Peyton Manning Game Thread

  • @benshawks08 said in Peyton Manning Game Thread:

    @kuballin10 is norm a hall of famer?

    Minutes were preset somewhat by self. Norm said he knew who first off the bench was ect. Self’s sees it all at practice so it was somewhat still his lineups

  • @BShark and self often trims it to 7 by the end of the year.

  • @kuballin10 I didn’t see that get said. Interesting.

  • @jayballer67 said in Peyton Manning Game Thread:

    OK so I know we have to have Juan - -but I’m tellin ya we have to make sure Bobby see’s the floor. He just adds a little more of a offensive threat I think. - Juan is such a defensive gem – but teams play off him some or wil and it’s like 4-5 - -bobby at least looks a little more aggressive- -we need some scoring options

    This might be Bobby’s best offensive game yet. I don’t see how they can keep him off the court playing like that. He was brilliant. And if he starts hitting that 3 ball consistently…

  • Horny Toads survive. Barely. 73-72.

  • @benshawks08 said in Peyton Manning Game Thread:

    @BShark and self often trims it to 7 by the end of the year.

    Feels like 8 this year I think. Bob back-up guard but we need a back-up wing. Right now it’s Joe, something to monitor though we did also slide KJ over a bit at times I really disliked that.

  • @BShark you didn’t like his 3 attempt?!

  • @benshawks08 I must have blacked out.

  • @benshawks08 said in Peyton Manning Game Thread:

    @FarmerJayhawk I think joe will continue to see the floor. Just to see if he’s hot.

    I see Joe seeing floor but it tapering off come conference play tbh. Unless we get injured.


    Is this concerning to anyone else? Not loving those comparisons.

  • @BShark it wasn’t close but he did take it without hesitation.

  • @benshawks08 yeah I think he’s more Wiggs than any of those guys.

  • @benshawks08 said in Peyton Manning Game Thread:

    Is this concerning to anyone else? Not loving those comparisons.

    No, because the only one of those players who played the same position was Xavier Henry who had a strong freshmen year finishing second in scoring behind Sherron Collins and was north of 40% on his 3 point attempts. If Gradey Dick ends up with similar numbers to Xavier Henry, I’ll take that right now.

  • @BShark said in Peyton Manning Game Thread:

    @kuballin10 said in Peyton Manning Game Thread:

    @benshawks08 said in Peyton Manning Game Thread:

    I think we are seeing why zuby hasn’t seen a lot of early run.

    Yeah I retract my comments lol

    Something about yada yada trust the hall of famer is something I should do

    Zuby will be good eventually. Bundle of energy right now. Like I said reminds me of TRob including the frosh nerves.

    Very promising signs from Udeh tonight though.

    Udeh looked the part tonight. By Feb he’s going to get 25mpg

  • My thoughts: Gradey Dick is a stud, McCullar will be in contention for B12 DPOY, Jalen Wilson will contend for B12 POY, Harris was tied for 2nd in shot attempts so hopefully that keeps up.

    I still think KU needs to get Zach Clemence going to reach their ceiling this year, but with the way Udeh looked, I think Self and staff should look at Clemence at the 4 spot because he has the skill set to play the 4 which I think is his natural position.

  • @Kcmatt7 said in Peyton Manning Game Thread:

    @BShark said in Peyton Manning Game Thread:

    @kuballin10 said in Peyton Manning Game Thread:

    @benshawks08 said in Peyton Manning Game Thread:

    I think we are seeing why zuby hasn’t seen a lot of early run.

    Yeah I retract my comments lol

    Something about yada yada trust the hall of famer is something I should do

    Zuby will be good eventually. Bundle of energy right now. Like I said reminds me of TRob including the frosh nerves.

    Very promising signs from Udeh tonight though.

    Udeh looked the part tonight. By Feb he’s going to get 25mpg

    If it does play out this way we will be NICE I feel.

  • @BShark

    Absolutely have to have him to compete against Duke, IU, UK and the tough big 12

    Come tourney time we should know who we are and have been challenged

    Udeh has to play the most minutes at the 5

    Bobby potentially pushing Juan for split minutes if he can score

    Gradey is one of a kind a 6-8 jj redick jump shot, plus midrange game plus ability to drive and catch lobs Dude is legit but man I hope and think he stays 1 more year he loves KU

  • Yeah… It’s tough to know how this group will respond when they face the stingy, tenacious teams like Iowa St, West Va., TT, and TCU…

    And even harder to know about how they might handle Duke, Baylor and Texas… etc. Lots of tests out on the horizon. But soon enough, we shall see if we can manufacture points when we have to get them.

  • Way to go, Hawks! Nice way to open the season!

    Well, we scored nearly 90 points. I thought scoring would be a big problem for us, at least early on. Glad I was wrong!

    I think we all have the same takeaway from the opener… son of a bitch can Gradey shoot!!! Jesus. What a stroke. I can’t ever remember form like that from a freshman at KU. I sure hope he keeps it up (too subtle?).

    I’m down on Yesufu. Anybody watch him at Drake? How did he score all those points on the tourney?

    If MJ is as advertised, he can take all his minutes.

    @BShark any belated comments on KJ’s rebounding? 🙂

  • USC gets manhandled by Enfield’s old school FGCU by 13. Sam Houston beats OU on a last second shot. TCU barely gets by Ark Pine Bluff by 1.

  • @rockchalkjayhawk KJ’s offensive rebounding was stellar, but defensive rebounding was deficient. Wilson is the opposite, but he’s a different position. So I’m still puzzled why the rebounding mindset on offense doesn’t translate to defense for KJ.

  • @Jethro And they said NIL would be the death of parity.

  • @tundrahok said in Peyton Manning Game Thread:

    @rockchalkjayhawk KJ’s offensive rebounding was stellar, but defensive rebounding was deficient. Wilson is the opposite, but he’s a different position. So I’m still puzzled why the rebounding mindset on offense doesn’t translate to defense for KJ.

    Yup, KJ was in opposite world last night with 8 offensive boards. weird, but nice.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 said in Peyton Manning Game Thread:

    My thoughts: Gradey Dick is a stud, McCullar will be in contention for B12 DPOY, Jalen Wilson will contend for B12 POY, Harris was tied for 2nd in shot attempts so hopefully that keeps up.

    I still think KU needs to get Zach Clemence going to reach their ceiling this year, but with the way Udeh looked, I think Self and staff should look at Clemence at the 4 spot because he has the skill set to play the 4 which I think is his natural position.

    Actually that’s a pretty good idea , hadn’t really thought Zac at the 4. That actually might be a really good idea. – He has the range to shoot in space actually best of the bigs, question is can he defend oppositiion four’s ?

    @Texas-Hawk-10 said in Peyton Manning Game Thread:

    My thoughts: Gradey Dick is a stud, McCullar will be in contention for B12 DPOY, Jalen Wilson will contend for B12 POY, Harris was tied for 2nd in shot attempts so hopefully that keeps up.

    I still think KU needs to get Zach Clemence going to reach their ceiling this year, but with the way Udeh looked, I think Self and staff should look at Clemence at the 4 spot because he has the skill set to play the 4 which I think is his natural position.

    Thats a good idea , actually i think that might be a really good idea. He has the range for shot in open space , probably most flexible of the bigs. Question is can he defend opposition fours in space ?

    We have to figure out what’s going on right now , think he might have found Coach doghouse. -Poor practices , we know or should you better be at least be average or better to see much floor time with Coach you better be ready to play both ends. - Something going on , they mentioned as much on loal sports cast today -hope he gets that straight cause I like that idea

  • @jayballer67 Can he defend opponents 4? No. He cannot. And it looks to me like self thinks the strength of this team is pace and Zach at the 4 would not help that. I think that’s a big reason kj is getting so much run. That and he earned self ultimate trust as a defend everything player.

  • @benshawks08 said in Peyton Manning Game Thread:

    @jayballer67 Can he defend opponents 4? No. He cannot. And it looks to me like self thinks the strength of this team is pace and Zach at the 4 would not help that. I think that’s a big reason kj is getting so much run. That and he earned self ultimate trust as a defend everything player.

    At some point and time that defense can only carry a team so far, Maybe Zac can - -maybe he can’t. - -The point really is with KJ and I like KJ just as much as the next person BUT KJ poses no threat offensively at this time-that really puts us at a disadvantage - -basically a 3 - 5 type scenario - -KJ at the 4 for sure can’t help us. -a team can defend - -defend - -defend - -but if you can’t put any pressure on the other team offensively on the other end of the floor if you can’t score or if you have two liabilities on the offensive your in big time trouble.

    Until KJ can prove he is some kind of an OFFENSIVE threat it’s going to cause major problems… Just like the host & co host of the local sports show here in Topeka said when they see KJ shoot the ball they just cringe I mean sure here in the early non con when you simply just over whelm these lesser lights it’s not going to rear it’s ugly head as much as when you get deeper and play quality teams - -like Duke - -and other team’s where you just don’t overwhelm - -where the talent is a wash or even in the other teams favor.

    It’s all good when we can get out and run and run and run force TO’s - BUT when we have to play half court and run offense KJ at this point is a HUGE LIABILITY - -we can NOT just have two scoring liabilities on the floor at the same time - more often then not we are going to struggle to score enough the same problem we have had - -is the problem we still got. - Sure we score middle 80’s now against these cupcakes - - but against league - -Kentucky – Duke - and other bluebloods - then we easily can be in trouble - so it’s really a wash if anything. KJ might be better defensively but offensively - -ummm no so pick your poison.

  • If everyone sees that kj and Juan when played together kill the offense I’d love to know what the coaches think because we know they’ve had the same conversations amongst them.

    @FarmerJayhawk @Crimsonorblue22 @BShark

  • @kuballin10 it’s the early in the season “if we make the other team play worse we win” kind of lineup. I wouldn’t worry about it being any kind of mainstay

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