Jaybate This Is Your Day

  • DanR said:

    If Cliff Alexander had been involved, his mom wouldn’t have had to get a loan.

    Maybe his mom spent the money too fast?

  • @JayHawkFanToo Cliff drove around in a brand new car at KU. Yeah, he knew nothing about the loan ( wink wink nudge ).

  • BeddieKU23 said:

    ESPN reporting Both Pitino and AD have been fired

    Pitino has been placed on un paid administrative leave, - Jurich has been placed on paid administrative leave. - -The interim Coach will have the say about other coaching staff - -interim Coach will or should be named within 48 hours.

    Both the Simmons kid right? and their other top notch recruit de-committed within the hour of Pitino being put on un-paid leave. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jaybate-1.0 yah. I didn’t connect Self’s comments on retiring n 5 yrs to this. but it cant be coincidence. I seriously doubt any wrong doing by Self. Hes a boyscout. But could easily be tired of the recruiting asymmetry which will worsen with the hammer dropping on Adidas.

  • @Lulufulu Nike looks like they are getting smashed too. The entire Nike EYBL league just got subpoenas. Guarantee that there was money illegally funneled through there. Nike is about to be in way more trouble than Adidas I think.

    Adidas stock, down .1%

    Nike stock, down 2%.

    That is a very significant drop for Nike in comparison.

    I think everyone is sensing that if Nike is involved at the same level Adidas is, and there are 3 times as many Nike schools, shit is about to go down. Especially with people turning on each other now, expect news to just continually leak over the next several months. All of this should eventually be made public record as well so the NCAA will have all the evidence they need in order to have a field day. The fact that the Nike EYBL just got raided means Nike schools should be freaking out right now.

  • Kcmatt7 said:

    I’m trying to figure out which players are in the DoJ report.

    • Player 10 - Bowen
    • Player 11 - Afernee Simmons? It is a Louisville recruit. Just can’t figure out who.
    • Player 12 - Little
    • Player 9 - ? Currently plays for USC.

    Player 11 is almost certainly Balsa.

  • @BShark Didn’t they say that Quinerly got 20k a week or so ago when he committed to AZ?

  • KUSTEVE said:

    @BShark Didn’t they say that Quinerly got 20k a week or so ago when he committed to AZ?

    Yeah, seems cheap tbh, lol.

  • @Kcmatt7 Could I borrow your post?

  • @BShark All those people that were slamming Bill for not recruiting well…OMG. They meet with KU, find out there’s no money coming from us, and they sign with the money train ( AZ ).

  • @KUSTEVE I’m not as much of a true believer as you. I sure hope you are right though. Rumours abound right now that people are already flipping others.

  • Maybe they bring in Larry Brown as interim coach to ensure a squeaky clean probationary period for UL. After all he has lots of experience.

    At being interim, I mean. Squeaky clean? Well, not so much.

  • @BShark Yep makes sense

  • @KUSTEVE Borrow whatever you like. I do expect a cut from any money you make though.

  • BShark said:

    @KUSTEVE I’m not as much of a true believer as you. I sure hope you are right though. Rumours abound right now that people are already flipping others.

    I’m just worried myself , with this as being as big as it is , and we have a LONG way to go on this, your going to see ALOT of recruits re-open their process Simmons & Ramey already de-committed from Louisville. I’m just afraid with KU being such a big part of Adidas, for us to come out in touched in some form shape or another, hopefully IF anything would be minor, like I was hearing off a podcast this is certainly going to put a cloud over College basketball for some time of course old Fran was talking about how happy he was this had happened , saying he had talked to a lot of College Coaches and for the most part these Coaches were trying to do it the right way.

    Could really put a halt to any early commits to see how this plays out and what Schools are going to get what. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • There was actually a pretty good post about this on the phog that I tend to agree with.

    It’s extremely likely that the vast majority of schools have had player(s) that were paid by the shoecos. That, quite frankly, isn’t even controllable. They were bidding on kids to go to Adidas, Nike, UA schools. The difference is if there was direct involvement with assistant coaches or not. So, say Adidas wins out for Wiggins, promises him a big contract after school. He just has to pick an Adidas school. Well okay let’s call up Kansas and commit, only Adidas school on his list. This does line-up with the KU coaches being somewhat surprised with his commitment IF you believe that.

  • Well, I think how KU recruits in the next month or two will tell us how our staff feels about being involved. I’m sure Bill had a heart to heart with each coach to make sure we are or are not involved in anything.

    Either we will be aggressive and take advantage of the upcoming chaos with a monster class (and possibly an eligible big man to bolster our front line this year, but that would just be crazy lucky), or we will be in damage control. I think the staff’s actions over the next few weeks will speak a lot towards their innocence.

  • Let me tell you about a mystery recruit. Name rhymes with Mason Baitem. Mason grew up watching KU on tv. His family had multiple KU fans in fact, I believe a grad as well. But, Mason was a Nike kid. So when it came time for his final cut, his childhood team did not make the list. This came as a shock to some, but SWOOSH there it is. Ultimately Mason ends up at a school that rhymes with Puke.

    Names changed to protect the “innocent”.

  • Do I believe Duke directly cheated there? Probably not. I would imagine Duke just takes advantage of being a premier brand and Nike.

  • KUSTEVE said:

    @BShark All those people that were slamming Bill for not recruiting well…OMG. They meet with KU, find out there’s no money coming from us, and they sign with the money train ( AZ ).


  • @BShark Not even a glance from him. Never understood. Worked out fine in the end. But then there is always the, what if scenario if we got both him and JJ. What a trio we could have had. Or even, imagine the 5 guard lineup with JJ at the 4 and JT at the 5…

    I’m hoping this all works in our favor. This bomb being dropped could be just what Bill needed to land those National Championship pieces we keep losing out to schools at the last second for apparently unknown reasons.

  • Ok, how about this one? Louie-ville turns around, and hires Little Pitino …wouldn’t that be hilarious??? I don’t think that would ever happen, but wouldn’t that be funny as hell?

  • @mayjay lololol. how about bringing in Pitino’s son? make it an “all in the family” job.

  • @Kcmatt7 The fact they set up a recruiting visit for Langford ( if he is half the player Keith was, I want him ) speaks volumes, in my books.

  • It kind of blows me away that Louisville is going to get the death penalty (potentially anyways) after this but they didn’t get it after using hookers to recruit players.

  • I saw the shoe crap coming a mile away.

    Another cheating that HAS to be going on as well is freshman eligibility. If you are under 35 years old you probably don’t remember when the SAT was actually hard for these academic genius basketball players. Prop 48 came around in 1986 and back then players actually couldn’t get the necessary scores on the SAT or ACT. Studs like Larry Johnson(Jr college route), Glenn “Big Dog” Robinson(out his freshman year), etc, etc couldn’t get the grades.

    So of course after being barraged with calls of racism the NCAA changed the requirements a bit. Instead of just the SAT and ACT having a score you absolutely must get, they introduced a sliding scale. They now use a combination of high school gpa and a sliding scale test score needed. So if you get a 3.0 in high school you only need a 620 SAT. Of course if you actually earned an HONEST 3.0 then scoring a freaking 800 should be easy. So you can see where this would lead. Fixing high school grades. That way if that is ever caught the colleges have nothing to do with it. See Darrell Arthur.

    People at all levels are using these kids and could care less if they actually get an education.

  • @wissox It’s the cumulative effect of having so many major violations in such a short timeframe that’ll get them a potential death penalty.

    Arizona is also likely to get a pretty steep punishment as well based on the number of players they have involved as well as an assistant coach involved as well.

  • @BigBad As a veteran inner city school teacher, all you have to do to earn a 3.0 is come to school and work hard. We have so many low performing students that we reward kids for their hard work. There often is a huge disconnect between ACT scores and GPA in our schools.

  • BShark said:

    Do I believe Duke directly cheated there? Probably not. I would imagine Duke just takes advantage of being a premier brand and Nike.

    And now Nike is being pulled in - - seen this off the Louisville board - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @wissox Exactly. This is why you hardly ever see any ineligible freshman. Not that the kids are smarter now. They have such low expectations to meet.

  • @mayjay According to a KC Star article a couple weeks ago, Larry Brown is available.

    Actually, in this story, Brown mentions being best buddies with Silvio De Sousa’s 32-year-old “guardian,” Fenny Palmagne. Also the guardian of Bruno Fernando who is going to play for Turg at Maryland this year.

    Not that any of that makes me nervous or anything about De Sousa’s sudden surprise decision to go to KU or anything.

  • Nike handlers had dirt on the FBI handlers who…and so on and so forth.

  • And add Bama to the list of programs that are taking a hit. No surprise. Ferguson and Sexton come to mind. Starting to make more sense.

  • @Kcmatt7 Hmmmm, and Bama ends up at Kentucky. - - well now wonder how that happened? - - -Did Kentucky send some money his way or some kind of way. - -Something about Kentucky smells in this whole thing too. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Kcmatt7 said:

    And add Bama to the list of programs that are taking a hit. No surprise. Ferguson and Sexton come to mind. Starting to make more sense.

    Looks like this came from an internal investigation too. Makes sense, sacrifice basketball people because lawd forbid anyone sniffs around their football program too long!

  • jayballer54 said:

    @Kcmatt7 Hmmmm, and Bama ends up at Kentucky. - - well now wonder how that happened? - - -Did Kentucky send some money his way or some kind of way. - -Something about Kentucky smells in this whole thing too. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

    World Wide Wes.

    We will find out quickly just how bulletproof Cal is.

  • Rumours are flying about UK right now. Might be nailed for Quickley. Might be someone at Miami turning. Miami supposedly offered 150k but UK went to 250k to close.

  • @wissox

    Louisville is already on schedule to forfeit well over 100 games, its national title and final four appearances; it is now under appeal and based on the new events likely will not prevail.

  • I never minded Louisville during the Denny Crum years, but Pitino is such an arrogant jerk I’ve despised them. IMHO they stole the title from Michigan, or if you will, were handed the title by some pretty bad officiating. The block by Trey Burke on the fast break was a spectacular block and the refs called it a foul. I turned the game off at that point. Pitino’s sordid affair in the bar bathroom and subsequent abortion was awful, the prostitutes. Man this school made Tarkanian look like St. Paul.

  • @BShark links?

  • Kcmatt7 said:

    @BShark links?


  • @BShark I want that to be true.

  • @BeddieKU23

    Until an agent with ties to Nike lean power players and Nike contracted schools, and a Nike official both fall in this case, i can’t yet take the stand that this involves the cavalry coming.

  • It has to be Quickly. The report states that Miami had offered a player 150k, and was outbid. Oh my goodness. Is the Squid’s day of judgement finally on us?

  • For these implicated programs, hopefully this opportunity to clean house thoroughly is not wasted. Also, I think this is an opportunity for the NCAA to reassert itself and find a new identity amidst the ashes of moral bankruptcy. Maybe they could start by banning Nike, Adidas and Under Armour from sponsoring any college teams. Can they do that?

  • KUSTEVE said:

    It has to be Quickly. The report states that Miami had offered a player 150k, and was outbid. Oh my goodness. Is the Squid’s day of judgement finally on us?

    The player in the report is Nas Little. Quickley is new speculation.

  • @approxinfinity I doubt the NCAA can regulate that. Somebody has to make the uniforms for programs.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 I’m pretty sure there are a few other sports apparel companies that would gladly take on ncaam contracts?

  • @jaybate-1.0 Gatto has ties to Nike. I highly doubt he just started buying players at Adidas so if he starts squealing about what he did at Nike and who was involved there, then there could be some major implications at Nike as well.

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