Early Hearings TM

  • @BShark

    Just praying Parker can play 5-10 a night and be serviceable. I expect it to be hit and miss for a while though.

    KJ is just a gamer. He’ll find a way to be good because that’s what he does. Wouldn’t be surprised if he’s much better than the chatter.

  • @BeddieKU23 Yeah KJ will start every game and big minutes. No doubt there.

  • @BShark

    Yeah, we have to make it work with him in the lineup regardless. His athleticism and position versatility will be vital this year. Pulling for the kid hard after learning what he’s going through personally with his mom. I have no doubts he’ll shine for us like most kids do that stick around and earn it. I do have some optimism he can really give us a 2nd/3rd type scoring volume. Would really love to see the rebounding numbers improve as well but we’ll see. Hard to be critical of him too much imo

  • @BeddieKU23 While I doubt he will average in the 15-2o ppg range because so few do under Self, there is no reason KJ can’t go out ANY night and put up 20 points no matter where he is on the floor. Could be the 4, 5, hell even the 3 (#KJatthe3). Based on what I saw in the summer ball he KNOWS he needs to work on his shot and so is doing just that. If he can take 2-3 a game and make 25-30 percent, that will be enough to keep the D honest and give HD just that much more space.

    But his real value is right around the paint area. He is quick, has good bounce, makes good decisions, and has shown he can score in close even against bigger defenders. I’m excited to watch him grow even more this year!

  • @benshawks08

    I hope KJ never shoots a 3 here again, I’d rather see him a 75-80% + shooter from the free-throw line then try to make shots he isn’t built for. 60% isn’t going to cut it and I hope that’s been as much of an emphasis for improving his shooting touch as anything.

    As you mentioned his value is in the paint among other things. He could potentially be a really lethal 12-feet and in guy. Torvik shows he shot 70% on close 2’s and 46% on far 2’s, which are really good numbers & were the highest among the starters last season. I don’t know how much better he gets but he’ll probably see a usage increase so hopefully he’s prepared to take advantage of it. The dynamic of him working with Hunter will be very interesting.

  • Did we do an over/under for 3pta for KJ? Anyone have the Vegas line on that one? lol

  • @BeddieKU23 just curious, what was the volume on long 2’s? I don’t remember him taking many but I could be wrong

  • @FarmerJayhawk said in Early Hearings TM:

    @BeddieKU23 just curious, what was the volume on long 2’s? I don’t remember him taking many but I could be wrong

    36-78 .462

  • @BShark huh, that’s more than I remember. Good for KJ

  • @FarmerJayhawk

    Agree, wonder what Torvik’s definition a ‘far 2’ is. He certainly wasn’t lining up long 2’s (close to 3 point line) like Kev and J-Will did last season. I do remember a lot of 1 hand touch shots within 10 feet from him.

  • 2cents… KJ shouldn’t take 3s at high volume, but the team would benefit if he could take and make a few to open things up.

    For instance, what if KJ goes 1 for 3 on average for games?

    Curious what others think: Is that enough to have an effect on the D? or does it waste too many possessions…

    The big problem with KJ taking 3s is that our best rebounder is beyond the 3 line. But maybe it’s OK with HD in the paint.

  • @bskeet said in Early Hearings TM:

    2cents… KJ shouldn’t take 3s at high volume, but the team would benefit if he could take and make a few to open things up.

    For instance, what if KJ goes 1 for 3 on average for games?

    Curious what others think: Is that enough to have an effect on the D? or does it waste too many possessions…

    The big problem with KJ taking 3s is that our best rebounder is beyond the 3 line. But maybe it’s OK with HD in the paint.

    I think he may shoot one a game. KJ is a really bad rebounder defensively but actually pretty good on the offensive boards. I find that fascinating.

  • @BShark Great stuff and much appreciated

    Wish one of the frosh bigs would have stuck around. KJ gonna play the 5 in spot minutes once Parker shows he can’t get it done.

    Kev trying to do too much he’s not Och or Wilson. That’s gonna be our Achilles heel.

    Hunter labors big time to get up and down the floor. With us not running that’s not ideal.

    Marko isn’t near aggressive enough. Morris chatter shifted once he got in trouble. I don’t think Marko starts it morris is here and Morris was the guy we needed who could get his. Huge loss for Self

    Furphy - get him minutes in game Bill and let him mess up. He needs to attack but man does he have a sense for the game and is athletic. Blocking Juan and other things tonight he looked the part just needs confidence to play freely

  • How much better than Dedric Lawson is Hunter ?

  • Wouldn’t judge anything off of late night when they were just goofing off/playing at 10%.

  • Btw the team will play at a slow pace because of Hunter. Bill isn’t stupid. Just helping to set expectations here.

  • @BShark back to a race to 60. This team should also have the defenders to make that a winning strategy with Juan, kev, and kj all on the court together.

  • @BShark said in Early Hearings TM:

    Btw the team will play at a slow pace because of Hunter. Bill isn’t stupid. Just helping to set expectations here.

    At fast pace all Hunter would do is run from free throw line to free throw line chasing the ball.

  • @BShark When Hunter goes to the bench slip KJ to the 5 bring in furphy or Timberlake and run….

  • @kuballin10 a bench that can change the pace and make up of the game could be an advantage. I like that a lot better than a player that exactly fills in at a spot for another player.

  • We should run even with Hunter. One of his real strengths is the outlet pass

  • @FarmerJayhawk Trail top of the 3 key needs to be a shot he practiced 1,000 times a day

    We need another athletic big and a scoring guard

  • @kuballin10 said in Early Hearings TM:

    @FarmerJayhawk Trail top of the 3 key needs to be a shot he practiced 1,000 times a day

    We need another athletic big and a scoring guard

    I’d take Steph Curry and Lebron on the team tbh

  • @BShark nah Curry would be 6th man and backup pg off the bench to Juan we all know that.

    This team losing morris isn’t near as deep.

    We don’t have a legit wing scorer. Juan isn’t a scorer, nor is Elmarko, or Kev or KJ….Hunter is the only one who can go one on one and score

    The bench is a three point catch and shoot guy, a guy who we will hear is 1-2 years away and doesn’t get the concepts in practice but great athlete and then Braun who we’ve already been told to pray when he’s playing

    Sounds like a few whoopin’s are headed our way

  • I’m kind of worried about Kevin trying to prove he’s a scorer to impress pro scouts.

  • @kuballin10 said in Early Hearings TM:

    @BShark nah Curry would be 6th man and backup pg off the bench to Juan we all know that.

    This team losing morris isn’t near as deep.

    We don’t have a legit wing scorer. Juan isn’t a scorer, nor is Elmarko, or Kev or KJ….Hunter is the only one who can go one on one and score

    The bench is a three point catch and shoot guy, a guy who we will hear is 1-2 years away and doesn’t get the concepts in practice but great athlete and then Braun who we’ve already been told to pray when he’s playing

    Sounds like a few whoopin’s are headed our way

    Absurd, they are preseason top 3 anywhere you look.

    College basketball teams aren’t all completely loaded top to bottom.

    Also completely wrong on Furphy, basketball iq is high for him.

  • Our PGs aren’t wings, well crap. Time to fold up the tent 😂

  • @TYOHawk Exactly….Kev should be the fourth or fifth option to score for this team

  • @BShark When you slow the game down to score you bring crappy opponents into the picture for upsets. Complete disaster and not how to win it all

    It isn’t that furphy doesn’t have a good iq - it’s more what guys like you will be feed when he doesn’t play as much as he should….he’s not picking things up in practice…this is a huge jump in scheme compared to just fastbreak up and down he’s used to….organized ball at KU isn’t easy to grasp ect

  • @FarmerJayhawk Your pg has to score when the wings he passes to all throw up bricks or can’t.

    Elmarko - can’t shoot Juan - can’t and scared to shoot Kev - captain bricklayer Kj - lol no comment Hunter - can shoot Timberlake - can shoot Furphy - can’t shoot Braun - no wayz

    Juan can’t kick it around to Braun, Och or Remy to hit threes and make him look good.

    This squad plays down to competition by slowing the games down to accommodate Hunter we are primed for an upset to UNI again come tourney time

  • @kuballin10 Juan and Elmarko can shoot it at a decent clip. Kev should be around 33-35%. Man you know a lot about a team that hasn’t played a real game yet! We’ll run plenty like we did in PR. Outlets to our athletes who can all score at the rim. Think the patented Roy secondary break.

  • @kuballin10 said in Early Hearings TM:

    @FarmerJayhawk Your pg has to score when the wings he passes to all throw up bricks or can’t.

    Elmarko - can’t shoot Juan - can’t and scared to shoot Kev - captain bricklayer Kj - lol no comment Hunter - can shoot Timberlake - can shoot Furphy - can’t shoot Braun - no wayz

    Juan can’t kick it around to Braun, Och or Remy to hit threes and make him look good.

    This squad plays down to competition by slowing the games down to accommodate Hunter we are primed for an upset to UNI again come tourney time

    You are absolutely right! I say let’s skip this year based on your analysis. Who’s in?

  • Play at an Adam Sandler Medium Pace.

  • @Gorilla72 said in Early Hearings TM:

    @kuballin10 said in Early Hearings TM:

    @FarmerJayhawk Your pg has to score when the wings he passes to all throw up bricks or can’t.

    Elmarko - can’t shoot Juan - can’t and scared to shoot Kev - captain bricklayer Kj - lol no comment Hunter - can shoot Timberlake - can shoot Furphy - can’t shoot Braun - no wayz

    Juan can’t kick it around to Braun, Och or Remy to hit threes and make him look good.

    This squad plays down to competition by slowing the games down to accommodate Hunter we are primed for an upset to UNI again come tourney time

    You are absolutely right! I say let’s skip this year based on your analysis. Who’s in?

    LMAO - - -Gorilla72, that’s crazy lol. I know what your saying I’m all on board to just cancel the Season - - were doomed , we will be lucky to win 3 games. You have a great idea we need to form a commmittee maybe we can get I can’t shoot it Juan to head things up. - -Whatcha think ?

  • @jayballer67 Maybe just fire Self, cancel the season, and all of us drink ourselves into a coma as we watch games where they have good players.

  • This thread took a hilarious turn.

  • @mayjay said in Early Hearings TM:

    @jayballer67 Maybe just fire Self, cancel the season, and all of us drink ourselves into a coma as we watch games where they have good players.

    Hey there is a scoop - -sounds like a plan for sure lol. - -I have to have my Canadian Mist though takes all the pain of us being a crappy team that can’t shoot out of the system faster. - -We can all sit around with blank stares on our face and wondr where this team went wrong lol

  • @BShark Solid analysis after I threw an overreaction out there to see what we had in a response

  • @FarmerJayhawk We’ve seen every player get big D1 minutes except Elmarko

    A good clip isn’t 30-33% which is what Juan and Elmarko will be lucky to shoot

    Kev is gonna be 29-31%

    Besides Hunter we have no pure scorers

    The KJ - Hunter unselfish connection was the best thing in Puerto Rico

  • @kuballin10 wait, Juan will be lucky to be 10 points worse than his career percentage?

  • @kuballin10 said in Early Hearings TM:

    @BShark Solid analysis after I threw an overreaction out there to see what we had in a response

    My real answer is that the tournament is a crap shoot but we have an elite eight roster just looking around the country. Once you get there, you just have to win three games and anything can happen. Look at UConn’s luck historically so you never know. The sucky part is I think we were the clear top roster with Arterio. I understand the concerns but you made it sound like we were fielding a MEAC roster. 😂

  • @FarmerJayhawk

    Shot 32% on 60 some attempts 2 years ago 40% last year on 74 attempts which is 2 whole three’s a game….

    Yeah he’s closer to 31-33% thank he is 35-37%

  • @kuballin10 ok, just so I have this straight, you think Juan is closer to the lower volume shooter two years ago than the higher volume shooter just last year? And he’ll be lucky to not have the worst year of his career?

  • An easy way to take some pressure off of Harris is to let KJ and Hunter run a bit of patented Bill Self high-low action.

    I would also expect KU to play at a similar tempo to the '22 title team which Kenpom had at 65th for tempo. Not track meet speed, but not that slow either.

    I would also fully expect to still see a lot of 4 guard line ups whenever KJ or Hunter are off the the floor. I don’t know how much you can have them off the floor at the same time when the game is still in doubt, but I’d be surprised if they’re both off the floor at the same time more than about 50 minutes of meaningful minutes this year. Foul trouble is about the one thing that could derail that, but Dickinson is pretty good at not fouling so it shouldn’t be a big issue this season.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 said in Early Hearings TM:

    An easy way to take some pressure off of Harris is to let KJ and Hunter run a bit of patented Bill Self high-low action.

    I would also expect KU to play at a similar tempo to the '22 title team which Kenpom had at 65th for tempo. Not track meet speed, but not that slow either.

    I would also fully expect to still see a lot of 4 guard line ups whenever KJ or Hunter are off the the floor. I don’t know how much you can have them off the floor at the same time when the game is still in doubt, but I’d be surprised if they’re both off the floor at the same time more than about 50 minutes of meaningful minutes this year. Foul trouble is about the one thing that could derail that, but Dickinson is pretty good at not fouling so it shouldn’t be a big issue this season.

    Now this is what I wanted…always delivering @Texas-Hawk-10

  • @FarmerJayhawk Correct. Teams know him and the way to guard him. I expect him to shoot 3 threes a game and make 1 so 33%

  • @kuballin10 May we borrow some of your phrases and your name to play a game called “KUBALLIN10 BINGO”? Missed our chances the past couple years, but we didn’t realize the truly predictable orbit of this comet! 😉

  • @mayjay Sure only if you add actual analysis than you may! 🙂

    I started thinking more about our team and we can’t shoot and we will labor to score as Self says. I start to cringe

    UK has Reeves, Wagner and Dillingham who can all fill it up meanwhile we are talking about HOPING MULTIPLE guys can make a third of their 3’s or it’s gonna be tough

    Duke also is a better scoring team than we are

    I’m still irritated we don’t have better bench help. Timberlake is gonna just Chuck 3’s, furphy’s gonna average 8 minutes a game due to mistakes Bill can’t live with and Braun is well Braun

    When Kev is thinking he’s the new Och or Wilson we are in trouble

  • Kentucky might be a hot mess this year tbh. Talented yes but some odd fits and multiple guys that are really only looking to get theirs and not run good offense. Plus Cal is washed. I think they will show to be not a top 10 team but we will find out soon enough…

  • @BShark they already hit their peak. #1 recruiting class is a successful year for Cal.

    I’m with you, I don’t like their team at all. They’re going to be wildly inefficient chuckers without a lot of defense. Wagner, Dilly, and Mitchell are sieves. And they don’t have any depth.

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