Bragg is leaving

  • I haven’t read any posts so I don’t know if anyone has said this or not so this is just my $0.02.

    It sucks for Bragg because of his potential, but this to me feels like another Greene, Frankamp, and Tharpe situation where the off court issues forced Self to make a move. I really don’t believe this is a voluntary transfer, I believe this was Self telling Bragg to find another place to play as a transfer or be booted from the program. We know Self likes to allow players to save face in these situations and transfer out, but I really do believe this is not a voluntary transfer.

    Off court issues (drug suspension, crazy gf) + decreased PT including a DNP against the one program his skill set was needed agaisnt = voluntary transfer.

    I wish Bragg the best and hope he can get his act together, but I do believe a fresh start at another school is the way to go about this to help Bragg out.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10

    No one said it since the transfer, but it was definitely posted before that he might be forced out. Agree with your take.

  • @YellowBeak Yeah, the writing was on the wall. I personally am sad to see him go but lets be honest, it really wasn’t a great fit for B ragg

    I mean, his game never really meshed with Bill Selfs system this year at all. At all at all.

  • @BeddieKU23 Nooooo. Come on.

    Shady. Cole Aldrich, Jeff Withey, Darnell Jackson, Sasha Kaun, the Twins, TRob, Joel Embiid, Landen Lucas. yah I put him there.

    Shit happens and you cant always control what your guys do. It doesn’t mean Coach Self needs to alter his approach to recruiting one little bit

  • Good luck, CB.

  • @KUSTEVE Yep. I tweeted him, #jayhawk4ever

  • I can’t help to think this all started at the hat thing during his announcement. It was all down hill from that point.

  • @truehawk93 I seem to recall a freshman season in between that was pretty good!

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 Have to agree. Like I was listening to on the local sports talk saying think it was pretty much a Mutual parting of the ways, - Carlton looking for a fresh start and Coach pretty much agreeing saying he thought it might be best if he try to continue else where. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 We can’t say “for sure”, but this all of the earmarks of the force out. Having your tail glued to the bench in the most important game of the season is a bit of a sign. This was Self making the call. And I sense/speculate that the Bong did Bragg in.

  • Sad! Was hoping to see him back in pick-n-pop situations.

  • @approxinfinity Absolutely. Bragg showed some great moments. He just couldn’t get right. You can tell when a player turns a corner because they find some consistency. Bragg just couldn’t turn that corner. I wanted him to succeed and gave him all the benefit of the doubt. But, HCBS also gave him plenty of opps but the latest incidents just sealed Bragg’s fate.

  • Don’t look now, but HCBS and KTown has just moved KU up in the battle for TDuval. It may be a small increase, but it’s an increase. Dook is obviously holding at a solid position for Duval. My hope is that Self and Townsend are putting a full-court press on him over the next 5 days. If we can get to a 30-40% 24/7 chance, we MIGHT have a snowball’s chance in hell to get him.

    If that happens. If the dook godfather slips that low, and Capel loses ground with Duval, dook will pull out the big guns. They will appeal to Duval’s NBA aspirations by brining in KYRIE IRVING. They believe Duval is better at distributing the ball than Irving. Coach Konsanants will stop at nothing to gain the recruits he needs. He doesn’t miss too many targets. By gawd, he’s not going to miss on Duval to KU. If Capel retains Duval, it can’t be because he’s a better recruiter than HOF Coach Bill Self.

    Coach Kon is depending on his PUKE brand to reel Duval into the bizarre world of Puke bball.

  • Bragg went from a guy that Bill Self was sky high on his freshman season to a guy that Self didn’t seem to want for much more than minimal rotation minutes after some events we don’t know much about.

    Now KU issues a press release saying Bragg is leaving to pursue his dreams Self wishes him well, and Bragg expresses gratitude for his time at KU.

    It will be interesting to see what happens to Bragg.

    There seems to be two classes of early departures (excluding those to the pros) involving mutual well-wishing: well-wishing where Self reputedly helps a player relocate; and well-wishing where Self does not appear to.

    Will Bragg be in the first, or second group?

    It didn’t end pretty with the DNP, when he might have been helpful.

    I hope Carlton is in the former group, but fear he is in the latter group.

  • Hey, maybe Carlton can join Conner at WSU!!!

    Just kidding, I hope.

  • @jaybate-1.0 what’s wrong with you? Lol no crazy fictional stories come on!

  • Yo, @kjayhawks Lol

    D’jou mean sane, witty, entertainment?

    Nah, not feeling very witty and entertaining.

    Children getting gassed with Sarin shortly after Putin reputedly warned Israel not to meddle in Syria didn’t hit my funny bone.

    Been waiting for you to entertain me.

    Go ahead, make me laugh.

    Rock Chalk!

  • Here’s one that may have to be considered.

    Bragg just wasn’t good enough to continue playing here.

    I don’t believe that statement is that far from the truth. Besides the TCU game, where did Bragg prove he belonged in the rotation? Wasn’t he the 7th man by default?

    Put Soph Bragg in the situation he was in when he came here as a freshman, he probably would have gotten Hunter Mickelson minutes. He regressed, there really is no doubt about that.

    This is in no way an attempt to say Bragg can’t play basketball. I just think he never found out how to play basketball at the highest level. Given his reputation coming in, its a disappointment. In reality he is like a lot of kids that try and stick at a big program and transfer down to a more comfortable level. Maybe another coach will have better success with him.

  • @approxinfinity What’s the “axis of evil”? Nebraska? Syracuse? ACC?

  • @ralster imo axis of evil atm is Duke, Syracuse, Oregon, Wichita State, Missouri.

    I also have a strong dislike for Louisville’s program at the moment though my grandfather played there. They’d probably make the list if not for that fact.

    Also, UNC unresolved easygate makes them an honorary member, even with a likeable coach and players.

    I probably missed a few teams. Calhoun and Olson were at the top at Uconn and Arizona.

  • I dont watch Kentucky with disdain or hate. They are just different in their system from Self or Roy. Calipari is simply and obviously sticking to his ruthless & dogged detetmination to put together a roster that has a high chance of jelling into a Final4 caliber team by early-March. So he off-loaded a 6’2 guard who “cant shoot”. He thinks he’s got better coming in. I’d like to point out that, other than their Nerlens-injury NIT ignominous year, they’re almost proven to be an Elite8/Final4 level team every year.

    Every college coach wishes they could recruit like Calipari, although one wonders how other coaches would be at mgmt of such a roster.

    Note: Just playing a little devil’s advocate to the discussion above. While I’m not sure I’d want Calipari’s system here at KU, I most definitely think he is the master of his system. He’s proved that. Most people would concede KY is in the NC hunt every year now under him. And because I’ve visited KY boards, yes KY fans love their return to dominance, but they do indeed lament not ‘getting to know’ their players over multiple years. KY is so basketball-centric, that they feel like an element is missing without the standout multiyear “college” players. You could surmise that Cal has cheapened or narrowed their experience…depending on your pov."

  • Remember when Naadir Tharpe transferred to be closer to his kid? This is an example of being “Off-Loaded.”


  • Gross!

  • @wrwlumpy

    Ughhhh…There is no way I can unsee that…

  • There are guys you chose to face battles with, then there are guys you prefer to party with. Often, those guys are one and the same. Sometimes the distinction is foggy. I’d choose to go to battle with senior Frank Mason. Or junior Frank Mason, for that matter. Sophomore Carlton Bragg? The distinction rings loud and clear. Carlton might yet resurrect his hoops career, but that seems best not to be in the cards while wearing a proud Jayhawk singlet. I wish him well; but am more than ready to move into 1917-18 without his shortage of battle ready determination. Our KU hoops warriors cannot drift into the careless lives of typical partying underclassmen. Jayhawk Basketball is mighty serious business. Those who commit fully to its demands reap lofty rewards…while coming, going and in the interim.

  • @JayHawkFanToo LMAO at this point and can’t stop. I forgot all about that pic and now it’s going to take another Summer to get it out of my head.

    My question back then and now is that his baby mama? It’s obvious where that pic was prior or went afterward.

    The following clip is rated ‘R’ by the poster and it is intended for mature audiences. Parental discretion is advised.

    I don’t know why but this ugly selfie of NT reminded me of this clip. That and maybe the crap going on around the world ie. N Korea and Russia



  • This kid looks a lot like Bragg, but way better handles and he plays without thinking.

  • (


    This kid will be an Oubre type player.

  • @KUSTEVE said:

    but to repeat the scurrilous suggestion that Israel had anything to do with poisoning innocent children in Syria is ridiculous, and as irrational an idea as I’ve ever heard.

    That is a ridiculous (scurrilous?) mischaracterization of my remarks and thinking.

    But since you are not usually this way I will take the trouble to clarify.

    Israel didn’t do it.

    There are many suspects.

    I hypothesize it, and this category of events, was the work of a large global organized crime organization that has insinuated itself into many of the state governments, militaries and certain major corporations. I suspect something much bigger than what Ian Fleming once anticipated (and warned of) in spy fiction may have come to pass.

    It would be kind of like what some call a Deep State, except that it would be a globalized Deep State insinuated into many elements of governance, force structure and commerce. what some once called a Meta Crime Cartel has perhaps metasticized into a hydra headed entity inside and outside governments, militaries, corporations and terrorist organizations. And it’s gotten way more control than any crime organization has ever acquired before

    It appears to plague USA, UK, the Crown, the Vatican, Russia, China, and probably most of the major states and organizations of the world.

    So: Israel didn’t do it anymore than USA, UK, Russia, China and Syria did it.

    Fleming apparently knew how the world really worked and he apparently wrote fictions about what kinds of dangers could conceivably emerge one day, based on extrapolations and inflations of past threats, as surely as George Orwell did.

    Flemming’s vision and Orwell’s vision may turn out to have been co-evolutionary.

  • @jaybate-1.0 I didn’t understand your reference to Israel, obviously. I took my post down.


    Thanks. I reread my own post and saw how you could have drawn the conclusion you did.

  • @jaybate-1.0 I should’ve asked before jumping to conclusions. I should know better. My apologies.


    The main thing is for the authorities to find those responsible for this sort of agent provocateur event, or whatever it turns out to be categorized, and they need to be brought to justice by trial. We are at the time before Hammurabi’s code concerning terrorism. Rule of law has to be imposed on this stuff generally, however else we choose to respond . I’m not saying I’m categorically opposed to retaliation, but it’s not enough. we are descending into barbarism relying solely on retaliation, counter terrorism and torture. Revenge is NOT justice. The various cultures of the world all recognize this. Bottom line is: if all a culture and state can deliver its citizens is revenge, individuals don’t need culture, or states. Revenge we can do without government.

    Revenge is not working.

    Culture we need.

  • @jaybate-1.0 Exxon on the uptick yesterday. Reminds me of Dick Cheney’s former workplace, the billions reaped from reconstruction in Iraq.

  • @REHawk said:

    the billions reaped from reconstruction in Iraq

    Suggested edit: …the billions stolen from alleged “reconstruction” in Iraq…

  • How about just sticking to the topic of this thread and take the political crap elsewhere?

  • @jaybate-1.0 It was a false flag designed to draw up hatred towards Assad, in order to overthrow him, and advance the Islamic Caliphate, imo. The Globalists must have their war. I would advise all citizens of Damascus to get the heck out of there while there is still time.

  • @brooksmd I’m sorry.

  • @truehawk93

    RODNEY…my favorite comedian…😃

  • @brooksmd Fair enough. Please send me a note of deconflict if you plan to send missiles. Just so I can move and hide my half dozen toxic Jayhawk t-shirts and a couple of KU caps somewhere off and away into the heart of my remote 30 Ozark acres before photos of them burning might be released on Fox “news.”

  • @brooksmd said:

    How about just sticking to the topic of this thread and take the political crap elsewhere?

    Sorry for having jumped in to the off-topic.

    Hmmm…are you wishing you had kept to your plan to stay out of the basketball section until Late Night?

  • @mayjay Good Friend, NEVER GIVE A INCH!

  • It will be interesting to see who we sign in this late recruiting period. If I’m correct with JJ, BIFM. LL and Bragg out of the mix, if everyone else stays doesn’t that leave us with two Scholarship(counting our 2 signees)? Rivals shows us as the only school to offer Jusiton at this point so you’d think he’s a shoe-in at this point but Duval seems to not be on board if DG stays. We will know a ton more in a few weeks.

  • @kjayhawks Evans too, right?

  • @jaybate-1.0 said:

    Hey, maybe Carlton can join Conner at WSU!!!

    Just kidding, I hope.

    Shame on you! Give yourself a time out right now young man!

  • @BucknellJayhawk3

    Enjoyed your post. Solid view of the situation. Touched on my “old school” background where you always grind it out and struggling is actually your biggest opportunity to improve. IMO, that is the only reason UNC won the NC this year. It was their “redemption season” and redeem they did.

    I appreciate that you challenged a thought in here and you don’t post often. I think many people in here are a bit intimidated to post a challenge since they haven’t built a huge rep in here. We really need more people voicing out in here… so THANK YOU for contributing!

    It does seem like we have all been left in the dark about Carlton… there is more to the story than we all know.

    I’m like many… and I’ll miss his monster smile and the dream of seeing him reach higher levels of play. Guess it just wasn’t met to be.

    I think we also realize Carlton is young and needs to do some growing up. Perhaps a move is what he needs. Hard to say with the limited knowledge we know.

    But I like your idea of “sticking it out.” Lots of KU players in the past had a rough time at first but they stuck it out and ended up having monster careers.

  • I wonder if a red-shirt year is what Bragg needs? (It might have worked at KU if he’d been given the option.) It will give him one whole year to get his life straight. It will give him one whole year to focus on school and how to be a self sufficient adult without gameday pressure. Yes he will still practice, but without the pressure of gameday.

  • @drgnslayr If it were only basketball, I would agree that Bragg should just stick it out. But the off-court issues have probably made him feel like a marked man. Socially awkward at best for his last 2 years of college, and likely in the crosshairs of the L PD, not to mention likely being on permanent probation with the coaches and the school.

    And then, too, we don’t know how much his teammates actually want him around after his season ended with him not playing vs Ore despite our desperate need for inside help. This might be the biggest unknown.

    All in all, leaving gives him a good chance to just go forward. Having to prove no more than any transfer. I say, let the kid have a new chance for college to be fun.

  • @mayjay thinking discipline more than fun!😠

  • @mayjay

    Totally agree. Plus… I really think he will benefit by sitting a year. Great chance for him to work on his game while learning the new system in place.

    Yes… I can see the possibility of him feeling like a “marked man.”

    I wonder if he saw the writing on the wall when we signed Billy. Billy appears to be a stepped-up version of Carlton. And with Doke coming back, it looks like we have two very similar players fighting for minutes at the 4… a position we already know can sometimes do us better by using a tall guard at the spot.

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