• @drgnslayr If this was a game after the 1st of the year it would be a BG12, butt ugly, grind it out, low scoring melee. But it may not be that low scoring with the refs being so flippin whistle happy. I say over/under on fouls is at least 50. Izzo is in the same boat as to who to play that’ll play his game, so I really don’t know what to expect. However, Bill is always Bill; hi/lo & weave, pass it for at least 15 seconds every possession, then take what they give you or what you can take. I’ve really nota clue how to guage this other than there will be copious quantities of whistles and commentator slobber jobs for Konsonants, the Squid, Ratso, & yes even HCBS. Tough enough for me to watch & listen to espn period, so I won’t be tuning in the 1st game, at least not with the sound bar active.

  • @VailHawk I know Vail. I read and saw that on Espn today about Manning. One of the greats to be sure. Breaking records til the very end. It is his end though. He is almost 40. Not many QBs last that long. If he is smart, this should be his last season

    But, what does that have to do with KU ball? I dont see the connection.

  • @wrwlumpy Eeeek. Blackhawks. Clearly an old picture though 😉

  • @jayballer54 Crazy is GOOD. I’ve been call so many things crazy sounds like a compliment !

  • I didn’t get to watch the game last week but the highlights were all transition lobs/dunks. How many points did we score in transition? I had mentioned that our guys were working on moving the ball up the court and posted a video of it and from what I saw on the highlight reel we certainly had some really good moments passing the ball forward. I LOVE seeing some experience on the floor! I think there were more assists in the last game than in the entire non conference schedule last year!

  • I imagine both teams are still trying to find the right combinations but with this game being so big (both teams have votes in ESPN to win the NCAA) and with both coaches being competitive, I can see here both will revert to using tested players and not do much experimentation. Unless the game becomes one sided, I expect to see an 8, maybe 9 man rotation, with 7 getting the lion’s share of playing time.

  • @globaljaybird

    " I say over/under on fouls is at least 50."

    I agree…

  • @Lulufulu

    “But, what does that have to do with KU ball? I dont see the connection.”

    The connection was ‘plantar fascitis’… something one of MSU’s players is currently dealing with, and I guess it was an issue yesterday for Manning, slowing his movement and throwing off his entire game.

  • @Statmachine Don’t recall if it was PSU or Hays but I heard Davis say we had 50+pts on transition & opponent had zero. Think maybe it was Pitt just not sure.

  • Two great coaches and to great future coaches in Turgeon and Skiles

  • @Statmachine Didja ever get your dish feed hooked up?

  • untitled.png

  • @BeddieKU23 Lucas was exposed by Northern Colorado. Realize he may have been sick or injured, but Mickelson EFF was solid in short minutes.

  • @globaljaybird you talking to yourself again?😉

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Yep. Thanks Mom… I guess @Statmachine didn’t get the hoot… Never even noticed…

  • @globaljaybird always 👀 you!!💃

  • @wrwlumpy The clock malfunction game which benefited us but somehow Larry got a T out of and it looked like we were dead.

    And that was back when cheerleaders actually wore cheerleader outfits!

    Great work as usual @wrwlumpy, but an extra bonus for all the Chicago pics and Blackhawks Cup banners!

  • @Bwag

    No, that’s just Lucas at this point. Good in stretches for rebounding & experience, still probably the worst player on our team at offensive awareness.

  • @globaljaybird said:

    @Statmachine Didja ever get your dish feed hooked up?

    I have yes but the internet is still down so no espn 3. I will be watching the game tonight!

  • From this morning’s nbc CBT Late Night Snacks scoreboard - UVA, SDSU, & beloved Big 12 Baylor…all losers last night. http://www.nbcsports.com/college-basketball

  • For the first time since we started playing in the Champions Classic I feel confident that we will come out ahead tonight! I thought we had a chance most years but never have I felt like “We got this” before. This year is going to be great! I don’t believe our season rides on weather Diallo gets the green light either! It surely cant hurt our situation but I honestly hope he will stay for 2 years. If he doesn’t get cleared by the NCAA I think the chances are good he stays for year 2 and dominates college basketball! It would be great to see him and Bragg with our returning cast next year!

  • @globaljaybird

    The loss by Virginia was a surprise…is their perfect storm stretch over?

  • I also don’t understand why the winners and losers of both games in the Champions Classic don’t play each other for bragging rights?

  • They should also add Arizona, and North Carolina to the field.

  • Arby’s 5 for 5 player of the day Brannen Greene!brannen.jpg

  • @Statmachine

    Self is expecting Diallo to leave, regardless of outcome he’s recruiting posts like he’s leaving.

    It’s too early to tell what this teams main weaknesses will be. I think Michigan St has the caliber of players to make the Final 4 again but like most years their best basketball is ahead of them so I’m inclined to think KU has an edge right now. Injuries to key MSU players only helps.

    What KU desperately needs is either Bragg or Mickelson to clearly establish themselves as a starter. If we use the revolving door next to Perry we are going to see the same inconsistencies of last year. I think tonight we can mask what Diallo would potentially bring but over the course of the season and into tournament play a player like Diallo who excels at blocking shots, rebounding, and playing unbelievably hard all the time is basically non-replaceable. If Rim Protection & rebounding are 2 of our main weaknesses again the what if’s will have valid arguments

  • I fully expect Self to tighten his rotation up tonight so we’ll get an idea of who he trusts in some key battles. I haven’t read every comment on here so I might I have missed it somewhere above, but KU is going to be without Lagerald Vick tonight because his eye got scratched in practice and doctors told him no basketball activities for a few days.

    In order for KU to win tonight, they have to win the rebounding battle and take advantage of offensive rebounds. KU only scored 5 second chance points on 9 offensive rebounds. KU has to do better than that to beat Michigan St. The best way for KU to win the rebounding battle is to get their bigs in foul trouble and make them play less aggressive. Mason and Selden have to aggressive and take the ball into the lane and force the issue. If KU can win the rebounding battle, they will more than likely win the game.

  • If Traylor is starting plays more than 20 minutes, we are in trouble. Give me Ellis’ versatility, Mickelson’s length, and Bragg’s passing. We don’t have room a post player to get 25 minutes and rack up 7 points and 3 boards while being late on defensive rotations.

    Bring him in, gain momentum with a dunk or block. That is all.

  • @Statmachine Teams wouldn’t want to risk two losses so early in the season I suppose is why they don’t make it a true tournament.

  • How some Bucket Rats feel when Jamari gets more minutes than Bragg or Mickelson… thanks to Diane Arbus


  • @wrwlumpy This may be my favorite post ever. It combines my two favorite things on earth…Art and College Basketball.

    I also like that I 100% agree. How Jamari gets the minutes he does will never make sense to me. He is the prototypical “energy” guy you bring in off the bench.

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