Crootin Thread III, Wherein Some Players Probably Commit to KU

  • @BeddieKU23

    It depends if you consider him to be or not to be one if the top 50 or so players out of the 190 or so that have declared for the draft so far. I believe he gets an invitation.

  • BeddieKU23 said:

    Svi being invited to the combine seems a stretch to me…

    Am I wrong here?

    Tall wings that can shoot are kind of a dime a dozen in the NBA. If his defense was better, I think it would be a no brainer to stay in the draft.

  • @JayHawkFanToo

    There Are seniors and international prospects to be considered as well.

    I don’t think he’s in the top 50

  • @BShark

    Money money money. And more money

  • BeddieKU23 said:


    Money money money. And more money

    Speaking of which UNLV just got Juiston after getting McCoy.

  • @BShark saw that, really wanted that kid. Think we are short a strong rebounder.

  • Well I read Coach Self’s update on SVI. - - that he believes that the early invites to the combine he thinks goes out on the 26th 27th & 28th of April - Said usually is a good indicator of a potential early entry stock.

    If a college player isn’t invited then usually chances are not a likely a candidate for a first or even a high to middle 2nd round.

    Coach says all indications seems to lean that SVI WILL be invited to the combine. - -Talked about he is an intruiging type being able to create his show during international ball - -and then his age , so sounds like from what Coach is saying sounds like he probably will be invited to the combine.

    He says if he is invited then they will get back together after and then start talking to the GM’S of clubs - -he said well actually SVI would be talking to GM’S. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @BShark

    Juiston another situation where money changed hands.

  • @JayHawkFanToo And notice who isn’t mentioned on the list of 75?

  • Howard watched a younger Lawson a few days ago. His twitter has some KU on it now. I think the Lawson experiment is going to pay some serious dividends.

  • @brooksmd

    I was surprised to see Mason that high. I have checked at least half a dozen mock drafts and the highest I have seen Mason is #39 in one and most of the others have him as bottom of the second round to not drafted. There seems to be a lot of discrepancy among publications and many players are 20 or more places apart in the various lists.

    At this point, I am not sure which is the best and it will be after the combine before we get a better idea of where the various prospects stand.

  • 0_1493319517300_AAA.jpg

    KU will be going up against Top 100 recruits in practice every day next season. Our scout team is better than most teams we play next year.

  • @Statmachine Bill’s high dollar hair plugs may combust if the scout team beats the starters.

  • @dylans

    Oh, come on…that is the most natural, God given hair money can buy…😃

  • If Mason goes at #29 that will be incredible. Very hopeful that occurs.

  • I don’t think that Frank cuts the first round. And, if that is the case I hope he goes undrafted. That way he can go make a rotation for a good team. Much like Wayne has done. Wayne is setting himself up for a nice payday next season. Although, his contract is apparently a team option for $1.3M next season so he might get cut. But I think someone will pay him next year even if that happens.

  • @HighEliteMajor

    I am not sure Masson goes in the first round but teams shoul look at Isaiah Thomas that went #60 but on the re-draft he was picked #4.

  • Ok guys , this might be silly but just thought about this possibility , see what you think. - - Does any of you think maybe , possibly the reason we Haven’t heard anymore on Tilmon is because he is waiting to announce his decision where he is going after we find out about SVI ?

    I mean yes I fully understand they play two entirely different positions but just maybe he holding on to see , cause if SVI does stay in or doesn’t return that would free up a spot for him and that he actually is wanting to come here now.

    I mean it’s been dead silent about where he going to land right? The last of ANYTHING I heard was when Coach Self visited with him I believe about the same time he took his Missouri visit. - -I would think if he is really all fired up about committing to Mizzery he would of announced that by now right? - So just a wild thought thinking MAYBE he holding off to wait and see if there will be an open scholarship at KU BEFORE he makes a decision. ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    Doubtful But props if that ends up correct.

    Losing svi and gaining tilmon would be the only situation that softens the blow of losing senior guard

  • @BeddieKU23 Ya I know pretty wild thought I grant but just curious. Just kind of hard to figure haven’t heard squat have you? - I thought it was a pretty easy read ALL MISSERY but now I’m thinking not so much. Who knows. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    The last day to withdraw from the draft is May 25. Unless Svi decides before then one way or another, chances are that we will have to wait until then to know for sure. I am sure there are dozens of programs that would gladly make room for Tilmon so I would not think there is much urgency on his part.

  • Read this morning SVI got his NBA combine invitation - - Good luck SVI hope all goes well. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Heard from a pretty good source Coleby is probably transferring and Tillmon should be visiting soon.

  • @Kcmatt7 Hope that’s not the case with Coleby. He’s in line for some pretty good minutes this year and possibly starting if Preston doesn’t come here. He’d at worst be the 1st big off the bench which is still usually good for 20-25 minutes.

    If he leaves and Preston doesn’t get cleared, and Tilmon (who I don’t think is that great to begin with) doesn’t commit, we’re left with UA and Lightfoot in the paint.

    KU’s already still going to be pretty thin up front this year, but Coleby possibly leaving almost forces KU back into the 4 guard line up just because of depth. I hope that one’s not true at all.

  • @Kcmatt7 he graduate? He’s such a great guy. Feel bad for him.

  • @Kcmatt7 Why would he do that? He is in line for some good minutes…unless Tilmon or somebody else comes in.

  • Til mom is a head case. And so is Tilmon (spellcheckdumb). We’ve had enough head cases who maybe cost us a title this year.

    Tilmon was actually going into what looks to be the comeback of Illinois basketball and he’s probably goin to Misery? Something not right upstairs with I am afraid.

  • Kcmatt7 said:

    Heard from a pretty good source Coleby is probably transferring and Tillmon should be visiting soon.

    Lines up with a comment Self made about possibly having to add two more players and yes it was after Moore transferred in.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10

    I don’t think Coleby would leave unless it was specifically to accommodate opening up another scholarship. I could be wrong though.

  • @BShark

    Coleby played 2 years at Ole Miss, sat 1 year and played 1 year at KU, so it is possible that he has enough credits to graduate, transfer and play immediately elsewhere as a graduate transfer. I don’t believe he has lived up to expectations at KU, a tall task for most ant players any way, and I don’t believe he is NBA material either. A transfer to a higher academic profile school where he can play and get a Master’s Degree sounds likde a reasonable option.

  • @JayHawkFanToo Or to a lower academic profile school where he could start, possibly?

  • @HighEliteMajor

    Wouldn’t he have a better chance to start at a school that emphasizes academics over sports, i.e. higher academic profile school?

  • @JayHawkFanToo Ok, I see what you mean there … generally, high academics means he would be one of the best players/more likely to start. I’m a little slow sometimes …

  • @BShark Who’s out there that’s a better fit for KU right now than Coleby? Unless Self has been hearing that Preston likely won’t be cleared, there’s not a starting spot available in the post anyway. Coleby will be a 5th year player that has been through a lot and his leadership is going to be huge for UA, Preston, and Lightfoot next year.

  • Well just listened to and read from different site, Bagley in is latest interview from the EBYL talk pretty dam highly about KU kinda interesting.

    Like a poster said brought up a couple of points after the interview # 1 poster said he didn’t think Bagley would re-add us to his list IF he wasn’t seriously giving us consideration, wouldn’t be no need to do it just for hype/show - as he already had the Big name schools involved BEFORE he re-added us to the lost - -UK/Duke.

    2 brings up kind of a legit point saying he doesn’t think Duke would be as much of a factor as you might think because they seem to be zeroing more in on Williamson Zion, makes some sense, as it seems to me also that Duke really wants him, Never say never.

    Again had some pretty good things to say about KU in his interview. says he wants to get the recruitment out of the way would probably like to make his decision in the fall so he could concentrate on his game. - -Like has been said could you imagine him in the front court with the combination with Udoka and the Lawson’s ? have to agree he would start immediately better then any player on the current roster for sure. Absolute animal for sure. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54 DAM cap key - -sorry Guys. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54 If you start a line with a # and a space it makes everything after it large and bold.

    like this

    (#) like this

  • @dylans Oh OK thanks learn something every day lol. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @Hawk8086 I don’t know why other than I think he could probably start at another school. I’m assuming that it is contingent on landing Tilmon, but I could be wrong.

    I just don’t think Coleby’s time here has gone as well as he thought it would. The knee injury probably changed a lot of things.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 I think we will be a 4 guard team again regardless of how the roster shapes up here down the stretch. Our strength, regardless of who else we add, is our perimeter. We need to play to that.

    I think Coleby could be looking for a more predominant role at a smaller school. Not sure. I’m not sure that it isn’t contingent on landing Tilmon. I think Bill is just very upfront with the players. This is who we are recruiting and this is where you would fall in our lineup if we did land that player.

  • @Kcmatt7

    Are we still a 4 guard lineup with or without Svi though?

    What perimeter player can reasonably step into Jackson’s role?

    I don’t see that player on this roster.

    Svi, Garrett, Cunliffe, Vick are all guards and expecting them to fill Jackson’s role is an injustice to the players and to the team. And let’s consider that all 4 of them have NBA potential and playing out of position is not going to be positive for their draft stock. Jackson was such an unique case that we have to completely throw out any comparison to him going forward.

    The wildcard is Preston and how much consistency he can give to the 4 spot.

    We also need a big summer from Lightfoot because it looks like his role is going to expand with just 10 available scholarship bodies after Self took the 3 transfer sit-outs.

    It seems we will be headed back towards a more traditional set this season because of Preston and or the development of Lightfoot.

    I think it will be important to see who gets the last scholarship open right now. If another scholarship opens through Svi leaving or the Coleby talk then other potential situations open up

  • @Kcmatt7 you putting Preston at 4?

  • @BeddieKU23 I think it is an injustice to the team to not play 4 guards if we don’t add another post. We are too good and athletic to not put that on the floor. You need to put your 5 best basketball players on the floor and things will take care of themselves.

    And, as far as draft stock, I think it only helps a guy like Svi or Vick. It shows 2 things. That they can operate in an NBA spread style offense. And, that they can guard positions 2-4. If anything, it raises their draft stock.

  • @Kcmatt7 @BeddieKU23 I guess I’m very confident that our lineup is set – Graham, Newman, Vick, Preston, Udoka. That’s just how I see it. If Svi comes back, I do think that Vick starts. Vick’s better. Of course, Preston could end up being a Diallo or Bragg to Self. Barring that, it’s hard for me to imagine Preston not starting. Maybe not game 1 or 2 (where Self might start Coleby), but pretty quickly.

  • Kcmatt7 said:

    @BeddieKU23 I think it is an injustice to the team to not play 4 guards if we don’t add another post. We are too good and athletic to not put that on the floor. You need to put your 5 best basketball players on the floor and things will take care of themselves.

    And, as far as draft stock, I think it only helps a guy like Svi or Vick. It shows 2 things. That they can operate in an NBA spread style offense. And, that they can guard positions 2-4. If anything, it raises their draft stock.

    I’m all for putting our five best players on the court, we agree there.

    Things take care of themselves though when you have the right fit to make such a situation happen. Jackson “fit” playing the 4 because athletically he could hold his own on defense and offensively he was too skilled and quick for posts to cover him. I don’t buy that we have another such situation where we can just put a guard on the court and ask him to play out of position, consistently, at a high level. That’s asking a lot from any of the available options.

    I guess we should wait and see how the roster shakes out before we can really figure out what style of play this team will be playing with. I’m all for the 4 guard lineup, it was exciting to see from Self. If we have the right players to execute that style of play again I will be behind it. I think right now we lack that with certainty. Self’s rolling the dice only having 10 scholarship players available for this upcoming year.

  • @BeddieKU23 You’re right, it will shake out.

    I just haven’t heard good things about Lightfoot in practice. I heard he should be playing down the road at Baker…

    So I don’t feel confident he should be out there playing the 4 anymore than Cunliffe, Vick or Svi. I guess that is what I’m basing most of my opinion on. I definitely see Preston and Doke starting the game. But there is only about 25 minutes a piece there. So I’m seeing us be a 4 guard lineup 15 minutes a game at least…

  • Kcmatt7 said

    I just haven’t heard good things about Lightfoot in practice. I heard he should be playing down the road at Baker…

    Sound like something @elpoyo would post.😄

  • @Kcmatt7 if coleby might leave and lt foot isn’t looking good, we’re screwed? Huh?

  • 2018 activity and offers flowing.

    Montez Mathis interesting 2018 name to keep an eye on. Not ranked high enough imo.

    Also reports that Tilmon is down to KU and Missouri.

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