Chreighton Blue Jays - Tuesday - 4pm - ESPN
@wrwlumpy I loved
me some Buddy Miles back in the day. Saw him in KC once. Thanks for the memories. And who knew he and Nick Nolte were from there!
Kind of a whacky tip off time 4:00 P. M CST. - I guess I heard ESPN wanted to get our game on Tv - but they have I think they said the ACC/ Big 10 show down tomorrow night I think that’s the one they showing so ours is at 4.
Fans tomorrow right ?
We had better play alot better than what we did against ND State or we will not win.
I’m pretty worried about this one
Creighton has six players scoring in double figures. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before. And a 7 foot freshman center averaging 11 points in 14 min. YIKES
@wrwlumpy I think he knew he’d be behind a few great guards for awhile. He wanted to play right away, Creighton was a good fit. Self couldn’t guarantee playing time. Mitch was always at the games.
We shouldn’t even play. Throw in the towel right now. White flag a wavin’. If we can’t hang with Gonzaga and barely squeak by Kentucky - NO WAY can we be on the same floor with Creighton.
Ballock would have been a great Jayhawk… Really disappointing miss.
High effort, high IQ and a great shooter.
Yep. Top 10 offense comes to town. Hopefully they step up to the challenge today
Gonzaga had 5 or 6 guys end last year averaging double figures. Definitely rare to see
@Marco said in Chreighton Blue Jays - Tuesday - 4pm - ESPN:
We had better play alot better than what we did against ND State or we will not win.
Ya think ? - - lmao - No seriously we hae played pretty poorly twice already - Kentucky & ND State and yet won, that wont continue , you keep playing with fire and sooner or later your gonna get burnt.
Quite frankly there have been multiple times this year we have just looked bad, crazy turnovers - - multiple times getting beat off the drive - - Big’s posting up for easy scores with no resistence. - -once again just like years previous wide open 3’s. - -As the season goes on and we get into the meat of the Conference play we play like we have shown at times this year - - could be a long year - -got some things to clean up.
Here we go again , THIS is why when I hear people say they want Dave on the Bench then - - Great BUT at some point during the year or postseason why have JUST GOT TO have him on the floor. he may not be the best option but unless w have a big and I mean a 6’10 big that can help on the boards against this leauges other Big men and you know & I know he can help on the Boards - -we have seen it unless he is there to help out it’s going to get ugly easy score after easy sacore on put backs by these guys WV will have a field day - -we don’t really need huge out put in scoring for him but need him to help get rebounds, on top of that if we don’t have him - -what the hell you gonna do when Jalen gets in foul trouble as we have seen quite a bit Jalen is or has been the ONE consistent guy so far to get decent rebound numbers - if he get’s in trouble - - now what ?
Like it or not one way or another we need Dave to help. - I really am not liking the chances for this afternoon, would love to be wrong - -time to slap on the J - - - strap and get after it - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@Kcmatt7 said in Chreighton Blue Jays - Tuesday - 4pm - ESPN:
I’m pretty worried about this one
We got some fans at the Phog this afternoon right ? - -hope we get a few Students Band possibly make as much noise as possible
stealing this from the Phog
KU’s efficiency per 100 possessions is 114 for, 92 against, rendering a +22 spread, which is good for a top 10 Kenpom ranking right now using the 5 guard lineup.
With bigs in the game, we are 93 for, 98.5 against, for a -5.5 spread, which would knock us down to 225th on Kenpom.
The Analytics say the more you play Dave/Mitch the better it is for the opponent.
If Grant-Foster gets 100% and comfortable in the system I think he’s a piece that’s going to be used for rebounding/rim protection help because of his size/athletic ability.
A lot of people on here, including myself, think that Enaruna will transfer after this year. Does anyone think that this game will influence him? Remember Creighton was his second choice.
I think if his role doesn’t expand by end of the year he’s certainly a candidate. Not sure this game in particular has influence but who knows. With the eligibility & transfer rules the way they are this year if he did want to look around its definitely the time to do so
Idk. I’m not sold on him leaving quite yet. He knew coming here he was going to have a tough time getting minutes early on.
Even looking back at articles there was nothing coming out about Tristan getting minutes early or anything. Even Bill said it will take him some time.
@BeddieKU23 This is good info.
TGF, Bryce or Enaruna have to come on though to be able to play it 40 minutes a game when we get to the tournament.
Well some things I noticed about the game tonight. - -some stats:
Creighton just really doesn’t turn the ball over , takes really good care of the ball - - 7.7 per game. KU on the other hand needs to tighten things up - -( Marcus ) – KU has more TO’S then Assts 13.2
DO NOT put these guys to the line FT’S - - - - -83.3 % - -Shoot 51 % from the field
Another thing that kind of surprised me for as big as they are - -looking at the players not real impressive in the rebounding - -they avg 36.7 per - - KU is averaging 42.2
They like to score averaging 85.3 per like to get out and let it fly - -yet really only shooting 32.9 from the 3 -compared to KU’S 39 % - -so we shall see - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Yep they don’t turn the ball over, they don’t go to the FT line, they don’t foul much or cause havoc on defense. Its finesse on both ends of the floor
This is the big dave getting 35 minutes of rest game. It will be a disaster on the floor with him in there.
@BeddieKU23 said in Chreighton Blue Jays - Tuesday - 4pm - ESPN:
Yep they don’t turn the ball over, they don’t go to the FT line, they don’t foul much or cause havoc on defense. Its finesse on both ends of the floor
Whoaa , ya I had to check on the ft’s after you posted that. - holy cow your right for sure. - - In 3 games they have attempted they are 40-48 - -48 that’s it - -averaging 16 attempts per - -KU has doubled that in MADE free throws KU is 82-119 in 4 games averaging 29 attempts per - -quite a difference
I really hope Tristan sticks it out here but in today’s age transferring is just the way things are going. Players have power and can exert it. With the free eligibility year they have even more options.
But here’s my thoughts regarding Tristan as it stands. Last yr he had the chance to have a good role and Braun outplayed him. This year Wilson outplayed him to get a starting spot and if TGF becomes a bigger part of the rotation he will have been beaten out by two more players. Something to monitor. His potential was always for down the road but its year 2 and he’s playing a small role again. His shot looks better in limited sample size. I hope he continues to grind. Covid probably impacted him more then anyone having trouble getting back to the states and missing an entire offseason
OH YA, - - - just checked out my live stream of the game on one of my KU sites. - the guys just leaving the court AND - - THERE IS LIVE FANS THERE - Hell ya lol - -Good to see bodies, a few students , sounds like the or some of the band is there - -works for me - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY