Jalon Daniels health

  • Found this interesting goes to show it’s really not the offensive side where we are lacking right now. - - saw this from Fox Football

    KU ha more yards per offensive play then the top 4 ranked teams in the Nation.

    KU averages per offensive play : 7.15- - – - -# 1 ranked Georgia - -7.13 - - - #2 Florida St - -6.9 - - -# 3 Michigan - -6.87 – -& # 4 Ohio St - -6.59 . Thats some pretty dam good company. - -goes to show where a ot of our problem lies - - it’s our Defense

  • Bean is the best backup you could ever hope for. He could start for plenty of D1 programs. It’s a luxury to have him with JD. But I still favor JD if both are healthy and at the top of their game… JD’s strengths have been called out by others that I totally agree with.

  • Frankly, I haven’t been too impressed by JD’s decision making. Last year’s streak came to a shrieking halt as he was wrestling against several guys to get 1 more meaningless yard instead of accepting going OB. QBs and RBs need to understand it is not brilliant to be fighting 3 guys for extra inches when the first down is several yards away…or already gained.

  • Backups don’t win championships, they hold the fort down while the guy gets healthy. This team will only go as far as the QB takes them. Luckily Bean is a capable backup and the big12 kinda sucks at football now.

  • @mayjay thats one bad decision. Jalon reads the field under pressure much better than Bean.

  • Boy it just sucks about Jalon’s Health, & this is not to be meant as a dig at Jason. I love Jason, I think there are a lot of Schools he could start , have even heard opposition say as much - -yet it’s just sad to see the talent of Jalon going to waste even though no fault of his own.

    We could sure use him this Saturday - - we could sure use him every Saturday , such high hopes for our Season now has to be tempered Again I have trust in Jason for sure, but also being honest Jalon is still the better QB.

    Jason has played wall against Oklahoma --yet would like our odds better with Jalon.-- I think once again our chance’s come with our defense , just have to play the cards were dealt I think once again our chances come from the defensive side- -they have JUST GO TO stand up , make some plays, get key stops.

    I think Jason will play well, actually would like to see them have some more RPO’S and let Jason run, the kid can fly. I dunno just seems like our play selection just hasn’t had that many calls for the QB to actually run the ball on the option this er s in the past . Would like to see him pull the ball and go, try and take a little more advantage of those feet. We have seen him use them before.

    I just feel sorry for Jalen , think he had a chance to continue after college somewhere s a quality backup, Teams are really gonna back away with his health history, not going to want to take that chance with or for a back up QB. - --Going to be cold and hearing rainy. I’ve seen high temp of 44 and good chance of rain. - -Don’t know if that would help us or not. Let’s hope the guys unite and play their ass off/compete - -ROCK CHALK

  • @jayballer67 I hope Bean makes us all look stupid on Saturday. And we’re like “Jalon WHO?”

  • @nuleafjhawk said in Jalon Daniels health:

    @jayballer67 I hope Bean makes us all look stupid on Saturday. And we’re like “Jalon WHO?”

    ya that would be nice - -would love for that to happen. - vey key to be able to run the ball , and control some clock.

  • There are a lot of good QBs (and Bean is good–elite speed and a cannon), but there are guys that just have that special rare “it” factor, like Daniels. He’s just FUN to watch. If Bean plays I root for him the Jayhawks, but if Daniels plays I just seem to enjoy the damn game no matter the outcome (e.g. Arkansas game in the bowl last year). Like watching Embiid while he was here… so special and we were denied seeing his potential as a college player.

  • Bean deserves credit for this win. But so do all the guys around him. Total team win!

  • @bskeet said in Jalon Daniels health:

    Bean deserves credit for this win. But so do all the guys around him. Total team win!

    yes they do. - -Think about this our defense stood up aftr they intercepted the defense held so we COULD get the ball back one last time

  • I honestly wonder if we aren’t 8-0 with Jalen as our starter. We are lucky to have Bean in a lot of way. He probably could start at several power 5 schools if he transferred.

  • @kjayhawks said in Jalon Daniels health:

    I honestly wonder if we aren’t 8-0 with Jalen as our starter. We are lucky to have Bean in a lot of way. He probably could start at several power 5 schools if he transferred.

    Yup, that’s a good thing to ponder. Could be 8-0 with Jalen.

    We are lucky to have Bean, but man o man is he polar. Goods and bads wrapped up into one. I don’t watch other college games, is that normal for a college QB?

    I had a very bad feeling before that late interception – i was recommending to the TV subtly that we RUN the ball on that play, and not risk what i somehow saw as a turnover about to happen. Omnipotent. Oh well. He made up for it in so many other ways.

    Eff dem Sooners!

  • @rockchalkjayhawk yes after he threw what should have been a pick, I screamed run the ball here being deep in our own territory

  • @kjayhawks said in Jalon Daniels health:

    I honestly wonder if we aren’t 8-0 with Jalen as our starter. We are lucky to have Bean in a lot of way. He probably could start at several power 5 schools if he transferred.

    I don’t think we beat Texas even with Daniels.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 it debatable for sure but we’ll never know.

  • @Texas-Hawk-10 said in Jalon Daniels health:

    @kjayhawks said in Jalon Daniels health:

    I honestly wonder if we aren’t 8-0 with Jalen as our starter. We are lucky to have Bean in a lot of way. He probably could start at several power 5 schools if he transferred.

    I don’t think we beat Texas even with Daniels.

    I feel like daniels getting cut from the starting lineup so close to the start of that game had SUCH an impact on our offense. The game plan has to be different for bean than for jalen.

    Still don’t know that we beat Texas because their defense just is real good. But still a worst case scenario for that game and we were still in it for a while.

    We beat OU not even playing that well. So tough to say what could have been.

  • Coach LL after the game in which Jalon didn’t travel with the team, odd considering he was dressed last week in case he was needed in an emergency. Said Jalon will start when he is healthy and isn’t considering a medical red shirt. At this point it is questionable if it hurts the roll this team is on right now if Jalon returns?

  • @kjayhawks I thought he said he didn’t practice this week? Also, a bus ride would be tough. I was questioning myself afterwards about the not practicing all week. This is all a bit strange.

  • Glad Jalon finally put an end to all the transfer bullshit. He was never going anywhere.

  • New era!

  • Now it is time for a new question. Who will be next years Jason Bean? As much as I like Jalon as both a player and a person, two years of experience have proven that he is too injury-prone to have a realistic chance of being a full-time starter. With Bean moving on, we will need another good backup who can step in and win games for us assuming that Jalon is injured again next season. Cole Ballard? Will the recruit from Michigan be ready as a true freshman next season? Or do we find someone in the portal?

  • @FarmerJayhawk said in Jalon Daniels health:

    Glad Jalon finally put an end to all the transfer bullshit. He was never going anywhere.

    Pretty awesome post from Jalon, I saw on face book about how it was hurting him not to be on the field and saying I promise you I WILL be back to lead this team next year

  • @Jhawk69 Ballard and Marshall will duke it out for the backup gig

  • @Jhawk69 said in Jalon Daniels health:

    Now it is time for a new question. Who will be next years Jason Bean? As much as I like Jalon as both a player and a person, two years of experience have proven that he is too injury-prone to have a realistic chance of being a full-time starter. With Bean moving on, we will need another good backup who can step in and win games for us assuming that Jalon is injured again next season. Cole Ballard? Will the recruit from Michigan be ready as a true freshman next season? Or do we find someone in the portal?

    With what Ballard showed against Tech, I’d be comfortable with him starting if it came to that.

  • @FarmerJayhawk said in Jalon Daniels health:

    Glad Jalon finally put an end to all the transfer bullshit. He was never going anywhere.

    How’s Bean for Saturday?

  • @KirkIsMyHinrich he won’t be 100% or really all that close but he’s going to give it a go. Might not find out for sure until warmups

  • " you wanna talk about something ? " talk about this- – - " I’M NOT DONE — -i’M NOT GOING ANYWHERE " – - -JD-6 - - Nuff said

  • I was just browsing around twitter and Kstate fans seem to be obsessed with Daniels. Weird.

    I can’t even name their quarterback.

  • @KirkIsMyHinrich said in Jalon Daniels health:

    @FarmerJayhawk said in Jalon Daniels health:

    Glad Jalon finally put an end to all the transfer bullshit. He was never going anywhere.

    How’s Bean for Saturday?

    I’m guessing he doesn’t play

  • @Woodrow said in Jalon Daniels health:

    @KirkIsMyHinrich said in Jalon Daniels health:

    @FarmerJayhawk said in Jalon Daniels health:

    Glad Jalon finally put an end to all the transfer bullshit. He was never going anywhere.

    How’s Bean for Saturday?

    I’m guessing he doesn’t play

    I bet Jason plays- - lots of reps yesterday, depends on how it went today. - - If he can —go then he needs to start

  • @DanR Is it Lynn Dickey? Something like that…

  • I think 🫘 plays. Hope they don’t send him up the gut. It’s sr night and coach did say after the game he was already feeling better. He said head injury but never said concussion protocol. I don’t think he would’ve been taking snaps on tues if he had a concussion. JMO.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 said in Jalon Daniels health:

    I think 🫘 plays. Hope they don’t send him up the gut. It’s sr night and coach did say after the game he was already feeling better. He said head injury but never said concussion protocol. I don’t think he would’ve been taking snaps on tues if he had a concussion. JMO.

    Kindda what I was thinking. Exactly, they neve came out and said concussion, I just don’t think he would be an option at all if that was the case

  • Should Daniels take medical redshirt for two-year eligibility?

  • @AsadZ he won’t need to take a medical. He has his run of the mill redshirt left, and he’ll use that. But he fully intends to go pro after next year.

  • Bean has been announced as a game time decision at the moment. Hope he can go today, I think our chances are slim but if Bean is out. I see no chance of a good guy win.

  • @kjayhawks said in Jalon Daniels health:

    Bean has been announced as a game time decision at the moment. Hope he can go today, I think our chances are slim but if Bean is out. I see no chance of a good guy win.

    I just think he will play, hope it turns out to be a great day. - the thing I worry about is their run game

  • @FarmerJayhawk I hope the NFL has better back doctors than we do.

  • @nuleafjhawk I’d be shocked if Jalon played a down in the NFL. If he even makes it to the league it’s as an undrafted player most likely. He doesn’t fit the mold and is too injury prone to waste a draft pick on.

  • He has t made it thru a season here, I’m honestly worried we take a step back next season.

  • @dylans agreed

  • If he stays healthy though…KU wins some big games.

  • @dylans someone, somewhere said that past behavior is the best predictor of future success. (Something like that)

    I want to believe. But he’s never been healthy as a Jayhawk so I can’t assume that he will be healthy next year.

  • LL May roll the dice with this year’s freshman QB, with JD as backup? Kid looked pretty good and with another year?

  • I don’t think Jalin is at this point a viable option to stake your season on. He’s shown this. It’s either a sad scenario beyond anyone’s control, or he’s just soft. I don’t know which. But either isn’t what we need

  • @cragarhawk said in Jalon Daniels health:

    I don’t think Jalin is at this point a viable option to stake your season on. He’s shown this. It’s either a sad scenario beyond anyone’s control, or he’s just soft. I don’t know which. But either isn’t what we need

    If it’s back problems which has been said then - - - NO Jalen is not soft. - -Like I have stated myself having gone through what he is quite possibly going through , that injury is no joke.

    Not exactly sure what is wrong in his back but like with mine having a pinched cyatic nerve , if he does I know from experience is a bitch. - -It can go all the way from you butt, around down to the knee cap or all the way to your foot and believe me it hurts like a bitch. -It took me like an half hour just to be able to get my shoe’s on. - you can’t sit down - -you can’t stand up - -hard to lay down , just incredible pain. --Or if he might of slip a disc or might have degenerative disc’s then he is in a world of hurt too.

    I’ve had three major back surgeries I’ve had my back phused , I have titanium screws in my back - - -I have spaces put in on both sides & now they have told me they can’t go any higher in my back and if it flares up again I will have to go to a Neuro surgeon. -Not saying Jalen has ANY of this , BUT if it is back related in anyway or partly like mine then I know for sure how he feels and it just takes time to heal AFTER surgery. The Dr’s told me that they couldn’t totally fix the problem but they was just trying to make it more tolerable- - Could be Jalen might be in a some what similar situation - if he is beleive me - - he IS NOT SOFT

  • @jayballer67 Some people think that players are soft if they have any physical issue less than decapitation.

  • @mayjay The Black Knight from Monty Python and The Holy Grail is my ultimate QB. TOUGH.

  • @nuleafjhawk Tis but a scratch.

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