The "crap on Trump" thread
Wasn’t trump making fun of the virtual dnc for being so boring, shooting speeches ahead of time, Michelle being 20,000 deaths short
I thought they were going to be live?
Wow they actually have a couple that pointed their guns at BLM protesters as speakers?
Yeah but… No amendments to the platform right? Was that part of the 2016 platform then?
@approxinfinity said in The "crap on Trump" thread:
@FarmerJayhawk a cop out. I expected nothing more.
They don’t have aides that could help them use a computer?
“Continued enthusiastic support of Trump’s America First agenda…” 176,802 dead and counting. Still first!
No, they’re all volunteers. I’m not defending it, that’s just what the committee voted to do. Platforms are garbage that nobody reads or cares about anyway since the parties are so weak ¯_(ツ)_/¯
@FarmerJayhawk wow that’s sad. So… Why not sell the house and move to a nicer neighborhood? I mean… It sounds like the Democratic Party would be a likely landing spot for disillusioned conservatives. Force the Democratic party to stay centrist and the progressives have to jump ship or stay anchored.
@approxinfinity I’ve never been a Republican, probably a touch more to the right than left on most subjects. But both parties have just grown into a bunch of hypocritical fools. They changed back and forth on what they believe. Look up Democrats as recently as Clinton, then go back to Kennedy and FDR. All 3 of those guys would be considered far right if they were running today. The two party system has failed us for much of my life by making us choose between the lesser of evils. If really want change (Obama preached it but little actually changed) vote 3rd party.
The change I want is this ass-clown out or the oval office. The problem with a dichotomy is that it is self perpetuating. One does not want to give up leverage to the “greater of two evils” with no chance of victory for the 3rd party candidate you would like to support. And running a convincing winning campaign as a third party candidate to date has not been very plausible. Maybe if third parties get better at leveraging social media or something. Build online pacts to agree they will all vote for the 3rd party guy, etc.
@approxinfinity said in The "crap on Trump" thread:
@FarmerJayhawk wow that’s sad. So… Why not sell the house and move to a nicer neighborhood? I mean… It sounds like the Democratic Party would be a likely landing spot for disillusioned conservatives. Force the Democratic party to stay centrist and the progressives have to jump ship or stay anchored.
I watched the DNC last week and it reinforced all the reasons I’m not a Democrat
@FarmerJayhawk well, I can’t say I watched most of it; I didn’t. And I can’t say i didn’t see any stupid moments. So, I’m open to something better. I just can’t trust the Republican Party.
@approxinfinity I’m very happy as an independent. In North Carolina independents can vote in either primary so I’ll be one for the foreseeable future.
I’m not registered with either party. It’s the same here in Virginia re: primaries, for now.
Reminder Trump appointed this guy
@BShark said in The "crap on Trump" thread:
Reminder Trump appointed this guy
Reminder he was unanimously confirmed by the Senate to multiple executive branch posts and rated as qualified by the ABA. Some rando named Elena Kagan never tried any cases before getting 60some votes to be a Supreme Court Justice.
Scotus and the federal judiciary system will be worse due to Trump appointees imo. Mostly due to scotus being so far right now. I’m just here to dump on Trump.
Wheeeeew this speech is bad.
I heard no one is wearing a mask. On brand.
I need to teach him make up skills! First, boys don’t wear it.
@BShark Herman Cain is waiting! These lies are making me
@FarmerJayhawk I think ivanka is co president, we we we. I heard she told LEGO story before only it was her that made it.
I just want to take a spatula to his face, scrape that off!
I try to be responsible and listen to both conventions. But after the events of this week combined with listening to the poisonous rhetoric from Trump, I want to mail my ballot ASAP and then go live in a cave until Nov 4.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in The "crap on Trump" thread:
I need to teach him make up skills! First, boys don’t wear it.
I’ve worn some a few times in school plays and tv hits ¯_(ツ)_/¯. I didn’t hear the Herman Cain line. There was a lot going on there
Herman Cain died after the Tulsa campaign rally, Covid. He was right in the middle of it, no mask. I guess that’s what you are asking.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in The "crap on Trump" thread:
Herman Cain died after the Tulsa campaign rally, Covid. He was right in the middle of it, no mask. I guess that’s what you are asking.
Ah, gotcha. Met him years ago at another event, super nice guy. Rest In Peace.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in The "crap on Trump" thread:
Herman Cain died after the Tulsa campaign rally, Covid. He was right in the middle of it, no mask. I guess that’s what you are asking.
But his zombie twitter account lives on
Lol at the right constantly talking about the “indoctrination of our youth” and then their fearless leader literally signs an order doing just that
@Kcmatt7 Can’t imagine what could possibly go wrong with that…
@Kcmatt7 said in The "crap on Trump" thread:
Lol at the right constantly talking about the “indoctrination of our youth” and then their fearless leader literally signs an order doing just that
Schools certainly shouldn’t teach history from a CRT/1619 frame. They also shouldn’t teach only that America is awesome and has never done wrong. Both sides can shove it.
Thank you @mayjay for the reminder to point out abhorrent stuff. Trump only cares for himself, he literally could not care less about veterans.
@FarmerJayhawk interesting thread you revived, rereading my earlier comments i see someone else. More passion, more anxiety, far less chill. Maybe a few more braincells, maybe less heart.
How in the hell is it possible that I’ve not seen (or don’t remember) THIS thread???
Everyone needs to step back and take a collective breath. There is only ONE candidate that is fit for this position. He is the clear choice to live among and lead HIS people. He WILL be the President !!! Of
@nuleafjhawk I think we all kinda memory holed 2020 lol
This thread is a reminder of why we need ranked choice voting in this nation for elections and to heavily modify or abolish the Electoral College to more accurately reflect how the population of states actually vote.
And we need to arrange it so that imbeciles, perverts and criminals are not allowed to run for office.
@nuleafjhawk I’d love to see how that would work!
@mayjay me too!
@Texas-Hawk-10 said in The "crap on Trump" thread:
This thread is a reminder of why we need ranked choice voting in this nation for elections and to heavily modify or abolish the Electoral College to more accurately reflect how the population of states actually vote.
This is the way
@nuleafjhawk that covers 90% of the people in office.
@kjayhawks Probably 90% of humankind, to be honest.
@mayjay , @kjayhawks - let’s go for that top 10% then!
Not open Pandora’s box but we all know Epstein didn’t make it because he had dirt on both side of the political spectrum. That’s probably the fastest way to die in this country. Those flight logs that took years to be released smh.
There are two things going on at the same time when you think about people in public office. The first, is the type of people who run for office have certain traits and characteristics that may lead them to dirty deeds and corruption. Like the hall monitor in school really just being the kid who wants to control everyone else.
There’s also the very real impact that power has on anyone. When a person gets power, their psyche and hence their actions change. There are a ton of studies showing that even the smallest advantages and power structures can lead a good chunk of people into immoral/unfair actions.
With those two things combined you get a lot of people prone to taking advantage of systems and power dynamics having the most access to do just that, and others who may not be as prone to it, following along because that’s how everyone is doing it and because human nature tends to lead most people into exploiting their advantages for personal gain.
That leaves very few who have the will and the make-up to withstand those pressures and just be generally good people in positions of power. None of this excuses the corruption and all the rest of what makes so many politicians seem slimy to the rest of us, but can help explain it. It is right and should be our overall goal to find the few among us who are well suited for power, rather than those who just crave it the most.
Obama alluding to Trump’s “weird obsession with crowd sizes”
was classic. Also referred to his childish name calling and Trump torpedoing the bipartisan border bill for personal gain.
Its historically been difficult for Trump to act dignified and when he blows his top the democrats will be right there to remind everyone how weird he is.
Im curious what tack he can/will take here.
@approxinfinity what bothers me more than DT is the cult following of his.
I’m genuinely frightened by human beings who worship a well established pervert/idiot/psychopath. WHY? What the hell are these morons thinking? Every time I see a Trump flag I am immediately discouraged and afraid for our country.
@nuleafjhawk well. Luckily his genuine worshippers are a smaller subset of the people who voted for him.
@nuleafjhawk I actually have more respect for those crazy followers who fervently believe DJT was annointed hy God to save America. It is the people who are well-reasoned who deliberate and then choose him who scare me the most. The Nazis would not have succeeded if they were only the lunatics. Opportunistic but sane people hungry for position and riches gave the brownshirts their passive permission to seize power.
@mayjay the situation scares me more than the people. Make it easy to be good, and the people will be good.
My two Chicago citizen kids loved the convention! My daughter was told to work from home and because so many others did the same, my son who can’t work from home had much shorter commutes to work, even though he works just a mile from the United Center!
He looks like a raccoon on meth
Kamala dunking on him all night. Might move the needle a point or two