KU vs UCF Game Chat
UCF must not have noticed that our jerseys say “KANSAS”, otherwise we would have won.
Our Waterloo is the zone defense why play us any other way?
That was really bad 25 minutes of basketball…
That’s usually the bad game we play before Christmas. Good to be humbled I guesd
That’s that. Okie State on Tuesday. Love ya guys and gal see you then.
Flush it, move on to Saturday.
There’s going to be a lot of hot takes after this game, but honestly better January than March or April.
Hopefully we can learn from it.
If our next game wasn’t at home we’d be in trouble
Ya that’s just not a product that ever needs to go on the floor for this program. Ever again. Pathetic
I 100 would have done the old Roy bench clearing. Without question
Our women got the good juju. About to know off #4 Baylor
Learn and move on. Be thankful for all we have and don’t take it out on the players. See you for the next one.
our guys.
Hug someone!
Zone and TO’s
Maybe we’re just trying to tank our karma so we can land some good defensive lineman
@cragarhawk Roy rarely took an ass whoopin from a team this inferior. What I LOVED about his teams is they would take a 16 pt lead and extend it to 35 or 40. They knew how to kick someone when they were down.
Self’s teams consistently blow big leads.
@nuleafjhawk Roy just beat up on bad teams his whole career
Jeff Gueldner on postgame is ripping the team a new one.
Dang, we don’t take losses well here do we.
It was an off night, it will put the sour taste of loss strong in their mouths. They will either fight to not have that taste much again, or… they will get used to the taste. Time will tell.
It’s not the loss. They just aren’t good at basketball. That we don’t take well. We don’t take it well knowing they aren’t a second weekend team. We hate that. Lol
@cragarhawk I think you just proved the point
@patoh3 said in KU vs UCF Game Chat:
Jeff Gueldner on postgame is ripping the team a new one.
For getting outscored 46-25 over the last 24 minutes of the game by a team that had beaten exactly no one of consequence, well deserved…
Guess we answered the question about being the luckiest 13-1 team in the Nation
Nothing to se here thats for sure- -move on to the next one. Isn’t the last time we will see zone, UCF by far was the more aggressive team in the 2nd half
The problem for me is this team doesn’t look good…. Ever, even in wins they look terrible.
I’m pretty much over Juan. I’m not seeing leadership and he won’t shoot. He was wide open most of the night for 3’s. Maybe is just frustation from this game but egads, folks…
I’m prob notorious for over reacting, I even admit it. But this is right up there with TCU IMO. Elmarko 5 assists and 4 rebounds in the last two games. Sorry it ain’t working out, glad BS pulled him but Juan also needs to be pulled at times.
Holy crap. That sucked.
Shocking loss. I guess Vegas knew something we didn’t.
Would have been nice if coach realized we have a 7 footer who can score if you feed him.
Juan and Kevin with absolutely lazy, pointless turnovers. So sloppy. I don’t get it. Realize you have the ball and protect it! Jeez.
Furphy! Nice.
Juan! Not so nice. In fact awful and thoughtless.
Timberlake. Just fire him. I thought that off court scuffle would do something for him, at least fire him up to not be stuffed at the rim — again. His finest moment as a Jayhawk! Wasted.
Hunter was nearly the invisible man I thought.
18 & 9 can you figure out the riddle….what do these numbers signify the last 2 games and what does it truly tell the story about this team….
Thankfully I didn’t have to watch that abomination of a game and only got to listen to last 10 minutes. I’m going to refrain commenting on individual performances since I didn’t get to warch the game, but UCF is probably the 2nd or 3rd worst team in the Big 12 so this is a really bad loss for KU.
BS says that Hunter is dealing with a knee issue.
@rockchalkjayhawk Hard to feed the post when teams sag off and guard the paint daring our 5th yr sr to shoot
Tough to make passes when no one gets Self’s patented (one dribble/foot in the paint each possession by the ball handler)
I’d warned many of you that this is a down year and was blocked.
We’ve had bad losses before and will again but 11-7 is this teams ceiling and second weekend maybe first if we play another team full of athletes like last year
You all love Juan yet without remy we lose to creighton round of 32. Bill’s blind but now has no where to turn because Juan is the best pg on this team.
Never have I read from enough message board know it alls that these new freshman need to score to help us……Hell no how about the fifth year senior gets 10-12 a night because he’s unguarded for 85% of the freaking game. Even when he drives his own defender sags off waiting for his famous jump pass under the goal (jr high stuff if any of you know ball).
Juan HAS to score for us to be a top 5 team and beat the uk’s, Houston’s ect.
HE CAN DO IT yet he isn’t and every game he continues to not hunt his shot from the tip those passing lanes are tight because he can’t beat his man off the bounce. Most overrated player by Self in his coaching career. There’s a reason Remy played more minutes
@kuballin10 said in KU vs UCF Game Chat:
18 & 9 can you figure out the riddle….what do these numbers signify the last 2 games and what does it truly tell the story about this team….
I’m gonna guess turnover average and total 3 pters made
@rockchalkjayhawk close!
last two games we’ve turned it over 18 times and only forced 9
This is direct correlation to our guard play. Bigs aren’t causing turnovers right and left nor turning it over a bunch except when our guards throw terrible entry passes and put them in awful positions.
We supposedly have two defensive stud guards who are seniors yet we are the ones turning twice as much as we are causing other teams to turn it over
This is a correlation to how teams defend us because guys won’t look to score and teams know it. They also don’t drive and attack. Our pg doesn’t shoot a free throw hardly ever…it’s been documented how few free throws he’s shot versus other KU guard. It’s brutal. He isn’t quick
This is also a correlation to how defensively we are not laterally quick and often pushed off our spots when guys drive. Weak
@FarmerJayhawk I actually happen to think the team probably proved my point. And does so kinda regularly so far… shrugging shoulders
A few interesting tidbits from the boxscore:
FG % KU: 51% UCF: 42%
KU made two more FGs than UCF
KU made 6 3pters, UCF made 7
And a big reason we lost: KU was 6-11 and UCF 14-18 from the free throw line.
UCF with SEVEN blocks. wow.
Huge shocker: KU nearly had 8 players with 10+ minutes on the court. That’s not very common for KU. Maybe Self’s got us beat in the brain department by not playing the bench that much usually! ha.
And the KU bench outscored UCF’s bench 17-8. that is beyond shocking
KU at one point had a 16 pt lead. A 16 pt lead!!! fer effs sake.
Wow watching the game was rough but this thread looks like it was even rougher.
I’m ready for the Dajuan era to be over. I’m just gonna be honest and say it. Good kid and tough player but I want a shot creating pg in the modern era.
@TYOHawk Be careful you’ll get banned for having this opinion or pointing out his shortcomings in relation to our play this year. You’ll get our record thrown in your face while ignoring the product on the court.
Remember when people didn’t care if Mccullar left or not and I said he had offensive potential that wasn’t tapped yet? Remember when I was sick of Dave and ready to move on before his last tournament? Remember when Udoka was slow getting out to guard Villanova’s 5, and then came back the next year ripped and spry? Remember when clueless Jeff Withey turned into a shotblocking monster? People talking about Remy forget how awful he was until he wasn’t.
Aaron Miles only scored 9.3 ppg his senior year while shooting 50% from 3 his senior year. We didnt have a problem with him shooting 24% from 3 his sophomore season and playing 30 MPG on a team that made it to the championship.
That which makes us different makes us special, memorable, and interesting.
@kuballin10 no man, you get banned for being relentlessly annoying during a gamechat, not for having an opinion. its just temporary. like a timeout chair for bigboys.
When you got banned for the Mauie Wowie gamechat, your last comment was:
Juan into double team
Freshman mistakes from a 10th year senior
Him and Kev are so dumb with the ball and it’s because they aren’t processing the game quick enough
Hyperbolical, insulting nonsense. Kev and Dajuan aren’t dumb. They have no problem “processing the game”. He isn’t a 10th year senior. Just obnoxious hateful drivel. And it was going that way for some time, after you were asked to chill. So… timeout chair, big guy! And we didn’t have to listen to Debbie Downer all night.
@kuballin10 making up BS about the dude who puts in his own free time and money to keep this place going is low. I get you have a victim complex but keep it on the DL from now on.
@approxinfinity living in an America where anything in that statement gets you banned from anything. Is just plain ridiculous. You’re part of the problem and so far from the solution. You all can ban me and whoever else ya want. And fist bump your own chests all the while. That’s just plain pathetic. You all enjoy your lil sunshine and rainbow world. I’m audi 5 thousand. Before I get banned for having a real life view and then committing the horrifying and so feeling hurtful crime of actually expressing it. Lol. Bunch of fuckin candy ass ppl. Don’t get a splinter!!!
@cragarhawk holy crap take a Xanax. Arguing on substance has always been a thing here.
Wow. This evolved into a bunch of whiny and sad displays.
I woke up wanting to say:
"Thank you Nick Saban for retiring and distracting the talking heads from talking about our (EVERY YEAR) meltdown. "
But it’s GROWN MEN here who seem to be the bigger snowflakes. I now see why so many people have left. It’s a constant cluster f#ck of everyone being able to criticize kids who are just trying to live their lives. Grow up. Get a life outside of posting on so many places. I’ll think twice about logging back in.
Bring it. I’m just a fan. Always will be. May be frustrated as heck at times but there’s nothing I say or type that makes any difference in the whole scheme of things.
@FarmerJayhawk he beat up some good ones too
@cragarhawk do you go to a house party, get piss drunk, climb on the coffee table and start insulting the host? Dont be a dick. Our number one, and only, rule.
You seem to have this place confused for Facebook or some other soulless corporate data trap. Here at kubuckets, we dont steal your data, but we do expect you to not be an asshole. Novel concept?
@RockChalkinTexas stay, please. This was just a bad night. Lets write it off and move on
Today is a new day
@FarmerJayhawk substance or substances?