Crap on Jeff Grimes thread

  • @wissox I don’t tweet. Brief synopsis? KU Sucks ???

  • @nuleafjhawk I thought you could see the tweet without an account. The meme had Jalen now receiving NIL money from Pepperidge Farms for their turnovers.

  • @wissox I was told that JD has the worst passer rating in college football in attempts more than 15 yards down field. The ESPN Wichita guys pretty much spent the whole segment laughing at Jeff Grimes and JD. I have to agree with them also bringing up how if KU can’t win this season returning all the talent they did, how in the hell will they win next season?

  • @kjayhawks well JD will be gone and I’ve been reliably informed he’s the worst QB we’ve ever had, kicks puppies, and causes global warming so just from that you should see improvement if the commentariat is to be believed

    The real answer is ABC: always be cruitin. The portal will be our bff come January

  • @FarmerJayhawk haha sadly I’d take Montell Cozart over him at this point.

  • To add to the original point of this post I just came across a nice Jeff Grimes stat from last season. Baylor special teams scored 54 points in their first 6 games while the offense was only able to muster 42 points. Why did we hire this dude? One good season at BYU in a cupcake conference.

  • This whole sordid affair is the first time in my life I’ve paid attention to a coordinator! Like knowing names, wishing they were gone, etc.

  • @kjayhawks I’d take Montell Williams.

  • I wonder if Grimes will coach any games in the new stadium?

  • @nuleafjhawk said in Crap on Jeff Grimes thread:

    I wonder if Grimes will coach any games in the new stadium?

    Hope so and it means the season turned around. I’m not optimistic, but not without hope.

  • @benshawks08 right the stuff the comes out of his mouth makes me think he couldn’t coach a prostitute through a orgasm. Illinois has the best disguised defense in the land apparently as he said after that loss. What a complete and utter dipshit.

  • @benshawks08 the clarification really helped

  • Grimes is just not it. It is really unfortunate he was hired this year with the talent we have. He sounded like a complete moron today.

  • Grimes shouldn’t last the weekend if the offense doesn’t improve this week.

    Someone must be the sacrificial lamb when a 9-win team with a soft schedule and this many seniors returning doesn’t make a bowl game.

    Just the way it has to be.

  • @benshawks08 matt taits explanation:

    Matt Tait @mctait · 3h It was all after the fact. I took it as him saying, if you thought Illinois was the low point, we’ve now hit an even lower point after losing to UNLV & have to really lock in & take nothing for granted to get it corrected. It was a good answer & the players responded well.

  • @approxinfinity hopefully they responded better than they did after the Illinois game

  • @approxinfinity I’ll just be honest everyday guys aren’t hopping in the portal for the offense is a win at this point. It would’ve been super hard to hear that being a senior that was told you haven’t hit rock bottom yet with what they have gone thru. I honestly would’ve took a swing at him.

  • @kjayhawks you would punch your coach? For trying to encourage you? Really?

    I mean its just kind of funny how loose we can be about our choice of words while criticizing the exact choice of words in others in a conversation we weren’t present for.


  • Tait got the quote wrong as well, FYI

  • @approxinfinity the quote was wrong and a little misleading. But pending on the delivery context I may have. I hate to break this to people but most male athletes are full testosterone and very masculine. If anyone one here has been around professional athletes they would confirm this. Scuffles and fights happen fairly often behind closed doors. Bill Self has gotten in to several physical altercations with players over the years. I did get to watch some of his press conference and did appreciate him admitting to needing to call better plays.

  • @kjayhawks “Scuffles and fight happen fairly often behind closed doors.”

    Are you telling me we could have kept Mangino? Crap, we could have been a well respected program by now.

  • Greggggg

  • Guys like Mangino and Gregggg were feared but not respected. That doesn’t fly today. Can’t keep people around when they don’t respect you and they have the freedom to leave. I played for a KS Sports Hall of Fame head coach and he rarely screamed at or demeaned anyone. You don’t have to be a raging prick to win.

  • @FarmerJayhawk Your coach probably didn’t have to worry about how much NIL money you were making, how often you were going to transfer or wonder if you were ever going to take your damn face out of your damn phone.

  • @FarmerJayhawk said in Crap on Jeff Grimes thread:

    Guys like Mangino and Gregggg were feared but not respected. That doesn’t fly today. Can’t keep people around when they don’t respect you and they have the freedom to leave. I played for a KS Sports Hall of Fame head coach and he rarely screamed at or demeaned anyone. You don’t have to be a raging prick to win.

    Brad Stevens ‘nuff said.

  • @nuleafjhawk eh, 2/3. It was the late 2000’s so we all had phones and it was a pretty mobile community. Lots of kids in and out.

  • @approxinfinity said in Crap on Jeff Grimes thread:

    @benshawks08 matt taits explanation:

    Matt Tait @mctait · 3h It was all after the fact. I took it as him saying, if you thought Illinois was the low point, we’ve now hit an even lower point after losing to UNLV & have to really lock in & take nothing for granted to get it corrected. It was a good answer & the players responded well.

    Oh so CONTEXT matters all of the sudden?!!?

  • @FarmerJayhawk I personally don’t mind a coach being very tough. I had a bit of a man crush on Bobby Knight - I wanted to be him if I had been a coach. Sorry. I knew the mother of one of his 4 year players and she would NOT let you bad mouth him. She said he was a much better man than his public persona, but that was how he coached. Honestly, if you’re a college - D1 - football player and have to be coddled and not yelled at, you should probably take up chess or ice dancing or something.

  • @nuleafjhawk there’s definitely a line between being tough and abusive. Mangino and Greggggg were canned for the latter. I read A Season on the Brink years ago, and wow did that was a trip. Some folks just aren’t motivated by getting screamed at. This might be a hot take, but if you’re a teacher of any sort you have to figure out how to reach and motivate each student/player. Some guys need tough love, but as Lance says you gotta be able to wrap your arms around them sometimes too. If you just get on guys all the time without building them up once in awhile you get the end of the Greggggggg era at WSU or the end of Mangino at KU. Things went off the rails because players got tired of their crap, didn’t respect them, and played like it.

  • If you’ve ever been in a situation where your superior only yells at you, you’ll start to normalize it and it isn’t motivating at all.

    A timely “atta boy” is often times more motivating than screaming.

    Also, a HUGE difference in challenging guys to be better and mf-ing them to the point of embarrassment.

    Also, some guys are more motivated with an “I’ll show you” attitude and nonchalance is a motivating tool.

    There are a ton of levers to pull to motivate people and a good coach will utilize all of them.

  • There definitely has to be both accountability and praise from a coach. Most good coaches are very intense and get on players til they get it perfect. YouTube Nick Sabans Alabama practices that are taped, if they are off by 6 inches on play, he is in their face telling that ain’t the right way. Great players love the accountability and hard work. Now as @FarmerJayhawk said you have to be able to do both that and show the guys or gals you care at the same time.

  • If I recall… In our past few seasons KU was known as the “motion offense team” and we ran an offense similar to the Chiefs.

    We look like a traditional offense now and we are not owning the offensive end of the ball.

    I know Lance is the HC… but wasn’t he going to require a similar style as we moved on to a new OC?

    I’m not sure where I place blame yet since I’m a total backseat quarterback in this game. From what I see… our defense isn’t too bad, but they are on the field too much now and getting warn out!

    Daniels looks to be without confidence and looks lost out there half the time. I think the first order of business is to settle him down. Run the ball more, including having him run with the ball. Call easier pass plays, and very rarely a long ball. Build his confidence and also stop the TOs!

  • @drgnslayr said in Crap on Jeff Grimes thread:

    If I recall… In our past few seasons KU was known as the “motion offense team” and we ran an offense similar to the Chiefs.

    We look like a traditional offense now and we are not owning the offensive end of the ball.

    I know Lance is the HC… but wasn’t he going to require a similar style as we moved on to a new OC?

    I’m not sure where I place blame yet since I’m a total backseat quarterback in this game. From what I see… our defense isn’t too bad, but they are on the field too much now and getting warn out!

    Daniels looks to be without confidence and looks lost out there half the time. I think the first order of business is to settle him down. Run the ball more, including having him run with the ball. Call easier pass plays, and very rarely a long ball. Build his confidence and also stop the TOs!

    The one thing I have noticed is that in the last couple of years with our former OC we had the opportunity to quick strike- -that home run offense-- play calls with Big time explosive results - -Big chunk plays rathe it was through the air, or on the ground. -w e were explosive.-----This year – -not so much , we haven’t had that. Th question becomes is it because of Change in our OC ? or is it that the guys just aren’t executing the plays fully ?- -I have a little tendency to believe that it is our new OC to a certain degree anyways. - -maybe with him moving down to on the field—things will change

  • @jayballer67 I think the important part was that the big chunk plays weren’t always long passes either. It was something that would get someone open and moving into space where they could make an easy pass and catch and then rack up some YAC. But maybe I’m imagining that.

  • @benshawks08 right, at this point I have zero belief in Grimes play calling and play book in general. As I posted above on this thread. The special teams scored more than the offense for his last team thru 6 games a year ago. If I feel that way, how do the players? If they don’t trust or believe in Grimes it’s gonna be a long season. There is just too much talent on that side of the ball for us not go average above 35 PPG.

  • @drgnslayr Our play calling even with run game has been very predictable.

    We need to be a bit more creative in calling plays for our playmakers, get them open in space and gain yards.

    I hope Grimes can take a few plays from AK’s playbook.

  • @AsadZ I’m frustrated that we have ran the option twice this season, gained 20 yards each time to not run it more

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