He’s a great reaper of good D. He has all the tools, just needs the want to. I think Griffen is close, his D is good, shot choice is better! Team guy! I like their chances.
@BShark being smart is by nature difficult to quantify because adaptability is polymorphic
@Crimsonorblue22 I agree. Seen it. Just thought Texashawk’s assessment was a little harsh because I have a lot of good memories of him from last year, but playing at KU is an entirely different setting and I think he’s adjusting to not being ‘the man’ like last year.
@wissox They didn’t and it’s a reason he was the prized recruit of the transfer class
Bill wanted a guy who could hunt his shot and was athletic. He got him and then does the ole Bill Self get him so in his head that he’s thinking instead of playing……tale as old as time
Instead of bringing the guy here and working to elevate what he’s already good at he tries to fix the 20% (defense and rebounding) that sucks and in turn brings down the 80% (scoring) positive parts for why we wanted him in the first place
Guys always play better when they are thinking versus just reacting. Guys always play freer when they think they won’t get yanked quick for one mistake.
@FarmerJayhawk Wth are you even making up now???
Juan will hold records because of the cov yr - that’s true
Me watching practice??? When?
I do talk to some coaches but not anyone on staff
You and @BShark are the guys/gals that act like you have all the connections
I was in on Ingram for why he wouldn’t come here (cough cough kj)
@Crimsonorblue22 When is his body language bad?
Juan missed him on an oop but they looked happy when he was shooting free throws
His body language is bad when he makes a mistake because he knows that directly correlates to how long he even has a chance to play ymca school in November
I’d be frustrated if I came in as a stud only to have the “dog” coached right out of me and instead of playing free I’m afraid to eff up for fear I get benched
All the while I watch guys bounced bad in the round for 32 multiple times get to make mistake after mistake and keep their minutes
Team chemistry is tough when coaches play favorites for who’s allowed to mess up and continue playing versus who can’t
@kuballin10 please tell me where I said you watched practice. This sort of proves my point.
@FarmerJayhawk said in Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis:
@kuballin10 sure thing. Juan played 6 full years at KU so his stats will all have an asterisk, approx banned you for having an opinion, I talk to the coaches/watch practice, that’s just off the top of my head. I could keep going if I thought harder.
@kuballin10 sigh. This isn’t hard. I meaning me, myself, and I. Not you. This is basic English.
@FarmerJayhawk Reread what you wrote because in that long run on sentence it was all the stuff I claimed so how I was supposed to know you switched to speaking about yourself is impossible
You don’t talk to the coaches or watch practice but sure big guy whatever makes you feel important!
par for the course. Enjoy your night
Alright can we move on please?
@kuballin10 Storr came here to be built into an NBA caliber player. Self knows how to turn marginal NBA talent into draftable players. Storr has many bad habits and tendencies that need to be broken in order for Storr to reach his full potential to benefit himself and KU and reach the NBA. KU didn’t need someone who only shot 43% from the field, 32% from 3, and had over 30% usage rate, and played no defense like Storr did last season. We are seeing Self in the process of breaking down Storr to rebuild him into his full potential and if successful, will pay big dividends in March. This a repeat of what we saw Self do with Remy when he came he with a similar reputation as Storr.
@approxinfinity said in Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis:
Alright can we move on please?
Easily one of the funniest threads to not get locked at this point