Bill Self Healthy, Rejoining Team For NCAA Tournament.
Was at practice today.
@BShark same interview, heard he was traveling with family by car. Not sure when. May not be coaching Thurs?? Tv in wichita. Sounded mysterious.
Not sure what happened. U get the drift.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Bill Self Healthy, Rejoining Team For NCAA Tournament.:
@BShark same interview, heard he was traveling with family by car. Not sure when. May not be coaching Thurs?? Tv in wichita. Sounded mysterious.
I’d rather Self not coach Thursday because the team doesn’t need him to beat Howard. Let Self focus on game planning for Arkansas/Illinois instead and rejoin the bench on Saturday.
He is in Des Moines. No decision has been made yet regarding if he will coach or not.
@BShark it Will interesting from the stand point most doctors probably wouldn’t want you to get in a high stress situation for a month in his shape
@BShark said in Bill Self Healthy, Rejoining Team For NCAA Tournament.:
He is in Des Moines. No decision has been made yet regarding if he will coach or not.
Not gonna surprise me if he doesn’t. - It’s no joke coming back with that this early. -Won’t surprise me either way
Hopefully he’s ready to go by Saturday. If not, can we get by Illinois or Arkansas without him?
I don’t think we want to find out.
@BShark said in Bill Self Healthy, Rejoining Team For NCAA Tournament.:
@kjayhawks said in Bill Self Health Issue:
@BShark Very little info I was waiting for some type of press release with all rumors flying. Hopefully he is able to coach next week and beyond. Stuff like this makes me worried he could retire very soon.
Based on what I’ve heard about the procedure and typical recovery times, if he wants to coach in the 1 vs 16 game he should be able to.
He’ll be fine. His groin will be sore. Might be a little hard to walk for awhile.
@kjayhawks said in Bill Self Healthy, Rejoining Team For NCAA Tournament.:
@BShark it Will interesting from the stand point most doctors probably wouldn’t want you to get in a high stress situation for a month in his shape
It’s actually the opposite. He feels better than he has in a long time.
@Jethro I’m not a doctor by any stretch of imagination but I do know a few people that have had stents put in. Every situation is a little bit different I’m sure. Hopefully he can coach Saturday.
@kjayhawks said in Bill Self Healthy, Rejoining Team For NCAA Tournament.:
Every situation is a little bit different I’m sure.
Not really different. You feel real bad because your arteries are blocked. So you go the cath lab and they remove the blockage and place a stent that allows your blood to flow. So you feel much better. He probably hates the new diet, which is understandable. They have him on Plavix which thins the blood, and prevents future thrombosis. The only concern is the spot on the groin/leg where they went in. But they’re using plugs now that make the wound much more stable. I know these things- I have 8 heart stents!
My question is: he had two stents put in - were they in the same place, or was it two different arteries? I had double stents put in at the same time on my widowmaker artery, and almost croaked. 98% blockage. If it was 2 arteries, then that’s much better.
@mayjay I can be coach’s coach. Hell, I went to bed at halftime of the National Championship game last year. Calm.
@Jethro Now a days they are doing these procedures through the wrist which is less painful.
@nuleafjhawk What is your plan for sleepind in game 1 at your time? Gotta go with anything that works!
@mayjay Please - PLEASE - don’t let us be behind at halftime on Thursday.
Wondering which game will see his return? Don’t know for certain what he had done, but the pressure of NCAA basketball is heavy. Should he skip the tournament?
@Gorilla72 said in Bill Self Healthy, Rejoining Team For NCAA Tournament.:
Wondering which game will see his return? Don’t know for certain what he had done, but the pressure of NCAA basketball is heavy. Should he skip the tournament?
Not sure , do know that he did not travel to Des Moines with the team. They flew - -Coach by Car. - Interesting ,Coaching contests like the pressure of tourney game pretty stressful so not sure. He might sit out the Howard game - -But then you got either Illinois/Arkansas - -either one of these not good. Just don’t know if it’s a good idea in the long run. Might be he is there BUT he is not there , meaning might give input before game and such but not actually Coach- I dunno , broader scheme of things Health much more important then a game
We will find out for sure today in a couple hours.
@BShark said in Bill Self Healthy, Rejoining Team For NCAA Tournament.:
We will find out for sure today in a couple hours.
Very true my friend , and I hope he does Coach for us - - just be careful
@Jethro that’s insane glad you are still with us! You would forsure know more than I.
@jayballer67 I would say high percentage chance he coaches Saturday. How much more higher stress is it to be there coaching or in the hotel yelling at the TV?
@AsadZ said in Bill Self Healthy, Rejoining Team For NCAA Tournament.:
@Jethro Now a days they are doing these procedures through the wrist which is less painful.
Glad I know that second hand…
@jayballer67 said in Bill Self Healthy, Rejoining Team For NCAA Tournament.:
@Gorilla72 said in Bill Self Healthy, Rejoining Team For NCAA Tournament.:
Wondering which game will see his return? Don’t know for certain what he had done, but the pressure of NCAA basketball is heavy. Should he skip the tournament?
Not sure , do know that he did not travel to Des Moines with the team. They flew - -Coach by Car. - Interesting ,Coaching contests like the pressure of tourney game pretty stressful so not sure. He might sit out the Howard game - -But then you got either Illinois/Arkansas - -either one of these not good. Just don’t know if it’s a good idea in the long run. Might be he is there BUT he is not there , meaning might give input before game and such but not actually Coach- I dunno , broader scheme of things Health much more important then a game
He drove because he just had surgery. Flying can sometimes cause bloodclots, so it’s never recommended soon after. the big question is…will he have to drive to Vegas?
Bill isn’t doing the press conference today. Would imagine Norm is coaching tomorrow.
@Jethro said in Bill Self Healthy, Rejoining Team For NCAA Tournament.:
@jayballer67 said in Bill Self Healthy, Rejoining Team For NCAA Tournament.:
@Gorilla72 said in Bill Self Healthy, Rejoining Team For NCAA Tournament.:
Wondering which game will see his return? Don’t know for certain what he had done, but the pressure of NCAA basketball is heavy. Should he skip the tournament?
Not sure , do know that he did not travel to Des Moines with the team. They flew - -Coach by Car. - Interesting ,Coaching contests like the pressure of tourney game pretty stressful so not sure. He might sit out the Howard game - -But then you got either Illinois/Arkansas - -either one of these not good. Just don’t know if it’s a good idea in the long run. Might be he is there BUT he is not there , meaning might give input before game and such but not actually Coach- I dunno , broader scheme of things Health much more important then a game
He drove because he just had surgery. Flying can sometimes cause bloodclots, so it’s never recommended soon after. the big question is…will he have to drive to Vegas?
I hear ya I’ve had Heart Cath’s before but no stints - -just my pace maker - Hope he can recover soon
@BShark Makes sense to me. Give him two more days off.
He may have to rock the Huggy Bear stool.
Bill probably just wanted to skip the presser because nobody likes doing media
@BShark id say he ain’t coaching tomorrow then and that’s okay. If we can’t win that one without him we weren’t going far anyway
JUST gonna be interesting , was listening to local sports media and like they said bigger picture here, ya we can get by Howard then just have to see what happens , a we know how Coach is during a game when things are not going good -he get’s pretty worked up pretty excited -the Bigger picture they say is were talking about a guys life in this situation - -it’s more about Jimmy’s and Joe’s then X’s and O’s
If it comes down to it and can’t Coach this weekend then it is what it is – bigger picture then Basketball
He should have me assist him on the bench. I guarantee I can rip players’ and refs’ arses at least as good as he can! I’ll do his screaming… my face will turn red and purple… I’ll have these guys begging for Self to do it next time.
Norm is too mellow!
I heard he was completely released, it was on coach. When this happens, any kind of heart incident, it scares the crud out of you. My dad thought every lil thing was another heart thing. It took awhile before he could chill and enjoy his life.
Might be good for coach to ease in on this first game than jump in on the tougher game. Get his feet wet!
Maybe someone is cleaning the Madden Cruiser for Las Vegas.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Bill Self Healthy, Rejoining Team For NCAA Tournament.:
I heard he was completely released, it was on coach. When this happens, any kind of heart incident, it scares the crud out of you. My dad thought every lil thing was another heart thing. It took awhile before he could chill and enjoy his life.
Yea, i’m scared for him!
The only reason Bill didn’t do the press conference today is he did not want to upstage his players, his team, and the game by taking 30 questions about his health. Hall of Fame guy - thinking about his team, not himself. He will absolutely coach tomorrow.
I can imagine that.
Plus… I don’t think he gets his jollies doing pressers. Now he has a good excuse to pass it on to Norm. Plus… I think he likes giving Norm some attention, too.
I think he gets tired of Gary Bedore! He gets right in there.
Norm doing media session again today. - - saying it’s a day to day , I think it’s 50/50 at best