Kicking Players Off The Team Game Thread
Grimes just doesn’t react
@DanR Thanks. I was looking at the ESPN box score that must have missed it.
I dont know I don’t want to damn the kid. Its just a little hard to watch. @Crimsonorblue22 Yeah, something feels disconnected. I dont know if its skills related or a mental block that can be overcome.
Grimes is so bad it’s unreal
I thought my -14 bet was safe…
Missed Ochai for a lob on that last fast break
Kcmatt7 said:
I thought my -14 bet was safe…
It would be if Q didn’t play.
We need a Bill Self ass chewing timeout
@approxinfinity Chuck played 3 minutes according to the box score I’m watching. The only player not to score in the first half.
Second DLaw helping hand during action. This time a teammate though
I’m starting to wonder if Grimes is just dumb as a rock
Charlie time!
@DanR nope
tundrahok said:
@approxinfinity Chuck played 3 minutes according to the box score I’m watching. The only player not to score in the first half.
gotcha! ok thank you. i wonder who espn gave his minutes to
they still dont have him in.
Fightsongwriter said:
@Texas-Hawk-10 It’s 4 on 5 since he can’t shoot. That will stop the flow.
I’m sick of that line because Garrett can drive and it’s not 4 on 5 with him out there.
@Bwag Good… then there’s hope!
See its KJ + Charlie, always. Doesn’t exactly feel fair to KJ.
The 2nd half is now tied. I expected sloppy play though.
@Texas-Hawk-10 Don’t think it’s wrong. We will see soon.
I second the motion for a timeout + Bill Self asschewing.
KJ needs to start ahead of Q and get more minutes
Here we go. expect a 7-0 run to start after this tv timeout.
Keep in mind, Duke could probably win if they were in WVU’s situation.
Shut up, Fran.
ISU gave up the big lead…up 4
@Fightsongwriter How big was the lead?
Don’t look now but KSU is making a run, sigh
ISU up on Ksucks by about 5 with 10 left
Fightsongwriter said:
ISU gave up the big lead…up 4
KState started shooting more free throws. Now a 16-7 advantage in free throws. Go figure.
@wissox 8-9 last I had checked. Dean wade injured.
@wissox 11 at one point for sure
Looks like Wade might have reinjured his foot
Dean Wade hurt again.
Charlie in layup
ESPN giving that drummer more face time than some of our players
@Woodrow THis could be huge for the league race.
@nwhawkfan he had AOC
going there.
I always liked Frank’s tenacious rebounding, but worried that we were losing out on fast break defense. Isn’t the PG the first line of defense?
@stoptheflop Selden was always defending the break so frank could rebound. Probably same with Grimes/Dotson.
I wish Agbaji could jump a little better.
Wade hurt
Crimsonorblue22 said:
Wade hurt
How severe?
Not sure
Mitch not giving them anything easy.
Mitchell no easy buckets Lightfoot
borderline flagrant there Mitch, but I like it against WVU!
Doesn’t seem to be to be as severe pain as last time
Did that WVU player just decide he didn’t want to play anymore?
4 pt gane
Chuck, Ochai, KJ, Mitch, Dave.