UNT Turkey Day Game Thread
But for the Crimson & Blue fans, the game would feel like a covid-no fans game.
@DCHawker said in UNT Turkey Day Game Thread:
@BShark said in UNT Turkey Day Game Thread:
Dave 1-5 from the floor. Och only 5 shots.
Dave didn’t make a bucket on his own. Only credited with 5 attempts, but he missed 3 on one possession. A couple of 2 footers. I would rather see more of Jalen or Ochai posting up…
Dave plays too much, imo.
Dave this early doesn’t look like a fit on this team. That and he can’t make layups at 6 10
@BeddieKU23 Been better with Mitch in, says it all.
@BShark said in UNT Turkey Day Game Thread:
@BeddieKU23 Been better with Mitch in, says it all. Mitch made shots. Rebound and score that’s what we need
Love that take for CB
Cb has looked good today
@BeddieKU23 showed aggression
Porous defense…
@DCHawker said in UNT Turkey Day Game Thread:
Porous defense…
Not a good defensive team. It will kill Bill but he needs to realize it and focus on offense
Why does David go down instead of up?
bench Dave
Devon is there
Bulls play there tomorrow
whew CB
Refs calling it tight this half, fun.
CB having one of his games
@BShark said in UNT Turkey Day Game Thread:
Refs calling it tight this half, fun.
They are shit refs
@RockChalkinTexas said in UNT Turkey Day Game Thread:
Why does David go down instead of up?
4 year question…
@RockChalkinTexas said in UNT Turkey Day Game Thread:
Why does David go down instead of up?
He’s a very mechanical player, not an instinctual player. Catching the ball and going up just isn’t natural for him.
@BeddieKU23 https://twitter.com/kutweetsandnews/status/1463972074515574785 Thought I saw that on the Remy play
@BShark said in UNT Turkey Day Game Thread:
Refs calling it tight this half, fun.
Honestly felt like that in the first half…
Offense is really struggling. Not really getting in the lane like we had been.
There you go
“Sticking around” they say as the game is right around the point spread
Why the Jalen/Mitch combo?
@Kcmatt7 taller
@BShark said in UNT Turkey Day Game Thread:
@Kcmatt7 said in UNT Turkey Day Game Thread:
Why the Jalen/Mitch combo?
I…don’t hate it?
Just seems weird that it has been in unison. Not really playing Dave/Jalen together. Or Jalen at the 5
Wilson and the bench haven’t scored in a long while
@Kcmatt7 said in UNT Turkey Day Game Thread:
@BShark said in UNT Turkey Day Game Thread:
@Kcmatt7 said in UNT Turkey Day Game Thread:
Why the Jalen/Mitch combo?
I…don’t hate it?
Just seems weird that it has been in unison. Not really playing Dave/Jalen together. Or Jalen at the 5
Yeah not much Jalen at the 5 today. Saw it briefly. I’m pretty good with not seeing the Dave/Jalen combo tbh.
Perry is shifty
Ochai getting points, but if not for free throws he’d be pretty inefficient
@Kcmatt7 said in UNT Turkey Day Game Thread:
Ochai getting points, but if not for free throws he’d be pretty inefficient
His worst game so far no doubt
The defense on the other hand has been decent. A good team would have made us pay for some of the open 3 looks we have given up.
We took pretty good care of the ball the first 3 games - reverting to old habits this game. Very sloppy passing…
The offense got bad when Bill took out Remy for a complete non-scorer (Harris). I for one am shocked.
Remy back in, I knew Bill could hear me lmao
Mitch is better than Dave right under the basket
@DanR he’s gonna foul out
Right when I was thinking Och looked invisible, Bill had a play for him.
color on Jalen’s shoes
Just feels like we’re playing at about 60% effort
@DanR said in UNT Turkey Day Game Thread:
Just feels like we’re playing at about 60% effort
Not the worst idea for 3 games in 3 days.
You can tell Remy is feeling a bit hurt, UNT has been going at him defensively almost exclusively lately.