Texas Tech Red Raiders
If KU can show more fight and smart football I will watch more again, But as of right now it’s boring and predictable in a bad way.
@DanR how long did you stay?
Bless anyone that went to the game. I don’t have it in me.
@Crimsonorblue22 left about halfway through the 4th quarter. Figured four hours was enough.
This preseason I was the most excited about the team as I have been since the Mangino glory years. The team was supposed to have decent players and experience, someone even said one of the better defenses in the conference. Now, I am even more disappointed than I was excited; it sure looks like the teams has regressed and we are back to being rolled at home. I just don’t see any games that will even be close…maybe Baylor?..right…
The only consolation we have is that basketball is right around the corner and it does not disappoint.
@DanR watching the post game, 2 defensive guys, Neal did not suit up, don’t know why and h. Defense has mono. 2 starters.
@JayHawkFanToo I think the Big XII is actually up this year though. Kingsbury’s job eas on the line so he upped his game. TCU is significantly better. ISU is way better than anyone thought. Texas is strides better (favored over KSU this week). The conference as a whole is significantly better so I think we might be progressing, it is just hard to see when the entire conference is also doing the same.
@Kcmatt7 so hard for me to see improvement in the D.
@BShark That was a terrible game for the Big 12. OU just got eliminated from the College Football Playoff with that loss and now TCU is the Big 12’s lone hope for a playoff berth. The other 4 P5 leagues all still have multiple teams in contention.
The ACC still has Clemson, Miami, and possibly NC State that can reach the CFP
The Big 10 still has Penn St., Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio St. in the hunt.
The Pac 12 still has USC, Utah, Washington, and Washington St. in the hunt.
The SEC still has Alabama, Georgia, Auburn, and Florida in contention.
The Big 12 has TCU and that’s it.
@Crimsonorblue22 We expected the D to be worse, right? Lost a ton in the Defensive Backfield.
@DanR I admire your courage buddy
DanR said:
7 official reviews in the first quarter alone. Total BS. Why even have refs on the field at all if they are that useless.
You know, these games would be shorter and the lopsided outcome the same, if opposing coaches would just concede every review to KU’s favor. Why bother?
@Kcmatt7 Most people expected the defense to be about the same because of the DLine re turning in tact and having 2 of the best in the league in Armstrong and Wise.
@BShark shoot I went to the Central Michigan game. A game most thought we could win and saw a mac team cream us by 30. I figured today was a double digit loss. Honestly if i lived closer I’d go to most home games because stub hub has tickets for $10.
@mayjay Yeah, I don’t get the challenges on first downs when you’re up 21-0 eight minutes into the first quarter. I think until the 4th quarter they should give the replay folks about 30 seconds to review. 1) if you don’t have a good camera angle, go back to the field call. 2) If it’s not blatantly different than the field call, then move on. Later, in a close game, scrutinize it more. Football is not really a game of inches.
Some of those breaks were 5+ minutes. Three out of five plays at one point. There was a so-called fumble challenge that everyone in the stadium could see he was down and practically running back to the huddle before the ball was loose, and that one took forever because I assume they had crappy camera angles on it. Totally nuts. I think that was finally the one that went in KU’s favor–the 6th challenge out of 6.
If I was watching on TV at home I could be painting the house or knitting a sweater or something at the same time, but sitting in the stands it was just boring as hell.
@DanR agreed and why then late challenge on the backwards pass in a 30+ point game in the 4th?
At least I don’t have to hear
From ksu fans Monday!
Texas Hawk 10 said:
@BShark That was a terrible game for the Big 12. OU just got eliminated from the College Football Playoff with that loss and now TCU is the Big 12’s lone hope for a playoff berth. The other 4 P5 leagues all still have multiple teams in contention.
The ACC still has Clemson, Miami, and possibly NC State that can reach the CFP
The Big 10 still has Penn St., Michigan, Wisconsin, and Ohio St. in the hunt.
The Pac 12 still has USC, Utah, Washington, and Washington St. in the hunt.
The SEC still has Alabama, Georgia, Auburn, and Florida in contention.
The Big 12 has TCU and that’s it.
NC State, Florida, Auburn, Utah and Miami are not making it, nor do they have a realistic chance. Really Florida just absolutely no way. Already on 2 losses and if you think they can beat Bama in the SEC title game (provided they could even get there) I don’t know what to tell you.
Don’t think many of the others listed have super great odds either but I would say they have kind of a shot.
kjayhawks said:
@BShark shoot I went to the Central Michigan game. A game most thought we could win and saw a mac team cream us by 30. I figured today was a double digit loss. Honestly if i lived closer I’d go to most home games because stub hub has tickets for $10.
Honestly I’d rather watch multiple games from the comfort of my couch.
@BShark That was posted middle of the day before quite a few games ended, including Florida.
Just because I listed a team, doesn’t mean I think they get there, just that they still have/had a shot based on today’s games. I would also now bump Michigan down quite a bit after their loss to MSU tonight. Utah also looks like they might be in trouble against Stanford at halftime.
I think the conference champs from the other 4 P5 leagues make the playoff and possibly 2 SEC teams if there’s a major upset in a conference title game.
Fair enough, ISU beating OU on the road proves it. However, shouldn’t KU at least keep up with the conference overall improvement? The only program that is in similar dire straights is Baylor which fell from grace because of off-the-field issues. Yesterday was embarrassing and most of the fans were gone well before the game was over, which for all practical purposes was half way through the first quarter. We are now back to being mauled at home by 40+ points by a middle of the pack conference team…and I would think the coach’s job is pretty much on the line and I just don’t see a game left where KU will be competitive let alone win.
There’s is huge amount of money planning to be spent in renovating the stadium which will look even emptier if the team does not improve. I understand that in a way is a chicken/egg thing about facilities and program progress but I rather have the current stadium sold out and a winning program like in the Mangino years than a one third full, state of the art stadium and a mediocre program. AFH is over 60 years old and has had only minor improvements, mostly to install up to date electronics but the bulk of the facility is still the same with bleacher seating (what other elite program arena has this?) and still sells out every game because the basketball program delivers a quality product.
Most of my post is not a direct response to your post and it just venting frustration on the current status of the football program with no visible light at the end of the tunnel.
Stadium has to be improved!
@Crimsonorblue22 who rather see an improvement on the field. MM won when the stadium was much worse.
@kjayhawks KU made significant improvements to the facilities early on during Mangino’s tenure that helped his recruiting. Anderson Family Football complex being the most significant of those improvements at that time.
Improving the stadium has to be the absolute top priority for KU Athletics and preparing for a probable move to the B10 after the Grant of Rights expires at the end of the current TV deal. Even more than the on field product, positioning for realignment has to be the #1 priority and imlroving the stadium will help significantly to build the infrastructure of the program which will increase the odds of on field success.
@Texas-Hawk-10 negative ghost rider, the Anderson family football complex opened in 2008 a long with the new practice fields. We won a flipping orange bowl with a worse looking stadium, the place looks better with out the track, new fence and a muilti million dollar locker rooms. No ones coming to lose in a fancy stadium. We need coaches that can improve players that have been in the program for 3-4 years something Beaty and this group have failed very very badly at.
We had to bus kids to kc 'cause of our poor indoor facilities-injuries! Updated facilities will only help recruiting. We have a dump!
@Crimsonorblue22 when?? It all doesn’t matter as long as Beaty is here.
Texas Hawk 10 said:
preparing for a probable move to the B10 after the Grant of Rights expires at the end of the current TV deal
Unless something dramatically changes, I’m not all that sure how “probable” that is!
@kjayhawks this year when the weather was bad
@kjayhawks All that stuff began prior to the Orange Bowl season. KU tried to raise funds to add on to the east side of the stadium after the Orange Bowl and didn’t come close to raising the $25 million or so that project was supposed to cost.
Phil Knight didn’t wait for Oregon to have a winning program before pouring millions into the program, he just started giving them money to upgrade everything. Same with Pickens at OSU, the winning came AFTER the investment into the program.
If the administration waits for KU to find a coach to turn the program around before investing into the infrastructure of the program, we’ll all be pushing daisies before that happens. Post WWII, KU has had 4 great seasons, the 3 OB teams and the 1995 team.
We cannot expect to be able to make chicken salad out of chicken sh*t. KU has to improve their stadium to not only hope to attract a quality coach, but to also keep a quality coach when/if they find one. The 3 best coaches KU has had in the past 50 years either left for another program (Pepper Rogers and Glen Mason) or were actively seeking another job (Mangino). Having competitive facilities will not only increase the likelihood of landing a better quality coach, but also of keeping said coach.
@ICTJayhawk Big 10 wants to get the B10 Network into KC and has been interested in KU for a long time. When the Big 10 expanded in the early 90’s with Penn St., KU and Missouri were both very legitimate options at the time and had invitations, but both schools declined and chose to remain in the Big 8 and move with the rest of the league members into the Big 12.
@kjayhawks If you legitimately think KU needs to wait for the right coach before rebuilding the stadium, you need to ask yourself this question.
If the best candidate KU can hire in the current situation is a guy who flamed out at Notre Dame and a guy who was a position coach, why should we expect another AD to find anyone any better? What incentive is there currently for a quality coaching prospect to come to KU?
A newly renovated state of the art stadium is a much better recruiting pitch than to have kids come play In the concrete mausoleum that is Memorial Stadium.
@Texas-Hawk-10 still not what you said. That upgrade wasn’t early in MMs tenure. Baylors stadium sucked during their turnaround as did KSUs, TCUs and dukes according to a buddy that lives in Carolina and went to the KU Duke game a few years back has the worst stadium he’s ever seen (including memorial in the 90s). Duke wins 6 or 7 games most years. Let’s stop making excuses we will suck til someone with a brain runs our program and athletic department.
@Texas-Hawk-10 I HOPE you are correct about moving to the B1G…I would LOVE for that to happen. But unless football changes to even mediocre, I don’t know that it’s anything like a “given.” Though it’s nice to believe, I seriously doubt KU and/or Missouri ever had an “invitation” to the Big10 (at that time) in the 90s. Other than somebody merely saying something like that I have never seen a credible report of that being the case. The former President of Ohio State said he always though the Big10 SHOULD have added Kansas & Missouri in the 90s but he never said that was the sentiment of others or that it was even voted on by the Big10 or an invitation extended.
KC is the largest market we could add but as a media market it’s only 33rd in the country, hardly a “get”. The BIG could have added Missouri and the St. Louis media market as well when Missouri hiked it’s skirt fairly recently, and it obviously didn’t seem compelling enough for the B1G to do it then! I really do hope that KU ends up in the B1G…and sooner rather than later. But, to think it is a “given” or a “slam dunk” is looking at it with rose-colored glasses rather than in the stark light of the day, in my opinion FWIW!
One quick fix for the stadium experience would be pushing the mute button on that *&$#$# scoreboard.
You mean it’s to loud?
@DanR I agree, it’s hard to understand how we can be this bad in year 3 of Beaty, returned 6 guys on defense and 8 guys on offense to go with 17 guys on the two deep from a year ago. We pretty much have 2 new corners and a safety, then a new lineman and QB on offense. They just don’t make an excuse good enough.
Crimsonorblue22 said:
You mean it’s too loud?
Screw the noise. Maybe the whole scoreboard should just be turned off. Then we could at least pretend we still have a chance for an entire game.
Kill the power?
I am curious when and why this was necessary. Doesn’t KU have the Anschutz Sports Pavilion where the various teams can practice indoors if needed?
@ICTJayhawk Big 10 already has the St. Louis market covered with Illinois. Illinois might not be the dominant fan base in St. Louis, but it’s significant enough that they didn’t need Missouri to already claim a foothold in St. Louis.
Maryland and Rutgers were absolute door mats of programs when the B10 announced their additions to the league which were solely based on their locations. KU gives them access to KC which is the biggest market in that part of the country they don’t already have a foothold in.
@JayHawkFanToo Not really a great practice facility for the football team. They have to bus over the team when they use it.
Not to mention, we could probably use a second indoor practice facility for everyone. On a crappy day, you also have to squeeze the soccer, football, baseball, softball, cheerleading and Dance (maybe even track?) all in that building in one day. And you have to do it around each team’s schedule because their players have classes scheduled a particular way so that they can practice at certain times. Kind of a logistical nightmare for everyone involved.
My point was that in a pinch, it sure would be closer than KC where arrangements would also have to be made with the facility, which I take would be the Chiefs practice facility?
kjayhawks said:
Wow it looks like less than 5000 people are at the game
Per KU Sports (the PDF of game results), attendance was 21,050. Didn’t see the game. I was out and listening to it in the car.
I’m beginning to think the administration fears that fixing football will somehow harm the basketball program. Apparently, there is no way in this world to fix irrational fear.
If this is the case, why would they be wanting to spend $250M to fix the stadium and football facilities?
I personally believe that if the team does not improve, KU will fall short of raising the money. The team should be fixed first and then the stadium.
If the team puts a quality product, the fans will come. They came when Mangino was winning and AFH, a 60+ year old facility which is substantially the same as when first built, sells out every game because a quality/winning product plays there.
@JayHawkFanToo considering all fall sports would need the 1 indoor facility, the need is great. I’m sure the players enjoy the rare occasion to use it.
Are we talking about the Anschutz Sports Pavilion or another facility? I would think that football is a the top of the pecking order when it comes to schedule indoor practice time and the football team does not usually make it past November anyway.
I am still curious why the team had to go to KC and where in KC it went?
@JayHawkFanToo chiefs! Anchutz, to many sports teams to share-already said that.
@Texas-Hawk-10 “Maryland and Rutgers were absolute door mats of programs when the B10 announced their additions to the league which were solely based on their locations.”
Adding doormats to get DC/Baltimore and New York Metro is not the same as adding a crawlspace vapor barrier in order to get KC.
I like your theory about upgrading the stadium. I see it as almost an emergency for the athletic dept (not for the university or state, however, so private funding only).
@mayjay Big 10 added Nebraska to try and get into KC and it failed. Big 10 expansion has always been about adding new TV markets for their BTN. KC obviously isn’t the size of NY, DC, or Baltimore, but it’s still the biggest market left for the B10 in the midwest.