• The toughest part of the UWV press is getting the ball in bounds. K State had three 5 second TO’s. Once it get’s inbounded, Frank, and Devonte can handle a double team. Players must run to meet the ball. A transition fast break should be the objective of each out of bounds play. Here’s one way to get the ball inbounds. I really think that frank and Devonte are the best at handling the ball against the press in the Big 12.

  • Is this the game where we see Mason, Graham, Vick, Svi and Jackson on the floor together for extended periods of time? Lucas is fine against the press and I like that his experience brings a cool hand. And, Svi, Jackson and Vick have been prone to turnovers lately during frantic play. Whew, this is going to be fun.

    I say the refs in Morgantown will whistle Jackson for at least two phantom fouls during this game. The man just can’t get a break from these Big 12 refs: He got called for a foul while standing flatfooted against Texas when the opposing player tripped over Jackson’s foot. That was a travel, right? Jeez. Clearly, I need to yell a little louder at the refs from my home. RCJH

  • @stoptheflop it happened at ISU.

  • @wrwlumpy

    Well, you totally outdid yourself this time, Lump. This is a fabulous montage that captures the uniqueness of WVU the team and school and West Virginia the state. It is hard for me to explain why, but of all the states from Appalachia east, there is something about its defiant streak and tortured history that I like the most. They are one of the strangest breeds of Americans and have retained more of their local flavor than most places I know. And I want one of those rapid transit systems installed at KU!!!

    I mention this nearly every season since the Mountaineers joined the B12, but everyone should take the time to drive waaaaaaaaay the hell off the beaten path to Burning Springs, WV to see the true first commercially producing oil well accidentally created in the 183os by brine drillers looking for salt brine for pickling, etc. The West Virginians didn’t make a big deal out of it. They just refined and used it for illuminant for about 30 years BEFORE the Titusville Johnny Come Latelys, who were themselves a year behind the Canadian oil strikes in Petrolia, Ontario across the lake. And remember, St. Jimmy grew up not far from Petrolia. But I digress.

    Why drive way the hell off the interstate to a holler along a river in the middle of no where in Burning Springs Oil and Gas Fields? To see some historical truth long obscured by the winners (John D. and the Standard) in Cleveland and Pittsburg in the bid to control the world’s oil supply along with the Crown. Titusville, which brought its crude to Cleveland to be refined to be exported to be used by Abe to back his green backs, was the more self-serving version of how the OHL BIDNESS began. And they pawned the fake news off as verified history for purt near a century and a quarter afore some hard head in WV said set the record straight. We started pumping 50-100 barrels per day by the mid 1830s. In our little holler, we didn’t need no camphene burning fluid made by slaves on turpentine plantations and we didn’t need no quick to get rancid whale oil eye-lluminant neither. Mountaineers are self sufficient. Hell we made our gun powder primers for our rifles from our own damn salt peter back in the revolutionary war. And if’n Abe hadn’t his coal/rail/ohl boys from Ohio and Pennsylvannia swoop down and steal us from Bobby Lee the first year of the war, well, we’d uh become the tail that wagged Virginie the way Pittsburg become the tail that wagged Pennsylvania and Cleveland become the tail what wagged Ohio, and then the whole damned country. Cleveland = Rockefeller. Pittsburg = Mellon. Wheeling = what they done to us that we went along with to get out from under them high fallutin Washingtons and Jeffersons, and that Lee bunch, too. We’z mountain folk and we didn’t need no slaves, and so we got that part right. But we been under the thumb of the Rockefeller’s and Mr. Peabody’s coal bidness ever danged since. But somehow, we’ll get out from underin’ em yet. We don’t fergit.

  • @Crimsonorblue22

    With its budget KU should be able to outbid the other teams and make sure the checks to the refs clear before the game…Duke has the procedure down path and no one comes close. 😏

  • @JayHawkFanToo

    Oh, my!

    @JayhawkFanToo posting the Great Mr. Sulu below.

  • Jennifer Garner lived in WV for a time as a kid. Born Houston, TX, mom from Okla. College in Ohio, trained as ballerina/dance. Wouldnt have equated her with stereotypical mountaineers/hillbillies…

  • images (4).jpg 1 mountain man holds up 3 cheerleaders, impressive!

  • @JayHawkFanToo

    I knew you would love George. All engineers love George.

    Who cannot love George?

    No one.

  • @jaybate-1.0

    Nope. I don’t care much for Takei and I posted that just for your benefit. His tweets during the las election cycle clearly demonstrated that, unlike the character he played in Star Trek, he had become a cartoon character with absolutely zero common sense or a logical though process…I will leave it at that.

  • This game is a bit of a freebie for KU.

    They shouldn’t approach it like that, obviously, but they have some room here.

    Because Baylor already lost at WVU, the worst KU does is to match that loss. A WVU win doesn’t hurt because of the bad week WVU had last week.

    A KU win, however, puts KU two theorhetical games up because they have the lead on the win, plus they have the road victory at WVU (one of the potential trouble spots on the schedule). That’s a huge lead at this stage.

  • @JayHawkFanToo

    It’s okay! You’re safe here. You can admit to loving George! Who doesn’t love George?

  • @JayHawkFanToo

    Oh, and thank you for posting that loop of George, especially if you did for me, despite you not liking George. That’s very generous of you. I get a huge kick out of George Takei and all the good he has done for SciFi and Star Trek and all the good cheer and level headedness he has brought to our country. He really is a national treasure!

  • @JayHawkFanToo 25K buys a lot of Beech Nut & Boones Farm …

  • @ralster She sang the West Virginia state song on the Tonight Show.

  • We can’t let this happen again.

  • I hear we have Schiambi and Vitale tonight.

    No Fran @Crimsonorblue22.

    That means two guys announcing who don’t know who either team is. I’m sure Vitale will mention Perry Ellis as our leading scorer.

    Vitale gets to cry about Duke’s struggles and how good UNC looks lately. The ACC is rolling BABY.

  • @BeddieKU23 I’m so hard to please! The best guys are the ones I don’t know!🤔

  • @wrwlumpy

    The key for a Kansas win is for Kansas to play 40 aggressive minutes. We are going to have some TOs. We have also proven we can win games this year with a bunch of TOs.

    We just have to play through mistakes and have a little cheerleading going on within players. Stay poised and attack. Our best offense this year is within the first 10 seconds of the shot clock. Attack!

    If we lose our aggression WVU will sense it and become even more aggressive. They sense when they have a team on the ropes. Baylor collapsed. It was like watching those nature videos of the wildebeast being run down by the cheetah.

  • @ralster

    “1 mountain man holds up 3 cheerleaders, impressive!”

    Must be the ginseng…

  • Andy Katz-

    Just visited with player of the year candidate senior Frank Mason of Kansas here in Morgantown (ESPN, 7 pm). He said something most high-level college players never say: “I wish I could play four more years.”

  • @BeddieKU23 said:

    Andy Katz-

    Just visited with player of the year candidate senior Frank Mason of Kansas here in Morgantown (ESPN, 7 pm). He said something most high-level college players never say: “I wish I could play four more years.”

    The boy gets it. #BIFM.

  • @tis4tim that’s our BIFM!!!❤💙

  • @Crimsonorblue22

    Hey…you used the “B” word.

  • I wish he could play four more years also. Let him play while he gets his Masters and PhD.

  • @wrwlumpy he could take jj’s years?

  • @ralster Not the tonight show but Conan.

  • Matt Tait (@mctait) 1/24/17, 4:14 PM Heckling guide handed out to the WVU students prior to tonight’s tip-off… #KUbball IMG_2842.JPG

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