The new KU dorms and the affect it has on our team.
This post is still about the dorms…
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@Statmachine I think this would be a job for special agent, @VailHawk but he seems to be Mia. Maybe he’s working on this?
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on the back!
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I may or may not be working on this…
TO: Case Officer @Crimsonorblue22
From: jaybate 1.0 director/janitor, BIA
As director/janitor of the Basketball Intelligence Agency, I can neither confirm, nor deny the special operations activities of Case Officer @VailHawk involving Cheick Diallo, or any other D1 college basketball player being unfairly withheld from participating in games his freshman season.
I am at liberty to report that Case Officer @VailHawk is recently back from NESA (Near East South Asia) and especially the 'stans, where he has been working out some really tall bedouins to see if the act of daily erecting mohair tents as far east as the Gobi desert produces an effect similar to that which volley ball produced in Jeff Withey. I am also at liberty FINALLY to report that Case Officer @VailHawk was instrumental in connecting Jeff Withey with Kennedy Sommers and Case Officer @VailHawk came up with the vegan legend for Jeff that enabled him to connect with Ms. Sommers on a spiritual, macrobiotic level. For this Case Officer @VailHawk has been nominated (and will receive) the highest civilian spook award the BIA has to offer–the Bill Cosby I Spy Knock Out Pill Award for romantic stealth.
Carry on.
P.S.: On second thought, since Bill Cosby is reputedly currently alleged to be a depraved sex predator that has drugged a steadily rising number of women in order to take loathsome advantage of them, the name of the award has been to the James Bond-Pussy Galore Award for Romantic Stealth.
You never cease to AMAZE me!!! I’m honored to work for/with you in our unbelievably important pro bono endeavor!!!
@VailHawk now check in the royals thread or u r fired!
@Statmachine said:
He is a guard stuck in a 6’10" body
Oh, no, Self will play a 3 at the 4 with Perry AND he will play a guard at the 4-5 with Bragg.
What will we do?
What WILL we do?
@jaybate-1.0 nice problem
You are welcome.
As always we try to not pay you more than anyone else is not paying you. Its how we keep great people around the organization. And the BIA is a people business.
I am totally appreciating your connections and posts! Great work and thanks BIG TIME!
I hope you know that your effort is really appreciated by all Jayhawk fans that need a daily dose of basketball news to make it though the day…
@Statmachine Way to infiltrate the Jayhawks machine! Intriguing stuff you’re coming up with.
@Statmachine I think what your saying is probably pretty accurate. I don’t think the guys would leave their dorm room after they got back for a couple of reasons. The first is that the dorms were a solid distance away from the practice gym. The other being the lack of privacy they had. The guys can’t go anywhere without being pestered by someone on campus.
Now that they don’t have to deal with people and they can get to a gym in a reasonable amount of time I’m sure they are all putting up a few extra shots.
@Kcmatt7 The Towers aren’t any further from the practice gym than McCarthy is. The difference is that with the on site basketball court at McCarthy, the players don’t actually have to go to the practice gym to workout now.
@Statmachine Thats killer news. Great stuff! Rock Chalk Jayhawk!
@Statmachine Do the players read posts on this web site??
When McCarthy is retrofitted in a few years each suite will come with is own regulation court!
@Lulufulu said:
@Statmachine Do the players read posts on this web site??
duh. It’s required reading.
Do your sources tell you if Coach Self and John Feinstein will write a book about this team called “A Season Beyond Play Station”?
Seriously, why are the players talking with you? I find this interesting.
Recent stories on Fox and CBS indicated Coach K spies on his players by surfing Twitter under an alias. Coach K admitted doing so in both stories I saw.
Have Self and staff entered the spinfluence wars and do you believe you are wittingly, or unwittingly, being used by the staff to valve information, or do you believe this is just coincidental communication among players and yourself?
Do you think Self and his staff want the players talking with you and reporting the information you valve here, or do you think they would prefer it did not happen?
Do you have any idea if Self and his staff know about it and approve, or just don’t know about it?
The anomalies of internet sports discourse continue!!!
Rock Chalk!
“Do you have any idea if Self and his staff know about it and approve, or just don’t know about it?”
Good question.
I believe as long as @Statmachine uses a responsible filter, this can continue. Two wrong events have to happen in order for a problem to arise; first, a player has to say something he shouldn’t. Second, @Statmachine would have to let it by his filter.
I have confidence in the stat man being responsible and we all will receive an extended bonus because of it!
can’t reach
@Crimsonorblue22 I absolutely despised the showers in the dorms. I’m 6-5 and those showers were nipple high on me. I actually had to get on my knees in the showers at McCollum (thank god that crap hole finally got blown up) to wash my hair because there was no room in those showers.
@Texas-Hawk-10 said, "I actually had to get on my knees in the showers at McCollum … "
I always heard rumors about what went on in the dorms, but college is a confusing time for many.
@wrwlumpy a grill out there? Maybe illegal
That is the most remarkable selfie ever. How did you pull THAT off, eh?
I bet you had the cleanest nipples in the dorm though.
You’ve gotta be glass half full type, see!!!
@jaybate-1.0 shower scene?
I believe @Texas-Hawk-10 could have a NYT best seller memoir!!!
“THE CLEAN NIPPLE DIARIES: A Memoir of Dorm Life by a Tall Male” by @Texas-Hawk-10.
@approxinfinity, Maybe this could be the debut of KUBuckets Publishing!!!
“Maybe this could be the debut of KUBuckets Publishing!!!”
Good idea! We’ll shorten the name slightly to save on valuable ink -
KUBucks Publishing House
@jaybate-1.0 It wouldn’t be a memior, and you proposed title is wrong. It would be, “Clean Nipples: A Collection of Tall Tales From Dorm Bathrooms” There’s gotta be plenty of stories from tall girls as well with photographic evidence for their stories.
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Go all the way.
That way it’s name will = its stock symbol when we take it IPO! And it will make a swell logo, when we take over sponsoring KU from adidas with our KBP Sneeks made of top secret proprietary Lockheed Skunk Works Wonder Rubber made from a new element shipped in from Mars special for KU shoes.
Way to go! Does it work with any of the coaching staff?
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@Statmachine do they like late pm? Some really hate doing the dancing and skits. Wondered if they said.
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