Boom them Sooners chat
Lol ref. Made up something to call
Refs taking over.
Wouldn’t it be funny if Duke’s tripper tripped Capell for taking him out?
@stoptheflop Has to get tougher
And here come the whistles
@KansasComet good defense that time
3 calls against Kansas in 20 seconds. Damn!
I hate when refs want to grab the spotlight…
Refs saw the fouls going one way. They quickly corrected at
The Home whistles?
@mayjay said:
@chriz said:
OK ESPN, thanks for reminding me that there’s a Duke game coming up
And today’s was so much fun!
It was beautiful!
@DanR VIck fouled him methinks
That’s funny I don’t care who you are.
Hey announcers tell us the foul counts
@jaybate-1.0 lol
One more for bonus. Betcha ou gets there too soon
@BeddieKU23 For sure!
Total fouls is KU 13 Ou 11
Okay, that little 9 foot floaters; that IS the form Josh needs to duplicate from trey.
Yes Mason!
How many times I going to write this? POY
Some one call the fire department. Mason is on fire.
Mason in the house…and the zone…
Mason AGAIN!!
Damn Lucas
Boards much better, Josh nice pass to ll
Holy crap Frank. total control.
3rd and 4th FT’s of the game for the Jayhawks coming up. IN other words in 30 minutes we’ve shot 2.
Who figured I would EVER like watching the weave?
That little floater of Josh’s’ that is the key to superstardom. He’s got to build his wrists, forearms and that muscle that runs up the back of your arm above the elbow. Do that and he can shoot a 25 foot floater. That is the ticket.
@DanR jj
Giving up wide open threes again.
Fran says the 4 out and 1 in has been played for ever.
Propose we change “Hawk to Rock” to “Hawk besides Mason to Rock”
@DanR that was almost ugly weave
Speaking of makeup calls tonight, Fran is having a nice makeup call in avoiding the KU hate
I had to think about it, but I get. LOL
Who wins ft contest --Shaq or JJ?
@Blown jj
Here is a quote that might explain your increasing receptivity to the weave.
"Through clever and constant application of propaganda people can be made to see paradise as hell, and also the other way around, to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise.” –Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, 1923
Jackson is hot from the line. Call espn he’s at 75% tonight
Shaq or doke?
Love seeing Jackson slash. If he could just make em pay consistently at the line it would be a dynamite weapon
@Blown Love seeing him hit free throws too!
OK that was good.