McCullar out vs Baylor
Baylor can barely run down the floor without falling down, so I’ll give half of their problems to KU D!
She’s cool!
Nick the Brick needs to start making those
Maybe nick should shoot a 2. He clearly can’t make 3s
got a little ball along with the arm
Well at least Kentucky lost. That always makes the day better
Lil late
Hunt with a nice long 3
Both Furphy and Timberlake need to put in on the floor and drive when they are being played tight on the arc…
@stoptheflop When I called them clown unis earlier I didn’t realize I was insulting the entire state of Kansas! really didn’t inspect them too closely to see what they were!
Hunter got fouled
Hunt missing 2 3s wisely went back under the basket and feasts
Hunter was held
Timeout was needed. Guys are gassed already
I don’t mind hunter stepping out but gotta little trigger happy
to be fair, Hunter’s last three was in and out. He’s killing it inside though, so just take the easy 2s
@BeddieKU23 our conditioning is laughable at this point in season. Guys gassed 12 minutes into a game is not a good look in February.
Jank may be needed
Could find a hawk to walk with, Bilas?
Marko’s defense has been solid lately
Made KU look good!
Juan 2 missed layups last one wide open. I guess just shoot the 3s
dumb stretch the past 5 minutes
Stupid T Bill
Wow, our bench may have just gotten shorter for a while.
OK, furph, do that more!
Unbelievable is a T? Touchy refs
Nick just jogging to the rim instead of boxing out his man, who gets the rebound
Juando driving has not been great so far
Nick is bad and Harris can’t make a layup. Gonna turn a blowout into a tight game if that doesn’t change.
Harris hasn’t had a free throw
Pounce on the typo
Put Jamari in take Nick out
Jamari out flu
put jank in for Nick
Nick and Elmarko a disaster so far.
Whistles are already too much
I’m 12 blocks away and have only had a couple beers, put me in.
This is why people get mad at Juando, multiple missed bunnies and was outta position on defense.
Timberlake is such a terrible athlete can’t win a single loose ball
I think Nick needs to get his eyes checked. Seriously. Ball bounces off his face at least once a game.
@rcjhdraft he looks like me at the YMCA, good only at the YMCA lol
Wow, loved the cool fly by of AFH and the dorms to the west!
I scored 2 points in a college game once, I might be able to contribute but I’m kind of far away.