The Only Way To Travel...
The only way to travel…
@drgnslayr ROLLING!!
I’m glad we got the win, but I am also glad Svi traveled. It serves as a reminder.
Anybody concerned about the team or was this just a poor outing overall?
Way too many turnovers for KU. Weber had his guys coached up on the scouting report, they were anticipating our kickout passes…
Saving grace for next ksu game is if they can shoot over 50% FG again…
@ralster Frank and Josh killed us w/to’s and Josh w/another T
surely this guy has an airline
Josh also had 22 points, 9 rebounds, 6 assists, 1 block and one of Ku’s 2 steals and single handedly carried the team the first half and a good portion if the second half. Keep in mind that he is a freshman playing only his second conference game and still learning. Without him KU loses big.
I smiled at the non-travel call. A lot of us, including me, whine that we never get calls against the other blue bloods and even non-blue bloods. Many schools complain about us getting the calls. Last night was a good example. Travel should have been called, wasn’t, ballgame. I don’t read other message boards, but I’m guessing those over at say, are saying we always get the calls.
Run 'em off the 3 pt line. Fill the gaps on the weave. Give up the entry pass to Lucas, he can’t beat us.
Fair defensive coaching strategy.
Svi, Graham, Lucas, Bragg, & Vick are playing terrible, horrible, no good, very bad perimeter and ball defense and have been all year.
ESPN lead story this morning was entitled “Walk Chalk.”
@Blown We won a close game at home against a very motivated opponent. I don’t see the travel, but if others do so be it. Yes, this team has work to do, but my goodness, We Won A Conference Game. The sun rose in the east this morning, my coffee maker worked, so all is well. Coach Self will work with these guys. Next…
I’m with you, we won, Coach will work his magic as he always does, and someone will always step up to save the off nights of others… next.
And calls go both ways, refs aren’t perfect, and Johnson should have been called a lot more last night… but you can see all four steps of Svi’s travel clearly spelled out in slow motion 40 seconds into the clip here.
We are now being called, “Walk Chalk!”
Kansas beats Kansas State after getting away with blatant travel on game-winner
I now know a bit what it is like to be a Duke fan. But there is a big difference between our true gift call and the gift calls Duke gets every single game; Coach K lobbies for gift calls.
This may end up helping us down the road. Anything to help our guys develop a chip.
Svi walked, no question.
But in the moment, I honestly didn’t see it because I didn’t realize he didn’t dribble that last time.
And here’s the thing - in the moment, none of the KSU players realized it, either.
I have to admit that I covered my eyes right after he made that shot. One ref was so busy performing a dramatic arm smackdown gesture, indicating it counted, and I just knew that one of the other refs was going to step in to wave it off. The only word from my lips, “overtime!”
I’m still in shock on that call. It was so “Duke-esque.”
@StLJhawk Thanks for posting the slow motion clip. I hadn’t been able to see it in slow motion. It was a fun game. Next.
Like I said last night, we got a GIFT. and it’s not even Christmas. I’m sorry stop the flop, if you didn’t see the very obvious walk. To see the least this time right now at this point has some major defensive issues. - -When is the last time in the Coach Self era has a team especially in Allen shot over 50% or right at 50% ? Our defense if that’s what we wanna call it is if we keep playing this way will for sure cost us big. - - If this continues, we will lose at Allen this year , and the chances are very good the conference streak comes to an end.
I lost count how many times K-State kicked the ball out for WIDE open 3’s and yet really didn’t see any kind of attempt to try and cover, especially in the 1st half When is the last time we have seen Frank with more TO’S then assists? We have some serious flaws AT THIS POINT. - -not saying it can’t and won’t be corrected BUT we play like this against Baylor, West Virginia and some others - -we in trouble.
Now having said this, and yes the boards are just runnin wild about KU’s home cookin, how this is why KU always wins the Big 12 Championship, I responded in two different ways - -replies, I stated to these people I said YES we got a gift, yes obvious travel, BUT like I said to them, ummm didn’t K-State have 39 1/2 other minutes to put this game away? What about the other 39 plus minutes that was played?. - -DJ Johnson was like a mad bull in a China Closet late in the 2nd half whenever he got the ball he just flat ass bulled over guys just driving his body right thru them whether they were stationary or not - - NO CALL.
Getting a home cooking from the officials - -huh didn’t realize the officials lived in Lawrence. Bottom line we have got to get things turned around and turned fast. - -wonder where the Landen Lucas haters are? no, no not her, but you know what I’m sayin - -I know just as soon as he doesn’t have a double double they will show up quick again. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@jayballer54 as our guys often say, shhhhhhhhh
Twitter filled with Svi GIF’s. The whole world is laughing this morning. Last night, landon, Josh and Svi were all cracking up at the question of a walk at the Post Game interviews.
I find it interesting that there seems to be “universal” agreement that Svi traveled and that KSU should have won…WHAT?
First, that type of travel happens all the time and half the time is not even called; it is a big deal because it happened to KU.
Second, if that happens in the middle of the game, it is probably not called and Svi also goes to the line for a free throw since it was an obvious block; anyone saying it was also a charge is an idiot.
Third, how in the world can anyone can say the KSU should have won? Worst case it goes to overtime but there is absolute zero logic to indicate KSU should have won.
Fourth, all the morons commenting on the call obviously saw a replay of the call with Fran’s comments and did not see the entire game when KU was a the wrong end of the majority of really bad calls; without the help of the refs this is not even a close game…DJ alone was constantly fouling our guys and not getting called and as soon as a KSU player was touched there went the foul call. I know I am not alone in this; if you read the game thread, that seemed to be the area in which we all agreed…
Funny how there wasn’t that kind of reaction when WV beat us two years ago. As you recall Staten (I think) picked up his dribble at the 3 point line and scored on an at the rim layin to beat us, (Perry should have made the ensuing shot, but that’s a different story!) No national outrage.
Tyler Self’s tweet was best Svi’s stat line 11 points, 2 assists, 10 yards rushing.
@wissox said:
Tyler Self’s tweet was best Svi’s stat line 11 points, 2 assists, 10 yards rushing.
Even though Tyler didn’t post it here, I think it deserves a “PHOF”.
@JayHawkFanToo Remember Fran saying the refs were calling it close to maintain control, yet they ignored Johnson most of the game.
…and the obvious question is…maintain control of what? There were no fights or exchanges that I saw that would warrant this, unless of course you consider Jackson mouthing off to the ref making the game be out of control. I used to like Fran but now he is just another big mouth trying to fill empty time with non-sense. Sometimes it is better for an announcer to let the game do the talking and not try to become the story.
@wissox I watched the video of the non-call at West Virginia for months after that game. I still can’t understand how an official lets a player with his back to the rim at the 3 point line pick up his dribble and get all the way to the basket for a lay up. Svi’s drive was an all out sprint; I still have trouble determining when in that mad dash you start counting steps after the last dribble; when the ball comes up off the floor, when the ball reaches his hand, when? But, Staten was nearly stopped, picked up his dribble, then spun toward the basket. My only explanation is the ref must of thought he dribbled after the spin, but I didn’t see a dribble. Oh well, the refs make the calls and we are left trying to understand them and debating the correctness. It’s part of the game, my friends.
@stoptheflop Staten’s was an all out sprint too as I recall.
@stoptheflop Yep, Staten took at least as many steps as Svi.
Great response to any complaints about the end of the game last night. It happens.
Speaking of travelling anyone remember this? And anyone remember the 11th turnover TT committed which was really a foul? Listen to Bilas make try to excuse the refs.
ESPN Article Introduction:
MORGANTOWN, W.Va. – Leg cramps weren’t going to keep Juwan Staten from getting West Virginia to 20 wins for the first time in four seasons on Monday night.
Staten scored 20 points, including a layup with four seconds left
After KSU Game, article on ESPN article introduction.
Let’s start with this: Sviatoslav Mykhailiuk did not simply travel on his game-winning fast-break layup in Kansas’ 90-88 win over rival Kansas State on Tuesday night.
He bounced through the lane like David Bowie and Mick Jagger on that abandoned road in the “Dancing In The Street” music video. He skated. He jogged from somewhere near the 3-point line to the basket
Double Standard Much?
@Blown In their defense, Svi’s travel looked a whole lot more like a travel than WVU’s travel. And we had our chance to win that game. Perry missed that shot he would probably make another 95 out of 100 times.
This is probably a better comparison. You are still somewhat right about a double standard though…
@wissox No mention of Staten’s travel. Watch the video.
“…and the obvious question is…maintain control of what?”
That is exactly what I was saying during the game.
Tyler Self
Svi’s statline: 11 points, 2 assists, 10 rushing yards, 1 game winner (
@jayballer54 LL fools gold.
Just had to since you wanted to hear it.
He’s been great.though really the last couple games.
@Kcmatt7 Yea Matt& Jorge Oerta was safe at first too but no ones willing to give back the 85 Series to the
️ cards right? Bad calls are just part of it & they bite both ways…
I feel like we all got robbed of a good game by the refs. No defense because everything was a foul, except actual fouls.
Charter that plane for a flight HOME after our Elite8 game. Because after seeing that ksu game – Man, I had a jumpin – gee - hosa - fat, yowser kinda moment: No sir, we wont get far with our bad, truly bad defense – man it was bad, I mean when does a Self team allow over 50% FG for most of the game? I dont know guys – I’m worried for us
@globaljaybird just thought I’d share some things that are a little funny. Kstate fans know the same thing everyone is just having a little fun with it.
@dylans absolutely true. Refs took us out of our game with foul calls.
First half - 10 point lead and only 14 fouls called.
Second half - outscored by 8 points and 24 fouls called.
It isn’t even like the fouls were one sided. It was about even. But, because of all of the fouls, we never got to get out and run like we like to. And we couldn’t play defense. They couldn’t score at a pace out of the half court that was great enough to keep up with us running in transition. JJ’s fault if we are being honest. That Tech sparked refs.
@ralster LMAO - - -you goof, you like my ol JUMPIN - - GEE- -HOSSA - - FATS- - huh? lol. - -But seriously your right and I stated multiple times also, when was the last time a Bill Self coached team had an opponent shoot 50% for a game in allen - or anywhere actually for that matter. These guys at this point anyways not to say they can’t turn it around - -But right now they are lacking that in your pants type of defense, being able to tell you flavore of gum their guys was chewing, just at time it’s an OL-LAY type of defense if that’s what you want to call it. - - -I hear ya my friend we have got to get our defense to wake the hell up. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@ralster I do not expect that Coach will allow this to continue. I do not expect Frank, DG, Josh, Lando, Svi, and Vick to allow this to continue.
Notice I left out Bragg. Im kinda picking on him right now. I know our whole team defense sucks rocks at this point but Bragg, Im tellin you, I saw him not shuffle his feet on defense quick enough way too many times and Coach yanked him for it.
Also, a couple of Franks turn overs belonged to Bragg. Couldnt hold on to the ball to save his life.
I wish that Bragg could defend like Shady did his Sophomore season.
I wish that Josh could defend like Junior B.Rush.
I wish that all those other guys would just step up their games and do what they did last year.
I have rewatched the game. Winning this game on a travel by Svi? I’ll take it. There were so many horrible calls against KU. Those calls kept KSU in the game. The big man for KSU , Johnson hooked on just about every spin move to the basket. Those are offensive fouls. He should have fouled out early in the 2nd half. Wade, and the guards for KSU pushed off and used arm bars to push off which should have been offensive fouls as well. Most were blatant, especially when Josh Jackson got shoved out of the way twice on the same possession. So, I will definitely take the win on a missed call by the refs. They missed more than enough calls that went KSU’s way.
As far as our defense goes, what else can this team do. We started the year out guarding, and all that got us was the whole team in foul trouble Sometimes its better to give up two than get whistled for a foul. Hopefully, we can find a way to play aggressive and avoid foul trouble.
He didn’t travel. We’re not the refs- that isn’t our job. The refs said he didn’t travel. Period. Game Over.
I totally didn’t get this… no call… and then I don’t think Fran even commented on it. If the KSU guy was flopping… well… usually in today’s game flopping works. So it seems it is quite inconsistent.
I think what most people want is consistent calls. With consistent calls players can adjust to how the game is being called.
But as @KansasComet said… Johnson got away with murder the entire game. He should have fouled out within 10 minutes of PT.
I think Landen and Carlton need to take acting lessons. They need to show a bit more drama to win more of those calls because their opponent bigs just get more and more empowered by smacking them around and not getting called for it.
Unfortunately… the way the game is called today you either become a bit of a flopper or you get abused in the game.
I really DISLIKE the new way refs are calling games.