Huggins Retires
@approxinfinity so why assume a training wouldn’t work for him? Perhaps an opportunity to learn in that environment might shed light on the ideals you’d like him to acknowledge. He sounds in his statement I just posted like he is open to the idea so maybe it will be good for him.
@approxinfinity said in Oh No Huggins:
@FarmerJayhawk one man’s pound of flesh is another man’s treasure.
Sound like those marginalized Christians are getting their share too.
@benshawks08 maybe. People learn best when they do so electively.
@benshawks08 theres some interesting info in your link
To begin, the Athletics Department will partner with WVU’s LGBTQ+ Center to develop annual training sessions that will address all aspects of inequality including homophobia, transphobia, sexism, ableism and more. This training and programming will be required of Coach Huggins and all current and future athletics coaching staff.
This can’t be cheap. So it does look like Huggy’s lost salary is being reappropriated to address the root issue. Good.
Next, according to the Williams Institute, West Virginia has the highest percentage of transgender youth in the nation.
Fascinating. I would have assumed the opposite.
He’s lived aprox 70 years this way - he’s not likely to change. He may say different things in public to protect his wallet, but people rarely if ever change. Environments change and bring different aspects of their personality to light, but people at their core rarely change. He may act better in public, but is that change for the better or deep resentment? I’d rather people wore their true colors on their sleeve, I’m tired of snakes in the grass. He’s easy to identify, that weirdo hotel manager that was sucking on patrons toes while they slept…yeeeeeikes
Yeah. And i think how you act and your ideals can and should differ a little. Thats normal and healthy. You try to be the best you can be, but you cant always be perfect.
Evolution comes with the passing of generations.
@dylans I just can’t believe people can’t change because we are literally changing all the time. You learn something everyday whether you try to or not. Every past experience has an impact on what kind of person someone will be in the future. Put people in the right environment, give them the support and resources they need, and just about everyone will change for the better. To me that the whole point of like… everything.
@approxinfinity I like how they are using resources from within the university and not treating it like an isolated issue but perhaps more of a systemic one. I also like Huggins acknowledging his platform and the opportunity that provides him.
@benshawks08 said in Oh No Huggins:
@dylans I just can’t believe people can’t change because we are literally changing all the time. You learn something everyday whether you try to or not. Every past experience has an impact on what kind of person someone will be in the future. Put people in the right environment, give them the support and resources they need, and just about everyone will change for the better. To me that the whole point of like… everything.
I like your optimism.
@dylans said in Oh No Huggins:
He’s lived aprox 70 years this way - he’s not likely to change. He may say different things in public to protect his wallet, but people rarely if ever change. Environments change and bring different aspects of their personality to light, but people at their core rarely change. He may act better in public, but is that change for the better or deep resentment? I’d rather people wore their true colors on their sleeve, I’m tired of snakes in the grass. He’s easy to identify, that weirdo hotel manager that was sucking on patrons toes while they slept…yeeeeeikes
You could’ve went all day and not mentioned the toe sucker story.
@Jethro so bizarre
@dylans said in Oh No Huggins:
@benshawks08 said in Oh No Huggins:
@dylans I just can’t believe people can’t change because we are literally changing all the time. You learn something everyday whether you try to or not. Every past experience has an impact on what kind of person someone will be in the future. Put people in the right environment, give them the support and resources they need, and just about everyone will change for the better. To me that the whole point of like… everything.
I like your optimism.
Might be my tragic flaw. Can’t help it.
Based on the social science, these are at best a waste of time and money and at worst an illegal way to make your employees dislike each other.
@FarmerJayhawk if you say so…
So there are some good and some bad. Is what I seem to find.
“There is ample evidence that training alone does not change attitudes or behavior, or not by much and not for long. In their review of 985 studies of antibias interventions, Paluck and Green found little evidence that training reduces bias. In their review of 31 organizational studies using pretest/posttest assessments or a control group, Kulik and Roberson identified 27 that documented improved knowledge of, or attitudes toward, diversity, but most found small, short-term improvements on one or two of the items measured. In their review of 39 similar studies, Bezrukova, Joshi and Jehn identified only five that examined long-term effects on bias, two showing positive effects, two negative, and one no effect.”
Whole thing is worth a read. The body of evidence is pretty clear it doesn’t do a thing. Regardless, hopefully Huggs knows he was wrong and moves on.
There’s also this:
I’d bet a hefty amount he ain’t gonna change, just be less vocal and probably not do radio interviews as much. My deal has always been if someone were to follow us around for an extended period of time, we’d all say something that offends someone. Doesn’t make right or any less stupid to do on a radio show. But that’s just the world we live in right now. I tell people often just because something offends you doesn’t make it right or wrong (don’t think that pertains to this case).
Huggins DUI in Pittsburgh now.
Is this Huggins retirement tour? A little different route than Coach K took, but man what a lap!
Another black eye for the program.
Seems like the end to me.
Wonder if that would shake up that excellent recruiting/transfer class he just completed. I heard 'Tucky is in the market for 5 or 6 players.
Upgrading from chatter to
Ya, after reading WV boards sounds for sure he is done. - Kind of sad in a way, good career and to see it end like this. Think he has had some drinking issues in the past.
Guess the question would be - -would you let him step down /retire ? - -OR just force him out ? Fire him = - - Option 1 --OR 2 ?
@BShark said in Oh No Huggins:
Upgrading from chatter to
Thread renamed. Gonna call it “retirement”.
Sad end for a great.
@FarmerJayhawk said in Huggins Retires:
Sad end for a great.
Yeah, sucks. Hard to think he didn’t just want out with the stuff he was doing this offseason.
Wowzers. Didn’t think he could possibly do enough to eff up that job.
I’d still let him keep it if he wanted to stay. maybe it was forced. Always entertaining with him on the sidelines.
He needs some help!
he could’ve hurt or killed somebody.
It is a miracle he didn’t kill somebody, or himself. .21 is almost triple the legal limit. They did him and the community a favor by arresting him. It could’ve been so much worse.
Ultimately think this is best for everyone. Perhaps he will get help he needs
I’ll sure miss Huggy. Not so much recently, but 5 years ago the defense his teams played against KU was outstanding; I hated to play them in Morgantown. My blood pressure still shoots through the roof when I remember that game where the WV guard was allowed to drive from outside the arc for a winning layup without dribbling once. Oh my, those Morgantown losses hurt. Huggy’s problems and Bill’s health issues are reminders of the ridiculous stress these coaches suffer. I wish Huggy could have enjoyed a farewell season where opposing teams and fans showed their respect and appreciation for a job well done.
@stoptheflop with you. Huggins did a lot of good things and was good to a lot of people. Much rather see a lowkey Huggins farewell tour with a salty top transfer class than a Coach K bonanza with a crappy lot of underachieving diaper dandies.
@approxinfinity said in Huggins Retires:
@stoptheflop with you. Huggins did a lot of good things and was good to a lot of people. Much rather see a lowkey Huggins farewell tour with a salty top transfer class than a Coach K bonanza with a crappy lot of underachieving diaper dandies.
I agree , Huggy DID do good things, I myself liked Huggs, vey dry sense of Humor, but also was a person not afraid of coming straight to the point on an issue. - Now what was said on the radio racial - NO , not a good look at all, doesn’t mean can’t still like the guy he did a lot of good things, feel like he was along with Bill one of the Ambassadors in the Big 12, one of the longer tenured - for me I won’t lie I’m gonna miss Huggy in the games and him sitting on his Chair.
@FarmerJayhawk said in Huggins Retires:
Sad end for a great.
Well kind of Technical the wording was he told his players that he was stepping down/resigning , which for Huggy I’m glad it’s way instead of flat out being fired, However you have to wonder behind close doors it was more like- - -you have two options , you can either step down now OR we force you out/fire you – not a good look. - I feel sorry for I think was a Good guy, I liked Huggy, obviously had some issues but who doesn’t- -Just Sad.
Why don’t people with huge salaries just hire a personal driver? Especially if they think they might be out partying. I get not wanting to hop into an Uber but geez, seems so obvious to me.
I’ve tried an awful lot to forget Juwan Staten exists (the player you mentioned that scored without a dribble). Those games in that era were something else.
Unfortunate ending for a heck of a coach. I wonder how much these two issues will weigh on his legacy.
@RockkChalkk makes you wonder if his personal life is total chaos with basketball the only rational constant.
Having said that, West Virginia does have some dudes we’d want. Huggy tried in recruiting for once and assembled a posse of dudes. But can’t imagine they will stay whole now and we have a need to get better.
@RockkChalkk thats why i am a little scared what losing basketball is going to do destabilizing him. But maybe its the only way to change.
Oh no! Now Coach Huggins says he never retired and still wants to coach WV. At 69 and with another DUI pending, it sure seemed like the purported retirement was in everyone’s best interest. But noooooooooo, here we go with the George Costanza storyline where George returned to work pretending he didn’t get mad and quit his job. Maybe, this is just an effort to gain some additional compensation. We will see.
@stoptheflop Grab the popcorn, this is gonna be a fun show to watch.
Ha! This is a great reference
I don’t know why any sane rational 69 year old man would choose to fight this. You’ve got all the money you’ll ever need, but now you’re going to try to get your job back which means recruiting 16 year olds, trying to keep 20 year olds, who you worked your tail off to get to come to WVU, from transferring to KU and other schools, have to try to win a conference with Bill Self in it, bad refs, games in Lubbock Texas at 8:30 at night and arriving back home at 3 AM and having to get up to prepare the team for a game 2 days later, etc. etc.
@wissox the only answer is “love” …. (or a pile of cash)
@wissox said in Huggins Retires:
I don’t know why any sane rational 69 year old man would choose to fight this. You’ve got all the money you’ll ever need, but now you’re going to try to get your job back which means recruiting 16 year olds, trying to keep 20 year olds, who you worked your tail off to get to come to WVU, from transferring to KU and other schools, have to try to win a conference with Bill Self in it, bad refs, games in Lubbock Texas at 8:30 at night and arriving back home at 3 AM and having to get up to prepare the team for a game 2 days later, etc. etc.
I don’t picture Huggins as someone who would deal with retirement well. He seems like he would probably die very quickly without having something to occupy all of his time based on what we know of his personality. Maybe he could go the Jim Calhoun route and take a D3 job as a way to fill that hole, but I don’t see him doing well with a lot of free time on his hands.
I’d speculate it’s about legacy as well. He’s a proud West Virginian. Doesn’t wanna go down like this in a public drunken stupor.