West Virginia Mountaineers

  • The Charlie Weis teams were much more unwatchable than these teams are.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 the Weis teams wouldn’t stop running the ball averaging 7 yards per carry in a 7-3 game. Single digit IQ bye our coaches, middle school level skill by them. I’m out for the day

  • Ouch, 3 and out for us. Our defense is going to get worn down, just like last year.

  • I will say though that Clint Bowen needs to be demoted though. He’s a good DB coach as evidenced by the number of DB’s KU has sent to the NFL recently, but as far as a coordinator, he just sucks. His play calling of rarely blitzing is why we can’t pressure the QB and why the secondary is getting scorched. You can’t rush just 3 or 4 90% if the time and expect a young secondary to cover all day. KU needs to be sending 5 or 6 nearly every time to help the DB’s as much as possible and forcing the QB into some hurried throws and mistakes.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 It won’t be by Coach Beaty. During the pregame, CB spoke very highly of the job Bowen is doing.

  • @stoptheflop I know that and as frustrating as this is, KU legitimately needs Beaty here for 5 years regardless of W-L record so he can at least eliminate the scholarship deficit. Firing him after this year just delays that process.

    It also wouldn’t be smart to change AD’s in the middle of this fundraising campaign which means Beaty is probably safe until all the $350 million is raised because Zenger is a great fundraiser even if his coaching evaluation skills are subpar.

  • KU might be better off with Stanley at QB when his hand gets healthy.

    Bender has way too many overthrow and behind the receiver throws this year.

  • What a half bye Herbert 191 yards and a TD on 19 carries. The lone bright spot.

  • 13-35 half. Enjoyed the running game, but I probably have better things to do than watch the rest.

  • @kjayhawks Gabe Rui and Cole Moos were pretty good too.

  • The most useless freakin’ TV shot is of coaches on the sideline. I just yelled words at the TV which I didn’t even know could be fitted together to create mental images best gorgotten.

  • Is Herbert going to make a run at Tony Sands single rushing record?

  • Holy crap!

  • Now, just imagine if you took away those two dumb ass false starts and the pick 6 on that horrendous throw…

    This is why KU football can’t be good.

  • @MoonwalkMafia excalty we had some really stupid play calls and penalties or we are prob winning right now. Feel bad for the players this is on the coaches.

  • @kjayhawks How are those two false starts on the coaches? Those were 100% on the LG and he’s had 4 false starts today. 4 false starts by one player is not on the coaches, that is 100% on the player not knowing the snap count.

  • Bull crap penalty there. Completely missed that face mask.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 because no other team in america besides kansas still has pre snap penalties like the plague 4 weeks in to the year.

  • Finally nailed a deep ball!

  • @kjayhawks That’s still on the player, not coaches. That’s a 100% mental mistake and those are ALWAYS on the player. Physical mistakes are on the coaches because those are poor techniques being taught. Not knowing a snap count is always on the player.

  • It’s on the defense now to get a big stop. Come on fellas: 3 and OUT. RCJHF

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 disagree but let’s go hawks

  • Still watching. Picked up dog poop in the yard at halftime, and I think that got us going.

  • TTU and Houston in a defensive struggle just like we all predicted.

  • Win or lose, WVU confirmed worse than MAC teams. 😂

  • @kjayhawks Was 77 going down field on 77 or the coaches?

  • @kjayhawks I guess that Armstrong penalty was the coaches fault also.

  • @BShark Say what?

  • That was pass interference

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 @Big-Clyde52 Guess coaches aren’t responsible for their players discipline not like they practice or anything.

  • Getting chippy in here. ![alt text](0_1506194162757_upload-0b0a667b-6fa7-4020-829c-5fdb7cd67d74 image url)https://ak3.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/4408193/thumb/1.jpg

  • @kjayhawks Depends on the type of discipline you’re talking about. A coach can tell a player 100 different times in 100 different ways the snap count or watch the football on defense. After that, it’s up to the player execute. Dorrance Armstrong flinching on that FG was completely on Armstrong not watching the football. Tovi wandering downfield and his false starts are on Tovi’s lack of awareness.

  • KU’s defense has been severely disappointing all season.

  • Lee’s lucky he didn’t get ejected on that one.

  • @kjayhawks That Lee penalty is on the coaching because that’s a poor technique.

  • We’ll, that got ugly fast

  • Has Bowen been fired yet?

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 no no penalties are on the players remember.

  • @kjayhawks Not even close to what my original post on the topic was, but nice attempt at putting words in my mouth.

    To refresh your memory, my point was mental mistakes like false starts, offsides, ineligible receivers downfield are on the players because those are mental lapses by the player.

    Most penalties that result from physical mistakes do tend to fall on the coaching staff because those are poor techniques being used and it’s the job of the coaches to teach proper technique.

    The Armstrong offsides is a perfect example of a penalty being on the player. He was lined up right over the football, there was absolutely no excuse for him to flinch. From the Pre Wee level on up, defensive linemen are told everyday to watch the football instead of listening to the snap count.

    False starts are also ALWAYS on the player because that’s 100% between the ears of the player to know the snap count and not flinch when defenders are moving about.

  • @kjayhawks Yes you are correct. The coaches are for sure responsible for teaching discipline, technique, strategy, etc. And all of this is went over and over in practice all week. But once the players are between the lines and the clock starts, it is up to the players to execute everything they have been taught and prepared for. There is where the problem lies. The players execute, they usually win. They do not execute, they usually lose.

  • It’s some of both. If you don’t prepare players they are going to make mental mistakes. If you don’t practice going on a different snap count people are going to jump offsides because they have been conditioned to go on a certain count. Same with anything. If you don’t practice it, it’s 100% the coaches fault. If you practice it properly and a player doesn’t execute than it is in the player.

  • It could be worse, I’m a fsu fan and have nothing to be excited about either

  • BeddieKU23 said:

    It could be worse, I’m a fsu fan and have nothing to be excited about either

    FSU’s 247 board rn…

    alt text

  • I actually watched a fair bit of that game and FSU has serious oline problems. Of course it doesn’t help that Bama and NCST both have lots of NFL talent on the Dline but still.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 I’ll agree to disagree with you. It’s the coaching staffs job to prepare the team both mentally and physically to play the game. On to the game, I don’t know how to feel because we actually looked good and like we made progress several parts of the game. But at the same time we had some terrible play calling at times, the first of which comes to mind in the first half trailing 7-3, 2nd and 4 from WVU 46, 5 straight passes lead to back to back punts only 1 was completed and it’s quickly 21-3. The offense really hurt themselves with the 3 turnovers including a pick 6. At the same time the offense is averaging 33 ppg (was 13 in 2015, 20 in 16), over 20 first downs and nearly 500 yards of offense. Half of their issues are finishing drives instead of settling for 3 points, turnovers haven’t been great but last week was the first time in 16 games to have just one and we are on pace to turnover the 25 times this year comepared to 37 last year. Statistically speaking it’s the best offense so far this year since Mangino was on the sidelines. Defensively I’m lost on how you return 6 guys and look this bad, I really want Clint Bowen to succeed but averaging 47 points to FBS is the same stuff that got Gill and his staff canned. All in all the game was closer than I thought it would be and the guys battled back to within a touchdown with less than 8 minutes to go. Herbert was great and the oline looks better every week just have to cut out the penalties.

  • @kjayhawks The expression that you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make them drink very much applies to this situation. A coach can only prepare a player so much before the execution falls on the player.

    Players practice different snap counts everyday. Dorrance Armstrong flinching on that FG is something every defender learns from day 1 and every coach preaches from day 1. Dorrance knows this, he had a mental lapse, not Beaty, not Bowen, not any other coach.

  • @kjayhawks The offense is better, but we’re also seeing why Leach chose Caulk over Bender. Bender has a huge arm, but it’s pretty erratic at times and it’s led to most of his picks including the pick 6 today.

    At this point, I would like to see what Stanley could do in this offense because his mobility would bring the zone read into play and with the inverted wishbone formation, that can be a bread and butter play for teams.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 Ya I agree about Bender, once he gets his control worked out if he does, he could be a solid guy. I will give him credit for not taking sacks today, that was an improvement. Yes, idk how much longer til Stanley is healthy but at this point why not try it. We know any win from here on out is a long shot. Looking at his numbers from last year he isn’t as good throwing as Bender but being able to run is nice.

  • @BShark

    The o-line is a disastrous, just a ton of wrong. Blackman played well but Jimbo had really let this team down

  • The offense is fine with Bender at QB. We are averaging 32+ points a game with Bender and Coach Meacham. We only averaged 19 points a game last year. I give Meacham credit for exploiting the weak rush defense of W V. My goodness, it was wonderful to see our rushes work.

    If we had this year’s offense coupled with last year’s defense, we would have the competitive team that all of us crave. The defense gave up 49 points to W V. It’s not reasonable to require 50+ points from the offense in an effort to overcome such a weak defense that Bowen is fielding this year. Where the hell is the pass rush? The only sack was by Joe Dineen and as a team we only had 4 QB hurries for the game. W. V. passed 39 times, during which we had 1 sack and 5 hurries, which is pressure on less than 13% of the pass attempts. Armstrong and the rest of the D line are just complete non-factors this year. Armstrong only had 1 solo tackle (3 total), compared to 11 (14 total) for Dineen. Lee had 10 tackles and Torneden had 9 tackles.

    The solution to KU football being more competitive this year is on the defensive side of the ball, not bringing in Carter Stanley. I think the offense will improve slightly as the season goes on, but not enough to overcome the collapse by Bowen’s defense.

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