Cretins From Craytin Game Thread
@drgnslayr I``` I am getting really frustrated with Dickinson , like I have been saying on the defensive end he is total liability , no foot speed , gets burnt continually on pick and rolls, you get him in space he is SLOW we talking maple syrup slow.
This is suppose to be an All American I’m not seeing it yet anyways. Oh sure he can post numbers against lesser lights your Green Bay Wisconsin’s , Arkansas -pine Bluffs Schools like that , he has very limited vertical , how many seven footers have you seen get their shot block multiple times by the rim ? – what is his offensive rebounding stats ? - - Very limited , just unacceptable. I realize the whole fricken team sucks rebounding the ball offensively , but I mean come on seriously ? The guy is seven foot and what like 245 ? —there is no reason for him to be getting shoved around and moved out, just piss poor positioning to get rebounding position .
Offensively last night was just insane the guy takes four shots the entire game- -FOUR he should have had that before the first break, but wait- --no he can’t because he is just getting to half court when the teams are coming back the other way. out of the four he took two were from the three point line and missed of course – and don’t come at me with well he can make those - when ? sure maybe every other Friday he might make one. All he was doing last night on the outside was counting to see how many fans were in the seats I think.
The guy does not fare well when he matches up against similar players/ same stature - – Creighton’s Big did well against him, Hunter gets four shots last night scores SIX points- -SIX for GOD’S Sakes Flory plays as well as Hunter does in the limited minutes that he gets to play. I get it Flory is still green- yes Flory is still a Freshman , Flory is much more Athletic Flory makes mistakes sure he does So does Hunter , Flory just getting started , still learning, he is a Freshman. Hunter is in what his fifth yr ? - -Watch Flory develop he is going to be really good , a lot more Fluid , Athletic , quick off his feet, rim protector , Finisher , Defender- - yes for sure I think it’s time for Hunter to stand up and take some accountability for his game , instead of just kicking back and counting his NIL money
Upon further reflection, i stand by two things i said last night.
– That was IMO the worst coaching night i can recall by Bill Self. This loss is mainly on him for absolutely not adjusting to give his team a chance to win. That shocks me given he’s in the HOF.
– Hunter remains lazy and slow. But he can score down low when he gets position for sure. But we could have still kicked it in to him so he can pass out. he’s got those skills. This again falls on Self for not making it happen.
Dajuan took lots of shots, but if you’re a long time watcher, you can see most WERE NOT his usual shots. he was reaching/trying too hard at more awkward angles than usual because of the crowded lane.
That’s where others needed to step up and drive the lane and dunk on somebody’s head to either make them change defensive strategy or draw a freaking non existent foul. This has to change. we have to get to the line more.
I have had moments of praise for Zeke so far this season, but i’ve also had some concern. I don’t know how to describe the concerns though. What is it? aggressiveness? Effort? Skill? None of the above?
I realize it’s just a loss, but there were things that seemed very broken last night. Hope they can be fixed.
@rockchalkjayhawk That was Creighton’s main game plan was , they were going to make Juan beat them by focusing on him having to take the shots - – taking others shots away and let Juan shoot. He tried he really did, it’s hard to point a finger at just one last night cause plenty to go around for almost everyone
@SlimShaddy54 said in Cretins From Craytin Game Thread:
@rockchalkjayhawk That was Creighton’s main game plan was , they were going to make Juan beat them by focusing on him having to take the shots - – taking others shots away and let Juan shoot. He tried he really did, it’s hard to point a finger at just one last night cause plenty to go around for almost everyone
Yea, I am in no way pointing a finger at Dajuan. He gamely tried.
I understand Creighton’s game plan. What I don’t understand was Self’s inability to adjust.
@rockchalkjayhawk I know buddy , I hear ya
@rockchalkjayhawk said in Cretins From Craytin Game Thread:
Upon further reflection, i stand by two things i said last night.
– That was IMO the worst coaching night i can recall by Bill Self. This loss is mainly on him for absolutely not adjusting to give his team a chance to win. That shocks me given he’s in the HOF.
– Hunter remains lazy and slow. But he can score down low when he gets position for sure. But we could have still kicked it in to him so he can pass out. he’s got those skills. This again falls on Self for not making it happen.
Dajuan took lots of shots, but if you’re a long time watcher, you can see most WERE NOT his usual shots. he was reaching/trying too hard at more awkward angles than usual because of the crowded lane.
That’s where others needed to step up and drive the lane and dunk on somebody’s head to either make them change defensive strategy or draw a freaking non existent foul. This has to change. we have to get to the line more.
I have had moments of praise for Zeke so far this season, but i’ve also had some concern. I don’t know how to describe the concerns though. What is it? aggressiveness? Effort? Skill? None of the above?
I realize it’s just a loss, but there were things that seemed very broken last night. Hope they can be fixed.
Yeah it was a weird game from Bill. He cares about some games more than others. The fact that he put in Zach had me speechless and told me a lot.
The flu is running through the team, I think that was a factor with Hunt as he looked lethargic even by his standards.
Creighton definitely invited KU to shoot midrange shots over their length, good gameplan.
Zeke hesitates too much I feel.
@BShark said in Cretins From Craytin Game Thread:
@rockchalkjayhawk said in Cretins From Craytin Game Thread:
Upon further reflection, i stand by two things i said last night.
– That was IMO the worst coaching night i can recall by Bill Self. This loss is mainly on him for absolutely not adjusting to give his team a chance to win. That shocks me given he’s in the HOF.
– Hunter remains lazy and slow. But he can score down low when he gets position for sure. But we could have still kicked it in to him so he can pass out. he’s got those skills. This again falls on Self for not making it happen.
Dajuan took lots of shots, but if you’re a long time watcher, you can see most WERE NOT his usual shots. he was reaching/trying too hard at more awkward angles than usual because of the crowded lane.
That’s where others needed to step up and drive the lane and dunk on somebody’s head to either make them change defensive strategy or draw a freaking non existent foul. This has to change. we have to get to the line more.
I have had moments of praise for Zeke so far this season, but i’ve also had some concern. I don’t know how to describe the concerns though. What is it? aggressiveness? Effort? Skill? None of the above?
I realize it’s just a loss, but there were things that seemed very broken last night. Hope they can be fixed.
Yeah it was a weird game from Bill. He cares about some games more than others. The fact that he put in Zach had me speechless and told me a lot.
The flu is running through the team, I think that was a factor with Hunt as he looked lethargic even by his standards.
Creighton definitely invited KU to shoot midrange shots over their length, good gameplan.
Zeke hesitates too much I feel.
Ahh, hesitation. That may be it!
We’re doomed.
C’mon football season!
lol! Comment of the day!
I had just recently mentioned how Self looked so good… he was pacing the sidelines and barking out instructions with great energy!
This game… it was that other Self from the past. Just sitting almost the entire game and small talk with assistant coaches.
This game was used as a lesson.
My bet… the boys were getting a little too top heavy in the head. Thought a little too high of themselves. Self needed this moment to educate them… including Hunter. So he basically kicked back and watched the game, leaving them on their own, knowing full well they were going to get their butts handed to them.
And now the criticisms pour in! Not only in fan base groups. Podcasts, and other media… lambasting… mostly Hunter! There are always a few reserved for KJ and Juan.
It’s all fuel for the fire!
Boy, I remember the fuel truck that pulled into the big campfire lit when we got smoked by UK on our own court in 2022. That fire blazed all the way through April and finally ended at our National Championship parade on Mass Street!
KUSPORTS basically bailed out Hunter, saying it was all because they sunk in on him. Funny… because only ONE KU player had a positive +/-… Zach! He was the only player that brought energy!
Interesting, we played the exbo game on the road against Calamari minus some dudes and they didn’t bring it that day.
Neutral site games against Mich St, Duke they brought it, home against UNC easy up game.
Road game minus Griffen and they didn’t bring it. If they don’t bring it on the road Sunday that’s a problemo.
We’ll see how this team responds. Kudos to McDermott, he had the better gameplan and execution. Pops had his 3rd year super bowl performance against us. Kid we recruited, he obviously has a chip for some reason with us.
Hopefully a good lesson is learned. We have I think two back-to-back road game sequences in conference play so this game against Missouri will be interesting to see the response.
On Hunt, he tends to play poorly in games like the Creighton one. Averaging 10 ppg in his last 5 games. In losses at KU he’s averaged 14ppg. As the “top dawg” on this team he doesn’t usually bring it when things don’t go well. Not just scoring either but no need to say further.
@drgnslayr Hmm. Interesting. In case you don’t already know, I’ve always liked and respected you. I may be misunderstanding this post though. Are you saying that Self didn’t really coach to the best of his ability this game on purpose? Like, just let them play and see if they can figure it out? I mean, that’s a possibility. If it were true though, I would have zero respect for him. Let them figure out how to come back from looking like complete morons by listening to good coaching - that would elevate him and the team. I don’t know. It’s early. I’m gonna go get some coffee…
Not completely like that… but did you notice he wasn’t on the sidelines being all animated like he was in past games?
This was a game where the fellas really needed a charge from the sidelines. He seemed absent to me.
I have a lot of faith in Self. If he did this… they needed it. I’ve seen other teams we’ve had that barely lose any games all year then flop in the tournament. I don’t think our guys are so big headed… but maybe they just aren’t progressing as quick as he would like them to. Maybe.
We are coming up to XMas break… lots of extra practice… and the coaches need plenty of things to hammer these guys on!
This is my theory… Ask me what is the best bait to catch alligators. It’s chicken! lol
My backseat coaching is pretty comfortable. Big huge ol’ lazyboy recliner without a single person questioning my ideas while I spew them during games. lol
Whats more important, career win 807 or a valuable lesson? I have agreed with you for a long time on this @drgnslayr
I was pretty shocked the 2nd half comeback fell apart. We blitzed them early in the half with some good defense leading to easy bucket run-outs. Then as frequently happens, but not to us too much, the comeback halted after we climbed to within 1. Lots of energy spent to get it close, A lot of self satisfaction ‘we did it’ and we just let up very quickly and got blitzed shockingly fast.
The part of the game I didn’t like was DaJuan. Huge supporter of the young man but he just kept shooting. SoloBall was introduced in the game thread early on and I felt DaJuan was playing Solo Ball. I’m surprised Bill didn’t try to reign him in. Maybe that’s part of Selfs lesson he was trying to teach.
I think Juan was very frustrated in this game. I’m certain of that.
He’s used to there being more options. Hunter in the paint? Didn’t happen. KJ pick and roll? Nope. Juan drive and feed? They did a good job of clogging the passing lanes.
So Harris would make the drive, do what he always does (commit in the air to doing something but not sure until the last second), then not having a good option except shoot it. They dared him to shoot it. He did! His cold shooting was because he was outside of his process for getting to that point of hitting a shot.
McDermott is a great coach. I’ve always respected this guy.
Still… there are all kinds of lessons to be learned from this game. I’m glad we lost. Best we face some of these things now on xmas break instead of later, like in Feb/March!
Now that’s over… we better thrash Mizzou! Send those hillbillies back to the woods in shame! lol I don’t even think there are hills in Mizz… lol
I’m not sure what to think about the Mizzou game. BPI has it as a high rated match up with KU by 5 points. They have played a pretty weak, understatement, schedule but seem able to score at a high rate. It will be interesting to see how the team responds and how we respond too. Is the downright hatred still felt? Probably not but there would be another court storming if things don’t go as I want them too.
The hatred is still there in the fan bases… probably not the players unless there are a few local players on the team. Maybe Zeke feels it. Juan is from mizzery. I’m not sure how he feels about it. But fans like to inject the emotions into the players. Guess we will see. You can bet the crowd will be going nuts.
I’m not feeling optimistic… but I do think Self will sell the importance to the team!
@wissox Juan is the most unselfish guy on the team. He knew they’d play him that way, coach told him to take those open shots. Juan said he couldn’t get them to fall.
@Crimsonorblue22 none of his shots were “bad” but we don’t want or need him taking 20 plus shots if we are being successful. Credit to them for playing solid defense.
Pop Isaacs out for the year, having surgery on his hip. Fried us (AJ Storr) on a bad hip unreal.
Aj out too?
Sorry to hear he’s hurt. Having his perfect game and going down would be frustrating. Any momentum we found he squelched over and over and he was a freak that day.
It’s December, Self isn’t emptying the bag of tricks this early in the season. This is also a team we’ll have the potential to see again in March so why show everything? Also being shorthanded with the guy out being the key piece to countering Creighton’s defense because of his shooting meant Self likely knew this would be a long game.
Also, did the Creighton game really expose anything that Self didn’t already know about the weaknesses of his team?
Losing sucks and brings out the worst of this fanbase, but there wasn’t anything shocking going on here. KU played a good team short handed that exploited a known weakness. Self isn’t going to show what his counter to that strategy is in December, especially without Griffen available.
He must’ve been jacked up if it was that bad. Just read it on espn. Guess it was bad last yr.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Cretins From Craytin Game Thread:
Aj out too?
I’m saying AJ played horrible defense against Creighton, in particular Isaacs. Hand down man down.
@BShark I think Zeke could do a better job too! Not switching or to much watching.
@BShark Go rewatch the tape and let me know how often Juan was on Isaac’s
Caught standing too much not in defensive stance as well. His motor is way too hot and cold for my liking on defense. But we all knew this when he signed what we were getting…
I’m bad luck now, we need a @wissox game thread for Missouri
@BShark he’s probably at church, try again! Get it off your back!
@Crimsonorblue22 oof. You are bad luck too
@BShark @Crimsonorblue22 LOL, Was thinking about that! I was in Minnesota meeting my new granddaughter. Wanted to listen to the Jayhawker podcast on way home about Grimes leaving and they’d already put up a podcast about the game. Spared me from having to watch it when I got home which was just now. I’ll see if I can get us back on track next game!
@wissox congrats, we both have new gdaughters!
@Crimsonorblue22 Oh congrats too! Mine was born Thursday.
Nov 19, due dec 5