Crootin Thread III, Wherein Some Players Probably Commit to KU

  • @BShark depth worries me!

  • @Crimsonorblue22

    Not worried about the guards at all. Svi coming back solves it all really. Stellar guard depth and he could play the 4 as needed. If Svi is gone, I think we need a big that is eligible immediately.

  • @BShark Did Moore commit to KU? buddy? ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    Already in a KU jersey on his twitter profile pic my man.

  • @jayballer54 OK, so help me out. - -What exactly is a grant - -in - -aid? - -That is what the Lawson’s and Moore are all on at KU - -is that schlorships? - if not what is the difference?. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @BShark Ya just read the article about him and the Lawson’s coming to KU. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54 I wonder with our guard situation - -think we are pretty deep, and with us pretty heavy on Grimes and Dotson bot pretty heavy leans for us at the present if one or the other ends up committing wonder how that will effect Markese? - Is that his name right? - -you think he might back off? - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    Markese is all in, and will be handed the keys to the program provided he develops as expected. Also, Moore played AAU with the Jacobs bros.

    I’m thinking, maybe KU doesn’t end up with Dotson. I wouldn’t be broken up about that.

  • @jayballer54

    Need based financial aid provided to students. Legal workaround to pay for the kids college expenses when you don’t have scholarships available.

  • @BShark

    Is KU now one big away from having all it needs for the upcoming season? I take it that Duval is no longer an option?

  • @JayHawkFanToo

    A big or Svi returning imo.

  • There was an interesting caveat at the end of that article, it said “barring a waiver from the NCAA, Moore will have to sit out a season.” Is this waiver even a possibility for Moore? Kindof caught me off guard on that one.

  • @RockkChalkk

    I don’t think he will get it, but he might as well TRY to. His dad had a stroke and he wanted to transfer back somewhere in the midwest to be closer to him.

  • I will say this one more time. I think SVI is gone whether he declares for the draft, stays in or not. If he doesn’t draft in the NBA then there are a lot of NBA teams that are telling iffy players to go over sea’s for a season play and then enter the following year. I feel this will be the case for SVI , return home and then declare again next year for the NBA. – Sorry to say but I think if your really honest - -his stock isn’t going to raise that much by coming back for another year at KU. - No matter he is NOT going to be a 1st round pick, so I really believe he will go back home play a year earn a little money and then declare again next season. This will leave us the one available also for Tilmon or another big hopefully. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    I respectfully disagree. Svi’s patents are both college professors and value education highly and they have indicated in the past that they would like to see him get his college degree. His stock will not get any lower by coming back and he can actually bump it up quite a bit with a good season. He is still very young so, unlike older players, there is no urgency on his part to go to the NBA and he does not have a family or possee to support. My guess is he comes back.

  • BShark said:

    Got a KU offer.

    Quoting myself!

    KU is pretty much his first BIG offer. UCLA is keeping tabs but hasn’t offered. Looks like an in-home visit will happen and he had very nice things to say about KU in an interview on 247.

  • Just saw that McCoy picked UNLV over MSU and Oregon. Wow.

  • @JayHawkFanToo And that is what’s good about the site. - -We can agree to disagree. We shall see, I just don’t see it happening. SVI like so many others can ALWAYS return and get their degree at any later given time. Not anyone saying about having to support family. Plus and to disagree SVI 'S stock will not jump drastically , he has just about hit his potential as far as NBA status goes - he would have to have an off the charts for him to rise as drastic as what your talking about. - -Most drafts had him middle of the 2nd to not drafted this year. He will not ever be a 1st round, just not that much time for that big of improvement. There is no way he would have even close to the type of season Frank had this past season. Using Frank for an example, he wasn’t on anyone’s draft before the season began NOW even with the season he had he is still low 2nd round to possible very low end of the middle 2nd.

    True Frank & SVI different players, different positions but it would take close to that type of season for SVI to get to the 1st round again from not being drafted to middle of the 2nd by most drafts to what your looking for 1st round - -just not happening.

    But again that’s what’s good about here, everyone welcome to their opinion. We shall see. - - . - -if you remember back when SVI 1st came to KU he was saying he was looking at TWO years that was all, so feel fortunate that he has played three, his whole intentions were to be here for TWO years, Coach Self has even brought that up in past discussions. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @BShark Kind of seems like a lefty BG.

    But maybe one that isn’t a jackass.

    And I expect UCLA, USC and Oregon to get on him now… Have to protect those recruiting grounds.

  • @jayballer54

    This is the first draft where he was not projected to be a first round pick and you could say it is more because of the other available players. Svi is only 19 years old and he would be 20 when he enters the draft after playing one more year at KU or the same age as Josh Jackson.

    As far as comparing him with Mason, it is apples and oranges and it has nothing to do with the positions they play. The main reason Mason is not a first round pick is his height; if he is 3-4 inches taller he is a top 3-5 pick. Isaiah Thomas of the Celtics, one of the better players in the NBA, was taken with the last pick of the draft (#60) and he is an inch shorter than Mason. Svi has the perfect build and skill set for his position and with his age not being an issue he could easily move to the first round with one additional year of experience; heck, I would not be surprised if a team picks him in the first round this upcoming draft.

  • GMs lose their minds over measurables. Anthony Bennett went #1 because he was long and could jump, but he couldn’t ball.

  • Kcmatt7 said:

    @BShark Kind of seems like a lefty BG.

    But maybe one that isn’t a jackass.

    And I expect UCLA, USC and Oregon to get on him now… Have to protect those recruiting grounds.

    Probably much more able than BG to actually play guard at the college level. Depends on how much more he develops but I think he would have the potential to be a 2/3 under Self and actually defend opposing guards decently. Kid can definitely fill it up either way though.

    Here is a highlight video

  • @BShark He definitely has better lateral movement than BG. At least it seems that way. Hard to tell until you put a D1 level guard in front of him.

    The type of guy I’m glad Self is on early though. Back end of top 100 and clearly underrated. Multi-year project too. I’m sure he will be on campus for Late Night. Just hope we can land him early in the recruiting season.

  • @Kcmatt7 my lateral movement is better too!

  • @JayHawkFanToo like I said we shall see. you think he will - - -I think he won’t. Neither one of us will change our opinion. ROCK CHALK ALL ADY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    I did no say my position is set in stone, it is not and it could easily change as more draft information becomes available.

    Based on what I have read to date, I believe that if the options are KU or Euro ball, he comes back to KU. I really do not believe he will stay in the draft unless he has assurances he will get selected in the first round but you never know. Euro Ball will always be an option so I would think he is not in a hurry since he is still very young.

  • Svi being invited to the combine seems a stretch to me…

    Am I wrong here?

  • @BeddieKU23

    It depends if you consider him to be or not to be one if the top 50 or so players out of the 190 or so that have declared for the draft so far. I believe he gets an invitation.

  • BeddieKU23 said:

    Svi being invited to the combine seems a stretch to me…

    Am I wrong here?

    Tall wings that can shoot are kind of a dime a dozen in the NBA. If his defense was better, I think it would be a no brainer to stay in the draft.

  • @JayHawkFanToo

    There Are seniors and international prospects to be considered as well.

    I don’t think he’s in the top 50

  • @BShark

    Money money money. And more money

  • BeddieKU23 said:


    Money money money. And more money

    Speaking of which UNLV just got Juiston after getting McCoy.

  • @BShark saw that, really wanted that kid. Think we are short a strong rebounder.

  • Well I read Coach Self’s update on SVI. - - that he believes that the early invites to the combine he thinks goes out on the 26th 27th & 28th of April - Said usually is a good indicator of a potential early entry stock.

    If a college player isn’t invited then usually chances are not a likely a candidate for a first or even a high to middle 2nd round.

    Coach says all indications seems to lean that SVI WILL be invited to the combine. - -Talked about he is an intruiging type being able to create his show during international ball - -and then his age , so sounds like from what Coach is saying sounds like he probably will be invited to the combine.

    He says if he is invited then they will get back together after and then start talking to the GM’S of clubs - -he said well actually SVI would be talking to GM’S. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @BShark

    Juiston another situation where money changed hands.

  • @JayHawkFanToo And notice who isn’t mentioned on the list of 75?

  • Howard watched a younger Lawson a few days ago. His twitter has some KU on it now. I think the Lawson experiment is going to pay some serious dividends.

  • @brooksmd

    I was surprised to see Mason that high. I have checked at least half a dozen mock drafts and the highest I have seen Mason is #39 in one and most of the others have him as bottom of the second round to not drafted. There seems to be a lot of discrepancy among publications and many players are 20 or more places apart in the various lists.

    At this point, I am not sure which is the best and it will be after the combine before we get a better idea of where the various prospects stand.

  • 0_1493319517300_AAA.jpg

    KU will be going up against Top 100 recruits in practice every day next season. Our scout team is better than most teams we play next year.

  • @Statmachine Bill’s high dollar hair plugs may combust if the scout team beats the starters.

  • @dylans

    Oh, come on…that is the most natural, God given hair money can buy…😃

  • If Mason goes at #29 that will be incredible. Very hopeful that occurs.

  • I don’t think that Frank cuts the first round. And, if that is the case I hope he goes undrafted. That way he can go make a rotation for a good team. Much like Wayne has done. Wayne is setting himself up for a nice payday next season. Although, his contract is apparently a team option for $1.3M next season so he might get cut. But I think someone will pay him next year even if that happens.

  • @HighEliteMajor

    I am not sure Masson goes in the first round but teams shoul look at Isaiah Thomas that went #60 but on the re-draft he was picked #4.

  • Ok guys , this might be silly but just thought about this possibility , see what you think. - - Does any of you think maybe , possibly the reason we Haven’t heard anymore on Tilmon is because he is waiting to announce his decision where he is going after we find out about SVI ?

    I mean yes I fully understand they play two entirely different positions but just maybe he holding on to see , cause if SVI does stay in or doesn’t return that would free up a spot for him and that he actually is wanting to come here now.

    I mean it’s been dead silent about where he going to land right? The last of ANYTHING I heard was when Coach Self visited with him I believe about the same time he took his Missouri visit. - -I would think if he is really all fired up about committing to Mizzery he would of announced that by now right? - So just a wild thought thinking MAYBE he holding off to wait and see if there will be an open scholarship at KU BEFORE he makes a decision. ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    Doubtful But props if that ends up correct.

    Losing svi and gaining tilmon would be the only situation that softens the blow of losing senior guard

  • @BeddieKU23 Ya I know pretty wild thought I grant but just curious. Just kind of hard to figure haven’t heard squat have you? - I thought it was a pretty easy read ALL MISSERY but now I’m thinking not so much. Who knows. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

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