Lost my mind on that flagrant call on Hunter. Miraculous win and probably one that was not appreciated by all those who thought they had paid enough $$$ to the refs.
How do refs spend 5 minutes to make the wrong call? I mean, on that play alone, the more dangerous and intentional foul was the Duke player undercutting HD when he was going up for the rebound. When a 7’ 2" guy comes down ass over tea kettle, it’s not that surprising that arms and legs come down awkwardly.
Fran et al. idiots @ espn thought it “seemed” like it was intentional. That’s not the rule. Flagrant 2 is for punches and kicks. Not a foot coming down on another player who cut his legs out from under him. And the nonsense about “reputation” has got to get vetted. Are the refs there to punish players? Are they there to teach someone a lesson —looking for an opportunity to make a point?
A B S O L U T E G A R B A G E O F F I C I A T I N G.