All Politicked Out? Election 2020
An interesting thread on media:
@RockChalkinTexas said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
Isn’t it nice that there are some states with a majority of really great voters?
@mayjay That was supposed to be fireworks!
@mayjay said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
@mayjay That was supposed to be fireworks!
I was gonna say… that looks a lot like some Rona
I ordered some celebratory alcohol and wine today. It will be nice to drink because of something positive and not related to fear/anxiety/depression.
I have to keep reminding myself that this is not just good-bye to Trump, but to other favorites like DeVos, Miller, Barr, and the rest of the gang.
The four seasons total landscaping stuff is just too much. Writers of “veep” are so mad they didn’t think of that!
@KirkIsMyHinrich said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
I ordered some celebratory alcohol and wine today. It will be nice to drink because of something positive and not related to fear/anxiety/depression.
I have to keep reminding myself that this is not just good-bye to Trump, but to other favorites like DeVos, Miller, Barr, and the rest of the gang.
First, I
agree on celebrating something for a change being nice.
That being said, I’m trying to be realistic that Trump is still going to be a disruptive force until he dies or the world changes and people like him will be disrupted forces until the world changes.
There is a massive amount of work to be done to get to a better place culturally not just better policy.
@approxinfinity Fully agreed. And today is almost more of a relief than a celebration. I’ve already given money to Georgia for the runoff on January 5th. Even if we just get one, it will make 2022 easier and maybe Biden will be able to get more done in the back half of his presidency.
@approxinfinity Wonder what the over/under is on the number of pardons Trump issues before he is ushered out?
But a bigger problem will be that the next 84 days will be filled with replacement of career feds by political appointees as Trump acolytes burrow deep into the civil service. They issued new regs allegedly giving themselves the power to reclassify thousands of jobs out of the protected “dismissal only for cause” ranks to “dismissal on a whim” ranks (currently challenged in court, I believe).
The disruptions to federal careers and public policy from this administration will last a generation.
@benshawks08 loved this. He put into words what I have felt for a long time.
I do think this presidency and its enablers have pushed the non-right media hard. It’s exhausting dealing with these assholes in a factual manner. You have to be able to provide a narrative along with facts, because of the right media. Even if that narrative is centrist. At that point you’ve got two competing narratives and it takes diligent focus to make it clear the centrist is not the leftist narrative. I think during this election the msm has done a good job of telling the facts and that they are coming from a place based on facts.
@KirkIsMyHinrich Kansas pompass
@Crimsonorblue22 Hm?
@KirkIsMyHinrich Pompeo
@Crimsonorblue22 Good call.
@KirkIsMyHinrich I spelled it right the first time!
him and his wife, living off of us! I hope they don’t come back here. They wanted him to run for senator. He’s got bigger ambitions, jail I hope. But kansans will welcome him, no matter what!
I’m not sure where he goes from here. People really dislike him. And I’m not sure if his fat ass would fit inside of a jail cell.
I hadn’t read up on the Four Seasons snafu yet @BShark. Between a dildo store and a crematorium. That’s the stuff of magic.
@approxinfinity Hadn’t heard about that! Has anyone noted the irony of the dildo himself giving a press conference in front of the adult store?
Did anyone watch SNL?
@Crimsonorblue22 I did. Enjoyed Chappelle’s monologue.
@Crimsonorblue22 Chappelle is George Carlin reincarnated even though Carlin died long after Chappelle began his ascension.
Loved the aunt Jemima, uncle bens rice, and ct Dracula, Dave losing it was hysterical. Pete’s lips! Also like the loser part from the grinch
@FarmerJayhawk said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
@approxinfinity said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
Spanberger, my House Rep lost her shit on her fellow democrats on a call today, telling them to never use the word socialist again and to distance themselves from the defund the police movement:
If you’ll recall, she was one of the House Democrats that called for impeachment, and I’m happy she won reelection.
She’s so, so right. A lot of the voters D’s really want, and lost ground with in 2020 vs. 2016, are more conservative than the liberal whites who run the party.
Couldn’t agree more. The GOP messaging was banking on the fact that the fear of socialism > fear of autocratic leader… and it appears they were right.
From an article I read this morning:
"The federal official whose job is to sign off on President-elect Joe Biden’s election victory and begin the mammoth task of transitioning between presidents has refused to do so, potentially delaying the official transfer of power, The Washington Post reported on Sunday evening.
Emily Murphy, a Trump appointee who heads the General Services Administration, has resisted signing the paperwork that would give Biden and his team access to millions of dollars in transitions funds, as well as official access to government officials and equipment to prepare the incoming administration."
So if this person, Emily Murphy, doesn’t sign off, then I guess we just wait until January 20th for Trump to be evicted?
The transition funds are around I think 10 million dollars. Perhaps it’s already been looted.
@FarmerJayhawk said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
Related observations. I’m always amazed how awful Democrats are at non-Presidential politics. They spent $200 million to lose by 35 points combined to Cocaine Mitch and Lindsey Graham. Well done folks!
Cocaine Mitch is the all time greatest. Keeping the Senate majority is massive. And I firmly believe if you shot Biden up with truth serum, he’d rather have ML McConnell than Schumer. They can make deals and Biden can blame McConnell for anything. And he’d be happy to take the barbs.
The GOP picked up state legislative seats nationwide, which has big redistricting implications.
There was an EPIC polling failure in JoCo and Kansas broadly this year. Someone in the party showed me a poll that had D’s picking up 10-15 House seats and 5 Senate seats. The GOP expanded their supermajority in the state legislature, including a big upset in knocking off Sen. Hensley, who’s been Minority Leader longer than I’ve been alive. Can’t blame anyone but themselves. The GOP just outhustled D’s.
I think Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader Schumer should step down from leadership, especially if Senate R’s keep 52-53 seats. They flat blew it.
There is some data out that as it became clear that Biden would likely win the presidency, fewer Republicans (particularly in red states like Kansas, Iowa, Montana, South Carolina and others) were willing to vote for Democrats as Senators. These are people that would have voted for Democrat Senators if they thought Trump would win, but flipped. I think that same trend carried downballot to state races as well.
Ben Carson has the virus. How many more can they afford to come down with the rona before there is no one left to hang on to the fact that this was all a"HOAX" and would MAGICALLY DISAPPEAR ON NOV. 4TH?
First, Dr Bright, the whistle blower from hutch is on Pres elec. Biden’s covid team! Well deserved! He was fighting so hard for us. I don’t know if anyone saw the 60 mins show he was on.
Should’ve listened to him, but like everybody that didn’t step in line… 2nd we are putting up a tent at our hospital. Dumb a$$es still not wearing
the vaccine is also not part of the trumps warped speed program!
This opinion is awesome for a couple reasons. One is how much he shreds the entire case brought by the Trump team. And two, Judge Brann is a FedSoc member and Trump appointee
@FarmerJayhawk Obama appointee
Which obviously has people up in arms despite him being a conservative…
This seems to be more than nut-picking and indicative of a party wide problem. I’m still confident things will go as they should in January but to say this isn’t doing damage to what could be done after Jan 21 I think would be naive. Talk about undermining the legitimacy of a president…
@benshawks08 saw this. The Republican Party is pathetic right now.
At least after the Electoral College votes and Congress certifies it, it’ll be near unanimous. Only the really whacky (think like Chakah Fattah and Alcee Hastings in 2000) will contest the certification in Congress.
@FarmerJayhawk itll be interesting to see if Antony Blinken can convince the rest of the world that America is actually rejoining the rest of the world or if we will do an about face in 4 years when the next Trumpist wins the presidency.
Pretty sure Gaetz has already said he’s going to contest. But that was maybe 3 weeks ago.
The Republican Party. Rotten.
Complicit enablement of fascist agendas is a mark of Cain. Time to blow it up.
January can’t get here quick enough.
Meanwhile, we get news about the Trump administration failing to lock in 200 million more doses from pfizer (ie the 95% effective vaccine) when they initially offered them with no cost if the trials proved to not be effective. They offered them again in October and November, and were turned down by the administration. And now the EU has locked in 300 million doses and we will have to wait until after that to get more, probably July. So if we get to July and Europe is all clear and we are still piling up bodies in the US, remember this.
And @Marco again, this is why Europe doesn’t have the infections and deaths that the US has. Because they have more competent leaders who put the well being of their citizens first.
Wherever you are, it’s pretty depressing. Wtf is going on in Belgium??®ion=World&deathsMetric=true&interval=total&perCapita=true&smoothing=0&pickerMetric=location&pickerSort=asc
@FarmerJayhawk said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
Wherever you are, it’s pretty depressing. Wtf is going on in Belgium??®ion=World&deathsMetric=true&interval=total&perCapita=true&smoothing=0&pickerMetric=location&pickerSort=asc
It appears to be a country divided, much like ours:
According to several Belgian officials, it was the government of the northern region of Flanders that insisted on keeping a balance between economic interests and the public health situation, and thus blocking the shutdown of leisure activities such as sports and cultural events.
The federal restrictions didn’t go far enough for French-speaking politicians, as cases and hospital admissions were quickly rising in the south. Only hours after De Croo’s press conference last Friday, Wallonia and the French community adopted stricter rules, including an extended curfew and universities again going completely virtual. On Saturday, the Brussels government announced another set of measures for the capital region, adding to the confusion.
The Texas case is officially dead. SCOTUS kicked it 9-0, and the only remotely interesting part was Thomas and Alito saying the case had no merit but still had to hear it based on original jurisdiction (the idea that under Article III the Court has to hear all disputes between states).
@approxinfinity I never said that we weren’t divided, but some feel that Trump did put our citizens first - not only domestically, but internationally as well. Oh well, he lost, guess that we need to lube up and get ready to start bending over for China and the rest of the world once again.
@Marco said in All Politicked Out? Election 2020:
@approxinfinity I never said that we weren’t divided, but some feel that Trump did put our citizens first - not only domestically, but internationally as well. Oh well, he lost, guess that we need to lube up and get ready to start bending over for China and the rest of the world once again.
woh man, whatever you do in your free time is your business
oh, believe me, my free time is spent being much more constructive than that. Others can spend their own deconstructing themselves and or this nation, if that is what they think floats, for a time, a sinking boat.
Today is potentially (knocking on wood) a very good day. Still a lot of bad happening, but hopefully some good news.
I stayed up very late last pm!