Sunflower Slaughter Game Thread

  • @Bwag

    Is this Self’s new secret weapon? He tries to let opponents score so much they get tired down the stretch?

  • @jaybate-1.0 playing Kentucky there. At this point I’d put that in the L column if I had to put my life on it.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10

    Dude is a flopper…

  • @Bwag KU can still put points up. This team is plenty good enough to outscore Kentucky even in Rupp.

  • Its pretty obvious that he sent them out flat. Josh Jackson is the only one that looks even a little quick. Frank looks like he is in slow motion in a bad way, not in the psi way of earlier this season.

  • @JayHawkFanToo Doesn’t change that he has the best hair in the Big 12.

  • Devonte has a hyper extended left elbow, and Jamari Traylor knees. ugh!!!

  • @BeddieKU23 did u bet me a million bucks?

  • OK…so it wasn’t the prettiest game but the good guys won. Let’s enjoy the win and quit ragging on the players, at least for the evening…

  • Self called it the worst Defensive team he’s had at Kansas.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 we can win. I wouldn’t put my life on it. Their size may really give us issues.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 said:

    @Bwag KU can still put points up. This team is plenty good enough to outscore Kentucky even in Rupp.

    Maybe it will come down to which team leans to play defense first (or best).

  • @Bwag they don’t play D either. Need to play a few games in between there.

  • Banned

    KU can play scary defense. It has shown it can. Give it time. Geez… Playing great defense is harder than play great offense.

    Just give it time.

    It’s coming.

  • @Blown said:

    Self called it the worst Defensive team he’s had at Kansas.

    I am so glad you posted that. I was beginning to think I was in an alien tractor beam and being made to watch this simulacrum of KU basketball while they drained my bodily fluids and filled my brain with strange memories of DNA extraction.

    If Self sees the problem, then I am not in an altered state.

    I would argue its not even a defensive team.

  • Banned


    Mark it.

    You’ll eat those words.

    Self is the riverboat gambler. You watch at some point this KU team will come out and show and exhibition on how to play defense.

  • If this team ends winning the big12 and goes anywhere, bill Self should be considered the best coach ever.

  • @DoubleDD I agree with you

  • Banned


    ah you can’t see what is in front of you. You’re looking for style points. That doesn’t matter. It’s just about winning.

  • @DoubleDD true dat. We have had similar situations in the past but overcame them. Our guys are too good and too well coached to not eventuallyget their defense to championship levels.

  • @DoubleDD

    Its pretty clear he decided to extend the legendary week of getting better into two weeks. These guys legs are completely dead.

    And its pretty clear that he decided to make them labor by his age old trick of taking away all the stuff that works, and giving them no wrinkles.

    And its pretty clear that he did it to try to make them beat a cellar dweller with defense.

    But…they couldn’t do it.

    Down the stretch of both halves he cracked and gave them some stuff to run.

    That’s why he is calling them the worst defensive team he has ever had.

    KSU is terrible. They are the kind of team that Self teams used to be able to strangle even when he purposely gave them junk that wouldn’t work.

    This team doesn’t control a square inch of the court defensively.


    Tonight it was because the legs were dead from “two weeks of getting better” aka killer practices working them relentlessly on every phase of the game. You know that’s how its had to have been, because none of the guys were smiling. They all thought things were going so well that the rest of the season was going to be a march to the Carney. But Self threw them a curve and put them all in the toughening box. No more smiles from this team. The have felt the Self hate boner. They have been withered by the stinger.

    Clearly Self looked at the schedule and said TCU, KSU, TTEch, OU and OSU could easily be beaten by 20-30 points each game and the team is going to get waaaaaay overconfident for the first good conference team we meet: ISU.

    Clearly Self has made himself the teams fearsome opponent that the schedule does not supply right now.


    A KU team that cannot turn on Self Defense even under the most trying of conditions created by Self betrays a structural problem.

    Devonte is probably playing operable below the waist and with a hyper extended elbow above; and its likely that it isn’t going to change.

    Self has decided to teach the team to win with Devonted the way he is.

    KU will look much better shortly when Self lets up on their legs and their brains.


    But he would be resting Devonte now, if he thought it would help Devonte.

    Inference: WYSIWYG with Devonte. The great player we saw last season is probably not coming back this season.

  • @jaybate-1.0 you might be onto something. dG and Mason both look slow. And Mason is not hustling back on d.

  • Banned


    UM You’re wrong. I don’t like saying or saying that but KU players have been at home with their loved celebrating a Christian holiday, and bringing in a new year.

    Coach has yet to break this team into his defense minded dreams. Yet it is coming. Keep in mind this a break threw season for Coach. He has scarped his tried and true to play a 4 and 1. However playing a 4 and 1 brings new challenges of playing defense.

    Yet it is coming. Mark my words. it is coming.

  • P.S.: Self is a genius. But genius from time to time takes that don’t pay off. Beating the piss out of a team that is going to have a short bench right now is a VERY big gamble, even if they win all these nothing games before ISU. The gamble is that the short rotation doing all this EXTRA work, when not needed, is going to lead to one of Self’s occasional team burnouts down the stretch.

    But again, he is playing for all of the marbles. His reasoning obviously is: this team isn’t deep anymore and it is going to have to learn to play through sooner or later, if it is to get a title and make a run. But this really could blow up in his face.

  • Banned


    Let me put it this way. KU wins the conference and makes history, and makes the final four.

    I’m calling it.

  • @DoubleDD

    I can guaranty you that you will walk on water with a beard before what you witnessed tonight had to do with turkey and New Years cheer. These are dead legs from the week of getting better that probably turned into two weeks, because, well, because Self just decided…what the heck, why not roll the dice and take they waaaaaaaaay out of their comfort zones.

  • Banned


    I have no doubt that Coach would take our beloved to levels they don’t understand, or even us. Yet mark my words KU will win 3 to 4 games this year with defense.

    The riverboat gambler lives on.

  • @DoubleDD

    Great. Its an absolutely crappy conference this season. You’re not risking much.

    But FF in the tournament? Without Devonte at 100 percent, and no depth at the post? And the defensive weak link with Devonte at 2/3s speed?

    Now that is Ruth pointing at the fence.

  • Banned


    Final Four baby. The little engine that could.

  • @DoubleDD

    For what its worth, I just watched Devonte jump 3 inches off the floor while defending a break at 84-82 with 1;35 left.

  • @jaybate-1.0 I agree with you except for Devonte. I will watch him more on Saturday.

  • Banned


    See you in the final 4. Just give me props when it happens. Not really give these KU players and Coach their props.

  • @jaybate-1.0 his arm’s not bothering him while he’s putting up half courters before every game and making them

  • @Crimsonorblue22 yeah I don’t see anything wrong with his arm

  • Banned

    I’m sorry to all posters. I know this is a free site to post what you wish. I just see things different than most.

    A lot of KU fans see a team with to many flaws. Yet I see a team that is hardened. I see a team that will win when it counts. Whether they are playing a scrub team or a top studded team.

    They may not look good winning, but winning is what they will do.

    So I apologize if I offended any posters. Just know I believe this team is special. I don’t care if they win by 20 or a last second shot. All I know is this team is full of winners.

    Enjoy the ride.

  • @DoubleDD I don’t think ksu is all that bad either

  • Would’ve killed me to lose to them at home☠

  • @jaybate-1.0 said:


    Great. Its an absolutely crappy conference this season. You’re not risking much.

    Are you on drugs? The Big 12 is ranked the #1 conference, 3 of its teams are ranked in the top 5 by most rankings and one of those lost today, 8 out of 10 teams are ranked in the top 36 and the bottom 2 are in the top 70. You can call the Big 12 many names but crappy is not one of them. From top to bottom the Big 12 is the strongest conference in college bball.

  • @Crimsonorblue22

    Nope big shot by Livingston

    2 gifts in one night

  • @JayHawkFanToo said:

    Are you on drugs? The Big 12 is ranked the #1 conference, 3 of its teams are ranked in the top 5 by most rankings and one of those lost today, 8 out of 10 teams are ranked in the top 36 and the bottom 2 are in the top 70. You can call the Big 12 many names but crappy is not one of them. From top to bottom the Big 12 is the strongest conference in college bball.

    No, are you on drugs? each and every year, some nuts come out and declare big 12 the #1 conference and each and every year, big 12 fizzle’s out. This year will be the same. Baylor and WVU won’t even make it past the first round and let see if KSU even makes it.

    I’m not sure you all know this but Self is simply trolling NCAA here. We are clearly light years ahead of all the teams in the big 12 and even if you take either one of our guards away, we still should beat TCU and KSU by 20+. Bill is doing this on purpose…he’s trying to get the big 12 to look better so it help’s KU. that has got to be it. Given our roster - #1 recruits, burger boys, seasoned guards…there is no way we should be winning by only 2 on a travel at home against a really crappy KSU team. I mean really- how many of you can even name more than 2 ksu players prior to tonight.

  • @elpoyo I easily could name more than 3 players just from having played them twice each year for the last 4 years and tell you that Marcus Foster left the little apple and is doing great at Creighton. You can give HCBS credit for a lot of things, but manufacturing a close game to make the league look better doesn’t make sense. HE would have loved to smack Weber with a 20+ butt whooping.

    I don’t think this was the recruit I was thinking of but sorry @approxinfinity - not your 6’9" guy.


  • @Blown said:

    Self called it the worst Defensive team he’s had at Kansas.

    He isn’t wrong. Fortunately it’s also one of the better offensive teams.

  • @JayHawkFanToo said:

    @jaybate-1.0 said:

    Are you on drugs? The Big 12 is ranked the #1 conference,

    No, I’m clean as always, but I am very worried about the bad junk that you just apparently speed balled and are now apparently caught in the confusing rush of, as you appear to release your surgical tubing! 🤓

    You gave me the drug smear so, I’m just trying play it the way you want.

    @DoubleDD , if I recall correctly, nailed this “Big 12 is great this season” junk. Addictively overrating the B12 happens almost every pre con year lately, at least as often as the B12 gets rolled early in the Carney.

    The Carney Biz model apparently optimizes on over hype of the B12 in precon to make things work to a bottom line of balanced betting that lets the EST steam roll the B12 in the March. The system appears engineered front to back. But I’m not going to rely on that pattern and appearance of impropriety just because it fits well with your drug taking metaphor you gave me to apply to you; that’s too easy for this conference time of season.

    No one can SERIOUSLY look at TCU, KSU, TTECH, OU, and OSU and say this season, “Oooooh, even the bottom half of the B12 is stacked with talent” regardless of what the pre con stats suggest

    ISU and UT don’t look overloaded with talent either, frankly.

    So what’s inflating the stats to a misleading extent beyond the apparent engineering premise?

    Here’s the springboard for the illusion that your drugs are creating for you. The B12 has quite a few experienced, above average coaches trying to get out of the subbasement, basement and middle, and so they outcoach the midmajors and weak majors scheduled early, and their weak talent builds up some good “looking” numbers off that early lopsided edge in coaching that suggests more talent than is there, but that doesn’t mean their teams have enough talent to finish in the top half of the B12, and do well in the apparently engineered Carney, where talent and mailing address appear paramount, and where coaching quality evens out much more than in precon.

    Now, I’ve tried to talk you down here, but I think you may be far enough into this “Big 12 is great this year” junk hallucination that you may have to check yourself into a “creepy” rehab gig!

    Man are you getting “creepy” with these drug metaphors!

    Yeeee hawwww its conference season and bate 1.0 is playing some take what they give us!!!

  • I could swear I’ve read all this stuff in previous seasons. And yet at the end of the day who comes out on top of the psuedo-Big 12? Of course to some that is senseless as the only real accomplishment is the March Madness Crap-Shoot NC. Or at least the FF. How else can we expect to get a top recruiting class of OAD’s?

  • @jaybate-1.0 said:

    B12 has quite a few experienced, above average coaches

    This is true and the reason the B12 is competitive. Some of those above average coaches have particular strengths in game preparation and management… others are good at finding unheralded talent and making it better… But almost every school is in very competent hands.

    On any given night, a great team can be beaten.

    Of course, the long haul (conference title) favors the team with a coach who has multiple talents (preparation & tactics & recruiting, etc.) and players with exceptional raw talent…

  • @jaybate-1.0

    Can you show me a reputable publication…any reputable publication that indicates a conference other than the Big 12 is the top ranked? The conference is and has been consistently a top 2 conference the last few years. Keep in mind that conference rankings include all the teams and not only the better ones. The SEC has Kentucky and Florida and not much more, the ACC has 5 or 6 good teams but the bottom is pretty pitiful, same with the Big East.


  • Banned


    I’m not sure how we have arrived on the subject if the Big 12 is legit or not? I mean lets be honest a case can be made the Big 12 has sucked for the last decade or so. As KU wins the conference every year. I don’t have a dog in that fight. I could care less. Besides Coach has had KU play one of the toughest schedules year in and your out. Don’t really see the point?

    Well unless you’re just trying to down play KU’s two conference wins this year, because they were close wins against so called bottom dwellers. That some how that equates to a below or average KU team?

    No I’m not on drugs. Just went back and reread some of my posts and realized I was being a bit to bullish with my points of view. So I was trying to make amends.

    I’ll let you have your point for now. But don’t come back in 3 weeks when KU and coach are rocking and rolling, talking about how Coach is the Zen master. Plus that somehow you were privy to all.

    No you made your bed. You’ll get sleep in it.

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