A civics class should be mandatory in middle school, high school, and college because there are too many people who don’t know those basic things. It’s something that should be common sense, but too many people are brought up in scenarios where they’re taught differently or in environments where they see terrible things happening so they assume that’s a normal thing.
@Texas-Hawk-10 And about 12 science classes.
@mayjay https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/jacob-walter-anderson-accused-of-drugging-and-raping-woman-fined-400-and-set-free_us_5c0fb9eae4b08bcb27ec996e
I wasn’t thinking about all those stinking rich frat boys! That’s a whole new level!
Crimsonorblue22 said:
@mayjay https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/jacob-walter-anderson-accused-of-drugging-and-raping-woman-fined-400-and-set-free_us_5c0fb9eae4b08bcb27ec996e
I wasn’t thinking about all those stinking rich frat boys! That’s a whole new level!
The same week the girl who was traffick victim that murdered her captor gets 51 years.
I normally don’t get into politics, but those two cases illustrate what white privilege in this country is about.
@Crimsonorblue22 I had that one in mind when I wrote.
tundrahok said:
We teach remedial classes in Math and English at KU.
DanR said:
tundrahok said:
We teach remedial classes in Math and English at KU.
Of course they do. https://catalog.ku.edu/arts/ Any course below 100 at KU is remedial.
@Texas-Hawk-10 couldn’t agree more. I teach public policy at a higher ranked institution than KU and even my students come in without basic knowledge of our system of government. No idea what seperation of powers or federalism mean. Especially thinking through how to get from policy idea to implementation. I see things like “the Supreme Court should do X” having no idea what the Court can actually do (only rule on cases, nothing more).
Crimsonorblue22 said:
@JayHawkFanToo kids that have had the crap beat out of them. Not everybody has been brought up in the burbs
Please reread my post, I believe you missed my point.
Hard to expect that from students anymore when an elected congresswoman does not know the 3 branches of government.
@JayHawkFanToo what was your point?
Crimsonorblue22 said:
@JayHawkFanToo what was your point?
My point was that in this and age we should not have “kids that have had the crap beat out of them.”…anywhere…We have failed as a society,
People suck as a general rule.
@Crimsonorblue22 Sickening and @Texas-Hawk-10 I’d say rich has more to do with that color personally. Several people of all kinds of races have been slapped on the wrist for crimes you or me would go away for decades just because they are famous or have money.
Granted Diversion. Interested to see how this plays out.
@Kcmatt7 it will be for sure. He claims he pushed her, she says punched and choked. Supposedly she had bruises but the pictures haven’t been released to the public. I think he deserves another shot because he doesn’t have a criminal record or any previous Problems. These cases are so hard to read because it’s tough to prove or know exactly what happened.
Pooka will sit out some games I bet - Seems like in even asking for a diverson - he is pretty much admitting guilt and like a plea bargain. When I was younger I has to go trough a diversion myself.
There will probably classes he will have to go to . I’m pretty sure he will be suspended a couple of games by Coach - -let’s put this behind us now - -Pooka do what he needs to do to satisfy Everyone - and then play ball - don’t get caught or put yourself in that type of a situation ever again - we need you - -w DON’T need more issues with our sports progam. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
I’m uneasy about this diversion. I hope that he isn’t a scumbag, but I am also worried.
KU football has a lot of momentum right now. New coach. Good recruits coming in. Excitement around the program.
I hope no one bowed to the excitement and pressure and brushed something serious off as a “mistake.” If he did something bad, he should be punished, even if that means he’s off the team.
Now, that isn’t to say that he did do something horrible. I don’t have the facts. But I also know that there’s a pretty long and ugly history of athletes being granted much more leeway than they should have because they were helping the team win. College football has a long history of coverups in the name of team wins (see Baylor, Colorado, Penn State, Florida State, Miami, North Carolina, Tennessee, USC, Michigan State, LSU, Florida, Ohio State, Maryland, Nebraska - could go on, but you get the point). I just hope that this isn’t a sign that Kansas should be added to that list.
justanotherfan said:
I’m uneasy about this diversion. I hope that he isn’t a scumbag, but I am also worried.
KU football has a lot of momentum right now. New coach. Good recruits coming in. Excitement around the program.
I hope no one bowed to the excitement and pressure and brushed something serious off as a “mistake.” If he did something bad, he should be punished, even if that means he’s off the team.
Now, that isn’t to say that he did do something horrible. I don’t have the facts. But I also know that there’s a pretty long and ugly history of athletes being granted much more leeway than they should have because they were helping the team win. College football has a long history of coverups in the name of team wins (see Baylor, Colorado, Penn State, Florida State, Miami, North Carolina, Tennessee, USC, Michigan State, LSU, Florida, Ohio State, Maryland, Nebraska - could go on, but you get the point). I just hope that this isn’t a sign that Kansas should be added to that list.
Well just because he was granted the diversion doesn’t mean he won’t be facing punishment. - -Coach more likely will be giving him some form of punishment on top of what the diversion calls for. - - I’m thinking he will be serving some suspension from Miles - -looking maybe a couple of games at the beginning of the season , on top of attending any say Anger Management and if he has any fines he will be made to pay - somewhere along those lines - -then let’s put this behind us and move on , and hope he understands he can NEVER put his hands on a woman NO WHERE - - NO TIME - -and just don’t let himself get caught up in this type of situation again.
He has a very legit shot of having a outstanding future - just has to use his head and choose is women the right way. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
With his athleticism, I think he would work out/play with the basketball team…
There should be punishment on his behalf, no question. I’m just not sure what really happened but if he’s willing to take some classes and sit out a few games I’d be fine with him being reinstated to the program.
kjayhawks said:
There should be punishment on his behalf, no question. I’m just not sure what really happened but if he’s willing to take some classes and sit out a few games I’d be fine with him being reinstated to the program.
In the end run - -nobody will ever know for 100 % what really happened – boil down to one of these he said - -she said - -to be on the lighter side Coach Miles I figure will hold him out of a couple games at the least - maybe all the way to all the Non Con - do what he think saves face for the University as far as some form of decipline . - It would not look good it Les did nothing
IF there was video he’d be Kareem Hunted/Ray Riced. No video so he can be forgiven.
dylans said:
IF there was video he’d be Kareem Hunted/Ray Riced. No video so he can be forgiven.
Yupp, so far the difference between diversion and being kicked off the team.
@dylans Isn’t a video what cleared Bragg when he was accused of domestic abuse?
Video may also confirm the legal punishment Pooka is recieving is a fair and doesn’t warrant being kicked off the team.
@Texas-Hawk-10 The Bragg deal never passed the smell test.
The diversion is more or less an admission of culpability. I wouldn’t classify these the same
@dylans The Bragg issue may have been suspicious sounding from the start, but video evidence is what confirmed Bragg was innocent in that just like video is what condemned Rice and Hunt. That’s what my point was, there was video evidence in all 3 of those situations that either showed the accused was innocent or guilty and if guilty, how bad it really was to the point that neither will play in the NFL again.
Has anybody seen any thing - - anything at all about the possibility of Pooka transferring back to Louisiana? - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
jayballer73 said:
Has anybody seen any thing - - anything at all about the possibility of Pooka transferring back to Louisiana? - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Pooka will be at Kansas as long as he’s not booted for this and Tony Hull sticks around.