Zigging the Zags
There’s time to turn it around, just win the next 4 minutes!!
Elmarko gonna have to work with a sports psych person over the summer. He just loses his head and makes these glaring mistakes. Like that pass to wide open KJ.
@wissox falling down
They need to calm down a bit, do not rush, still time left to come back.
ESPN said we had a 60% chance to win with nicks 3 to open this half now it’s 3%
Does anyone have some ice to pour on the Bulldogs?
We aren’t even remotely trying on defense
wish I could see some stats for just this half
Timeouts aren’t going to help you bill
cya guys - - maybe next year
I got my lettuce all planted this morning, so win or lose, I’ll be eating salads in about 40-60 days.
I hope the fat lady has a good song picked out.
Epic collapse only redeemable with an epic comeback.
I guess I rather loose by 20 than a heart breaker. Lot easier on the anxiety
Zags haven’t missed a shot have they this half?
Not thrilled with the no calls when our guards are knocked and thrown to the ground.
Perhaps they will practice offense in the offseason
just looks like two separate teams . --Another blow out-- -how many have we had of these this year
No legs
Mo bricks
@jayballer67 Making my March re appearance to say this was expected.
Gonna happen against next year. With D2 at pg our ceiling is sweet sixteen. Won’t have 3 nba studs around him.
Ready for 2026……proof is in fans talking about how disinterested they are along with open seats for no poor big 12 teams we’d play at home. That never happened with Frank or Devonte
Over rated
Furphy ain’t gonna be in the nba draft
I"m turning it off. It’s just not worth getting all worked up. We won the whole dang prize in 2022 and that still feels great!
Mo bricks
Eating dust in their rear view mirror.
@FarmerJayhawk every team has this let’s not make excuses for our lack of offensive ability all year showing up.
We have 1 game against samdord and a half against Gonzaga and don’t just think we are this offensive juggernaut
Can we keep it closer than the 2021 USC nightmare
@Zabudda Is that the song? “Another One Bites the Dust?”
Well, we didn’t lose in the first round, we played a great first half, but just ran out of gas with no bench. I didn’t expect to win this game anyways.
Was going to say it’s been a great season, but instead I’ll just say there were some great moments. Hopefully we get a consistent shooter next year
I honestly don’t think we win even with Kevin
I do!
@patoh3 said in Zigging the Zags:
@Zabudda Is that the song? “Another One Bites the
Some fun moments this year for sure. Hopefully this is one where things go forward from here
@kuballin10 thank you for your input. Happy highlight of your year!
Should have known today wasn’t going to be fun when I woke up to 4 inches of snow after nothing for months. Followed by hail, sleet and freezing rain back to snow. Yikes
@FarmerJayhawk Nah this freaking sucks. We have a pg who teams dare to shot 15 times a game and go under every screen and our coach thinks he walks on water.
This is unacceptable and unfathomable. I was unaware this is kids rec league where you can’t replace a poor player with a better one.
D2 captains the worst offensive teams and big 12 finish yet he’s the best pure pg in America. Bills an idiot spewing that garbage……he and d2 are getting owned today with this offensive output.
We can’t make a bucket for shit
I wish they would stop moving the basket on our side.
@kuballin10 nah you’re enjoying your high horse.
Getting destroyed after hearing all the off season talk about “level up” is comically bad.
All bark no bite coach is just like his favorite pure pg
Gonzaga 13-16 - -KU 4-27- --9 points in the 2nd half
4 🧌
@FarmerJayhawk enjoying what I saw in November sure but if after never winning a meaningful road game people couldn’t see it that’s just stupidity
Our offense even if you replace KJ will not be fixed because of the liability running the show. We go into every game at a disadvantage with the most important position on the court
@jayballer67 said in Zigging the Zags:
Gonzaga 13-16 - -KU 4-27- --9 points in the 2nd half
At least they’re getting shots up. Beats having a million turnovers. Still sucks, but it could be more frustrating - just getting the brakes beat off you is better than beating yourself.
zags are pressuring d2…going under every screen and back in his hip pocket immediately and he wilts because he can’t create separation or hit a 3 (he doesn’t even look) or hit a step back jumper or anything besides a set shot.
Dude has the offensive skills of d2 but that’s offensive to many d2 guys he’s probably more naia. His rare fancy layups wows the crowd but the rest of his struggles go unnoticed
Been a very up and down season with more downs than up that’s for sure