Not Exactly a KU Topic...
But can we talk for a second about how Grayson Allen is total garbage and dook ought to be shut down for enabling his douchebaggery?
@FarmerJayhawk I love the verbiage in the article…lol.
His 15 minutes only last when he continues to do this. Just has clear issues and I dont understand how he gets paid to continue doing it
I’ve never seen a guy in more dire need of another one game “indefinite suspension”.
You know, looking at how his career has arched (with serious behavioral issues anywhere that he goes) I see troubles ahead for Mr. Allen, e.g. of the police variety.
I see someone who needs some help! If he doesn’t make it in BB, I fear for him personally. You know what I mean
Crimsonorblue22 said:
I see someone who needs some help! If he doesn’t make it in BB, I fear for him personally. You know what I mean
I know exactly what you mean. That’s what I am saying - my thinking style is interpretive, and I tend to read between the lines. I see bad things ahead for him.
Allen, once again, being Allen. He’s a public relations nightmare for any team dumb enough to suit him up. It’s a matter of time before he gets exposed off the court, too… probably for being physically abusive to women. He has severe anger issues and he shouldn’t be in the league, period. His antics would have been appreciated on an old Pistons team, but those league days are over.
Still can’t believe Duke maintains any kind of decent reputation after they stood up for this guy. How many things have to happen before the teflon wears off?
@drgnslayr He reminds me of Johnny Football…
@drgnslayr Im laughing with you, but I’m not holding Duke responsible for Grayson any more than I hold KU responsible for Josh. Some people are just broken.
Dam , the Dude that wrote the article really didn’t hold anything back huh? - -didn’t mince words lmao - -I by far am not an Allen fan I think just acts like - -looks like some golden spooned little rich mama boy punk
But to have to listen to Dakich talking about Allan in that video clip is just about all I can stomach. My least favorite announcer talking about my least favorite player. At least Dakich had a good take on the little baby.
Ron Artest, Dennis Rodman, Bill Laimbeer, Bruce Bowen, Rasheed Wallace…I can name plenty of others. Allen is in this mold but we hate him even worse because a) he isn’t as talented as those guys, b) we all hate Duke, and c) I agree with Dackich that guards who do this stuff are really detested.
Grayson Allen is a dirty player. That’s what separates him from a lot of the guys @BigBad lists. Many of those guys were physical. Allen is just dirty.
He isn’t playing physical and sometimes escalating. He’s playing in a way that he does not care of a player is injured by tripping, closed fist fouling, etc. That’s what makes Allen different to me.
But because he went to Duke, he has a better reputation than he deserves.
I do hold Duke responsible and don’t compare Allen to Josh. What Josh is doing he’s doing after wearing the Jayhawk uniform. After Allen’s extreme dirty play started at Duke, he should have been given one more chance to clean up his act and then he should have been tossed off the team. There is no excuse for that kind of play, period. And I totally expect Self to boot off any player who repeats the style of dirty play that can potentially seriously injure another player.
If I’m making comparisons, I’d talk about the Morris twins. They were on the edge of being booted, and they knew it and they cleaned up their play considerably. The Morris twins played a different brand of basketball than Allen. Please listen to the audio on that tape because it is right on. Allen doesn’t play a physical game, except when he’s out to damage another player. The twins would sometimes get caught up in rough play that extended a bit too rough. Totally different and typically started when opposing players played a bit too rough back.
If I want to compare Self and K as coaches, this is one area where I’m looking and I giving Self the advantage.
justanotherfan said:
Grayson Allen is a dirty player. That’s what separates him from a lot of the guys @BigBad lists. Many of those guys were physical. Allen is just dirty.
Go back and look up what the NBA players all thought of John Stockton.
@drgnslayr Josh had off court issues at KU as well. The incident at the Yacht Club I think with the women’s bball player centered around Josh damaging a vehicle and resulted in Josh getting suspended. You can’t blame Duke for Allen and absolve KU of Josh when they each had incidents in college as well. Either both schools are absolved because each were damaged good entering each school or each school is guilty because each player had incidents at their school.
Josh was wrong! Bad temper! But that gal, remember sz asked her dad if he wanted to unseal documents and then they could talk?
she was bad news!
@Texas-Hawk-10 I don’t think anyone found Josh’s behavior acceptable. Also Allen was at Dook for the better part of 4 years, Josh was maybe here 10 months. That would give a coach a solid chance of breaking his foolish habits.
Yeah. Josh at KU was not even close to the same as Allen’s time at Duke. Allen was 10 to the 100 times worse.
Josh needed a strong mentor about 20 years ago! Still does. I know deep down he’s a great kid-man. I
he gets some help now before he ruins his life. He has a great gift.
Ah… I forgot about Josh’s car damage incident. I think that is the extent of what he did at Kansas, right?
I think it’s different “on court” versus “off court.” I’m not absolving anyone from responsible actions, I’m just keeping this “apples to apples.”
Allen’s antics make a mockery of the game. He’s sticking his tongue out and giving basketball a huge raspberry. And he’s doing it by putting other player’s health at risk. If the game doesn’t come back hard on Allen the game is giving all players a green light for “thuggery.”
I’m curious how Bill would have handled Allen at Kansas. I seriously doubt he would have let him slide for long.
I wonder, oh I wonder… how Bobby Knight felt about Allen’s antics at Duke? I don’t think he looked at his old point guard (Coach K) in a favorable light over being soft on him.
I see Allen as one of those kids that lacked attention so he’d do anything to get it. Maybe he needed some “tough love” like from a Bobby Knight style of coach. Guess I’m on the edge of being hypocritical if I support coach thuggery but not player thuggery. Too much sun today!
@wissox i don’t think it could be said any better than what you said. I give you an A+, teacher.
@drgnslayr Gracie Allen is a punk. He will end up having his face rearranged at some point.
Crimsonorblue22 said:
Josh needed a strong mentor about 20 years ago! Still does. I know deep down he’s a great kid-man. I
he gets some help now before he ruins his life. He has a great gift.
Difficult @cimsonandblue12, if by 20 you are completely lost mentoring will usually not matter. He will change when he is no longer catered to and or an old man who suddenly has to. Such a thought is not peaches and cream nor politically-correct, but the truth is sometimes hard. People have to learn to think with their minds instead of their hearts.
Josh Jackson’s situation is an all too troubling aspect of American life that we want to ignore - the breakdown of the family and people within and of those families obsolving themselves of responsibility. There is a diva, I am entitled aspect to most of these five star players that is quite disturbing and seems to continue throughout their life.