KU vs the Purps
@jayballer54 copy and paste the link. If you want to get fancy add a set of [] and () like this: [KU Sports] (www.kusports.com) But remove the space and you get: KU Sports
Click edit on my post to see it if that helps.
Middle of the week game against a lesser opponent. I’ll be counting the empty seats at AFH tonight. My preliminary guess is 0, except for the VIP seats on the eastside bleachers after halftime for the folks still enjoying the food and beverages in the VIP Lounge and aren’t aware that the second half has started. I was fortunate enough to wear one of those wristbands last year and was surprised no one told us the second half had started. My apologies for getting back to my seat late for the second half. It’s a good thing Dick V didn’t call me out.
You mean the whine and cheese crowd seats? They probably go for at least $10K per seat contribution to the Williams fund and are bought by wealthy posers (or corporations) that want to see and be seen there but don’t care much about basketball in the first place. I have seen couples sitting there with young kids that had their head buried on their IPads the entire game and couldn’t care less about the game…what an effin’ waste of good seats
@JayHawkFanToo everyone is pretty crazy there! I don’t see much of that.
Wow you really lucked out. Have fun!
@BeddieKU23 forget me?
@JayHawkFanToo Yes, the wine and cheese seats. After halftime, there are always several rows of courtside seats empty for several minutes into the second half for these late returners. It makes me smile every game.
I just saw your post, did you know Rush’s Jersey was getting retired when you got them?
Coach Williams used to call them the “whine” and cheese crowd…
@BeddieKU23 my son had not given up the tickets yet so they were still available for me
. Hoping to cut the nets down too! Up and back trip today and back Monday.
@Crimsonorblue22 said:
I’ll be there too! Have ear plugs for daughter? Have fun!
We’ve been going out to the tarmac at the airport for a few weeks now to watch and listen to the jet planes fly just above our heads as a test run for the noise at Allen Fieldhouse. I think she’s ready!
You have fun as well! I’ll look for you there. And considering I have no idea what you look like, it’ll be pretty astounding should I happen to find you!
@BeddieKU23 said:
Wow you really lucked out. Have fun!
Will do! I don’t get to go to many games because there’s only so much in the budget with a couple rug rats to raise and tickets can be fairly pricey, but I try to get to a game every few years if I can. It’s a real treat, for sure. I’m so looking forward to it!
Thanks, man! I’ll look him up and check it out!
@tis4tim Sounds like great family time. BUT - as a 5 year old, she probably won’t fully appreciate the whole atmosphere thing. However, I am a huge fan of atmosphere. I would make the ultimate sacrifice and go to the game with you. I’m sure my wife would love to babysit…
@nuleafjhawk what a guy!
Congrats on taking your daughter to her first game!
I suggest you take a set of ear plugs for her. Hard to say how she deals with the sound level and you want to make sure her first experience is positive.
Here is a serious bit of advice, make sure you and particularly your daughter wear hearing protection. My audiologist indicated that even one exposure to loud noise can cause permanent damage. I wish I would have known this when I did all that consulting work for the Air Force around fighter planes so I would not have to wear hearing aids now.
@dylans said:
Click edit on my post to see it if that helps.
I never thought about doing that to see how people put some things on here. So simple, yet so far away…
This post is deleted!
I thought we retire jerseys only and not numbers except for Wilt? Anyone know?
Also, an article the other day about Rush’s jersey had Self saying the criteria for retirement are fluid, and that there will be a couple more from the '08 team primarily based on what they did after that year. I assume those will be Aldrich and Collins.
You are correct, only the jersey is retired. Rush wore #25 and shared that number with former KU greats Danny Manning and B.H. Born who I believe both had their jerseys retired as well.
@JayHawkFanToo said:
Here is a serious bit of advice, make sure you and particularly your daughter wear hearing protection. My audiologist indicated that even one exposure to loud noise can cause permanent damage. I wish I would have known this when I did all that consulting work for the Air Force around fighter planes so I would not have to wear hearing aids now.
I plan on taking ear plugs. Thanks to you and @Crimsonorblue22 and others for the very wise suggestion. Hearing damage is very serious and I sincerely hope I didn’t offend you or others with my tarmac comment. I was trying to make a joke about how loud Allen Fieldhouse can be, but it was probably in poor taste all things considered. My sincere apologies.
@StLJhawk Ugh, we lost to them only 9 games ago? Still in shock over the disaster in Fort Worth.
@nuleafjhawk We should have rushed the court when we beat WVU!
@tis4tim Most definitely as @Crimsonorblue22 asked, please have some hearing protection from the noise for your daughter. Getting her used to noise is not the problem. Hearing loss is.
@tis4tim And if you’re sitting near @Crimsonorblue22 most definitely bring protection!
@nuleafjhawk Only Brandon can “RUSH” the court!
No offense taken whatsoever. I wish I had used hearing protection back then…oh well too late for me by hopefully I can help someone else.
@JayHawkFanToo Too bad on your hearing. I had a friend who was an Army Armor officer. He lost a lot of his hearing, but in one ear only, from the cannon on his tank because of the way he would stand and from not wearing the famed Michael Dukakis “ears”. Forgot to mention it when he had his outprocessing physical, when it was probably only 15-20%. Grew to about 50 to 70% 15 years later. I grew to be very sympathetic with his problem–but it was kind of funny when his wife would reach over and turn his head so he could hear her. They always laughed.
My hearing loss is not severe but enough that in a group setting it is difficult to make out the details or light sounds. I can function just fine without hearing aids and my world is much quieter without them since I cannot hear things like the clicking of the keyboard keys or the turn signal indicator. With hearing aids I can hear all these sounds and the world becomes a very, very loud place…oh well.
I too have a significant hearing loss. I was at the KU/KSU game in AFH and was quite comfortable with the noise until Svi hit the game winning layup. Then it was HOLY SH_T, thay hurt!
Where is everybody?
Ffs. Dunk the ball
@DoubleDD where u been?
Hot hot here
Oh to be 22 and 6’10"
Josh Jackson with the nasty D.
Sadly my profession has caused me to do some unwanted traveling. Yet I still watch as much as I can.
@cragarhawk Until you’re 42 and 6’10". Ouch.
At 38 and a 20 year floor installer I already know ouch… but I could dunk the ball in HS at 5’ 10"
That TCU player really thinks they’re going to win. LOL
Was that real hair or some kind of hair net?
@mayjay Your friend can still go to the VA and probably get hearing aids. I retired from the AF in '87 and though I had some hearing loss it wasn’t enough to warrant hearing aids or disability… Over the years it became worse and after a review by the VA of my records and career fields that involved noisy conditions (not aircraft related) I was awarded 10% disability and hearing aids about 4 years ago… And it was only one ear. Have him get in touch with his local state Dept of Veterans Affairs for assistance. I say state as the VA denied my original request and I turned everything over to my local rep and he took it from there. Only wish I had done it sooner as I paid for my own several years before to the tune of $5000.00.
Like the energy but still very frustrated by the overhelping - given up three threes because of it. Isnt a three worth more than a two?
@DoubleDD You mean on #34 for TCU? I was wondering the same thing.
Yea it looks fake. I can’t tell.
Off to locker room
F bomb
It got real quiet in Allen Fieldhouse.
He’ll be alright.
Giving up way too much dribble penetration.