Best movies with a lot of snow in them?
This time of year I’m obsessed with movies with a lot of snow in them. Anyone have suggestions?
We’ve watched the standards… Elf, Christmas Story, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, Groundhog Day. And all the old cartoons like Grinch, Charlie Brown Christmas, the claymation Rudolph, Frosty, Snow miser (horrible but cult classic). Weve seen Scrooged, Home Alone 1,2,3. Hell I even enjoy the horror movies with snow in them like The Thing or 30 Days of Night, or the XFiles episodes on the North Pole. We’ve watched Antarctica: a Year on Ice, a documentary about living in the station.
Any other good ones?
The Revanent. The Shining has some snow.
Both good kids movies.
@DanR lol
Anyone see “Togo” yet? It’s on Disney (story about the sled dog that lead the toughest leg of the race to get the medicine to the village to save the kids). I got kind of emo just watching the trailer.
Two good train movies with snow…
Snowpiercer (odd but riveting post apocalyptic)
Runaway Train (with Jon Voight)
If your into scary movies (I’m not) but the first snow movie that popped into my head was Stephen King’s “Storm of the Century”.
Jack Frost from 97 - horrible movie about a killer snowman. Lol
What no Disney princess movies? How about Frozen?
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
Game of Thrones?!?
Everest (2015) version & Vertical Limit are two others I did enjoy with tons of snow
YouTube trains plowing through snow!
, one of my least favorite Disney movies that my kids watch on repeat. Four Brothers has snow it, it’s good. Mystery Alaska is good snow/sports movie.
Gorilla72 said:
YouTube trains plowing through snow
lol! that train station one was amazing.
Cool Runnings
Grumpy Old Men. Grumpier Old Men
Why snow? I’m always trying to avoid seeing, being in or thinking of snow. I’ve been looking for lots of good Caribbean beach movies.
@approxinfinity One really good show (IMO) that we watch on an ongoing basis is " Life Below Zero ". It’s a documentary of sorts about several people/families in various parts of Alaska.
You WILL see snow…
@nuleafjhawk a football town Barrow, Alaska is an ok documentary about trying to play football at the northernmost city in the states.
kjayhawks said:
, one of my least favorite Disney movies that my kids watch on repeat. Four Brothers has snow it, it’s good. Mystery Alaska is good snow/sports movie.
One of my interns a couple years ago got in trouble (in HS) for punching a kid for spontaneously singing the frozen let it snow song. Lol. I mean -Oh no! boys fighting. End of the world stuff.
I enjoyed Ice Road Truckers.
Wind River is super good.
It’s not overly cheerful though lol.
@dylans we used to run around in HS and hit right on the bone to the inside of our arms, trying to give each other dead arms as we called it daily. We didn’t have any bullies we all just messed with each other. It was a lot of fun.
Snow Trail, a Japanese post war b&w movie. Also notable for being Mifune’s first role.
@mayjay snow pro! What about polar express? I never did see that.
Appreciate the list, everyone. Lots of titles I’ll check out.
The Empire Strikes Back
@bskeet Hoth brr.