Stadium Renderings
Vernon dropped the renderings on the Twitter.
People seem unhappy that we might reduce capacity to like 40k. But if we can’t fill 47k (and season ticket sales, while way up, aren’t up enough) I don’t see why we would want a larger stadium. Build a “sold out” atmosphere. Not to mention that 40k people is still a ton of people for the objectively 3rd best football option in the area. And finally I’m sure that part of the construction plans would be to allow for more seats if they were needed.
I will admit the parking situation based on the renderings looks like it could be chaos.
They need to figure out a plan for tailgating, but to me that is super simple. Push everyone to the hill and allow setup Friday Night.
Just happy to see the continuing to push out PR on this project. Has to happen.
The early renderings do look pretty cool. That area of town has a ton of potential. I hope they stick around 45k. It’s probably an esoteric concern but I really don’t want to be bottom of the P5 in capacity. NW and Vandy might be a tick lower (NW for sure) but still just doesn’t sit right. I think with Lance we can sell out 45k. I wonder if they’ll pave over the practice fields? They don’t really get used now with the indoor and when they do practice outside it’s in the stadium.
Amen to better use of the hill. If they play their cards right could be a heck of a happy hour type spot. Rope it off or whatever you need to at 5 PM on Fridays and let people open container around the area. If the Jayhawk Cafe can offer free beer on Fridays surely the new stadium district can figure out how to make it all work.
I thought renderings was a colloquialism for poop. Whew. Cant blame it on not having my coffee, its 6:20 PM
@FarmerJayhawk I would hope they would consider turning the outdoor practice fields into another parking garage to help alleviate parking issues in that area of campus.
@Texas-Hawk-10 I’m sure they’ll consider it. Could also lease some parking at HERE
@FarmerJayhawk said in Stadium Renderings:
The early renderings do look pretty cool. That area of town has a ton of potential. I hope they stick around 45k. It’s probably an esoteric concern but I really don’t want to be bottom of the P5 in capacity. NW and Vandy might be a tick lower (NW for sure) but still just doesn’t sit right. I think with Lance we can sell out 45k. I wonder if they’ll pave over the practice fields? They don’t really get used now with the indoor and when they do practice outside it’s in the stadium.
Amen to better use of the hill. If they play their cards right could be a heck of a happy hour type spot. Rope it off or whatever you need to at 5 PM on Fridays and let people open container around the area. If the Jayhawk Cafe can offer free beer on Fridays surely the new stadium district can figure out how to make it all work.
- -If you think 40, 000 is the final numbers your nuts- -I’d like anywhere from at least 42-45
@jayballer67 I don’t think there is a final number yet but I’d put lots of money on it being 40k-45k
@Kcmatt7 In my humble opinion, they could not possibly screw up parking any worse than it is right now. The last time I went to a game (4-5 years ago), we had to park at Walmart and take an Uber. Pathetic.
@nuleafjhawk I agree, have t been to a football game since 2019 and parking is nightmare.
I always had good luck north of the stadium. Also the downtown shuttle is good if you’re doing Mass before or after
@FarmerJayhawk No, I’m not Catholic.
If you believe someone on Twitter named “Travis Goff,” we’ll be over 40k. Seems sketch tho
@FarmerJayhawk I saw somebody wrote during the
bowl days we were often sold out.
@FarmerJayhawk said in Stadium Renderings:
I always had good luck north of the stadium. Also the downtown shuttle is good if you’re doing Mass before or after
I’m with Farmer: I park north of the stadium on the side streets and walk blocks and blocks to the stadium. I’d rather walk a long distance to where I parked, than sit in traffic for long, long minutes trying to get to 9th or 6th streets. Parking garages are difficult to exit when everyone leaves at the same time. I looked at IState’s stadium and was quite envious of all the parking surrounding the stadium. But, I don’t know how close the football stadium is to campus. I loved having the stadium on campus as a student. Walking to the game was part of the campus experience. This gets back to the chicken and the egg question: is the football experience for the students or the alums? I always believe the students should take priority, but clearly that isn’t what happens at AFH.
@stoptheflop said in Stadium Renderings:
@FarmerJayhawk said in Stadium Renderings:
I always had good luck north of the stadium. Also the downtown shuttle is good if you’re doing Mass before or after
I’m with Farmer: I park north of the stadium on the side streets and walk blocks and blocks to the stadium. I’d rather walk a long distance to where I parked, than sit in traffic for long, long minutes trying to get to 9th or 6th streets. Parking garages are difficult to exit when everyone leaves at the same time. I looked at IState’s stadium and was quite envious of all the parking surrounding the stadium. But, I don’t know how close the football stadium is to campus. I loved having the stadium on campus as a student. Walking to the game was part of the campus experience. This gets back to the chicken and the egg question: is the football experience for the students or the alums? I always believe the students should take priority, but clearly that isn’t what happens at AFH.
Looking at Google Maps, it appears ISU’s stadium is not directly on campus and it shares the parking lot with Hilton. Basically imagine if AFH at one end of West Campus and Memorial Stadium was the other end of West Campus and there was nothing but parking lots between the two. That’s basically the set up for Jack Trice Stadium and Hilton Coliseum is at ISU.
@nuleafjhawk said in Stadium Renderings:
@Kcmatt7 In my humble opinion, they could not possibly screw up parking any worse than it is right now. The last time I went to a game (4-5 years ago), we had to park at Walmart and take an Uber. Pathetic.
They can’t screw up parking that doesn’t exist. You failed at parking, that’s the bottom line.
There are huge lots on campus that have shuttles. Lots/garages downtown that have shuttles. Neighborhoods where people live nearby that have street parking that don’t need to be torn down and paved over for 6 days a year.
I go to a couple games a year and usually don’t arrive much before kickoff, and I can ALWAYS find a spot in the neighborhood north of the stadium. Sometimes it’s between 9th and 6th, but it’s not hilly there so who cares. It’s a party atmosphere and fun to walk through the neighborhood. If we go earlier to tailgate it’s even easier to get a close spot. Not much diff than walking from that lot west of arrowhead to the K for a baseball game.
Love How The Ad kind put the squelch about capacity of the Stadium , talking about had love for the designes BUT we were going to be between 40-45 thousand, the 39 thousand would of put next to last in smallest stadiums in P-5 ? wouldn’t be a good look
@DanR good for you partner. We aren’t from Lawrence and in my humble opinion the parking sucks
The price of having a great, on campus setting. We could pave it all over like KSU I guess
@FarmerJayhawk said in Stadium Renderings:
The price of having a great, on campus setting. We could pave it all over like KSU I guess
umm no lol- -nothing like our little Sisters stadium or lot-- Hell I’ll walk for however long before I’d copy their pavement project
Goff is pulling in some big fish
UPDATE: into the 9 figures in donations in the bank. More to come. Add that to the $200m from ARPA/KU Endowment and we’re sitting pretty. Tuesday is gonna be fuuuuuun.
Edit: ARPA, not ARRA. There are not any funds left from the 2009 stimulus you imbecile
Well that’s vrry encouraging news to hear I think. - -So ok Farmer/buddy , I know I can count on you so , now I’m kinda thick at times, not the brightest light so need your clarification. So if we are in the 9 digit figure for donations – nine digits in the Million dollar/dollars number too right ? - -that means were are in the Millions from donations right Farmer ? -sorry I get these numbers confused.
If we are in the Millions for donations then it looks like this is actually going to happen this time then huh ? - -Man what a major sign of times turning for our football program. - With the new weight & strength room which they said is in the top 5 in the Nation - Gildersleeve was giddy talking about it - then when it’s all said and done Booth is going to look 1000 % different- -I’m so happy for the players and proud of our university- - - FINALLY.
@jayballer67 oh yeah, I’ve heard $100m+ is pledged and ready to roll
@FarmerJayhawk said in Stadium Renderings:
@jayballer67 oh yeah, I’ve heard $100m+ is pledged and ready to roll
that’s what I like to hear
Memorial stadium has been a dump since well before I first went to a game there in the 90s. What a piece of crap. It’s amazing they can recruit at even a Juco level. It needs leveled not renovated.
@dylans it’ll be a reno in name only.
@dylans said in Stadium Renderings:
Memorial stadium has been a dump since well before I first went to a game there in the 90s. What a piece of crap. It’s amazing they can recruit at even a Juno level. It needs leveled not renovated.
Might as well say it is being leveled
HUGE day for KU football. we get to hear all about the update on Booth stadium, probable/possible pics of what we will be looking at , how it will look. They are going to be live streaming this at 2:30 you can watch from the KU or Kansas Jayhawks on face book. - -Hell they even brought the gunslinger back - Todd Ressing, just glad we are getting this finally done.
They really did a great job with the weight room upgrading in the Andreson Complex -can’t wait till we get that ne look Stadium, might as well be a total level- - yet done in phases - -can’t wait till 2:30 rolls around. - - ROCK CHALK PROUD TO BE A JAY HAWK
I love it.
One question: I’ve been looking at the renderings and trying to figure out where the parking is for this complex… I mean, it’s got to be able to handle 50k or more, right? A lot of the former parking lots and parking space at the bottom of the hill have been used for facilities.
I’m looking at the buildings along the street in the new concept designs and I don’t see what looks like a parking garage.
@bskeet They will have people park over by the fieldhouse (and are already doing that this year). There are the lots on the hill, and they can ask students to move their cars across the bridge on game days.
I’d also imagine a parking garage or two are in these plans somewhere. Finally - just like for BBall games there will be lawn and driveway parking. To be honest, having so many fans show up that parking is an issue would be a blessing.
Downtown is also an option, as well as street parking on Tennessee and Kentucky. Like yeah it’ll require some walking but that’s the deal if we want an on-campus stadium and not one halfway to Topeka
I like the new lighting and the South end zone is enclosed. just goin to have to put up with the reduced capacity like they said in 20224. thought it was really cool how they had Devin get up and speak.
Goff & Girod more or less kept avoiding really never came out with a number for capacity . Farmer sounds like w still got work to do money wise, you think that’s going to be a problem ? - -I think they said they were at 165 million and their target was 300 , and yet they said they wee not only going to hit that but surpass.
Right at 2 years till it’s done. Thing is - -is that for the Wesdt and end zone ? - or is that the whole deal ? - Wish Devin & JD 6 would be able to enjoy some of the benefit- going to be really nice when said and done
Do you think the design suggests that they want to discourage tailgating at the stadium?
@FarmerJayhawk @Kcmatt7 I’m not just thinking of game day… I’m thinking of the parking for all the businesses and convention space that they are putting in there.
If you have a business there, you don’t want your patrons to have to walk a quarter mile or more to get to your door.
@bskeet ohhhh. In that case there’s parking directly west of the stadium by the indoor and the parking garage right by the union. If folks stay at the Oread or on site that will help a lot too.
On the tailgating piece, that’s just one of the tradeoffs we have to make to get this done. There will be space on the hill and in the neighborhood north but the actual space there is so limited you can’t squeeze everything in.
@FarmerJayhawk Cool. (Tailgating didn’t really have deep tradition at the stadium anyway, at least not as I recall.)
As long as they are thinking about the experience of how people get in and out for the variety of events that they intend to host there. If you build something this awesome, you want the whole experience to be awesome.
Was there any mention of hosting concerts there?
@bskeet not that I heard. They’re putting out RFPs for development around the stadium, so we’ll see what folks in the area come up with.
I’d love to see renderings of the inside spaces-- the places where people get food and such. That’s a huge opportunity as well.
I’m sure they are focused first on suites, but I think the walkways inside make a big difference on the experience. Just my 2cents.
@FarmerJayhawk said in Stadium Renderings:
Interesting design. It kind of looks like wheat or a bird nest from the outside. Moreso from the inside.
I also read that it could be a place to house lights or in the future to add a canopy to make it more comfortable/less hot for fans.
@bskeet said in Stadium Renderings:
Do you think the design suggests that they want to discourage tailgating at the stadium?
the way Goff was talking – they are looking for just the opposite
Maybe this a stupid question but would any of the original stadium be left? I’ve always like how the outside looks like the Roman Colosseum.
@kjayhawks not much. I also like the north facade but sure seems like it has too big a footprint to stick around.
I heard concerts mentioned. I also heard another comment about birds nest and Venus fly trap.
The rendering looks a bit cluttered. I’m afraid the silly pillars will look dated and trendy in a few years. Hopefully the real deal turns out better than the drawing.
They have a chance to turn the tailgating scene into something special on the hill, imo. But it will take some effort on part of the athletic department. “The Hill” could become “The Grove” or any of the other famous tailgating spots.
Offer to reserve the same spot for $50 for the entire season and base the select a spot off of the same select-a-seat. Allow setup the night before. Allow drive-up cleanup at the top of the hill. To get people interested in doing it, offer up cool giveaways and experiences. Put in a student section that is free hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and soda. Bring in some food trucks. UCF has concerts pre-game at almost all of their games, that could be a way to liven up the hill.
Of course it only matters if the product on the field can sustain some level of success.
Holy @#$&% is that hideous. Noooooooooo!
Well, the light stanchions at least. Wow. so many unpleasant things come to mind:
A prison cell, a Venus fly trap, a skeleton, sharp, stressful, a bunch of big dcks, a bunch of big dcks with condoms at the end, needles, spiked snow shoes, fragile, delicate, snappable, the Abominable snowman’s teeth, guns about to be fired.
So bad.
@rockchalkjayhawk said in Stadium Renderings:
Holy @#$&% is that hideous. Noooooooooo!
Well, the light stanchions at least. Wow. so many unpleasant things come to mind:
A prison cell, a Venus fly trap, a skeleton, sharp, stressful, a bunch of big dcks, a bunch of big dcks with condoms at the end, needles, spiked snow shoes, fragile, delicate, snappable, the Abominable snowman’s teeth, guns about to be fired.
So bad.
Hell you want BAD- -have you been to Booth Stadium in the last 50 years ? - thats the true definition of BAD - -the place is a Dump.- - Huge upgrade gonna be really nice – love the lights , the scoreboard - the south end zone closed but not really bad – -and a lot more space in seating- - RIGHT NOW the place is a disgrace.
@rockchalkjayhawk said in Stadium Renderings:
Holy @#$&% is that hideous. Noooooooooo!
Well, the light stanchions at least. Wow. so many unpleasant things come to mind:
A prison cell, a Venus fly trap, a skeleton, sharp, stressful, a bunch of big dcks, a bunch of big dcks with condoms at the end, needles, spiked snow shoes, fragile, delicate, snappable, the Abominable snowman’s teeth, guns about to be fired.
So bad.
PHOF!! I vote for Venus Fly Trap!