The issue of crime is never ultimately about whether a criminal can turn it around. That is a separate issue and science. Many criminals can turn it around under the right circumstances. Everyone wants them to turn it around through reason, Christ or Buddhism, or psychiatry, meds or what have you. And the criminal justice system should be geared to finding the best way, not with perpetuating vindictive punishment. But for selling junk to kids? Rewarding them with a life of loving service to their victims when they change seems the only way to address both need for justice and compassion to perp and victim.
The issue is what must a criminal be required to do after turning it around.
A Butler locked up is pointless for the victims and a Butler. A Butler grinding out a humble living is pointless for the victims and a Butler. A Butler getting rich and doing a few good deeds is pointless, too.
A Butler needs to spend the rest of his rehabilitated life outside prison, or at least a large designated portion of it, worshipping God, and doing gods work with the victims he created, not for the tax deferred and non victim related benefit of it That would be real, meaningful freedom, compassion and justice for a devout Butler and real justice and love for the victims.
This is entirely about doing a Christian thing for a Christian perp, too. He must give all he makes to the victims. He must do all his good deeds for the victims. He must love them and help them and sacrifice for them. He must use the spirit of God and gods love for them. He must seek them out and serve them humbly. He must be their servant, not slave. He must be Christlike to them. Not be crucified. Jesus died for his sins already. He must live his life as Christ would have. He must renounce all worldly possessions and minister to his victims. It appears the only moral and just way for one to address such a wrong. He must do so with love in his heart. Freely, or return to prison till he can. And we must love him enough to help him renounce all his worldly possessions and free him of their destracting nature and instead help him focus his love and service on those that need it because of what he did. It is so kind and loving to do this for the Butlers of the world, instead of executing them, or imprisoning them, or letting them go free and use religion to excuse their sin and help them toward normal lives. Truly free them to do only Gods work, not distract themselves from serving their victims.
But note, this is only a layman’s suggestion for the crime of selling horse to children. It is not about Cameron Butler. What’s done is done with him.