@nuleafjhawk Well , I’m not sure if I would go along with that 100 % or not , but everyone is entitled to their opinion, I think when JD is 100 % healthy I would say JD is above an average QB.- -and yet there is the problem---- - -when is the last time he has been 100 % healthy?
We have seen JD has the wheels to be a pretty decent runner- - the thing is we haven’t been able to see it a lot these last couple of years as the staff has taken that out a lot of the time because I think they was being careful of re-injury- -I think to careful.
The kid has a cannon for an arm , true he might not of made or has not made the best of decisions some times making costly mistakes throwing to double coverage or just blatant poorly thrown balls , but then again I have seen myself for sure anyways and know others have too where he displayed unbelievable throws and actions. I can’t remember who it was against-- I guess my old timers disease is kicking in but he threw for what ?–like 450 some yards and six TD’S in one game or a combination run/pass for six—it was in the Bowl game or against Texas- -something like that. – - -That to me is better then a good High School QB and it’s better then an average
College QB.
You mentioned about him being mentioned in the early Heisman, ya he was and rightfully so up until the point when he got hurt. Our W-L record up until the time he got hurt , and I know you saying you care about the stats but the record AND his stats don’t lie UP UNTIL the time he got hurt, the record and stats proved he deserved to be mentioned in the early Heisman talk
Yet I respect your opinion , at least you can have decent exchange of opinions without like some just having a vendetta and wearing out and using the same old BS on people/players & I appreciate that with you. - -We can go tit for tat and it’s all good
For me, I think it’s going to be very interesting year, I think our program has came a long ways and JD has had plenty to do with that. Could he be better ?- -Of course and I think if he is 100 % and under Z’s creative offensive play calling we WILL see JD’s running more with option and he also will let it fly passing --Looking forward to this Season