@bskeet think about it, it makes sense. I’ve read it in several articles. I think after 24 hrs after you have had the worst of the side effects, it’s fine to take something.
Some recent research indicates that taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs) may reduce a vaccine’s effectiveness. Because of this possibility, it might be wise to avoid NSAIDs and take acetaminophen (Tylenol) for pain or fever if necessary.
Fortunately, you can do plenty of other things to help yourself feel more comfortable in the face of post-vaccination side effects. Try these self-care approaches at home.
NC is bumping up phase 4 a week so I’m eligible next week!
I’m coming off my first shot last week with no ill effects (sore shoulder aside). I did lay off my meds for a day just in case. 2nd shot comes in late March.
One small surprise…my provider had said I was going to get Moderna, but due to weather-related issues delaying the shipment, I got Pfizer instead.
@nwhawkfan u get it in 3 wks instead of 4. They say women have more side effects than men, aren’t we suppose to be the stronger ones?
@Crimsonorblue22 i think your immune systems are so that’s why the side effects are worse!
@FarmerJayhawk my arm is all red, looks bad. Whiner here.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Vaccine:
my arm is all red…
Well, maybe, it is really crimson…go ahead and paint your other arm blue!
More seriously, you definitely have had a nasty experience. At least you know it was a real vaccine and your immune system is determined to keep you alive!
I’m trying to get my dad vaccinated. He is 88 and completely immobilized but lives in his home through home healthcare. Unfortunately, home healthcare is not vaccinating. I’ve been trying to get him vaccinated through the VA, but so far, they haven’t come up with a solution.
Anyone else out there in a situation like mine?
@drgnslayr my neighbor got his thru the va. He went to wichita.
@drgnslayr I’d ask his Dr. Sedgwick co is really trying to get shots in arms
It has to be a mobile unit that comes to my dad. It takes a crane to move my dad… he can’t be moved.
Yep… they have me circling around the airport. Now… hope to hear back on Monday. I guess their offer for a mobile service is only in some areas in the USA.
@drgnslayr keep trying, there are people going out to shut ins.
So far I have tried with the county, local places that give shots, and VA.
@drgnslayr no advice from anyone? Try tweeting the mayor. He’s awesome. I follow him and the ast. Councilman. Not sure that’s his title. Brandon johnson. I’ll look
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Vaccine:
@drgnslayr no advice from anyone? Try tweeting the mayor. He’s awesome. I follow him and the ast. Councilman. Not sure that’s his title. Brandon johnson. I’ll look
Can confirm Brandon is a good guy. He was in the legislature when I was a staffer.
Kansas is one of the worst in the country in administering the vaccine rollout, only 62%.
Yes, Kansas is close to the worst in making the vaccine available. All our family members who live in other states, Texas, Florida, New York and California have been vaccinated, even though they are 10 and 20 years younger than my wife and I. Very frustrating. My brother in law in Texas is in his 50’s and was able to get it because he smokes. Sister in law in Florida in her early 50’s was eligible because she has a Cpap. 64 and healthy, so I’m waiting. Kansas just didn’t seem to get very many doses in January and February. But, its really starting to open up here too.
@stoptheflop I hope that you and your wife will get it soon.
@AsadZ Thank you for your thoughts. We are anxious to get back to normal.
@stoptheflop put your name in at not only your doctor’s office, but also the health dept. I had my name in at both of those places and at the VA, the health dept. calling me first, got my 1st shot a couple Fridays ago - the VA finally called me today, asking if I still needed it. Anyway, that might help you.
Finally eligible as of today and got an appointment for Weds. Hope they don’t run out between then and now.
@stoptheflop said in Vaccine:
Yes, Kansas is close to the worst in making the vaccine available. All our family members who live in other states, Texas, Florida, New York and California have been vaccinated, even though they are 10 and 20 years younger than my wife and I. Very frustrating. My brother in law in Texas is in his 50’s and was able to get it because he smokes. Sister in law in Florida in her early 50’s was eligible because she has a Cpap. 64 and healthy, so I’m waiting. Kansas just didn’t seem to get very many doses in January and February. But, its really starting to open up here too.
I know it seems like a long time still, but 2 months from now, vaccines are going to be as readily available as the flu shot. Entirely dependent of course as to which vaccine you want. If you want the Moderna or Pfizer one it could be a little bit but if you don’t mind the johnson and Johnson, there is a huge stockpile in maryland with mass manufacturing ongoing. I’m building a facility for emergent biosolutions thats scheduled to be completed in late july. Working 2 shifts, 7 days a week as part of Trumps operation warp speed initiative. Emergent is looking to have a couple billion, yes billion, doses of the j&j vaccine by years end and they are releasing the vaccine as completed.
We’re close. We’re real close to the medical side being all resolved. We coped for 12 months, but this will soon end. just stay steady friends.
Got mine scheduled for Friday! Have to drive 40ish minutes each way but I’m happy I can get immunity by mid-April.
My wife gets Pfeizer shot #1 tomorrow. (KU)
I feel you, man. I think I’m technically considered Phase 6 - “leftovers”.
There are a lot of places that you can get a vaccine no matter what age and or phase you are in. Just depends how hard you are looking. I know the Leavenworth Health department is hosting a mass vac site tomorrow that is first come first serve. There are a ton of places that have wait lists for unused doses. There was a local pharmacy in Leawood that got 5,000 doses that were first come first serve. So if you want to get the shot you can get it.
Wouldn’t u be in there, some where?
@Crimsonorblue22 I read that this morning…opening up for phases 3-4. Pretty sure I’m in phase 6 (55, work from home, healthy enough).
I’m kind of curious though about the supposed “absolutely anyone first-come first-served” events. Every place I checked still follows the state-wide phases.
Got my first Moderna shot today. I’m just achy enough to notice it. Get the last one in 4 weeks!
@DanR get your name on every list! Pharmacies, etc. I got called early cause of weather. There’s still a lot of people that won’t get it. Sorry, but drives me nuts. Saw my Lawrence gkids sun. Good feeling you can unmask with other vaccinated people. Can’t understand why people would be so selfish!
@Crimsonorblue22 technically we can unmask with other unvaccinated people but my feeling is we shouldn’t because we can still transmit the disease? Until everyone has available vaccine i wont unmask indoors around people i dont live with. Easy for me to say since i will probably be last to get it
Patiently (sort of) waited for my turn. Kansas opened up for anyone over 16 (woo-hoo, that’s me), and I got online early in the morning and nabbed a spot for my first jab of the vaccine I can’t spell that starts with some combination of PFHZR on April 1 at a CVS four blocks from my house, no joke.
All I’m saying is, there are a couple brew pubs and one particular Mexican restaurant in Lawrence that are going to get their sugar daddy back pretty soon.
I believe in mandatory vacations for everyone.
@DanR was just in Lawrence last weekend. Ate at the new sandwich place on mass, latchkey I think. Pretty good. I had not been there for over a year.
@wissox Well, vaccinations do take the “cin” out of vacations! If that’s a good thing.
@Crimsonorblue22 One of several new places we’re going to try! Didn’t want my first impression of the new restaurants to be from take-out. (We’ve done quite a bit of takeout) I’m just so tired of my own food… and dishes.
I believe in mandatory vacations for everyone.
Too early for this I think. Not approved for use in kids and we still don’t know the long term effects of the mRNA tech. I clearly think it’s the smart thing to do! But I’m not for mandating anything yet. Persuasion might be more effective anyhow.
@FarmerJayhawk We’ll put you down as “anti-vacation” then.
@DanR ugh fiiiiiine clutches vaccine card like it’s my child
@DanR we did take out.
@FarmerJayhawk you can get them laminated free at staples and ? I forgot. Don’t post them, everybody!
@Crimsonorblue22 Office Depot I think? I’m getting mine framed after I get the second shot
@FarmerJayhawk don’t forget to report side effects.
Is spelling a side effect? I need to know before I go out in pubic.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Vaccine:
@FarmerJayhawk don’t forget to report side effects.
Will do! I’m anticipating it’s not gonna be fun
@DanR you report too!
I sometimes carry a bag of dog poop around in my sweatshirt pocket for a couple miles on a morning walk with my dog, so I’m not sure if I will be the right person to report side effects from anything