Bu Ku
I genuinely can’t wait for Dajuan and Kj to leave. Maybe coach will regain some sanity then
@approxinfinity lol… conspiracy theorists reunite…
Has any Bill Self KU team given up 60 in half before?
@Texas-Hawk-10 i remember it’s the other way, we once scored back 60pts, rather… lolz…
Thanks guys NOW I have a fricking headache- - forcing me to break out my Bourbon
Rotations were questionable at best today. The long leash Bill allows some players and very short leash he gives other players doesn’t work when you rely so heavily on the transfer portal. That jumper KJ took late in the game would have gotten almost anyone else benched.
@KirkIsMyHinrich His talent ID is concerning at this point. Taking these transfers over someone like McNeeley does not fill me with enthusiasm for next season. And the guard group is just awful. I mean they got absolutely destroyed by Rob Wright
@KirkIsMyHinrich surprised he didn’t break the back board with that crap
Oh well. Buckle up. This could get bumpy.
Radio said it is the largest blown lead in KU basketball history. This is slowly turning into a historically bad season.
@rcjhdraft said in Bu Ku:
@KirkIsMyHinrich His talent ID is concerning at this point. Taking these transfers over someone like McNeeley does not fill me with enthusiasm for next season. And the guard group is just awful. I mean they got absolutely destroyed by Rob Wright
It’s not just Self, it’s the entire staff. I would not be at all disappointed to see Roberts and Case replaced on staff next season. Our scouting is nowhere near what it used to be and I don’t know what Norm is bringing to the table anymore because he was never a strong recruiter.
We need an anonymous poll feature. I would be curious if the quiet optimists are losing faith as well.
Thank goodness for KState today, right Bill? Top billing over our collapse.
Bill was just being fair, their future lottery pick exited the game, so he benched ours.
@approxinfinity said in Bu Ku:
We need an anonymous poll feature. I would be curious if the quiet optimists are losing faith as well.
I still think this is anywhere from a R32 to E8 team and will largely depend on the match ups in KU’s bracket. This team has multiple wins over current top 10 teams this season so we know that potential is there. The flipside is that KU hasn’t beaten a currently ranked team since that Duke win back in November.
@Texas-Hawk-10 definitely feels like we are going in the wrong direction. We have an identity but we dont seem to be comfortable with it.
This team reminds me of the Carolina team the season after we played the national championship where they came in undisputed number one preseason and didn’t even make the tournament
That was disappointing. Second 20 point lead surrenderred this season and this time it bites us in the ass (which is what we deserved last time).
This team is lazy, gets rattled way too easily, and takes its foot off the gas. Really disappointing because these guys could be elite if they had the effort and composure of past Self teams
We’ve got lottery pick in Flory. He’s line today: 1 block, 1 steal, 1 FG (from the steal). Something’s amiss… How can we not utilize a lottery pick on offense? It’s mind boggling. We’ve got height advantage in HD & FB, but 22 3s tell us, coach really need to ramp up his offense. Oh, and rebounds. We got outrebounded so bad. I guess both defense & offense need to get better in a hurry.
Well, that was historic.
If you paid close attention, things went south pretty quickly at the 30-12 mark, mostly.
We really had some dreadfully bad possessions from there to the end. Insanely idiotic and self inflicted turnovers. Stupidity. Keep it simple and don’t turn it over and build your lead. Or hold onto it.
Words other than !$/@“!€%#!! elude me.
Shit the bed.
Leadership failure from dolla bill and his 3 pets
Flory 11 minutes first half and we are up 19
4 minutes second half and waxed by 30
But but flory didn’t score - well no $hit but he effected the game so much with his presence (is that what dolla bill claims with kj)
Dolla bill says he kept kj for his offense oh yeah big guy those 6 points really lit it up
How’s that top 5 ranked defense looking? Anyone mention Baylor had 3 starters out?
This team is lazy, gets rattled way too easily, and takes its foot off the gas. Really disappointing because these guys could be elite if they had the effort and composure of past Self teams
Haha take the crimson and blue glasses off dude like come on
This team has only good wins the last 2 years at home
Any legitimate team they played on the road or a neutral site after January we get punked
Juan and kj have not and will never be the answer
Dolla bill not recruiting over them because he thinks they are good enough is turning us into Indiana
Oh and you can’t make everyone “play bad” as evidenced today
@Texas-Hawk-10 said in Bu Ku:
@approxinfinity said in Bu Ku:
We need an anonymous poll feature. I would be curious if the quiet optimists are losing faith as well.
I still think this is anywhere from a R32 to E8 team and will largely depend on the match ups in KU’s bracket. This team has multiple wins over current top 10 teams this season so we know that potential is there. The flipside is that KU hasn’t beaten a currently ranked team since that Duke win back in November.
There’s no way this team reached an elite8
They will get curb stomped by the first real hint of competition in the tourney that’s if we are lucky enough not to get upset round 1
Losing against isu at home and then at ksu
@kuballin10 By beating Duke, outplaying Houston before choking, and having Baylor blown out before getting lazy and choking this team has shown that they absolutely should be great. But they lose almost all their close games and surrender leads.
@rockchalkjayhawk Yep 30 - 12 I was projecting around the 25 point mark we might get very close to 50 in the half. Hunter bricked 4 straight easy shots and I was thinking we should be up a lot more than this because our defense didn’t look really good and Baylor was throwing it away and missing easy shot after shot and never much all the way up to 21. I thought I hope we don’t come out flat at the start of the second half and it was worse than I could have imagined.
@Jhawk69 im not putting any stock into beat Dook that is early in the season. They are getting better gradually, we are not. If that game is played tomorrow we get the shit kicked out of us.
@kjayhawks I’m not going to die on this hill because I think we all agree we are having a bad season. But I think if we played the way we did in the first half today for 40 minutes that we’d have a shot at taking down Duke.
I think it is falling apart and it could go either way. There is a chemistry problem that Self seems to be in the middle of, and it could get worse.
@Jhawk69 no back to back bad seasons
Tied 5th in big 12 and round 32 loss
Gonna be the same or worse this year
@approxinfinity said in Bu Ku:
I think it is falling apart and it could go either way. There is a chemistry problem that Self seems to be in the middle of, and it could get worse.
The problem is what’s the problem? team chemistry?
You’re elated when we’re up 19 points after the first half. The chemistry was good?
And then you’re deflated when the team loses by 30 POINTS in the second half. The chemistry was bad?
Jekyll or Hyde? Happy or sad? I know chemical reactions can be instant, but just weird.
And I just want to reemphasize that we LOST BY 30 POINTS in the 2nd half. wowzers. Doesn’t even seem possible.
@approxinfinity way past that point….team is fractured and it can’t be fixed
Vernon is even referencing the three pets and dissension
Preseason number 1 roster dolla bill f’d up yet again
I told you the second kj is back it’s 30 mpg and bub bye flory… 15 minutes with 4 second half
Dolla bill is the luckiest coach off all time
Titles from feee throws and injuries
Won the wac12 and the second teams roll in we don’t win trash and finish middle of the pack lead by d2 and kj
Dolla bill favoring defense over offense has now royally been exposed
I want him gone this off-season cause he’s gonna eff up next years #1 roster yet again
@kuballin10 No arguments here.
I mean he’s made it too obvious that three guys get treated different. Hard to get buy in when you make it that blatant
I don’t know what’s wrong. KU should maybe bolster the schedule a bit. I didn’t watch the game so not sure what happened today, but something seems to be wrong. Maybe they should get rid of adidas and become a pro keds school. IDK. Do a seance at midcourt purging the demons that are terrorizing our guys into momentary lapses into groggy basketball? It’s strange I know, but there is time to find their footing.
Last Saturday was the bone breaker to this season. You dont lose like that and not have it impact things going forward. Look at the mess of UCF and then yesterday’s debacle. The synergy of coach and players is not there.
This doesn’t look like a bump in the road situation. This is the most uneasy I’ve felt about the team, both coach and player in my life.
Well, the Baylor debacle still stings today. I was proud of our guys playing well in the first half and then embarrassed by the second half no show. Something has got to change with this team. I’m tired of KU being overranked preseason, then not playing well enough to get to the second week of the NCAA tournament. This team may not even get to the second game. Well, there’s always football to look forward to. Oh, wait Illinois-L, UNLV-L, West V-L, TCU-L, Az ST-L, then Baylor 45 KU 17. I’ll feel better once I peruse the Rupp Rafters site; misery loves company, right?
More not so fun with the box score
There some pretty shocking numbers in here.
1st half KU 40 BU 21
2nd half KU 30 BU 60
Final BU 81 KU 70
BU 40 KU 27
And the usual in defeats … FTs
KU 12-19
BU 25-28
@Jhawk69 Only problem with that is-- - they can’t , they can’t play that way for 40 minutes. - -we sure haven’t seen 40 minutes this year, this team can’t close a game — -PERIOD
@kjayhawks We would get SMOKED by Duke now but 25 if not more
@SlimShaddy54 That is exactly what I am saying. To be clear, in case I have not explained myself well, I believe this team could and should be much better than they are, but issues with effort and composure are causing us to throw our season away.
@rockchalkjayhawk it’s so silly to me that we were up by 4 or 5 with 5 minutes to go and they had 2 or 3 guys with 4 fouls. You’d thinking a coach with average intelligence would’ve said let’s go after these guys and get them out of the game………
Coach defines offense, live and die; plays has to go through HD. He doesn’t seem to have that sense, like freeing pathways for guards to go all the way to the basket for easy buckets. You see the opposite when BU guards freely making layups after layups. HD can help on offense, but he’s fragile on defense, too. He’s clunky and too slow to get back to the paint when stepping out to help double team. So, we’re stuck with HD. Offense struggles, defense crumbles. If only we counter with those made 3s, or at least with rebounds. We really need FB on the floor for 30min.
Hunter: Our most (only) reliable scorer. There’s little reason why he doesn’t score 25 every game. Throw it in to him is our only set offensive play. He really should make more of his chippies and he is a reliable free throw shooter. He can defend but prefers you come to him. Zeke: A pure scorer who doesn’t shoot enough. Gets the most attention on defense with a long athletic guard in his face. I really don’t notice him on defense. Kind of a strange propensity to pass to players under the basket when they are not paying attention. Juan: Is running a ghost offensive scheme. Can pass and defend and will shoot when no one else is open or refuses to shoot. He kind of freelances it because no one else can or will run the point. KJ Adams: Is annoyed or perplexed when someone passes to him on offense and we are too… Can defend and do vicious dunks which are coming less frequently. A warrior without an enemy. Rylan: Can score from everywhere, sees the court well and makes good passes. Sometimes outsmarts himself when dribbling. I don’t remember what he does defensively. AJ: He is scary when running the floor. He is willing to stick his nose into the rebound scrum. When he can play freely he shows game to spare. His three point shot looks good enough to keep passing him the ball. And we all like to see him on the receiving end of the lob passes. Shak: His speed and effort are there to see. Is he our next point guard? IDK. Not supposed to be a deep threat but we have seen him get hot. Last game he was somewhere but I don’t remember seeing him and his stat line bears that out. Could probably get better at handling screens on defense. A lot of us seem to love him and some think his injury has him running behind. Diggy: He’s here he’s there where is he? Is he the 5th starter or is Rylan?
When reluctant Juan is KU’s third leading scorer, that shows us exactly why this team struggles on offense. I also don’t see the necessary intensity on defense; KU plays defense like its a pick up game. 60 second half pts to Baylor is BS.
When they didn’t get that big bump in production after Christmas break like usual, it seemed like a really bad sign. The team just isn’t clicking. Almost all of Bill’s teams have shown drastic improvement over the break, but not this one. They just aren’t jelling for whatever reason - it looks like some players aren’t buying in. Too many weak links on defense and the offense is clueless at times. I don’t have any answers, but I do think lower expectations are correct.
@dylans Maybe this is a purposeful adjustment to prevent the team from peaking to early. Just trying to stay positive!
Good job by AJ in becoming more valuable by not just his shooting but staying home on defense, understanding the switching thing and willingly being more physical. Rylan kept playing hard through the shooting lapse and the determination on his face when he made the three later in the game was good. It’s clear the better they play the better we are. Rylan doesn’t back down either. The non-called elbow to the head by Zeke during his drive was a payback. ISU came out of a TO and were deliberate in their intimidation attempts. Our guys bristled at that especially Juan, Zeke and Hunter who performed his semi-cheap shoulder bump on a couple of guards who had wandered into his painted house uninvited. How rude of them.
Self should listen to Greenberg’s halftime message. Keep Hunter in the paint. Period.
@drgnslayr the only time Hunter can and should leave the block is when Flory is rebounding