
  • This is, yet another, example of why Weber rubs people wrong:

    ““I apologized to Bill and his staff and to their administration,” Weber said. “It’s a cool thing to be a part of, but you also have to make sure nobody gets hurt. I’ve had some pretty good teams through the years and I’ve had it happen to me where they rushed the court and I got bopped and hit and it’s no fun, especially when you lose.””

    Most of his comments were on the mark about court rushing… but he still has one renegade statement…“It’s a cool thing to be a part of…” No… it really isn’t! And what his fans take from his statement is to keep doing it. They remember his statement how cool it is. It is Weber talking out the side of his mouth.

    It is just a matter of time before something really horrible happens at one of these. Some idiot sneaks in a firearm or a knife. Or just someone comes “loaded” and delusional.

    I can’t believe many of our players just leisurely strolled away after the court rush. I know I would have got the heck out of there quickly.

  • K-State athletic director John Currie, Big 12 issue statements on court storming K-State AD: 'Although no one was hurt last night, we fell short of our expectations for securing the court … ’

    Posted: February 24, 2015 - 10:50am

    EMILY DESHAZER/THE CAPITAL-JOURNAL Kansas State athletic director John Currie released this statement Tuesday morning following K-State students’ court storming in Monday night’s 70-63 victory over Kansas. Read more K-State stories at CatZone Read more KU stories at HawkZone With K-State’s courtstorming Monday, is this indicative of exuberance, or do more rules need to be set to protect players, coaches, & fans? A. This is just a typical atmosphere after a big upset in college basketball. There is no need to make a big fuss about it. B. While this stuff happens a lot, Monday night’s events may have crossed a line. C. K-State and their security team didn’t do their job in the postgame Monday and something needs to change. D. Ban storming the court. Monday night at Bramlage went too far. We are just asking for trouble with incidents like this one. Vote View Results

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    View a photo gallery from the Sunflower Showdown game View complete game highlights Poll: Did the courtstorming go too far?

    By The Capital-Journal Kansas State athletic director John Currie released this statement Tuesday morning following K-State students’ court storming in Monday night’s 70-63 victory over Kansas.

    "On behalf of President Schulz and K-State Athletics, I apologize to Athletics Director Sheahon Zenger, Coach Bill Self and the KU basketball team for the unfortunate situation in which they were placed last night at the conclusion of our basketball game.

    "Our security staff, which in similar past postgame celebrations has, according to our procedures and rehearsals, provided a solid human barrier to allow the teams to conduct a postgame handshake and safely leave the court, was unable to get into proper position quickly enough last night and was overwhelmed by the fans rushing the floor.

    "K-State prides itself on providing a great game atmosphere in a safe environment and did successfully execute our security plan when we defeated KU last year in Bramlage as well as in 2011. Although no one was hurt last night, we fell short of our expectations for securing the court and escorting KU to its locker room without incident. We are disappointed that we did not do better for the KU team.

    "We are reviewing our procedures internally and consulting with our law enforcement partners to determine any steps necessary to improve our gameday security.

    "Additionally, we are actively reviewing video and working in concert with law enforcement to identify any fan who intentionally touched visiting players or personnel. We will take appropriate action with such identified persons, including turning over all evidence to law enforcement so that any applicable charges can be filed.

    "Early this morning I met with Student Governing Association President Reagan Kays and Vice-President for Student Life Pat Bosco who are supportive of these steps. While we are proud of the incredible atmosphere of Bramlage Coliseum and the passion of K-State students and fans, we are saddened by the insistence of some fans to sully the image of our great institution with audible profane chants. We will continue to work with our student leadership to provide a better example of sportsmanship for our audiences.

    “Congratulations are still in order for our coaches and student-athletes for their tremendous effort last night, and we look forward to Saturday’s home finale against Iowa State.”

    The Big 12 also released a statement Tuesday morning: “The Big 12 Conference office and the two schools are reviewing the postgame celebration that occurred at the conclusion of last night’s Kansas at Kansas State game. In accordance with Conference policy, home team game management is responsible for the implementation of protocols to provide for the safety of all game participants, officials and fans.”

  • I didn’t watch most of the game last night, but I have what I believe is a legitimate question.

    At any point during the game were the students chanting “OVER-RATED” ? And if so, why would you storm the court after beating an overrated team?

    Oh yeah - K-State.

  • @drgnslayr Hope it does not come to a serious injury or worse before the 2 AA gets hold of this. Even individual conferences could levy substantial fines & do some good with monies collected. Sure someone-ANYONE- can get a fix on this crap before it costs a coach or kid his livelihood or his life. If nothing else ya think individual schools would try to deter this behavior because of either civil liabilities or damage done to their floors. Makes no common sense at all to perpetuate this like the mental midget Weber has done. He should be fined for the statement IMO

  • Did you notice his letter referenced back to the other victories? Kind of hard to accept the apology. Think our AD will step up?

  • @Crimsonorblue22 I just sent that dick AD and his Assistant an email after reading his back-handed stab that says in part -

    ##Wildcat Fans are a Disgrace


    As a former resident of Leavenworth, Kansas, I was appalled at the vulgar words (heard and seen numerous times) and actions by the Wildcat fans at the game last night that my children and I were subjected to. It sheds a VERY HARSH LIGHT on your program and you and your fans should be ashamed of themselves. Your fans should act with some graciousness and not show themselves to be void of any regard for the safety of the Jayhawk players and coaches and fellow fans. It only points to the losing season you have this year.

    I have since filed a complaint with the FEC, ESPN and am doing so here now with you. I will never try to defend any Wildcat team in the future. You don’t represent the Big 12 and its ethics.

    That student that purposely ran into Jamari Traylor needs to be found, forced to publicly apologize to Kansas University and its fans and lose his rights to ever attend any games in the future.

    ##Rock Chalk Jayhawk.

    Think I will get a response from either dickhead?

  • @RockChalkinTexas I hope you felt better after getting it off of your chest, but I would be VERY surprised if you heard back from anyone in authority at K-State. My guess is they just don’t really care. Especially the language part - I’ve been to some KU football games where the student section chants an unreasonably foul and rude statement to the person receiving the football and I could not believe what I was hearing. Like you say - there are kids in the stands. It’s what college sports is coming to - melting down like a lot of the rest of our society.

  • @RockChalkinTexas if you said Mr. Dick head, I’m sure you will hear back! Funny mushberger was complementing the ksu fans while they were yelling f u KU!

  • Espn needs to put up a R rating for the broadcast!

  • We were watching here in Houston, and my daughter asked “What are they shouting?” as if she couldn’t believe it. You could hear it quite easily “f*#k you KU.” and I told her “it’s what you think.”

    She said “They weren’t the highest on my college list, but now they are off.” (She plays AAU bBall).

  • Solution = Win.

  • @nuleafjhawk It wasn’t about my feeling better. It was to express to them that there is at least one person who was willing to take the time to voice an objection to their AD and that it reflected badly on their institution.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 while chuckling at what he was hearing!


    Link here…

    If someone can fix the link, this is the guy who makes a bee line and body slams Jamari screaming all the while, immediately heads towards Perry. Security stops him but he is still screaming and it sure looks to me like he is trying to fight through the guy to get at Perry. It was bad enough he took shot number one at Jamari-but then he immediately started after another player. Now we all know Jamari could have destroyed this kid-but he didn’t. I think everyone is lucky security stopped the kid short of blindsiding Perry because at that point I think ANY KU player who had already been chucked would have gone after someone blindsiding a team mate.

    His ill-advised intent is clear. That’s why KSU PO PO want him identified.

    Link here…

  • @JayhawkRock78

    That guy would never have run at Jamari head on. Looking at the picture, he’s lucky if he’s 5-10, 180. If he comes at Jamari head on, Jamari probably puts him on the ground just by bracing himself for the impact, without even putting his hands up, or even pushing him.

    This guy needs to (unfortunately for him) have an example made of him. Harsh punishment to make sure nobody ever does this again. I’m talking potential expulsion and having a note placed in his academic record, which could potentially prevent him from being admitted anywhere else if he is a student, plus criminal charges, or, if he is not a student, criminal charges and a 5 year ban from all K-State athletic events. Players are held to a high standard, but they need to be protected from renegade fans, especially considering this guy blindsided Jamari.

    K-State and the Big 12 need to be very public with what they do to make sure that everyone gets the message that this is unacceptable.

  • If I’m Jamari and KU Athletics I would file battery or Kansas Statute 21-3412. Seems like an open and shut case. KsU admin should ban the fan for life from all events as well. If that were a KU fan I’d be pissed off at that behavior. If that were my kid I’d kick his ass. There is obvious intent on making contact with Jamari.

    Big12, all other conference (excluding SEC since they have their crap together), every sports association, ect should take this seriously. The SEC has a handle on it and we as the big12 are behind. Big shock!

  • One more take on the whole court storming issue.

    We could stop it immediately.

    #Win the games

  • Dear To Whom It May Concern:

    I was terrified.

    It was the largest hog stampede I have ever witnessed.

    I am concerned for our players exposure to swine flu.

    One of the KSU players was vomiting at one point in the game.

    Has CDC been alerted?

    (Note: just joking here, but the the practice of storming the floor needs to be stopped. PERIOD.)

  • I just now say the videos posted on LJW. Pretty bad. The guy went right after Traylor. What an idiot. That could have been really bad. Kudos to Traylor for restraint. The Townsend thing although confusing looked bad also. This was close to getting really, really, ugly. People have gotten hurt in the past from court storming. Has to stop.

  • I knew this would happen. If you review our game discussion from last night, it didn’t surprise me.

    I’m not sure about the left side of the Mari assault, but I looked to the left and saw KState fans shoulder checking their own players. Also, watch the KState player to the left, a female KState fan comes out of no where and fists their own player several times.

    This is a pure case of crowd frenzy and mob mentality. This was by definition a wild riot by KState, not what Mushberger, Liberace, and the idiot AD of KState is saying. They are obviously defending this mob rioting mentality. This is not a peaceful celebration.

  • There needs to be an apology for the KSU AD’s apology!!!

  • @Gunman there is a letter and it sucked

  • @truehawk93 Truehawk was right. She got in a KSU players face, not Oubre… And it could have been a small male fan with long hair-I never got a look at the face but the person was very quick and aggressive for a girl…

    As for the fan who went after Jamari and Elllis, the KSU police made an announcement: “They have an ID. & thank you for the tips and information”.

  • @JayhawkRock78 IF that’s Oubre and I’m not sure if we are talking about the same incident, he/she fisted and pounded the player. I know the haircut looks like Oubre, but I saw what looked like another KSU player run in front and their unis matched. The footage is really hard to follow and the color seems a bit distorted. I believe that was Justin Edwards, not Oubre. You may be right, I could be mistaken, but if that’s Oubre the fan just validated my post even more.


    Edwards and Selden.jpg

    Either way, male or female they laid into the player Edwards or Oubre. Animals all…

  • The SEC has an automatic fine of $30K for storming the court. If the SEC has such a policy, shouldn’t the Big 12 have an even stricter one?

    Correction: @VailHawk has the correct fines below.

  • @JayHawkFanToo

    I heard on Dan Patrick the SEC fine is 5k first offense, 25k second offense and 50k thereafter.

    When does mizzery play Vandy in the Paige?

  • @JayHawkFanToo did you see SZ in that pic on ku sports? Caption that!! Is he speaking up for us on all this crap!

  • @Crimsonorblue22

    I was tied up all day negotiating a very important potential contract and just started to look at posts. I wold have stayed away anyway since the negative posts after loses is not something I enjoy reading. I will have to check KU Sports but I don’t expect much from KSU alum Zenger.

  • @JayHawkFanToo I was trying to figure out who the guy in the suit was. Do you know?

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Which guy? There was one that actually apprehended Mari’s purp. I think he was part of their security team. Then there was Townsend who grabbed the punk flipping Ellis off and yelling obscenities.

  • It was just nasty mayhem.

  • How hard can it really be to identify the guy who slammed into Jamari? It’s captured in the picture below pretty clearly.

    link text

  • @Crimsonorblue22

    Haven’t made much progress. I think I will go get something to eat and then check posts on the handheld afterwards.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 SZ was sitting there with a strange look of neutrality. He earned his undergrad at KU and his Master’s and PhD from KState? Wow…talk about being divided. I hope he remembers who writes his checks.

  • image.jpg

    This pic

  • @bskeet

    The perp in question identified himself in a letter to the school paper.

  • @JayHawkFanToo BS letter from student and AD!!!

  • @bskeet The guy behind Ellis is actually securing Ellis. He then grabs the retard after hitting Mari. He should’ve taken him or had the police take him into some kind of custody immediately. IDIOTS

  • Sorry… i’m a bit behind on this… somewhat willingly

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Yeah…I think he’s part of their security team too. They did have a security detail on hand, just not very effective.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Look at SZ in the background…WOW

  • @truehawk93 looks like he’s going to grab that girl.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 At first glance, his look, and his hand appears to be going for the hair…It’s the best pic of this whole malaise.

  • @truehawk93 I thought the security team was in the yellow shirts, not out there yet!!

  • @Crimsonorblue22 I believe some are contract security and they do wear coat and ties.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 I think some of those guys have some military or police background too…off duty or mercenary type security for hire.

  • 10 Years of B12 Total Domination culminated their frustration. It is understood why they (the rest of B12) did what the did. How rare it is for them to beat Kansas! But, KSU should have done a better job to protect the visiting team. On the other hand, KSU may have done our Team a favor to NOT want to have such storming feeling again in Norman.

    To date, we have 3/4 Court Storming for our Road Losses in the Conference (OSU, WVU, KSU). Does HCBS wants another one at Norman or he will amp the Team up properly? I hope when we go to OU, it is for an Outright B12 Ring when we win and not needing a Win for a Tie. If ISU wins out, I think a game of such magnitude (vs OU for a Tie of B12) will tune our Team for a Deep March Run. RCJH!

  • @Shanghai_RCJH I thought ISU players motioned for their fans to not rush the court. In other words saying that they expected to win. Or was this another game, team or did I dream that?

  • @Kip_McSmithers Thanks. Corrected.Too many Stormings lately.

  • @Shanghai_RCJH oh I don’t know if I’m correct on that though. I know it happened during a game Imthis season. Figure it was isu though.

    Nathan Power is the moron that physically assaulted Jamari. This is his pathetic letter to the Kansas St Paper:* “I want to take this moment to share a sincere apology in breaking from the Wildcat way and stepping outside what is acceptable in the spirit of the game. Following the basketball game I simply let my emotions get the best of me in all of the chaos. In my excitement I was not careful of the people I was around. I am sorry that I made the KU basketball team — Jamari Traylor in particular—feel disrespected. By no means can I change what took place but in the future I will be aware of how emotions can impact good judgment.” *

    You’re sorry for disrespecting Jamari and KUMBB team?? Come on, do better than that!! You purposefully struck with malicious intent an opposing teams player after the game in which you took absolutely no part in. Meaning you didn’t need to be anywhere near that player. You obviously were looking to draw contact with somebody from the KU team, why else run toward their bench. Why else jump directly into Jamari’s back? Nathan, your apologize sucks, just like you.

    As for my take on our ADs take on this. It sucks as well. Actually SZ’s take sucks more and harder. SZ, you need to take a stand for the KU players. If it’s not for those KU players your ass would still be at whatever piss ant low major we got you from. You don’t want to “pile on kstate right now”?? Yes, poor kstate. They inadequately protected those players YOU are responsible for protecting but don’t pile on your former school, thier feelings might get hurt :(. Has BGL offered up anything. Maybe she has a bigger set than Sheahon and will stand up for her students.

    Don’t want to pile on…smh

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