Uh Oh, NYC mayor doesn't know about us.
I suggest Rock Chalk Jayhawk KU is a pretty well known brand.
Lets flood this twitter page with our two cents worth.
I’m outraged and I’m not even a Kansan!
State of NY NCAA tournament titles: 2 Syracacuse
and CCNY way way back. Kansas 4
#All four titles from state of Kansas won only by THE University of Kansas.
Current NY football teams ranked: 0 Current Kansas football teams ranked 1 Current Kansas football teams should be ranked 1.
There has been a response on social media. Not by me. I’m a little anti-social(media). But I read sometimes.
Adams’ douchey comment just makes him sound unaware and narrow-minded, the opposite implication of his intent. And arrogant, of course, but maybe that’s on brand.
@tundrahok It really was a strange comment. I couldn’t really figure out the context beyond that sound clip. I deal with the same thing with Chicago. I read lots of comments about hell hole, things like that, yet millenials are flocking to the city and it’s actually growing. It’s got some major problems of course, but ignorance abounds.
I saw that clip yesterday and chuckled, knowing what the reactions would be like.
My reaction was, “whoah dude, leave us out of whatever point you’re trying to make. We’re just minding our own business over here.”
Favorite reply though (after all the John Brown, superman and Wiz of Oz references) was:
Kansas Brand: 4-0
Apparently a lot of well-intended people defending Kansas think Kansas is known for corn.
Nothing wrong with corn, but we don’t wave the corn here in Kansas.
The irony of his comment is that there clearly IS a brand for Kansas and it’s well positioned and differentiated from New York City.
If Kansas didn’t have a brand, Kansas would not have come to his mind in that moment.
We can debate what the Kansas brand stands for (I would say that it stands for many things just as NYC’s brand is multi-dimensional), but the reality is that the Kansas brand strongly represents something dramatically different and possibly opposite from New York City.
All this really revealed to me was that he needs to learn a bit more about brands.
A lot of it comes from plain ole east coasters thinking it’s all about them. Sometimes the heat wave that hits there starts in the midwest. Or the blizzard, or the cold snap. Watch the network news, no mention of it until it hits in the east, then you’ll see the screaming headline “Millions affected by Eastern Heatwave”. Even Les Nessman from WKRP did it famously when he read the news headline “Monster Lizzard Ravages East Coast”. Johnny Fever walks in and says “uh Les, that’s blizzard”
@DanR If the 4-0 is a reference to National Championships that should be corrected to 4-2 as I pointed out above!
@wissox fb
Everywhere I have been after leaving Kansas, people have always cracked wise about Dorothy. If you did a national survey, I suspect they would say she is the brand for Kansas.
I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with the whole Oz thing. Earlier this year I went to the Smithsonian Museum Of American History in DC. They have a display of one of the pairs of Dorothy’s ruby slippers from the movie. On the walls surrounding it are all the (well-worn) catchphrases from the film. We’ve all gotten our fill of hearing those lines over and over from folks who know little else about the state.
On my drive across Kansas this week for a reunion in KC, I stopped off at two places that are probably the only other pop culture things that non-Midwesterners seem to know about us: The World’s Largest Ball Of Twine in Cawker City, and The Geographical Center Of The US in nearby Lebanon. (By the way, while in Lebanon I stopped of for lunch at the local market/deli, after a suggestion by one of the posters on this board. Not bad !)
I was in Cancun last week and as soon as I said I was from Kansas my driver brought up Wizard of Oz immediately. In a way it is nice to have that reference.
We are also the home of Superman, but nobody brings that up…
I really thought it was funny how bothered people got by the comments of that guy though. He made himself sound like such an ass that you didn’t even need to justify anything. It made New Yorkers seem like total assholes.
@Kcmatt7 For a while in the '90s we had the Smallville TV show, but people seem to forget about that. (I got a kick out of the fact that the creators of the show considered a town of 100,000 to be “small.” Me, I’d just call it “Wichita.”)
In fairness, Wichita’s bigger than that. More like Topeka.
@Kcmatt7 Technically, Supe’s second home…
Also, if this incident made people think NYers are assholes, they haven’t been paying attention. Most of us knew it long ago!
@nwhawkfan I tell someone about the twine ball at least once a month.
In a totally unrelated circumstance, no one talks to me anymore…
@DanR They probably meant porn
@nwhawkfan said in Uh Oh, NYC mayor doesn't know about us.:
I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with the whole Oz thing. Earlier this year I went to the Smithsonian Museum Of American History in DC. They have a display of one of the pairs of Dorothy’s ruby slippers from the movie. On the walls surrounding it are all the (well-worn) catchphrases from the film. We’ve all gotten our fill of hearing those lines over and over from folks who know little else about the state.
On my drive across Kansas this week for a reunion in KC, I stopped off at two places that are probably the only other pop culture things that non-Midwesterners seem to know about us: The World’s Largest Ball Of Twine in Cawker City, and The Geographical Center Of The US in nearby Lebanon. (By the way, while in Lebanon I stopped of for lunch at the local market/deli, after a suggestion by one of the posters on this board. Not bad !)
YUSSS. Love to hear that.
I hate the “you’re not in ks anymore”. Like we don’t know. Other than that, I like the wizard of Oz.
shoe is red!