• BShark said:

    BeddieKU23 said:

    Ayala never visited Oregon so he’s a Terp!

    So his decision has to be good news for us right? That he’s going to Maryland no matter what happens Friday

    Yeah I saw this too. It’s definitely not a bad thing.

    This whole thing written from our wonderful little paper and the FBI whole investigation going on - -whether we are actually involved in anything or not couldn’t have come a possible worse time. - -You know how people take these things and just run wild like a stripped ass ape with them if they think they can drag us/ or any school other then their own.

    I worry that my boys folks are going to have some big questions - -2nd/3rd/4th thoughts - -this might just kill any recruiting we have going whether truth or not. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54 The crappy thing is if the evidence exonerates KU they still can’t release it. Sucks hearing it every 15 minutes on ESPN radio though. Slanderous without more info.Implicated and investigated are two different things.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 what do you mean? I’ve been on the website. And that story is the front page top line.

  • @Kcmatt7 make a comment on their twitter page

  • @dylans “Slanderous without more info.” Exactly. It is the news media, it is ESPN. And the issue is not reporting it. The issue as with nearly all other one sided media accounts, including ESPN’s not stop slobbering over the national anthem stuff, is reporting and providing only one side of the story, or giving a cursory, limited, or unintelligible reference to the other side. And not providing a reasonable explanation (in this case) of what their sensationalistic reporting means.

  • The lazy and biased media now appears to be in a state of publishing anything to get clicks regardless of whether the story has any foundation. It is the proverbial …it is easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission…or in this case…it is easier to publish a story with no facts to back it up and then issue a retraction on the back pages at a later date than to get the story right in the first place. It seems to be the current status of most main stream media and now extended to minor publications. The old style journalism is now a thing of the past.

  • their BS makes me worry about my boy’s decision tomorrow now - -not getting a good feeling now - -this can change everything for him and his folks. Might be the kiss of death for us and Grimes also. GREAT.- - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • jayballer54 said:

    their BS makes me worry about my boy’s decision tomorrow now - -not getting a good feeling now - -this can change everything for him and his folks. Might be the kiss of death for us and Grimes also. GREAT.- - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

    Grimes is a super smart kid. Just fyi.

  • @BeddieKU23 Not sure if you saw this yet. Quiiiiite the back track after the double down!

    So now my guy says “Ayala”. I’m like, no shit, what about Dotson? He says, “I heard his name too, but definitely Ayala”.

    Personally, I find it hard to believe both would come. There must be buzz about Dotson to Md cause otherwise this dude never would’ve brought it up, but don’t know if I trust what he’s hearing is fact or kids talking. I’m sure Jeff and Josh have heard all kinds of stuff from their local sources and are better at separating fact from rumor than rest of us.

  • BShark said:

    jayballer54 said:

    their BS makes me worry about my boy’s decision tomorrow now - -not getting a good feeling now - -this can change everything for him and his folks. Might be the kiss of death for us and Grimes also. GREAT.- - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

    Grimes is a super smart kid. Just fyi.

    Boy you got that right. - -It took me one interview , listening to him talk and I could just tell - - -this kid sounds like a bright bright kid, also seems like a very polite respectful type of kid not that means squat but still - - just saying you can just see he is a very smart kid. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • BShark said:

    @BeddieKU23 Not sure if you saw this yet. Quiiiiite the back track after the double down!

    So now my guy says “Ayala”. I’m like, no shit, what about Dotson? He says, “I heard his name too, but definitely Ayala”.

    Personally, I find it hard to believe both would come. There must be buzz about Dotson to Md cause otherwise this dude never would’ve brought it up, but don’t know if I trust what he’s hearing is fact or kids talking. I’m sure Jeff and Josh have heard all kinds of stuff from their local sources and are better at separating fact from rumor than rest of us.

    Thanks. The person knows absolutely nothing

  • @jayballer54 My main point is that he and his mom are smart enough to see that the article means nothing. Don’t think it impacts him.

  • BeddieKU23 said:

    BShark said:

    @BeddieKU23 Not sure if you saw this yet. Quiiiiite the back track after the double down!

    So now my guy says “Ayala”. I’m like, no shit, what about Dotson? He says, “I heard his name too, but definitely Ayala”.

    Personally, I find it hard to believe both would come. There must be buzz about Dotson to Md cause otherwise this dude never would’ve brought it up, but don’t know if I trust what he’s hearing is fact or kids talking. I’m sure Jeff and Josh have heard all kinds of stuff from their local sources and are better at separating fact from rumor than rest of us.

    Thanks. The person knows absolutely nothing

    Yeah…had me worried for a second but LOL.

    Supposedly fwiw the coaches do not know yet. They should be called tomorrow apparently. This is according to Ermann.

  • Well it’s close to - - - -T - minus 24 hours to decision day. - - This is my boy - -we all know I’ve been on the Dotson train from practically day 1 - -I’m gonna keep riding the Dotson train till we get to the depot. - -Well maybe with just a lil bit of teensy weensie bit of hesitancy - -just in case got my bag in my hand - Na I’m gonna ride it out till the end " BRING IT HOME " - -Devon - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Well I’m starting to waver, seems like a lot of things pointing to Maryland true or not. - - People saying Devon starting to follow Anthony Cowan the present Maryland PG now - -plus the video dude - - plus his dad liking of Devon following the Maryland point guard.

    On top of his parents or mom wanting him to stay close to home - -plus the crap with the FBI - -Plus Turgeon saying they will take both Ayala & Dotson - -As much as I want to believe - -I’m just close to the edge of the cliff. this is going to suck - BUT if it does then time goes on - -KU goes on - -BUT it also enhances what people say why can’t we close on elite Guards - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Someone just made a CB pick for Dotson. And it was to… KANSAS! I dunno if its based on anything but can only be a good sign.

  • RockkChalkk said:

    Someone just made a CB pick for Dotson. And it was to… KANSAS! I dunno if its based on anything but can only be a good signYa I just saw that too. - That is the 1st CB movement I’ve seen on anything since Devon having both Coaches - -might be something starting to trend - -maybe not I think he called it at like 7;26 I believe so pretty new pick. - - we shall see hoping. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • The guy that just made the CB for KU is Eric Hamford future 150. - -The only one that I can see that has put in a CB for Maryland on this is Dain Erin - -dude has a 50 % ration at predicting. - -Who knows? - -It’s all a huge guessing game. – just got to keep my fingers crossed. guess we will know in about 24 hours. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • this recruitment will be a fun one to remember if its KU. At least its over today.

    KU would move from #20 to # 3 in team recruiting rankings.

  • BeddieKU23 said:

    this recruitment will be a fun one to remember if its KU. At least its over today.

    KU would move from #20 to # 3 in team recruiting rankings.

    Ya there have been a lot of up’s and downs in this recruitment. - A lot of speculation , more then usual it seems. - From oh we got this , he is coming, he is ours to I dunno , I think it’s Maryland OR not to sure , to people saying things from twitter. - It is finished at 6 tonight.

    I’ve even found myself wavering on my boy. On one hand I have been seeing - -hearing all these things about Maryland - to on the other a lot of the same about KU , how Devon actually wants to come to KU - -MOM wants him to stay closer to home , we all know how a lot of those work out. - -Either way whatever happens KU was fine BEFORE the Devon scenario & KU will be fine AFTER the Devon scenario - -still sticking with my gut in the end run - Still telling me - -we got this - Devon will land here at KU. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Well now we are screwed. - -A friend just reminded me - -It’s Friday - -the 13th on Devon decision day – GREAT. lol - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONNG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    I suggest you have a few totties in the next 11 hours. Enjoy the day! I think its going to end up just fine

  • Now that his decision day is here. I think a lot of us have seen just how desperate Maryland wants to be considered a big-time program and respected nationally. They are desperate for Dotson, its why a good amount of their fans have gone crazy over this kid. The rumors, inside info etc is really crazy with this one. I’m sure very little of it has been true every step of the way. With their football program in a similar situation as KU’s Basketball is life there.

    If the transparency that the Dotson’s have given everyone matters his relationship with KU and the one he didn’t have with Maryland until this spring/summer should prevail.

    We offered early, we got him on campus on his dime as a Junior during his basketball season.

    We showed up front and center at all of his games this summer. We went to HS games, we flew in to check on him constantly. We spent more time at his AAU events (UA & Adidas) then the normal slug-fest at Peach Jam. KU made a concentrated effort to show him they really need him, not just want him.

    If its about staying close to home and playing with his friend then that’s his decision he has to live with. I can understand the comfort level for kids making this big decision and knowing he’s got someone who has his back that he has a personal relationship with. When I went to College I wanted to end up with my closest friends. I absolutely understand having that familiarity with someone.

    If he’s an NBA player no matter where he lands isn’t going to stop him, its up to him. Cowan at Maryland and Moore at KU are not going to stand in his way.

    KU certainly has some advantages for Dotson over Maryland but as fans those things might not matter to him as much. I do think this recruitment would have been over had he felt what Kansas had to offer him was a slam dunk over everyone else.

    In the end this is a battle that is up to Bill Self, not anyone else.

    Did he give Devon and his parents the comfort level they were seeking? Did he get the relationship to a point where it was more then basketball? You would think all the time they have put into this one that they did. Was his message on how they would use Devon and his statement that he’d start at KU from Day-1 hit home?

    A Hall of Fame coach said you’d start here how can you turn your back on that? I guess we will find out

  • @BeddieKU23 Well said. If KU misses, can’t blame the staff on this one, they put in the work.

  • BShark said:

    @BeddieKU23 Well said. If KU misses, can’t blame the staff on this one, they put in the work.

    I still think this is a Bill Self vs Mark Turgeon battle. Devon ultimately has to play for either coach so which coach sold him on their vision for him (and the team) the best.

    Until recently I projected Dotson to be a 3-4 year player. After his summer that time-frame likely became 2-3 years. I don’t think he’ll need all 4. I think he’ll stay at least two to maximize his potential draft stock so who’s coaching him is very important here, I think more important then depth chart and who he’s playing with.

    Self is usually really damn good at selling his pitch but the PG position is definitely been his thorn. Turgeon has landed 4 Top 100 Composite PG’s in the last 5 recruiting cycles… Self, 1 if we include Conner cry baby (Frank & Devonte were both outside top 100 on Composite although some sites had them ranked higher). He also landed two via transfer.

    This is on our HOF Coach to win this battle

  • BeddieKU23 said:


    I suggest you have a few totties in the next 11 hours. Enjoy the day! I think its going to end up just fine

    lol, ya that is exactly what I need lol. - -maybe something a little stiffer lol - -maybe a few shot glasses of some brandy lol. - - then when decision time comes – ha , I won’t care lmao. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @BeddieKU23 Was Quitter listed as a PG on any of the services? I know 247 had him as a 2 guard.

    ESPN not ranking post grads killed Frank and Devonte’s ranks. Frank in particular. 247 had him at #52. I remember the reaction to Graham was extremely positive, unless you include dumbasses that don’t know basketball and obvious trolls. NC State fans were pissed they didn’t get him. All people around NC and hoops in general were saying KU got a really good player.

    All that said, it would be super nice to land a PG or two that are consensus top 30.

  • @BeddieKU23 well come on over. It IS the 13th and Friday - -we can share some hot totties and sweat this out together lol. - - My boy better not let me down make me look bad lol. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • BShark said:

    @BeddieKU23 Was Quitter listed as a PG on any of the services? I know 247 had him as a 2 guard.

    ESPN not ranking post grads killed Frank and Devonte’s ranks. Frank in particular. 247 had him at #52. I remember the reaction to Graham was extremely positive, unless you include dumbasses that don’t know basketball and obvious trolls. NC State fans were pissed they didn’t get him. All people around NC and hoops in general were saying KU got a really good player.

    All that said, it would be super nice to land a PG or two that are consensus top 30.

    I think quittercamp was always listed as a SG and I included Morsell for Maryland who’s got 2 ways skills as well. Figured I’d just lump them in for comparison.

    Yeah I wasn’t sold on the Mason signing to be honest at first. After I was able to find information on him I thought he’d at least be a rotation player at some point. Boy that was an understatement of the century.

    I knew about Graham. I actually went to a Brewster game when KU was interested in him and I was stunned that he almost went to Appalachian St in the first place. My friend that is a Brewster alum and knows the coach Jason Smith pretty well would give me info on Devonte. I knew we were getting a good one before the national media knew of him

  • This just in lol. - -From the FWIW dept. - - Just checked 247 and since the visit from KU & Maryland yesterday , there has been 2 CB picks one just posted this morning at 8:04 from Brian Flinn both CB’S have chose KU for Devon’s landing - a little CB movement sent the Coaches visit and both have KU. - -Who knows but wouldn’t think this is bad right? - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    Hopefully they are still there at 5:59… and green by 6:30ish…

  • So Maryland is firing their AD. Threads about it on the MD board are getting deleted but it’s true. LOL.

  • Zagoria predicts Dotson to KU

  • BShark said:

    So Maryland is firing their AD. Threads about it on the MD board are getting deleted but it’s true. LOL.

    fallout from UNC report today lol

  • Evan Daniels with his CB to Kansas as well

  • BeddieKU23 said:


    Hopefully they are still there at 5:59… and green by 6:30ish…

    I’m not promising nothing lmao. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Can we change the name of this thread back to something more positive?

  • RockkChalkk said:

    Can we change the name of this thread back to something more positive?

    I have plans.

  • Off the Devon subject for a minute BUT - - SURPRISE SURPRISE - the infractions committee could NOT CONCLUDE any academic violations with North Carolina - -OMFG these are some just dumm as shits. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABT

  • jayballer54 said:

    Off the Devon subject for a minute BUT - - SURPRISE SURPRISE - the infractions committee could NOT CONCLUDE any academic violations with North Carolina - -OMFG these are some just dumm as shits. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABT

    Took the NCAA years to reach the conclusion everyone knew they would reach within seconds of hearing about it.

    I wonder how Pack Pride is taking this news…

  • Did Cleveland St have the school closed yet?

  • BeddieKU23 said:

    Did Cleveland St have the school closed yet?

    Heard that UMES is getting the death penalty this time. One time they had one athlete skip a class.

  • So like person said - -soo that means if they pay 200k to a player BUT yer pay a regular student 200 k also - -it’s ALL CAROLINA BLUE OKIE DOKIE. - - Can we all see just how far Carolina has the NCAA buried up their Carolina sky blue ass? - -That’s just plain Bullshit NCAA my butt time to break away dissolve these worthless piles of dog doo - -Forget the shot glasses of Brandy - - I’m all in for drinking straight from the bottle lol. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Jeff Ermann right on cue.

  • BShark said:

    Jeff Ermann right on cue.

    You knew it wouldn’t be any other way.

  • Guy is an expert at driving his fans/subscribers. Something we probably wish KU’s did more of. I give him that and that only.

  • Academic fraud is now legalized.

  • @KUSTEVE Yea why would you not create a basketball degree now at this point? A’s for anyone who takes the class.

  • @Kcmatt7 Principles of Dribbling 101.

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