Bounceback night What a sight

  • @wissox said in Bounceback night What a sight:

    get this thing rolling again.

    Win on Saturday and I’ll say we’ve go this thing rolling again

  • I appreciate when #8 in the country floats into AFH and goes belly up.

  • I feel like Zeke is shooting like 50% from 3 in AFH

  • I wonder when the last time Self didn’t use a TO except a use it to lose it in the 1st half?

  • Wellp. Hunt dribbles into a double then runs the court to get the emphatic block. Works.

  • @approxinfinity he tried to play defense, I’m giving him a gold star on that one ⭐

  • At least we aint getting swept by the freaking clones

  • Oh this guy shooting is from my brothers town.

  • Only thing Self forgot is keeping his starters in until the buzzer 😉

  • @nuleafjhawk 😴. What??

  • Flory could have used more minutes imo. Otherwise great game. Rock chalk!!!

  • This is a lot more fun friends, play inside out, play with energy and play the guys playing well including the only guy that’s gonna get drafted in the first round. If we do that, we can compete with anyone.

  • 🌻💙❤️🫶🏀🙏🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🌾🥰🥰🏀🏀🏀🥰🌾🌾🌾🔥

  • 38-0 at home on Big Monday!

  • Our next 6 games are pretty light

  • @approxinfinity get the gelling?

  • After hearing so much here about Self’s crappy coaching, and the guys not caring anymore, this game comes along. Didn’t watch…did Self resign? Maybe we let the pouting transfers coach themselves?

  • @approxinfinity Saturday is the biggest game of the year for me. We haven’t swept the little bro in years… it’s time to end Tangs career in Methattan

  • @approxinfinity Except for Sat , don’t look past those guys right now- -beating ISU at their place by nineteen - --kicking WV ass- -they are playing really well. you know that barn gonna be jumpin

  • Here is a nugget- - just mind boggling. KU is now 218 – --& 2 when holding teams under 60 points-- that’s beyond insane

  • KJ takes a lot of static (even from our own crowd tonight, which was chickenshit) but he was very good tonight. Glad to see him bounce back. It was a good matchup for him as well. ISU isn’t exactly the prime Warriors in terms of offensive execution so his athleticism and toughness really stood out.

  • @FarmerJayhawk What did the crowd do to kj?

    @approxinfinity Kj with 32 minutes, 3 rebounds and 6 points

    Flory - 15 minutes and 4 rebounds and 4 points

    Literally exactly as I told you it would happen

    Play flory 32 minutes and he’d be about his double double self just like he dominated when kj was injured

    But hey guys dolla bill never plays favorites to the detriment of the program. This isn’t ymca ball he plays the best players that give us the best chance to win every night (heavy sarcasm as bill being an absolute @$$hat over kj a solid bench player who he adores)

  • @kuballin10 they chanted “we want Flory” when KJ started

  • @FarmerJayhawk That isn’t aimed at kj that’s aimed at self and hell self could start all 3. KJ should even know he isn’t deserving of that spot……

    Everyone is tired of this trash for 2 years. Seen how it ends and seen how it plays out. Flory got KJ’s minutes against better teams (Houston) and dominated and yet there is no way self ever sits him (kj).

    It’s straight up favoritism and Self deserves every second of it because he is a detriment to the program with how he has completely mishandled this roster and misjudged talent

    Middle big 12 finishes and our 2024 calendar record more than proves who is and isn’t the answer at the 4 spot

    Multiple blowouts to lesser teams including our rival…the backup rolls up and dominates and gets relegated back to 15 mpg not the 25-28 everyone was clamoring for and an even 3 big rotation

    Self’s truly an idiot with his circle of trust. He’s made his bed and he’s gonna lie in it yet again in March and hey we don’t have a legit shot at the big 12 go figure

  • @kuballin10 yeah it’s a real huge mystery who they want benched. It’s an absolute chickenshit move for the crowd to start bitching about lineups when we’re beating a top 10 team. Stay in your lane, AFH crowd. Yelling at Self won’t rattle the road team. Do that shit on your own time.

  • @kuballin10 I thought KJ played well tonight. I don’t mind him playing a little more than Flory if he is having a good game. Saturday was a match up issue and he had no business playing 30 minutes. Flory had some great blocks tonight. The only thing I question is if KJ and Juan played a bit too much at 32 and 35 minutes respectively. Shak had a whopping 2 minutes tonight after only playing 3 in the second half Saturday, sounds like he has entered the Self dog house.

  • @FarmerJayhawk didn’t rattle anybody - maybe make kj actually do his job for once and grab a damn board instead of yelling at Zeke when Zeke’s out rebounded him almost every game. There’s a reason zeke liked that post and kj of all people yelling at zeke to do his job when kj in year 4 can’t board or throw a 10 footer in the oceans is f’n asinine. Stay in ur lane kj but no dolla bill has you all sorts of confidence. Wonder how storr, moore or griff would be with that kind of backing and confidence in them like his precious kj

    Dolla bill over here cashing checks and defending his precious 3 boards and 6 point guy yet again like he’s an all American. The coach can’t judge the blatant talent disparity….i mean just retire bill your gonna eff up next years roster like you have for decades by favoring the wrong guys in ur make believe circle of trust (wait but it does actually exist as proven this year and last and the year before)

    Keep chanting crowd because the top 15 nba pick per ur coach is not as good or impactful as the fourth year dude who won’t get drafted. Bills a literal @$$hat snd as prideful as they come….never will admit a mistake

    Swain- Self on the student section chants: "I love Flory and want Flory to play too. … But KJ Adams had to be on the floor

    Yeah how could we ever replace his 3 and 6 tonight William. You value stuff that doesn’t win in March so enjoy Cancun bud

  • @kjayhawks kj should never ever play more than flory in a basketball game whether in afh or on mars

    That dude will start and play for me, Bama or any other coach until he fouls out or is hurt

    Kj is your off the bench energy guy and that’s what his numbers reflect unfortunately they are starters minutes and that’s still all he can produce

    Clogs the paint, dolla bill uses him for pnr - where he isn’t guarded and he threw up some horrid shots begging for fouls……I love kj but he’s Jamari traylor 2.0 playing 32-35 mpg over yet again a legit nba talent WHO PROVED DURING INJURY HE IS READY TO DOMINATE NOW

    We’d heard - oh he fouls out too quickly, oh trust the gall of famer he will know when he’s ready….injury exposed all of this. Flory played flory dominated flory is ready now

    The issue is dolla bill isn’t ready now

    Give me Jay Wright any day of the week, go get the texas tech coach

  • @kuballin10 when the Fieldhouse is pumped and not bitching about lineups it absolutely rattles people. They can complain in the dorms on discord or here or wherever but when they’re in that building, you either cheer your ass off for who’s on the court or be loud as hell to rattle the other team or boo the refs. That’s it.

  • @FarmerJayhawk Coach calls out the fans….this was the fans calling out the coach

    If the coach doesn’t like it because he’s sawft he shouldn’t have opened his mouth and laid two goose eggs

  • Too little too late unfortunately

  • @kuballin10 he doesn’t care much at all. And not like he came over the mic and said hey students you suck. Worth noting he never called out my cohorts even when we had a couple not great years.

  • @FarmerJayhawk The coach is fallible and on this roster situation he’s dead wrong

    Been proven by play on the court. If he doesn’t like it that’s bill’s fault and maybe next time before calling out the crowd (that is low attendance wise because it’s the same core 3 that we’ve seen suck for 2 years) he will just keep his mouth shut

    Sounded like an entitled child and then proceeded to not eat his broccoli and crap his pants with 18 seconds left

  • @FarmerJayhawk He cared enough to say something….and the fans care enough about the program to want the best players to play who give Kansas the best chance to win

    If those aren’t bills guys - tough. The trust the hall of famer went out the window these games when kj didn’t play and flory dominated. That followed up by the 60 point drubbing where bill goes to the mic stating how he played kj because of offense is just comically bad

    Gtfo with that just completely inaccurate assessment dolla bill

  • Again, say whatever about the lineups, Bill, a boar’s ass, on your own time. AFH is hallowed ground. You don’t bitch about work at church. And that’s the last I’m saying about it. Great win tonight, I’m looking forward to Saturday at the Annual Bramlage Sellout.

  • The atmosphere was great tonight. Only at the very beginning did that happen and then it was over. The game went great and was coached masterfully! You don’t like it, take a blow, somewhere very far away. We are very tired of you. Same shit every game. You are unhappy if we win and happy if we lose.

  • The hunt, Juan, coit, kj play was #6 on sports center

  • Watched the highlights and guys were tired. Rylan hands on his knees in the first half, Zeke trying to drive downhill and finally just burying another long one. The defenses were not as sharp but it’s easy to see why. Pride was evident. ISU getting physical but no one backed down. Good work guys. It was cool to see Rylan make a dinger and the joy/relief on his face.

  • @Crimsonorblue22

    Great play and kind of inspiring to the team and crowd. I think Juan was getting tired of the refs.

  • Great needed win! And no, we didn’t blow 19pts lead… lol Flory - 15 minutes and 4 rebounds and 4 points, 4 Blks, 1 STL, 50% FG… he’s being sabotaged, again. You got high motor, athletic ~7 footer, but noone threw him lobs. 2 touches. 2 freakin touches for the whole 15 mins on offense. He’s the team’s alpha dog from now on. He just needs to show a bit of emotion. Damn cold assassin.

  • @patoh3 The older I get, the more value I put on sleep.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 I think not playing Flory caps our ceiling. This team is deeply fractured and a win at AFH over a top 10 team that went belly up may be fools gold. I think there is reason for skepticism.

  • @kjayhawks said in Bounceback night What a sight:

    @kuballin10 I thought KJ played well tonight. I don’t mind him playing a little more than Flory if he is having a good game. Saturday was a match up issue and he had no business playing 30 minutes. Flory had some great blocks tonight. The only thing I question is if KJ and Juan played a bit too much at 32 and 25 minutes respectively. Shak had a whopping 2 minutes tonight after only playing 3 in the second half Saturday, sounds like he has entered the Self dog house.

    I had to start the game listening on the radio and the radio guys said Shak’s been dealing with a sore foot recently, so it may not be him in the doghouse as much as injury right now.

  • Iowa State could not get by KJ last night. That was a beastly defensive effort from him. I’m as much a detractor as anyone but he was key last night.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 I see thanks for the info

  • @wissox said in Bounceback night What a sight:

    TJ Pugh in the house. He’s a cancer doctor out in Denver. Pretty cool to hear.

    Wow good for him! I had some classes with him and his little brother. They were both funny and nice, in general seemed like good guys.

  • @dylans said in Bounceback night What a sight:

    @wissox said in Bounceback night What a sight:

    TJ Pugh in the house. He’s a cancer doctor out in Denver. Pretty cool to hear.

    Wow good for him! I had some classes with him and his little brother. They were both funny and nice, in general seemed like good guys.

    Wasn’t he on Roy’s staff at one point or am I off?

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 He looked just fine in warm ups. He came in and had a bad turnover and went straight back to the bench. Meanwhile d2 comes back in the game and turns it over 3 more times but gets to stay in.

    I’m sick of this crap - dolla bill says he wants d2 to have a break but if the guy comes in and has a stupid turnover he throws d2 back in the game

    Comically bad trusting all of his players and even worse when shak proceeds to watch d2 turn it over once he checks in

    This is why guys play tentative and also how you’ve lost a locker room

  • I agree with a lot of the optics @kuballin10 is criticizing after this win. If i hop into some of these points please let me be a fallible human and not admin, and I acknowledge that its just my opinion.

    All I know is that i feel connected and invested this year, inversely proportional to the amount of disconnect I feel Bill has with some players 🙂

  • @approxinfinity The optics confirm what is reverberating through the locker room

    Proven guys from other schools not appreciating the same leash as lesser players but the ones whom dolla bill loves

    The pro’s - we won last night and that top play brought the roof down - it was awesome baby with a capital A “paying homage to the great dickie V!”

    Hunter was active on d. - kj as well

    The cons - isu missed a ton of open 3’s so my view that our defense was stellar isn’t 100% factual when their 3’s were wide open shots

    Bill’s quick hook for guys but then allows “his guys” to make mistakes over and over and they don’t get the quick hook. He’s really struggling to allow other senior players who transfer in the same trust/leash as his “proven guys”. Those same “proven guys” have proven they are leading one of the worst record stretches, big 12 finishes and 2nd round bounces in the ncaa’s

    The guys who transfer in know this, see this and don’t think it is fair. Frankly it flat out isn’t but Bill has major blind spots and he will never see them.

    Defending kj playing the entire second half against Baylor cause he could defend and get buckets is just awful analysis. He and I aren’t even watching the same game and he’s supposed to be lightyears ahead of me in bball knowledge.

    I know 60 points in a half means the guys you trusted YET AGAIN didn’t deliver as you expect them to. Hey but let’s keep running that same core 3 out there expecting different results!

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