Jim Boeheim's Corpse Retires
@BShark said in Jim Boeheim's Corpse Retires:
LMAO Jim made them hire an internal guy too! I don’t understand what leverage he had here… He has had 9 consecutive 9+ loss seasons. The last FF run (8 years ago) was a total fluke lol. The program went downhill basically as soon as they joined the ACC. I get that he sort of “was” Syracuse basketball, but I’d have thought after the Bernie Fine shit they’d be ready to fully move on from the Boeheim era.
EASILY would have been the best job this hiring cycle. Basically could have handpicked their next guy, but Jim had to make sure his legacy stood one way or the other I suppose.
I always forget he also ran a dude over with his car.
@Kcmatt7 said in Jim Boeheim's Corpse Retires:
I always forget he also ran a dude over with his car.
More kills than rings sadly.
I can see giving him the benefit of doubt in the car situation. But the Bernie Fine ordeal should’ve got him fired minimum. In the same boat Poterno and Sandusky at PSU fuck them, may their souls rot and burn in hell.
@kjayhawks said in Jim Boeheim's Corpse Retires:
I can see giving him the benefit of doubt in the car situation. But the Bernie Fine ordeal should’ve got him fired minimum. In the same boat Poterno and Sandusky at PSU fuck them, may their souls rot and burn in hell.
No reason to drop F bombs. That’s a sign you’re trying too hard.
@Jethro “The F word is best word in the English language” - Bob Knight. I use the F word often lol
Bob Knight, linguistics expert.
Also known to conduct engineering tests on folding chairs, and for his diplomacy with American territories. Not to mention his exemplary demonstration of psychological stability to students.
@mayjay said in Jim Boeheim's Corpse Retires:
Bob Knight, linguistics expert.
Also known to conduct engineering tests on folding chairs, and for his diplomacy with American territories. Not to mention his exemplary demonstration of psychological stability to students.
Found this:
Why do some people swear all the time? All of the previous facts apply to people who swear once every while but why are there people who swear and curse all the time?
- They are charged with negativity all the time: The person who lives in continuous stress, who is angry at the world and the one who is always emotionally distressed will always have extra negative energy that he wants to get rid of and that’s why he keeps swearing all the time (see also Living with emotional pain)
- To get an identity: Some people engage in bad behaviour such as swearing because they want to get a certain identity. Some guys want to appear like bad boys, some women want to appear less fragile while some men want to appear more tough. All of these needs can motivate people to swear and curse believing that such an action can help them meet these goals
- To protect themselves: The ones who got hurt the most are usually the ones who push people away the most. Some people want to protect themselves from others by keeping a distance. Those people might either become cold, unfriendly, bullies or they can sometimes swear a lot in order to scare people away. (see also The psychology of cold people)
@Jethro Not sure what ‘the previous facts are’, but i can see how those traits might ring true for someone who swears ALL the time. Anything taken to extremes tends to be a bit unhealthy.
But for us occasional swearers, I feel it’s more that we just like to use colorful language to flavor our expressions sometimes. How dry our language would be without colorful expressions!
It’s really been hilarious to see everyone taking shots at him.
The odd event of us missing 18 of 32 FT’s and an injury to Wayne Simien also gave him a ring that he probably didn’t earn.
If it was a contest he’s sleazier than K.
@kjayhawks said in Jim Boeheim's Corpse Retires:
@Jethro “The F word is best word in the English language” - Bob Knight. I use the F word often lol
Bobby Knight… ahhhh… the good ol’ days! Maybe this brings HEM back from the dead!
But I will hand it to Bobby… he introduced new safety issues in college basketball. The idea that players should wear helmets!
@BShark The back and forth on his last press conference is hilarious.
“That is up to the University.”
@drgnslayr the video of him explaining this is hilarious
Even Syracuse doesn’t portray Boeheim in a total positive light. Impossible to do so.
Gossip now is he was fired.
@wissox said in Jim Boeheim's Corpse Retires:
The odd event of us missing 18 of 32 FT’s and an injury to Wayne Simien also gave him a ring that he probably didn’t earn.
Hakeem Warrick. Aaargh. That shot was going in dang it!
@drgnslayr said in Jim Boeheim's Corpse Retires:
Maybe this brings HEM back from the dead!
Great. Now the Zombie Apocalypse has found its leader.
@Jethro I work for mostly holderman Mennonites. They never “swear” but all people swear. It’s an emotional release. They don’t say what we consider swear words (fuck, shit, fart knuckle, or whatever) but they use substitute words - things are terrible bad, or whatever exclamation they use at the moment. It’s just a healthy release to vocalize your displeasure and move on.
If you listened to the Carlin clip - I agree it identifies the quality of your character immediately lol. Over use of swear words is boring, uncreative, and makes you sounds ignorant, immature, quiet frankly dumb.
@dylans said in Jim Boeheim's Corpse Retires:
@Jethro I work for mostly holderman Mennonites. They never “swear” but all people swear. It’s an emotional release. They don’t say what we consider swear words (fuck, shit, fart knuckle, or whatever) but they use substitute words - things are terrible bad, or whatever exclamation they use at the moment. It’s just a healthy release to vocalize your displeasure and move on.
If you listened to the Carlin clip - I agree it identifies the quality of your character immediately lol. Over use of swear words is boring, uncreative, and makes you sounds ignorant, immature, quiet frankly dumb.
My 2 cents: I cuss too much, but I have trained myself not to use that language as an every day way of communication. If I drop something on my foot, you better believe colorful language will follow…lol. If I’m casually talking about the weather, then it’s a different story. Also, it depends what kind of crowd I’m talking to. If I’m at a bar drinking with my fantasy football buddies, it can get real surly, me included. If I’m in a public forum with no idea of anyone’s backgrounds or standards, I don’t randomly drop f bombs as a matter of respect to the other people in the group.
I’m still afraid of getting my mouth washed out with soap gosh darnit all.
I try not to cuss in a normal conversation but in regards to people that sexually assault young children I think it’s fine. True story I was a NAIA college football playoff game about 10 years back one guy around the track watching was cussing up a storm. Come to find out he was dean of the universities playing. Not sure I would logically judge someone’s intellect off of if they curse. Some of the most simple minded folks I’ve known don’t curse but seen several intelligent people do so. @dylans my neighbor is a Mennonite and curses often. But not in public.
@kjayhawks there are many different types of Mennonites. German Mennonites drink, swear, smoke. Holderman Mennonites as a rule don’t. There aren’t that many of them.
Eh that’s twisted logic. Not swearing doesn’t automatically make you smart.
I think there is a time and a place for swear words, but if you can’t think of more creative ways to articulate your point you’re either being lazy or obtuse regardless of title. ie- I love George Carlin, he was an intelligent man. However, I think he was lazy in his writing from time to time due to over reliance on shock value from swear words.
@dylans I live in a town of 600 people probably half are Mennonites. I personally don’t care for them, they are very arrogant to say the least some are holderman some not.
@kjayhawks I’d say be careful judging a whole people. Racism knows no color barriers.
@dylans they are extremely racist themselves by that definition. I’m not saying I hate them and wish them harm. They typically just aren’t nice people to deal with on many fronts, I grew up dozens of them and lived out here about 28 of 35 years.
@kjayhawks Your personal experiences are yours.
I find you get back what you put out.
@dylans not in todays world IMO. Im just not a fan of the way they treat their women, children and people not of their kind. I get along fine with several of them they just ain’t my cup tea. Judging people for having a radio smh but I suppose thats my fault. If that makes me a bad person to you I’m perfectly fine with that, I bet there are some people that you don’t get along with and by your words that’s on you. Apparently we are responsible for others actions in this age.
Honestly this is the single most messed up conversation I’ve had in a long time. The last time someone told me an entire group of people were no good was in aggievielle, thankfully I shared nothing in common with that racist piece of trash other than skin color.
Good day to you @kjayhawks
@dylans haha but see that’s the problem with the world in general. You twisted my words into something I clearly didn’t say. Nowhere did I state I hate them nowhere did I say they were no good. Just said they were arrogant, I think KSU fans are arrogant. Guess I’m racist
@kjayhawks Lets play a little game I will switch Mennonite for another group of people and see what you think. It’s a good way to step back and think about things from a different perspective.
I live in a town of 600 people probably half are Asians. I personally don’t care for them, they are very arrogant to say the least some are Buddhist some not. Asians are extremely racist themselves by that definition. I’m not saying I hate them and wish them harm. Asians typically just aren’t nice people to deal with on many fronts, I grew up dozens of them and lived out here about 28 of 35 years.
not in todays world IMO. Im just not a fan of the way Asians treat their women, children and people not of their kind. I get along fine with several Asians they just ain’t my cup tea. Judging people for chewing gum smh but I suppose thats my fault. If that makes me a bad person to you I’m perfectly fine with that, I bet there are some people that you don’t get along with and by your words that’s on you. Apparently we are responsible for others actions in this age.
@dylans do you not see that you are contradicting yourself. You could literally twist 90% of what people say on here as being racist by doing that. How many people have called out and cursed opposing fans, players and coaches. Those are still groups of people. I don’t think it’s racist to call people arrogant. Is it racist when people call Lawrence sob hill? By those standards anything negative said about a group. Even saying you don’t like country music singers could be twisted into racism using your formula. I don’t hate anyone don’t think anyone is no good based on personal experience they have always had their noses in the air to me. Doesn’t make them evil or wrong just means I don’t agree with them. I hope you continue to have good experiences personally that’s great. Let’s just move on buddy
@kjayhawks Are you, with a straight face, comparing basketball fans to religious groups or races to justify prejudice? I missed where the Iowa State fans were sent to “work” camps in Siberia because they refused to go to war or were denied work in present day due to their religion of Cyclone.
@dylans said The last time someone told me an entire group of people were no good was in aggievielle, thankfully I shared nothing in common with that racist piece of trash other than skin color.
This you saying judging a group of people is racist. This what I’m talking about you don’t even remember what you said and putting words in my mouth. I am having fun with this tho.I guess I missed when Mennonites were slaves. I’m Irish my ancestors were enslaved for hundreds of years themselves.
I hate country it’s all trucks, wife’s leaving and beer. Same statement using your formula: I hate Hispanics it’s tacos, burritos and jalapeños. (Don’t hate Hispanics) this is your formula that you used. I really don’t care if you or anyone else thinks I’m racist for calling a church group arrogant. Mennonites are small form of Christianity not really their own religion, I didn’t call out Christianity. I hate the Westborough Baptist Church that protest funerals, that’s racist too I guessz. They are far from the only group that believes in Jesus Christ. Is racist when the news says some bad about radicals in the Middle East? That same group will tell you, you are going to hell for having a radio( also a group judgement which you claim is racist). I also get judged by them for having a black kid daily so you can kiss it. You can have the last word good night buddy.
Getting the topic back to Jim where it should be (some of the fault is on me) good riddance of the old fart!
@kjayhawks said in Jim Boeheim's Corpse Retires:
Getting the topic back to Jim where it should be (some of the fault is on me) good riddance of the old fart!
To synthesize the two discussions, can we all agree that it is ok to hate Boeheim? 🥴
@mayjay not sure. That might be racist against Jim’s.
@benshawks08 or is it racist against hate?
@mayjay I need no permission to hate him. Being doing so for decades!
@benshawks08 said in Jim Boeheim's Corpse Retires:
@mayjay not sure. That might be racist against Jim’s.
Pretty sure it’s okay to hate individuals if that’s how you want to be - I don’t love everyone. It’s when you single out ethnic groups to blindly attack like Jewish folks, Mennonites, Amish, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Asians, Africans, Mexicans, etc. that it becomes an issue and if you can’t see that that’s your problem. - I mean the general you - everyone, not a specific person.
@dylans Oh I’m with you. Trust me. I was just trying to make light of a weird conversation. My only comment specifically on that would be that it isn’t “Racism” if “RACE” isn’t involved. But that’s more of a semantic argument. Bigotry and racism are certainly similar but not exactly the same as far as words go. The groups you mention are not in fact races (which were constructed as a means of separating folks and creating “others”). There are some that argue Jews are a race but most in your list are religions, ethnicities, or nationalities. But discriminating or hating based on those markers is also wrong. No disagreement from me on that.
@benshawks08 that was hilarious! It hard when people don’t have the reading comprehension to understand stuff they personally wrote.
@benshawks08 you did just that buddy no worry
@benshawks08 Yes. I meant bigotry not racism. I absolutely used the wrong word.
These days I think if you put 2 and 2 together to make 4, it’s racist or prejudice against 4 1’s or the 3 and the 1 that could do it equally.