BIG, ACC, PAC12 Alliance
I’m lost. Maybe the Big 12 should start banding together with all other schools/conferences that are left out of the power groups. This is definitely all about power and who carries weight. It feels like NYC mob and slicing the pieces of turf up for each syndicate.
Maybe it’s time for us to look at this like the old AFL/NFL. We ban together with all the other schools and intentionally drive a wedge in between us and the power conferences. Promote ourselves as some kind of equal. Just raise enough doubt where the power conferences can’t crown a true national champion because they represent only part of college sports. First… this may be enough to blow up the current trend and for realistic people to step in and make a real plan for organizing college sports.
If it doesn’t blow up the current scheme… we go on… and we keep promoting ourselves as equals and the power conferences are afraid to play us in a national championship game. Once we get them to play our “AFL” for a true national championship… we have a true SUPERBOWL! We know what follows… our AFL gets swallowed up into one league and a higher form of parity comes to be. Or should I say “parody?” lol
@drgnslayr True. Since hoops is our focus, there are some major players in college hoops that are just as dismayed as we are about the future. Both of the participants in last years title game have major reasons to remain competitive. Two time champ Villanova figures to lose out in some way too.
I dunno I’m feeling less confident about the B1G picking us up . I know I’ve been told not to worry were going to the B1G - - not so sure, especially after this with the B1G = =Pac 12 - -& ACC I just don’t feel that our Basketball side is going to be enough. Especially after seeing statements made from the B1G how they really aren’t interested in expansion.
I think really honestly NOW is trying to expand the Big 12 with the best possible options expand NOT by the 2 we lost but expand by 4 get back to the original Big 12 get the best available and try to maintain a competitive league. - - If our football would of been better then yes we probably would of stood a better chance of getting taken - -but our football SUCKS at the present
I think we just got to strap it on and get after it - -make it work. As much as we think of our Basketball - -it’s just not enough. We all know and I’ve even been told here in this site that it’s all about money , and what generates the most Money - the most revenue - - it’s FOOTBALL --FOOTBALL is what it’s all about and were just not attractive at all there plain and simple. - -Time for our AD , to earn his money , we will be all right just some bumps
Heard off sports program today that Max Fulton is saying the word is today the latest anyways he has heard was - -since this Pac 12 - - ACC - - B1G thing that word is that the remaining Big 12 Schools feel that their best option going forward is to stand united and go the expansion route.
The teams that they want to try or talking the most about is BYU - - Cincinnati - - UCF – -& Boise State. And no Houston is not in the Conversation, I guess there are to many higher ups from the Big 12 that have bad blood for Houston not really sure. Then Trent Torrello out of Florida is saying that South Florida is being actively being courted.
As far as - -think the furtherest being Florida like 3 hours away teams go I don’t know - -I know I too feel this is probably the option now for us it looks like and try to get the strongest available and willing. - -Like the guys on this show said a far as the travel thing goes with these teams - -not really that big of deal in this day and age. – Sure be glad when this is over
The Big-12 has been flat out left at the alter. What a disgrace.
@BeddieKU23 said in BIG, ACC, PAC12 Alliance:
The Big-12 has been flat out left at the alter. What a disgrace.
It is interesting that the same things that have allowed us to enjoy more and more basketball viewing than we could have conceived of watching 30 years ago (ESPN, huge television contracts, proliferation of networks both cable and streaming) are now resulting in so much disintegration of the conference structure in which it all has been based.
What is just ridiculous is I don’t even care if KU has fb. We are paying for years of pure crap.
Money calls the shots. It’s just that simple. It’s what America is now purely built on. Read corporate bylaws. Nothing about humanity, preserving our world… only protection to shareholders. This is the ugly part of capitalism… greed becomes a cancer and kills off all life. College sports is just playing it out longer than in other areas. We don’t even have real anti-trust laws anymore. Dog eat dog. One dog starves… while another dog bloats and explodes.
The Pac 12 announced today that FOR NOW they are not interested or looking for expansion. - - Here again this is just where I think the remaining Big 12 members just need to try and ban together and expand and get the strongest available teams - -there is talk off the sports program I listen to locally that aer saying they are looking or hoping that the Big 12 expands back to original 12 teams - - would like for them to expand to 16 teams but think they will probably try for 4 news Schools.
They was talking about saying as far as the Big 12 is concerned that anything after this contract or whatever the hell it is after it expires that ESPN will not look at the Big 12 any more but was brought up that Fox couldn’t take this on by theirselves and they thought it would be really god idea to look to CBS I guess because with this whole SEC thing I guess it might very well effect CBS games, because the whole SEC thing & ESPN. - - - that might not be a baad thing - - All I know this crap is a big mess
@drgnslayr Careful, you are going to sound like one of us Commies…
Ha… I am a proud preservationist of “controlled capitalism!”
@drgnslayr said in BIG, ACC, PAC12 Alliance:
Ha… I am a proud preservationist of “controlled capitalism!”
Good idea, if I get the Controller. Maybe I can get one cheap on eBay?
Like one of those huge universal media controllers that claim to do everything, cost a fortune, then completely underperform on the promises. lol
@drgnslayr said in BIG, ACC, PAC12 Alliance:
Like one of those huge […insert anything here… ] that claim to do everything, cost a fortune, then completely underperform on the promises. lol
I edited your post to make it pretty much a universal truth!
Saw something today that the Big12 should be aggressive in looking to add members at this point. But who? Who offers quality competition in both football and basketball? Houston is one I think of. There just aren’t that many that are not in one of the power 5.
@wissox Apparently much discussion about BYU, according to The Athletic. (I don’t know if this was posted here before.)
@mayjay Thanks, one name I hadn’t thought of.
Instead of adding partners to the Big12… just make one big organization of schools in non-Power Conferences. Power in numbers. So many great schools out there who are left out. Then start wielding power around like the power conferences do. Think AFL!
Had heard BYU before , the other that I had heard they really serious about for sure is UCF . Have heard rumors about expanding with two more schools - - have heard rumor of expanding back with four more Schools.
Schools I’ve been seeing / hearing / reading about the most are : - -BYU - - -UCF --Cincinnati - - Boise State - - Houston - - -Some Colorado State - -USF - - -A Little Memphis - - - Louisville been mentioned , think that’s highly doubtful.
Houston would be good but been hearing there might be some road blocks to them joining - - seems like some of the upper ups of the Big 12 has some problems with Houston not sure what is going on there , hey don’t shoot I’m just a messenger lol.
The thing I’m also hearing is that a draw back to possible expansion is - -say BYU says sure we want to join , the question becomes for them or UCF becomes does these schools want to take that chance join a league with an uncertain future. Pointing out what if these Schools joins then the Contract expires in 2025 say KU gets an invite to join the B!G - -West Virginia gets an invite to join the ACC or so on and so on - -THEN WHAT for these Schools? - do they try and go back to the league that they left for the big 12 ?- -saying could we please come back? - that’s something these Schools that the Big 12 want to ask have to think about.
Then you have people saying invite this school , that school to the league for football only Saying Schools like Boise State would not offer anything Basketball wise how they would get pounded. BYU football only - - Just don’t think that would work for us. - -BYU could be very competitive in Basketball - - look how they play Gonzaga , they can hold their own. - -this thing is a mess , trying to figure out
@drgnslayr Just think of how many conference championships we’ll win in a row if we get to pick the new teams in our conference!
@wissox Jr high teams are not allowed in Div 1.
I think KU, Bradley, Bucknell, UTEP, VCU, Rhode Island, Virginia, Oregon, UNI and Auburn should break away and start their own conference.
Maybe KU should become a basketball only school.
Listened to the Pod Cast off the Texas Tech site last night. Actually the Podcast was a BYU Pod Cast just a guy off the Tech site had shared. - - Of Course it was about expansion into the Big 12. One of the BYU guys was/is ALL for BYU joining the Big 12. - -the other not so much. The one saying not was and actually makes some sense and touched on before. He says Don’t do it - - Don’t do it - - Don’t do it. He says the thing is for BYU and really any other School that the Big 12 reaches out to same thing - -what if they were to say ya - - sign us up and then in three- four years when this Contract comes up Schools from the Big 12 start jumping ship That kind of leaves them up the poverbial creek without a paddle. Then the other guy all in saying BYU looking to gain P-5 status and with BYU joining and what they bring to the table pretty well ensures Big 12 maintaining P-5 status. - -HUGE fan base - have heir own Network and so on and so on.
Kind of funny is that the powers to be that wasn’t wanting BYU in the last Expansion go around are now the Schools that are leaving the Big 12 - -Okla/Texas. Of course no matter what happens like they said it’s not gonna come quick a the Big 12 are going to try and drag this out with Texas & Oklahoma and get as much money out of them as possible. Yet still would be good and say we want you to Join the Conference just as soon as Okla/Texas leave
Big 12 upper p’s I guess have reached out - Big 12 saying Everything is on the table all options open. - the one BYU guy not wanting to join says MAYBE Football only. - -that’s great - - football is the real money maker. BYU want football only - -so be it I’d jump at that.
Also just kind of weird but they had Barry Trammel from the Oklahoman talking with him and he saying that BYU & the Big 12 is a no brainer . All saying BYU in a good position this time cause actually. Comes down to - -who needs who more ? - -Does BYU need the Big 12 more then the Big 12 - needing BYU ? - the answer was The Big 12 actually needs BYU more the visa versa. Trammel says some saying you would have Scheduling conflicts with BYU because of not playing on Sunday. - -Trammel says easy enough fix - -just don’t Schedule BYU on a Sunday. - - Guys help me out WE ( the Big 12 ) doesn’t really play any football/Basketball on Sundays do we ? - -or for sure not very dam often. THAT shouldn’t be any problem to fix. -Trammel says BYU could come in and help the Conference immediately.
I’ll be glad when this is over. - -Screw Oklahoma & Texas
@jayballer67 said in BIG, ACC, PAC12 Alliance:
Listened to the Pod Cast off the Texas Tech site last night. Actually the Podcast was a BYU Pod Cast just a guy off the Tech site had shared. - - Of Course it was about expansion into the Big 12. One of the BYU guys was/is ALL for BYU joining the Big 12. - -the other not so much. The one saying not was and actually makes some sense and touched on before. He says Don’t do it - - Don’t do it - - Don’t do it. He says the thing is for BYU and really any other School that the Big 12 reaches out to same thing - -what if they were to say ya - - sign us up and then in three- four years when this Contract comes up Schools from the Big 12 start jumping ship That kind of leaves them up the poverbial creek without a paddle. Then the other guy all in saying BYU looking to gain P-5 status and with BYU joining and what they bring to the table pretty well ensures Big 12 maintaining P-5 status. - -HUGE fan base - have heir own Network and so on and so on.
Kind of funny is that the powers to be that wasn’t wanting BYU in the last Expansion go around are now the Schools that are leaving the Big 12 - -Okla/Texas. Of course no matter what happens like they said it’s not gonna come quick a the Big 12 are going to try and drag this out with Texas & Oklahoma and get as much money out of them as possible. Yet still would be good and say we want you to Join the Conference just as soon as Okla/Texas leave
Big 12 upper p’s I guess have reached out - Big 12 saying Everything is on the table all options open. - the one BYU guy not wanting to join says MAYBE Football only. - -that’s great - - football is the real money maker. BYU want football only - -so be it I’d jump at that.
Also just kind of weird but they had Barry Trammel from the Oklahoman talking with him and he saying that BYU & the Big 12 is a no brainer . All saying BYU in a good position this time cause actually. Comes down to - -who needs who more ? - -Does BYU need the Big 12 more then the Big 12 - needing BYU ? - the answer was The Big 12 actually needs BYU more the visa versa. Trammel says some saying you would have Scheduling conflicts with BYU because of not playing on Sunday. - -Trammel says easy enough fix - -just don’t Schedule BYU on a Sunday. - - Guys help me out WE ( the Big 12 ) doesn’t really play any football/Basketball on Sundays do we ? - -or for sure not very dam often. THAT shouldn’t be any problem to fix. -Trammel says BYU could come in and help the Conference immediately.
I’ll be glad when this is over. - -Screw Oklahoma & Texas
Revenue sports aren’t the issue with playing on Sundays. Most of the Olympic sports however do compete on Sundays including women’s basketball. KU had soccer and volleyball matches today and Sunday games are common during conference play as well. This was the hold up last go around with BYU.
Realistically, the biggest 4 schools the Big 12 could get at this point are BYU, Cincinnati, Houston, and UCF. I know Houston isn’t being brought up this time and it’s because of 5 years ago during that round of expansion when everyone learned how much of meddler Tilman Fertitta is. At this point though, the Big 12 needs to say screw it and bring in UH anyway to keep a presence in Houston because once Texas is gone, the SEC will have a fence around Houston in recruiting and every major recruit here will end up in the SEC.
If the Big 12 is seriously looking at BYU and UCF, then they would almost for certain have to add travel partners for those two schools like Boise St. and USF so non football programs can are traveling 1000+ miles for a 1 game. You’d have to add travel partners to double up so a road trip to those areas is BYU-Boise and UCF-USF. Cincinnati would already have their travel partner in West Virginia and Houston wouldn’t need a travel partner.
I feel like of the Big 12 chooses expansion, they’d almost have to go to 14 teams so UCF would have a travel partner to ease travel burdens on the non football programs in the conference.
I also feel like a 14 team Big 12 with BYU, Boise St., Cincinnati, Houston, UCF, and USF added would be a stronger football conference than the PAC 12 most years and I’d also say it’d be stronger overall than the ACC most years because the middle of the conference would be much stronger than the ACC middle of the pack.
I’ve heard KU isn’t going to kneecap the league and will support expansion, but not sign a new GoR. They’re working off the assumption OUT will join the SEC starting with 2023 football. That could obviously change if they can’t agree to an exit deal.
In no particular order I’ve heard Cincy, CSU, BYU, and UCF are the top targets. Might look to Houston and USF or Boise if they want to go to 14. Like Tex said BYU has big advantages and disadvantages and things like the BYU Network would have to get ironed out. Boise’s academics are not good and they take tons of partial qualifiers for football, which diminishes their appeal somewhat. My dark horse pick for expansion, based on just my opinion, is Tulane. Terrific academics, big tv market, fertile recruiting ground, and easy travel. I think the Big 12 wants to avoid the “city school” image and take G5 second tier state schools (e.g. UCF, CSU) or good private schools (BYU, Tulane) and avoid city brands except like Cincy who has a very strong resume.
If (when?) other leagues hit the green light KU will be very, very sought after. So while nothing is imminent, it doesn’t mean KU is stuck in this craptastic league for all eternity.
@FarmerJayhawk ugh! Don’t like
@FarmerJayhawk Tulane isn’t a big TV market for basketball at all. They don’t even know the sport exists in Louisiana. Not sure if Tulane would ever be competing for football players that would be good enough to make them a power 5 type school.
I’d love Boise St. just for the blue football field.
image url)
@wissox said in BIG, ACC, PAC12 Alliance:
@FarmerJayhawk Tulane isn’t a big TV market for basketball at all. They don’t even know the sport exists in Louisiana. Not sure if Tulane would ever be competing for football players that would be good enough to make them a power 5 type school.
Oh yeah definitely not as far as as butts in the seats. Yulman Stadium may not even hold 30k. But NOLA is a big market in that you have a lot of people that can get games, which helps the networks raise revenue. That could also be my wild eyed optimism from loving NOLA and Louisiana more broadly! It is a tough school to get into (average ACT is 32) and the cream of the Athletics crop in the state can’t get in and if they did petition in, it would be really tough to make it academically. They don’t have “athlete tracks” there. So you’re probably right! But I wouldn’t oppose adding them as the Big 12 version of Northwestern pre-Randy Walker
@wissox ewwww
@Crimsonorblue22 I think it’s kind of cool and creative. There’s a charter school around here that has a blue field. Startling to see.
@wissox said in BIG, ACC, PAC12 Alliance:
@Crimsonorblue22 I think it’s kind of cool and creative. There’s a charter school around here that has a blue field. Startling to see.
I like the smurf turf and surf turf for these underdog programs. Pretty unique and harmless. Except for the birds who dive onto the field thinking it’s actually water
@FarmerJayhawk No Jayhawk would be fooled by that though
@wissox said in BIG, ACC, PAC12 Alliance:
@FarmerJayhawk No Jayhawk would be fooled by that though
Absolutely. We return to our nest!