Early Hearings TM

  • @rockchalkjayhawk Completely agree. Maybe some overreactions to not being able to score enough last year but scoring is obviously important.

    @Texas-Hawk-10 or pass the ball as well.

  • @BShark said in Early Hearings TM:

    @rockchalkjayhawk Completely agree. Maybe some overreactions to not being able to score enough last year but scoring is obviously important.

    @Texas-Hawk-10 or pass the ball as well.

    That’s never been Storr’s game either. He wants to be James Harden and has copied all If his worst traits.

  • Zeke Mayo.

  • @BShark said in Early Hearings TM:

    Zeke Mayo.

    Heard some good things recently. You hearing the same?

  • @BeddieKU23 said in Early Hearings TM:

    @BShark said in Early Hearings TM:

    Zeke Mayo.

    Heard some good things recently. You hearing the same?

    I believe he will start. There was a thing with a pro-am game where he may be suspended for the first game but it isn’t a big deal.

  • Anyone have information about Boot Camp? Not seeing much.

  • Coach will just have to keep it real with Rylan and AJ. They could have roles in the nba as 3 & d guys…but they’re not getting drafted by just chucking up shots.

  • @BShark said in Early Hearings TM:

    @BeddieKU23 said in Early Hearings TM:

    @BShark said in Early Hearings TM:

    Zeke Mayo.

    Heard some good things recently. You hearing the same?

    I believe he will start. There was a thing with a pro-am game where he may be suspended for the first game but it isn’t a big deal.

    Red flag, red flag red flag!

    Seems like you just dropped half a bomb and walked away calmly!

    say what now about a player suspension???

  • @rockchalkjayhawk Zeke out for a game. No biggie

  • @FarmerJayhawk said in Early Hearings TM:

    @rockchalkjayhawk Zeke out for a game. No biggie

    Yeah might not even be a regular season game.

    I thought it was already brought up here but it may have been elsewhere. I lose track sometimes.

  • @BShark said in Early Hearings TM:

    @FarmerJayhawk said in Early Hearings TM:

    @rockchalkjayhawk Zeke out for a game. No biggie

    Yeah might not even be a regular season game.

    I thought it was already brought up here but it may have been elsewhere. I lose track sometimes.

    Anybody have more detail on what happened?

  • @rockchalkjayhawk he played in an unauthorized pro-am game

  • @FarmerJayhawk @BShark

    Is Bill excited about the roster? We have the best head coach and best roster…should be a title year

  • Haha what a freaking great post - love it! Hoping Bill loves the offense and trusting he works his magic with these guys defensively.

    Finally listened to the podcast interview and Self really is wise when it comes to getting guys like Storr ect to buy in. Store would do well to see Braun and Och as examples of college studs who become just solid role players at the next level BUT get that big second contract (hopefully).

  • @kuballin10 dude, you are so close to accepting that Self is also wise in building around guys who totally buy in and would give their left nut for KU, like Dajuan. Even if he isnt a prolific scorer, obviously he helps tremendously in getting other guys who are, like Storr, to buy in. Come on man, cross the finish line. Admit that these are two sides of the same coin.

  • Feels like outside of that interview there has been nothing coming out about how the early practices are going this year, and that was basically just the Zeke was impressing and Storr needs to buy in. Anyone heard anything they care to share about how the other new pieces are looking?

  • @approxinfinity said in Early Hearings TM:

    @kuballin10 dude, you are so close to accepting that Self is also wise in building around guys who totally buy in and would give their left nut for KU, like Dajuan. Even if he isnt a prolific scorer, obviously he helps tremendously in getting other guys who are, like Storr, to buy in. Come on man, cross the finish line. Admit that these are two sides of the same coin.

    Yeah you have to build up team culture which lets you then take chances on a guy here and there.

  • @approxinfinity said in Early Hearings TM:

    @kuballin10 dude, you are so close to accepting that Self is also wise in building around guys who totally buy in and would give their left nut for KU, like Dajuan. Even if he isnt a prolific scorer, obviously he helps tremendously in getting other guys who are, like Storr, to buy in. Come on man, cross the finish line. Admit that these are two sides of the same coin.

    Yeah those guys don’t win you titles though the remy’s, ochai’s, chalmers and Arthur’s do.

    As a coach you want the most talent and then your job is to maximize it.

    I’m glad guys like KU so much but if they are legit their ultimate goal is the league. Now they do need to buy in like the patriots did for years or chiefs so I get where you are coming from there

    My biggest gripe with Self is his stubbornness to “his offense/defense” or “his scheme”. He gives no leeway to let guys play through mistakes. We play so robotic.

    Watching with such ease as uconn won it back to back and incorporated new guys flawlessly is envious because all we hear is “takes time to learn Self’s system”. That’s not a successful system for 2024.

    Self has to evolve or he won’t ever get another title. He’s still hall of fame and the coach in college bball but his stubborn ways have stunted the growth of many teams each year rolling with guys who even when they were in the right spot to defend or offensively couldn’t execute said play.

    Think Landon Lucas being the #1 option on a team with Frank, Devonte and Josh. Literally Self in an interview with Landon talked about they’d go down low to him for a touch when they need a bucket. That is asinine and why we lost against the ducks.

    Same with how UConn let Edey shoot a ton and said go score 50 - we will stop everyone else. Self would never adjust on the fly his philosophy to win a game let alone a title game. Hurley is a complete turd but it was basketball genius to have the cojones to utilize that gameplan. No three’s from the white dudes and let Edey cook

  • Landen being the #1 option on that team is a hilarious observation

  • @FarmerJayhawk said in Early Hearings TM:

    Landen being the #1 option on that team is a hilarious observation

    10th in usage rate on that team btw.

    ETA: Slightly misleading since the GOAT Tyler Self had 30% usage when he was in but hey we are all about posting wild shit on here.

  • @FarmerJayhawk

    Need to add some context - when it is crunch time and we needed a bucket late we’d go to Landon (not 4th pick Josh, or npoy Frank or all American Devonte or nba playe Svi). That is asinine to think in crunch time your 5th best offensive player needs to take the crucial shot. That flat out is bad coaching and makes zero sense. Bill’s argument would be proximity to the basket is the reason but that just shows how incorrectly he’s viewing it.

    17:30-roughly 16:00 mark


  • @kuballin10 i recall moments where I had similar frustrations forcing the ball to Landen.

  • He couldn’t get it over the rim!🤬

  • @approxinfinity Here I’ll be very - see both sides if you will.

    We forced it into Lando to start games a lot - again asinine. When we had Dok I was 100% on board.

    When we did it late in games (Lando) - again asinine

    The flip side is Bill could smirk and say - well did Big Dave deliver or did he not? I’d fire back well you even admitted that had JWill not stopped playing you wouldn’t have gotten the Dave >Manek matchup (plus bacot wasn’t even close to 100%)……

    The issue is even if Bacot was healthy he would have went into Big Dave against Bacot when we needed a clutch bucket……just like he did Lando against Oregon and we saw how that turned out.

    That is a philosophical issue that is directly Bill Self related. Hurley or whoever the coach is would setup a play so the ball is in the A or B players option for scoring.

    Run a pick and roll with Josh and Frank and clear everyone else out. I don’t care what you do but don’t throw it into Lando or Big Dave.

  • @kuballin10 said

    “… but that just shows how incorrectly he’s viewing it.”

    That is going strong!

    I wish I had the confidence to question a hall of fame coach with multiple championships.

    Seriously, I think there’s some merit in your points.

    That said, if the game was on the line, I would take my chances with Bill’s ‘incorrect view.’

    His track record has earned my trust that he knows how to close out a game.

    Of course, the game is changing all the time. Great coaches never stop adapting and evolving.

  • @bskeet He’s got 2 titles yet had the best roster countless years and couldn’t deliver.

    He’s definitely matured and evolved in how he views the game but makes you wonder if he ever questions having the 5th option take late in the game crucial starts or start of the game shots (when we’d get down initially constantly).

    Completely backwards from what any hall of fame coach would do

  • @kuballin10 said in Early Hearings TM:

    @bskeet He’s got 2 titles yet had the best roster countless years and couldn’t deliver.

    He’s definitely matured and evolved in how he views the game but makes you wonder if he ever questions having the 5th option take late in the game crucial starts or start of the game shots (when we’d get down initially constantly).

    Completely backwards from what any hall of fame coach would do

    And YET he is a hall of fame Coach -huh imagine that-- I’ll be dam , strange thing that foolish Coach

  • Getting a touch in the paint doesn’t mean take the shot. It’s just working inside out. Pass to the big man to get the defense to collapse then kick it out. Lucas just wasn’t very good and there wasn’t another decent big on the roster. Bill’s offense works well with a mobile big man that can pass - more of a point forward.

  • @kuballin10 I dont think he had the best roster countless years. Other than 2007-2008 i think its debatable that he ever had the best roster.

  • @approxinfinity said in Early Hearings TM:

    @kuballin10 I dont think he had the best roster countless years. Other than 2007-2008 i think its debatable that he ever had the best roster.

    2010 probably and maybe one or two other years like 2020

  • @dylans So I 100% agree with this point however, when the other team can guard Lando 1v1 it doesn’t open anything up.

    Other defenders can just “stick” to their man and let their big guy defend without having to double

    Inside out works when you have Dok but not Landon or big Dave. Now what’s so perplexing is Big Dave flipped a switch and wasn’t an absolute beast and deserved the final 4 MOP by a mile. He turned into Dok lite for those two games and it was incredible to watch. The rest of the season he wasn’t ideal….

  • If coach didn’t stick w/big Dave when he was down, and everybody was blowing gaskets, we never win ncaa! Even though LL drove me nuts, his form was great and D was good. He lacked jumping ability. Josh J killed us in that game by losing his temper and getting the foul to sit the bench. Great athlete but had some problems. Sick how his life turned out.

  • Oooooh some rewriting of history. Count me in!

    Do you guys remember at the end of the 2016-17 Duke game in the Champions Classic? Instead of letting Frank Mason keep the ball for a game-winner, Bill Self forced us to feed Landen Lucas, so we ended up losing in OT.

  • @Jhawk69 I remember when Frank won the game for us!

  • @Jhawk69 You picked the 1 game…and somehow ignored all the rest and Bill’s philosophy of inside - out to start and finish games or when we need a crucial bucket

    The only revisionist history was you….

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