COVID Roll Call
@wissox Really glad your dad looks like he’s ok.
@Crimsonorblue22 No it needs to be said. It’s mind blowing. Average life expectancy in the US has gone down 2 years this year. This thing is real and we could/should be in much better shape than we are.
@approxinfinity Thanks!
@wissox Sucks to have a right wing parrot for a brother, as I well know. Trade off for mine: he is pro-vax but has more guns than the Belgian army and I think he spends all his time reading about how the guv-mint gonna take 'em all away–or try.
So sorry about you and your dad being sick! Good luck with everything.
All the best to your dad.
@mayjay I don’t think mine has the guns!
@wissox Hope your dad gets well.
Hope your Dad is going to be okay.
@BeddieKU23 Thanks and thanks to everyone else. He seems to be ok.
@wissox, thanks for the update on your whole ordeal. It’s weird… I hear people test positive (e.g., Coach Self last summer), and never hear about a followup about what the experience was like. Especially with vaxxed people. I’ve joked that my two main concerns were 1: infecting someone else and 2: losing my sense of taste and smell. Glad to hear the senses came back for you!
To follow up on my own post toward the top, our New Year’s cabin gathering went great. My wife and I weren’t particularly concerned because we were only going to be hanging out with three other people, but we all took Abbot Lab home tests the two days leading up to meeting with our (slightly older, very cautious, one very asthmatic) friends. Only suffering was from drinking and laughing too much, and sore fingertips from playing guitars for hours.
@DanR Losing one’s sense of taste would be the worst.
Wearing stripes with plaid, orange curtains with gaudy emojis in the dining room… geez, where would it end? Or making jokes during a pandemic–the ultimate tasteless act.
I should have added losing taste during Christmas was adding small insult to small injury!
My father just tested positive again. 2nd time getting it. Both times he was recently vaccinated or boosted. This time he is asymptomatic. Went to get tested today as I had contact but testing was closed due to it being negative degree weather here. Can’t get a test until tomorrow hopefully. If any of us have it we are also asymptomatic at this point. What a mess
@BeddieKU23 said in COVID Roll Call:
My father just tested positive again. 2nd time getting it. Both times he was recently vaccinated or boosted. This time he is asymptomatic. Went to get tested today as I had contact but testing was closed due to it being negative degree weather here. Can’t get a test until tomorrow hopefully. If any of us have it we are also asymptomatic at this point. What a mess
oh man, mercy. Sure hope all turns out ok for all of you. - -Just goes to show there are SOME people not you I’m not saying that but some seem to think - - -well I’ve been vaccinated so I’m good can’t touch me - -that’s such a mis conception. My next door neighbor has gotten the Covid twice also. so to think just because you got vaccinated or bostered that you above the Covid - umm wrong. - -take care my friend and hoping the best for all
Here in Topeka in Shawnee Co we have 5 Walmart’s. - -all FIVE Walmart’s have reported they have employees with COVID. One of the five has 51 employees that tested positive, I’m just being a hermit/homebody - not really out a lot on top of that I’m down again anyways . another pending surgery, gonna be awhile though because all of the Hospitals postponing surgeries unless life threating because of ICU beds and other being full and COVID cases and shortages of personnel.
I’m almost in mobile.- -I have 2 bulging discs and pinching cyatic nerve, cause huge problems. This is going to be my FORTH back surgery previous have been on my lower L-4 - - L-5 , they have inserted a spacer on my left side and have titanium screws in my back and fused . - -now they are going to put a spacer on my right side and more fusion & more screws- -this time on my L-1 L-2 - -awaiting approval of insurance on my MRI on spine , they wanting to do another MRI on upper spine to make sure they not missing anything and checking nerves - then have to wait approval from insurance on Surgery it’self - - lots of hurt at present hard to move. Got to steer clear of groups incase on Contact tracing.
Gonna see how serious the fans are in the mandate of mask wearing at the KU game at the phog. - -If not then like they said were headed to limiting capicity - -AGAIN --let’s not go there, don’t have that I don’t give a dam I’m NOT WEARING a mask. just wear the dam thing – ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@BeddieKU23 was it past the 2 weeks?
Yep about a month since he got his booster. Happened to him about 1 month after he got his first two shots last year. Weird
My household all tested negative and my father continues to be asymptomatic. Thankful
@BeddieKU23 could his behavior have changed a month after vaccination? Celebrate with a visit to IHOP, etc?
He’s gotten it both times from his work where outbreaks seem to happen all too often. First time he had covid he had the normal cold like symptoms, this time nothing.
Sooo I went on a date Saturday and might have gotten her sick with Covid. I’ve never had symptoms and getting a test in a college town is harder than finding El Dorado (the city of gold, not the one in Kansas). But I did travel a decent amount so you never know. UNC is approaching 1000 new cases per week, though thankfully no reports of serious illness. My department is fully remote through at least next week. These kids are having a rough time with it. We polled them before the semester and something like 75% wanted all in-person instruction. So it’s kind of a mess here.
Farmer here in Shawnee County , just got our Covid Scoreboard. We had 2,020 new cases for the week , a 26 % increase. The positiveity rate jumped from 19.9 % - - -to 25.7 %- getting bad - -Hospitals maxed. I’m due for a back surgery but not sure when that’s happening cause they have put any surgery postponed unless life threatning.
Like you said your remote for the next week. Schools here are either cancelling or talking about temporary cancelling classes again - -headed the wrong way
@FarmerJayhawk you didn’t socially distance? You can’t get tested at school? What a creepy date!
@Crimsonorblue22 well we sat at a table I guess
? It’s freaking impossible to get an appointment to test if you’re asymptomatic here. Like a week+ out. Could’ve been someone else too, who knows?
We do NOT pay elementary teachers enough! Because of a shortage of teachers and subs, our district staff is all subbing at least one day a week. I got assigned to a 4th grade dual language class. The kids are amazing but DAMN teaching elementary is exhausting! The last time I was in an elementary school I was in 5th grade! (Except for that one time in 2008 I subbed for a kindergarten class and it was the worst day of my life!) The COVID roll call for teachers right now includes a LOT of absences!
My son’s pre-k class is on covid pause now after a positive. He’s out of school until at least Wednesday. They couldn’t tell us if it was a positive from his class or the other pre-k class down the hall so we are left to wonder into the sunset I guess.
Well my son got Covid. Sunday he started showing some symptoms(vomit, fever) however it went away as the day went on. Monday though we just had that feeling it wasn’t the regular cold this time because he’s literally had 4-5 colds this fall/winter going to school and we were unfortunately right. So he was exposed at school and now me and my wife just feel like sitting ducks. So far neither of us have symptoms after 5 days so we’ll get tested today to see what our next steps are. Besides the Hawks doing well, 2022 sucks
Things not getting any better here in Shawnee County either ( Topeka ). They just released their CIVID count for the week on Jan 9th - -through the 15th . We set another record here. 2,535 new cases for the week and increase of 500 cases from the previous week and the Positive rate went from 25.7 % - - -to 29.8 % not a good trend. – -Hope everyone stays safe
Welp have to isolate, exposed to Covid. - - My daughter called me today and saying her little 5 yr old boy - - my Grandson ( Jackson ) has the Covid. - -Took him to the Hospital yesterday - - 103.1 temp , lathergic , they were here Wensday . - - - More worried about the wife then myself. - she is on O-2 24 /7 her lungs are shot severe COPD her immune system is really low just hoping for the best
@jayballer67 Good luck to all of you–wow, you guys have had some health issues in the last few years.
@jayballer67 That’s really tough, good luck to you both.
@mayjay said in COVID Roll Call:
@jayballer67 Good luck to all of you–wow, you guys have had some health issues in the last few years.
Thank you I appreciate that for sure, and your right has been a real rollercoaster - but we gonna hang in there, I’m more worried about my little man my grandson 5 yrs old and got this you know? - -pretty sure it came from the school - -worried more for him and the wife - -I’ll be ok. appreciatet your thoughts ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG
@tundrahok said in COVID Roll Call:
@jayballer67 That’s really tough, good luck to you both.
Thank you appreciate the thoughts for sure , we gonna make it - not gonna let this beat us. -I got some sniffles right now but can’t really say it’s COVID related but just have to ride this out and isolate for some days- - Thanks again , now let’s beat these kitty’s
Oh Boy well as you know told the other day having to self isolate because being exposed to COVID as my 5 year old Grandson tested positive. - -Well today just found out his 8 yr old brother has COVID - - my Daughter my Grandsons Mom has the Covid - -and her Boyfriend which they live togetehr ha COVID - -so ALL FOUR have COVID - -it’s not good just praying for the bet
Hope Omicron takes it easy on your family @jayballer67
Who here is tired of learning the Greek aphabet?
@approxinfinity said in COVID Roll Call:
Hope Omicron takes it easy on your family @jayballer67
Thanks buddy I appreciate that , I’m also hoping this will pass
I avoided it for over two years, but alas. It comes for us all. I’m so glad I’m boosted, or this would be very, very bad for me. Had a 102.4 fever this morning and I sound like I had gravel for breakfast.
@FarmerJayhawk oh no!
so sorry! This strain is so contagious. That’s a pretty high fever. None of my friends have had one that high. Did you get paxlovid or any other treatment? I heard they help. Feel bad for you. I don’t think vaccines do much for this strain. Just not as serious. I wear a mask in public, probably saved me at school. Keep us posted.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in COVID Roll Call:
@FarmerJayhawk oh no!
so sorry! This strain is so contagious. That’s a pretty high fever. None of my friends have had one that high. Did you get paxlovid or any other treatment? I heard they help. Feel bad for you. I don’t think vaccines do much for this strain. Just not as serious. I wear a mask in public, probably saved me at school. Keep us posted.
Thanks! I don’t qualify for treatment since I have a healthy BMI and have never smoked. My doc said people usually shake this one pretty quick so I should be fine. This is what I get for flying all around the country last week
@FarmerJayhawk flying without a mask young man? Russian roulette! A good mask!
. My big mistake was hanging out among all the tourists in the SD Black Hills. That’s a… unique demographic
@FarmerJayhawk keep us posted, if u get worse better get something!
@FarmerJayhawk Sturgis? We went to Deadwood & Sturgis on our long-awaited Yellowstone trip about this time in 2008…along with thousands of our closest friends. We didn’t know it was the first week of the rally.
Actually, we had blundered into Bike Week in Myrtle Beach earlier (May) that year. Then, in September we were diverted from our Bahamas trip by 2 hurricanes so we went to Pigeon Forge in Tenn. On the way there, we went through Cherokee, NC, and were greeted by a huge “WELCOME BIKERS!” sign.
3 trips in 1 year, all to bike rallies we had no clue were occurring. My mother kept saying, “Who are these creatures we keep seeing?”
@mayjay pretty close. I was in Custer. The city was packed to the gills (a few thousand in a city with less than 2000 permanent residents) with more to come for the rally this week and next. It was great to go up and see family but we probably took some unnecessary risks
@FarmerJayhawk are you a hells angel?
There’s different people up there for sure. It’s better to go to the Black Hills in the fall or winter time. In the fall you can see really pretty colors in the trees plus less people.
We go to Hill City every winter before Christmas on the 1880 train. It’s a Santa train that goes to the North Pole. A few years ago I was glued to my phone watching us scrape by North Dakota State.
@rockchalkwyo explain? From Wyoming, and not to hill city ks?
The Black Hills are in South Dakota. Rapid City, Custer, Hill City, and Mount Rushmore are all in that area.
Farmer was just talking about Custer and Rapid City. I live in Wyoming and travel through there often. I was just giving an example of when traveling there is nice and not full of tourists.
@rockchalkwyo lol, yes I know where the black hills are, hill city threw me off. That would be fun. Do you have kids? Sounds like the Polar Express!
@rockchalkwyo said in COVID Roll Call:
There’s different people up there for sure. It’s better to go to the Black Hills in the fall or winter time. In the fall you can see really pretty colors in the trees plus less people.
We go to Hill City every winter before Christmas on the 1880 train. It’s a Santa train that goes to the North Pole. A few years ago I was glued to my phone watching us scrape by North Dakota State.
I went through in mid-March and it was incredible. My mom loves that train too!