@drgnslayr If that’s for real, it’s one of the coolest things EVER!
I have to ask everyone, knowing what we know about the situation and how badly the NCAA has messed up ( and messed up is keeping it PG).
Will we tolerate anything less than him being able to play?
KU has literally shoved whatever investigation they did do back at them.
And proven that they don’t have a clue what they are doing here.
If the ruling is still negative, what are the next steps? This issue really has brought up and exposed a flawed system.
It makes you wonder how many other kids have been hurt by this very same investigative methods.
Diallo can’t get back those 4 games so far, can’t get back tonight’s game either. How do you make it right? Just making him eligible doesn’t solve the issue, doesn’t even come close to the bigger picture that needs to happen. No other kid deserves this in the future, I don’t think any issue regarding the NCAA has ever angered me this much. And I know I’m not alone.
“Will we tolerate anything less than him being able to play?”
They better have some damn good evidence to prevent him from playing.
How frustrating is this?
So… we are over in Hawaii and Kansas is told they will receive a response, and the response is “we are working on it.”
What the F$&K does that mean?
So, we can infer from that statement that they weren’t working on it before (we already knew, but now we get an acknowledgment concerning their lameness).
We don’t want to hear they are working on it. We want a resolution and action.
N O W !!!
@drgnslayr on turkey break and Christmas break now! Ah!
How many games did Cliff miss? Because that’s how many games Diallo is going to miss.
November 20 - 30 Thanksgiving Break
December 1 - 31 Christmas Break
January 1 - 15 New Year’s Break
January 16 - February 28 Valentine’s Day Break
March 1 - 31 Easter Break
April 1 - 30 Thomas Jefferson’s Birthday Break
May 1 - 15 Mother’s Day Break
May 16 - 31 Memorial Day Break
June 1 - 30 Father’s Day Break
July 1 - 31 Independence Day Break
Etc… etc… etc…
@drgnslayr what I thought!
I get your point but this kid if cleared should have never missed any games to begin with.
@BeddieKU23 I never said anything about this situation being right or fair though. The NCAA is pissed they couldn’t nail Cliff so they’re taking it out on KU by “suspending” Diallo.
He has been cleared to play December 1st
(Braveheart scene)
@drgnslayr Lol Nice work
Like I’ve said before, this will have a HUGE impact on KU. Take a look at his game tape from the McDonald’s game. This guy is effortlessly fast.
Why didn’t you come up with this post WEEKS ago?? It seemed to have done the trick.
Go figure…
Months and months of screaming fans, sports people, and then the university.
But it took a farmer spelling it out to get the job done! (actually, I’m thinking petrol producer)
I still don’t understand why not tonight? Why dec first?
I wasn’t expecting an answer until right before conference play.
I just found it this morning… I would have jumped on this months ago!
“I still don’t understand why not tonight? Why dec first?”
They are hedging their bets. My bet is they are still using these 6 days to find something wrong where they can still pull his eligibility. By making the announcement now (even though he still can’t play) they are addressing the public-debated argument “innocent until proven guilty” which is about letting players play until found guilty. Problem with it all is those games then have to be forfeited. He still can’t play tonight… but… it is their way to address it.
Cheick has not been freed until AFTER he has played his first game. Even then… they will continue to keep his case file open for review and then if they find “something” later they can go back and forfeit our season.
What they should do is promise not to later forfeit our games.
Hey, @drgnslayr maybe we should change the title of this thread from “Free Diallo” to “Diallo Free”?
There you go!
Funny, today I was thinking of wearing my old, vintage (now collectible) “Free Selby” tshirt I bought back in the day.
I guess now may be the time to snag some “Free Diallo” memorabilia. Imagine 50 years from now… That $9.95 shirt might be worth a fortune to some avid Jayhawk memorabilia collector…
“Selby? You mean Shelby, Alabama? Wasn’t that a hotrod Mustang?”
I tend to think the same especially when the lead invetigator paid Huggins extra for every win against ku. I don’t doubt there is some behind the scenes stick it to KU Feelings. Just glad it’s over and that this kid can finally help us