KU vs Weird Dragon Looking Mascot
@Bwag said:
@BeddieKU23 said:
Those 3s are the definition of fools gold
Not at this point. We need to see some success from 3
Yep. Volatile team due to the lack of a post scorer. So atypical for a Self team but this is what happens when you struggle to recruit post players due to the Alexander/Diallo crap.
This is why getting Preston was MASSIVE assuming he does make it to campus.
This team just got away from any offense once they zoned and started saging men in the paint and on mason. Bad ball. Self will yell at them plenty
Preston and SO Doke is a very good front line and Preston can score from anywhere.
@BeddieKU23 said:
This team just got away from any offense once they zoned and started saging men in the paint and on mason. Bad ball. Self will yell at them plenty
Going to see this A LOT going forward so hopefully they figure it out.
I feel like you have to get Svi in there when that happens. Smart passer and can make shots.
Look at these guys making excuses for a bad UConn team.
So not quite 3 RB’s by our Bigs since Doke has 5, but our starting 2 bigs do have just 3 RB’s.
Time for Self to sit Lucas from a start and see if that doesn’t change his mindset around. I think we’re seeing a more accurate picture of his ceiling/skill set than second half of last year.
Heck at this rate Bragg might be back
My word Bruce mishandled Marcus Foster.
@Bwag But no one has been able to get a pass into the post. Has Lucas even touched the ball?
@stoptheflop yes and lost it.
But if so, why is that? Real question.
@Bwag I see the Blazer D sagging on the post players.
@stoptheflop said:
@Bwag I see the Blazer D sagging on the post players.
Need to zip around passes and get open threes.
Why has this university not had a killer instinct since sherron left?
@stoptheflop said:
@Bwag I see the Blazer D sagging on the post players.
My question would be why? But I suppose due to ~26% 3pt shooting.
Looks like Self got in Lucas’ face at half
MUCHHHHHHH better effort here.
Lucas doing a MUCH better job on the boards
And I’m loving how Lucas isn’t trying to go back up all the time, sending it back out.
2nd half effort brought to you by viagra.
@chriz said:
And I’m loving how Lucas isn’t trying to go back up all the time, sending it back out.
Like Fran said, he should never forget who he is.
New “most interesting man in the world” is an ugly dude.
Outside of rebounding, our bench seems to be bringing squat tonight.
I mean…you see the way we started both halfs. No way this game should have EVER been close my word.
Lucas kept the ball high on that catch and shot!
Not quite the intensity we saw early first half but whole lot better than what we saw late first half. JJ getting a handle on his role. BTW, nice hoop by LL.
@BShark he must be sick first time in 5 years
@BShark coaching?
Butt chewing
Oh thanks ESPN. #dumbcameraangle
Nice move by UAB there
Seriously, what’s up with Bill’s face? Some skin condition or something?
Keep above yur head big guy.
That steal reminded me of Sherron’s
These refs are putting on an amazing show. Glad I tuned in.
@chriz said:
These refs are putting on an amazing show. Glad I tuned in.
UAB players working on a tech there. My goodness this has been brutal. Really hated the charge call on Graham.
The drawing a charge thing pisses me off. Guys aren’t even playing basketball, they’re just trying to take advantage of the rulebook. The rules are for the game, not the game for the rules.
Buke and 1!!!
@chriz said:
The drawing a charge thing pisses me off. Guys aren’t even playing basketball, they’re just trying to take advantage of the rulebook. The rules are for the game, not the game for the rules.
Amen fam
Doke! I say it like Homer Simpson, but finish with the k.
Doke shoots better FTs than JJ lol
That was a junk call on Doke. You call that a foul in a pickup game you get your a$$ kicked. How about erring on the side of NOT blowing the whistle? So unless you absolutely know it’s a foul, don’t call it.
Love the drive and dish by Jackson
Interesting fan reaction analysis
The 3 ball has been much improved tonight, our bigs have to play better period.